Forget Me Not, My Dear Omega

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Forget Me Not, My Dear Omega Page 18

by Marianna Forrest

“Oh, Colton, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten,” Cyrus’ voice lowered to a whisper. “Atlanta traffic?”

  Sawyer flinched as the sudden scrape of a chair against the floor echoed through the quiet café. Colton was on his feet, with a panicked look on his face, ignoring the stares of the other patrons.

  “Shit! Seems like our cue to leave!” He quickly added some bills to the pile and held out his hand to Sawyer. “Ready to roll out, my little Forget-Me-Not?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  The warm Atlanta sun was blinding as Sawyer followed Colton and Cyrus out of the shop. He pulled his phone from his pocket and glanced at it. Did Atlanta rush hour really start at 3pm?

  “Hey, Sawyer, over here,” Cyrus called softly. He motioned for Sawyer to step to the side of the shop. When he looked up, he saw that Colton was already across the street, struggling with the van’s locked door.

  “It won’t take long,” Cyrus continued. “I just want to tell you something.”

  Cyrus leaned against the brick wall of the café and took a deep breath, as if he were collecting his thoughts carefully.

  “Not gonna lie, I’ve always worried about him. He’s my best friend, you know? He’s a dolt, the kind of person who wears his heart on his sleeve.” He scratched the back of his head and stared at the sidewalk. “What I’m trying to say is, take care of him…okay?” His voice was uncharacteristically soft.

  Sawyer’s eyes burned before he blinked the tears back. “I will.”

  “Hey, what are you two doing? Let’s go!” Colton yelled. “We’re gonna get caught in traffic!”

  “Alright, alright!” Cyrus shouted. He turned back to Sawyer with a smile. “C’mon. Let’s roll out before Princess Colton gets even more upset.”

  Hey, time to wake up, Colton. Colton?

  Colton groaned as someone gently gripped his shoulder and shook lightly. He vaguely heard the clink of plates and silverware. His neck was killing him, and he felt a chilly hand rubbing it.

  C’mon. Food’s here. Gotta make room so they can–

  “Begonia! Wake up, or we’ll eat all of your onion rings, damn it!”

  Colton’s head shot up at the sudden voice.

  “He lives!” Sophie giggled. “Guess I don’t have to eat all your food after all, Begonia.” Her eyes lit up as Lydia slid a plate down the table to her. “Thanks, babe.”

  “Eat and be happy.” Lydia planted a kiss on Sophie’s cheek before cutting into her own food.

  Sophie quickly swallowed a bite of her food. “Those costumes were out of this world, Eliseo! I can’t believe you added all that detail in such a short time.”

  “I’ll say…Look at these. Look at how they sparkle in the sunlight. They glitter so brightly, even in photos.” Cyrus spun his laptop around to show Eliseo the screen. “You could start your own business, man.”

  “It’s a big wish of mine, but you need money to start your own business, and being a grocery-slinger doesn’t pay as well as you’d think.” Eliseo smiled wryly. “I sometimes wish I could find a long-hidden bank account full of dosh.”


  “Yeah, you know, that green stuff everyone needs to survive.” Eliseo took a quick drink.

  Cyrus nodded. “Oh, yeah. Sell that, and you’ll be golden. I think it’s like fifteen bucks a gram here.”


  “Oops, we’re talking about two different ‘green stuffs.’ My bad.” Cyrus averted his gaze with a grin.

  The air suddenly shifted as Eliseo grabbed a pamphlet from the table, rolled it up, and brandished it toward Cyrus.

  “Bad! Bad boy!”

  “Hey, I haven’t touched it since high school! Have mercy!” Cyrus threw up his hands to block the attack.

  Colton smiled as he looked across the booth. From what he could tell, Sophie and Lydia were talking quietly about wedding dates and decorations. Sophie’s excited whispers floated across the booth with each swipe of Lydia’s phone.

  “Man, these shots are great.” Cyrus sighed as he clicked on his laptop.

  Colton’s eyes darted to his friend. “Hey, don’t get drunk. I’m not tucking you in when we get back.”

  “Relax.” Cyrus pointed to his laptop with a smirk. “Talkin’ about these shots.”

  “Oh. Carry on, then.”

  Colton’s world slowed down as he gazed at his mate. He couldn’t help thinking back to the night they first met, and he definitely couldn’t believe how much everything had changed since then. He ran a hand down his face and sighed.

  I never thought that smile would be directed at me but look at us now.

  Despite his musings, it only took a moment for Colton to see the anxiety in Sawyer’s eyes. Between the nervous glances at his phone and the door, he knew something was wrong. Is he worried Noah might show up again?

  Colton leaned close to Sawyer’s ear and snaked an arm around him.

  “What’s got you so anxious? Are you tired? We can head home early if you want. It’s been a long day.”

  “No, I’m fine. It’s just–”

  Sawyer’s gaze shot to the entryway as the door chimed. A giant stood in the small doorway, and his intimidating presence seemed to quiet the room for a moment.

  But that was just Colton’s imagination. In reality, the clatter in the bar continued.

  “There he is.” Sawyer relaxed with a sigh. “I was worried he’d gotten lost.”

  “Alright, where’s my crew?” Henry called out. He spotted the group in the corner booth, strode over, and clapped a hand on Colton’s shoulder. “And how are you two doing? Festival go smooth?”

  “Evenin’, sir. Yeah, it went off without a hitch. Check it out.” Colton motioned toward Cyrus’ laptop, and his friend spun it around.

  “Wow. And this festival, it was a festival of rebirth? Boy, I can feel the love from here.” Henry snickered. “You all did great.”

  “Right?” Cyrus zoomed in on a picture and tensed. Lydia noticed and turned her attention to the bright screen.

  “You okay, dude? You stiffened up faster than a–”

  “Lydia!” Sophie looked mortified.

  “What? I was gonna say faster than a wet dog in a snowstorm, but I get what you’re saying. What kind of monster would leave a dog out in a snowstorm?”

  “Well, that’s true, but I, uh–” Cyrus swallowed. “May have photographed a…something.”

  “What, a deplorable act? Wouldn’t surprise me. People were drinking a bit after four.” Colton took a quick bite of his food, and Henry pulled up a chair to the end of the booth.

  Cyrus shook his head quickly and spun the laptop around. “No, look. Just look at that guy.”

  Colton squinted. “Yeah? What about him?”

  “He’s adorable, that’s what.”

  “And what? You wanna try hunting him down tomorrow? Get his number?” Colton raised his eyebrow. “I’m all for it if that’s what you want.”

  “Wow, you’re so gung-ho about this.” Cyrus grinned. “But, nah. I won’t be around for long. Damn if he isn’t cute, though. He has such a small frame though. I’d probably break him if I looked at him wrong.”

  Beside him, Henry cleared his throat loudly, trying to get everyone’s attention over the clatter of the bar.

  “Colton, son, I’ma get right down to business.” Henry settled down next to Colton. “The reason I came here tonight is because, against all odds, you’ve courted my grandson. You’ve claimed my grandson. And now I hear you’ve got a little surprise on the way.” He motioned to Sawyer. “There’s just one thing missing. Stand with me, boy.”

  Colton wiggled out of the booth and stood next to Henry.

  “Remember our little conversation back in Portland? When I said there would be plenty of opportunities to visit in the future?” Henry continued. “Well, it’s time. I know your background in the field of science, and I have a little proposition for you. Everything is built and ready to go, we just need one las
t thing. So, how would you like to manage a little branch of my company right here, in Boston?”

  Colton froze, a million thoughts rushing through his head. “But sir…your company prides itself on being family-owned. Right now, all I can do is ask for a moment of your time. I may be Sawyer’s mate, but in the eyes of the legal system–” Colton rambled on.


  “Yes, sir?”

  “Turn around.”

  Screams erupted from the booth behind him, then more people around the bar joined in. Hoots and hollers drowned out every other sound.

  “Oh, God, why is everyone screaming?” Colton spun around and saw the top of Sawyer’s head. His mate was down on one knee next to the booth.

  When did he sneak out of the booth? Wait, scratch that!

  “Oh, angel, stand up. You don’t need to be on the ground in your condition!” Colton fussed over Sawyer as he pulled him to his feet.

  “Come on, I’m not that pregnant. Not yet. But please feel free to bend over and pick up anything I may drop in the coming months.”

  Snickers drifted over from the furthest seats of the booth, and Colton honed in on them. “Okay, so who all was in on this?” His eyes darted between Sophie, Lydia, and Eliseo.

  “It was just Gramps and me.” Sawyer grinned. “We’ve been plotting this for a couple of weeks. I thought for sure you’d figure it out.”

  Sophie’s voice rang out, “You never gave an answer, Begonia!”

  “I didn’t think I had to. The answer should be obvious,” Colton said with a laugh. “Ah, my little Forget-Me-Not, you’re making me all sappy.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. He opened it to reveal a beautiful ring with a stone the color of Forget Me Nots. “You beat me to it.”

  More screams followed his words, and Sawyer nodded vigorously before Colton slid the ring on his finger.

  “So you’ll always remember me,” Colton whispered.

  Sawyer’s eyes welled with tears. “Idiot. I’d never forget you. I never did. Not once.”

  Henry clapped loudly, and others followed his lead. “There, now it’s official! C’mere, boy. Bring ‘er in!”

  Colton reached out but gasped when he was lifted off his feet by the sheer force of the bear hug he was pulled into.

  “Don’t go thinking you’re getting out of the ‘welcome to the family’ hug!” Henry chortled and squeezed hard.

  Sawyer reached out in a slight panic. “Gramps, try not to break him so quickly! He’s only been part of the family for thirty seconds!”

  Henry put Colton down with a grunt and sat down. “You two better make sure you get that guest room converted quick. Those months go by a lot quicker than you think.”

  “Oooh, I’ll help. We can discuss your wedding plans, too!” Sophie grinned, and Lydia nodded in agreement. “Yeah, just let us know when.”

  Sawyer and Colton settled back into the booth, where an uncharacteristically quiet Eliseo sat, distraction apparent in his features.

  Sawyer noticed and gripped Eliseo’s shoulder lightly. “Eliseo, you okay? Too much to drink?”

  Eliseo snapped out of his trance and slapped a smile on his face.

  “What? No. I didn’t order alcohol tonight. Nah, just thinking about how you and Lukas both have babies now. I’m gonna be working overtime to keep them fashionable.” He grinned widely before stuffing his face. “Somebody’s gotta do it.”

  Sophie raised her glass. “Well, without further ado, here’s to new beginnings and new life.” She nodded at Sawyer and Colton. “Congrats to you both!”

  “Hear, hear!” Cheers of agreement echoed throughout the bar. Colton threw his arm around Sawyer and pulled him close, enjoying the pleasant feelings of camaraderie with his mate and friends.

  “Glad we got a moment to ourselves.” Colton felt Sawyer grip his hand tightly as they walked to the nearby park, the same one where Colton had fought off Noah. The same one where they had escaped after the encounter at the aquarium. Hell, even their first dance had taken place there. Decorations from the festival still littered the grass, lost in the darkness of the chilly, spring night.

  “Seems like a lot of our finest moments have happened here.” Colton laughed, and Sawyer squeezed his hand tighter. “Wanna sit?”

  “Yeah, I’m ready for a bit of quiet,” Sawyer whispered. “I choose that bench.”

  Colton groaned as he settled onto the frosty bench. “What a day…”

  “Tell me about it. We’re engaged now.”

  “I heard Sophie is even more excited about wedding planning now.” Colton leaned back and stared up at the dark sky. “Did I hear her mention a double wedding?”

  “Knowing her, probably.”

  The low rumble of a plane passing overhead resonated deep in Colton’s chest. He watched the blinking lights of the wings inch across the dark sky, only returning to the present when he heard Sawyer sight next to him.

  “It’s gonna be a girl. Our little one.”

  Colton’s stomach flipped. “Why do you think that?”

  Sawyer shifted closer to his mate. “Well, Noma was an only child, but Nomo came from a family of boys. You see, she always wanted a little sister, but she only got brothers.” He chuckled. “So, I know she would have loved a granddaughter.”

  A smile tugged at Colton’s lips as he pulled Sawyer closer. He felt more at peace than he had in a long time. If someone had told him years ago that he would find his fated and have a kid on the way, he would have laughed at them. Now?

  “Then, a girl it shall be…” Colton swallowed the lump forming in his throat. “Just you, me, the critters, and our little girl.”

  “You know which flowers we have to have for the wedding, right?” Sawyer asked.

  “Yeah, I’ve got a pretty good idea.” Colton took a deep breath. “Forget-Me-Not, my dear omega…”


  “Look at you…” Colton cooed at the small bundle in his arms. He couldn’t help holding her close. She was his little girl, after all.

  “She looks so small when you hold her.”

  Colton raised his head and caught the gaze of his mate. Sawyer was resting in bed, watching him pace around the room with their new baby.

  “Give it a couple more months, and I guarantee she’ll be heavier than she looks.” Colton looked down at their baby. “We’re her parents. We’re gonna make her the cutest little chonk-lett.”

  “The chonkiest of chonks.” Sawyer laughed, then leaned back in the hospital bed. “Yeah, she’ll have the best baby rolls.”

  Sawyer’s eyes slipped closed as a comfortable silence filled the room. Only the distant announcements across the hospital sound system reminded them the world outside was rolling on.

  “So, when are they all coming down? Are they already on their way?”

  Colton sat in a chair next to the bed and crossed his legs. “Yep, they should be here soon. They’re bringing our gifts, too.”

  “I still can’t believe she was a Christmas baby. I mean, look. They put her in a stocking!” Sawyer held up a small red stocking with her name on it. “Best. Christmas gift. Ever.”

  Colton passed the baby to Sawyer and stood to stretch. “You know, I wonder if Eliseo conjured up a Christmas outfit for her? I know he wanted to make her a little elf costume when we told him she was due in December.”

  “Did someone say my name?”

  A head of dark hair appeared around the edge of the door before Eliseo’s smiling face peeked in. “Merry Christmas, you three.”

  Sawyer shifted in his bed. “How do you do that?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? Lots and lots of hair gel.” Eliseo grinned and shut the door behind him.

  “No, I mean, whenever your name is said, you appear.”

  “Hair gel, I’m telling you.”

  Colton snorted and absentmindedly ran a hand through his hair. “Where are the others? I thought you’d all come up at the same time since you were all coming from Lukas and Owen’s place

  Eliseo smirked. “Eh, you know them. They actually follow the speed limit.” He paused as he realized the spotlight was on him. “What? Don’t give me that look. I only went five over.”

  Sawyer looked at the clock. “Gramps should be here soon.”

  Eliseo cleared his throat. “Oh, he’s already here, he just–” A clatter outside the room cut him off. “Incoming.”

  The door creaked open, and bright red flooded the doorway. Henry shimmied through the door, dragging a sack behind him.

  “Ho, ho, ho!”

  “He had to change first.” Eliseo snickered. “He insisted.”

  “What? I have the beard and the belly for it, might as well use them!” Henry slung the bag to the floor and cracked his knuckles.

  Sawyer eyed the large bag. “Where’d you get all that, Gramps?”

  “I robbed a toy store.” Henry pulled open the bag. “They never suspect the fat guy with a big, white beard.”

  Panic crossed Sawyer’s features. “Gramps!”

  “Okay, okay, you caught me! I gathered up all the gifts from your friends. Minus one. She was fiercely protective of it.” Henry pointed his thumb back toward the door. “Yeah, they’re already here, they’re just taking their sweet time getting up here.”

  Colton’s ears perked up as more chatter echoed outside the door. “I hear Lukas and Owen…and a couple of voices I don’t recognize.”

  “Oh, that would be–” Sawyer started.

  “Merry Christmas!”

  Everyone quickly filed into the room, with the comforting scent of home-cooking trailing behind them. Lukas put some flowers on a nearby table, then rushed over to his brother for a hug. Owen carried Abi, who was dressed in a reindeer onesie and jacket.

  “Okay, who brought the grub, and how much do I owe you for saving some for us?” Colton sniffed, and his mouth began to water.

  “That would be us,” said a voice he didn’t recognize.

  “Oh…” Eliseo clammed up, then leaned down to whisper in Sawyer’s ear. “You know him? I mean, you know him well enough to invite him?”

  “Yeah, I know his family. His Oppa loves flowers, and I send them bouquets all the time.”


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