Blindfold: The Complete Series Box Set

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Blindfold: The Complete Series Box Set Page 40

by M. S. Parker

  “Don’t worry.” He shot me a dark, hungry look. “If you fall, I’ll catch you.”

  I groaned and dropped my head back against the door, giving over control to him. Ash stiffened his tongue and began to thrust it inside me. A few seconds later, I was crying out his name. He gripped my hips, holding me in place until I came, and then he scooped me up into his arms and carried me into the nearby living room.

  When he stretched me out by the fireplace, I gasped. Something buttery soft was against my skin and I looked down at the blanket spread out beneath me. I looked around. There was a bucket of wine chilling. Roses.

  As I pushed up onto my elbows and watched, Ash picked up something from the edge of the blanket. He pushed a button, and I gasped as a fire roared to life.

  “Wow. Way to go, Casanova. Firelight, wine and roses. You’re going to get me thinking I’ll get this all the time once we’re married.”

  Ash went to his knees and crawled to me.

  “And now you’re on your knees for me.” I grinned at him.

  “I told you once before, you’re the only woman I'll ever go to my knees for.” He hovered over me on all fours, leaning down to brush his lips against mine. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Curling my arms around his neck, I tugged him down closer.

  He came, but only for a moment, giving me another quick, teasing kiss.

  When he pulled away, he went up on his knees and stripped away his shirt. Eyes on his chest, I didn’t notice the cloth he’d pulled from his pocket until he brought it up in front of him.

  “I asked you this once before.” His voice was soft. “And I'm hoping that, now, the answer can be different. Do you trust me?”

  My chest tightened as I caught my breath. I knew what he was asking, what it meant. We'd been dealing with communication and with trust, both in and out of the bedroom. I'd given him control in ways I'd never done before, had sex in ways I'd never dreamed.

  But I hadn't let him blindfold me.

  My eyes met his. “I trust you.”

  His entire face lit up and my heart skipped a beat. He leaned down over me and fastened the blindfold in place. My pulse fluttered. I held my breath, wondering what he had in mind.

  I heard a pop.

  “Open your mouth,” he said softly.

  I did and he pressed something to my lips – a wineglass.

  “A toast, Toni. To the rest of our lives.”

  I sipped the wine and the sweet red rolled down my throat.


  I nodded.

  “Let me know when you want more.”

  “I get to ask for things tonight?” We were still working out the rules when it came to how this dynamic worked.

  He cupped my face and lifted my mouth until I felt his lips brush against mine. “You can ask me for anything any night.”

  Another deep kiss and I felt like I was going to melt. He eased me back onto the blanket. A moment later, I gasped when something velvety soft stroked down the outer curve of my breast.

  Then came the scent.

  The rose.

  He stroked the petals along my breast, down across my belly, across the curls.

  “Spread your legs,” he said.

  I did, whimpering in need.

  He teased me lightly, giving me only the barest hint of a touch with the petals before stroking my leg from the crease of my thigh all the way down to my ankle before switching over and doing the same to my opposite leg, but going from bottom to top this time.

  I found myself lifting my hips when it drew close again.

  Ash chuckled softly and cupped me between the thighs. “Want more?”

  “What do you think?”

  He slid a finger inside me. I would have clamped my thighs around his hand if he hadn’t pressed down on my right knee and stopped me.

  “I think you’re lovely.”

  He twisted his wrist and curled his fingers inside me. My back arched and I cried out. Then he stroked his thumb over my clit, and I came hard and fast.

  By the time I came down, he was naked and I could feel his body hovering over mine.

  “Now,” Ash breathed against my lips.

  I didn’t have the air to answer, but it didn't matter. It wasn’t like I was going to argue. Grabbing onto his shoulders, I arched up to meet him. We came together, bodies sliding together with a perfection that made me moan. My nails dug into his back as I rocked against him. It was as if every cell in my body was on fire, every nerve blazing. I'd never been so aware of him as I was at that moment.

  He twisted his hand in my hair and pulled my head back. He kissed me, his hunger matching mine.

  “Tell me you love me,” he said against my lips.

  I didn’t say it. I whimpered it.

  He slammed into me harder and I was shaking from the force of the climax building inside, as he demanded it from me again.

  “Tell me you love me.”

  My hand found its way into his hair and I fisted it, pulling it until he growled. I held him in place until I could put my mouth against his ear.

  “You're mine.”

  He rolled with us, pulling me on top of him. My spine arched and I cried out at the new angle of penetration. I couldn't take it anymore. I reached up and tore off the blindfold, looking down at him.

  He stared up at me, eyes dark with desire. As I watched, he reached over and dipped his fingers into the wine. He pinched my right nipple, fingers wet with the rich, red liquid, and then did the same with the left. I shivered as he sat up, holding me in place on his lap. The shift put pressure on my clit and my eyelids fluttered. When his mouth closed over my nipple, I gasped. He sucked hard, sending jolts of pleasure through me.

  “Delicious,” he murmured before turning his attention to the other one.

  He urged me into motion, and as I rocked down, he thrust up, meeting me with every perfect stroke. Staring into each other’s eyes, we rode each other straight into climax.

  It was breathless, beautiful and perfect, and I knew that it was more than pure physicality. I loved him.

  I trusted him.

  I collapsed onto his chest as all the strength went out of me and his arms wrapped around me. We lay there together for several minutes, catching our breath, until I finally rolled off him. I didn't go far, snuggling down against his side as I rested my head on his chest.

  I wasn't sure how much time passed before I finally broke the silence. “You know, I think this room could do with a makeover.”

  Ash snorted, his laugh more relaxed than I'd ever heard him. “I just went out of my way to fuck you blind, and you’re thinking about redecorating?”

  I rolled onto my stomach and shoved up onto my elbows, grinning at him. “Well, yeah. I mean, it's my professional opinion that this room is totally depressing.”

  Ash raised his head and kissed my chin. “Dr. Lang, if you want to redecorate, then knock yourself out.”

  “I love you,” I murmured.

  He pulled me down against his chest again. “I love you too.”

  I closed my eyes as he pulled me close, his arms tight around me. The fire behind us crackled and popped, warming our bare bodies enough that, for the moment, we could just lay there and enjoy the feel of skin on skin.

  Fabric brushed against my fingers and I opened my eyes to see that my hand had found the blindfold I'd tossed aside. I smiled as I rubbed the soft fabric between my fingers.

  I'd always thought I needed to be in control, have a plan. Now I knew the truth though.

  Sometimes, letting go was the best thing I could do.

  Blindfold Epilogue


  I stared down at the ring on my left hand. It'd been there for nearly a year, but there were days I could still hardly believe it. This was one of them. I doubted it'd be the last, especially since it was about to be joined by another one in less than an hour.

  I turned towards the full-length mirror for the first time since Isadora had fin
ished putting the final touches on me. For nearly a full ten seconds, I stared, not recognizing myself. My soon-to-be sister-in-law had pinned up my long hair in a mass of curls that had taken most of the morning, and then she'd insisted on doing my make-up as well. All of that, plus the simple but elegant dress made me look far different than I did every day.


  I looked at my mother in the mirror. Her eyes were darker than mine, but the shape was the same, and I knew I'd have those same faint wrinkles around my eyes when I was her age. If I also had half the love she did, I'd consider myself lucky. I was already lucky. I had my family. I had Isadora.

  I had Ash.

  Things happened so fast between us that, even after his proposal, I'd been concerned about our relationship. We'd gotten together under such insane circumstances, and our relationship was anything but traditional. I'd worried that, once things had settled down, we'd find that all of the passion between us had gone.

  I was wrong.

  If anything, I loved Ash more now than I had before.

  “Could I have a minute with Toni?”

  I heard the door close as my four bridesmaids left. Isadora was my maid of honor. My sisters-in-law, Yvette and Beth, were also attendants, as was Rachelle, my brother Vic's former ex-girlfriend. Well, maybe not his ex for much longer. At least, I hoped that'd be changing soon. They had a son together, but Vic hadn't been very reliable the first few years after his son had been born, so their relationship had been rocky at best.

  Over the last year, however, Ash wasn’t the only one who'd been making strides in his personal life. Vic had started working with our father, and was working even harder on making things right with Rachelle. He'd told me not more than a month ago that he didn't just want to be in his son's life. He wanted Rachelle back too.

  I hoped it worked. My brother wasn't perfect, but he deserved happiness. Plus, I liked Rachelle better than most of the other women he'd dated over the years.

  “I'm so proud of you.” My mom's voice was strong, but I knew her well enough to tell her emotions were at the surface. “Your father and I both are.”

  I turned towards her and she caught both of my hands in hers.

  “You've always known what you wanted,” she continued, her eyes glowing with the light of motherly love. “And you've worked so hard to get it. Fought tooth and nail against everything that's come against you. You've grown into a woman even more beautiful and amazing than we ever could have hoped.”

  She pulled me into her arms, and I looked up, blinking hard, in an effort to keep myself from crying. My make-up was waterproof, but I didn't want my eyes to be red when I walked out there.

  I managed to hold on, even if just barely, so when Isadora knocked to tell us that it was time for my mother to head into the sanctuary, I didn't need to do more than take a slow breath before I was ready.

  And I was ready, I realized with a start.

  The nervous flutters in my stomach had shifted at some point. Now they were twists and coils of a different kind.



  I wasn't just ready. I was eager. Eager for Ash, but not only physically. I was eager to start my life with him. It was true that we'd all been working on moving forward since the trial ended, and we'd had a series of milestones since then, but this was the one. The one that really made me feel like our life was truly beginning.

  When Isadora stuck her head back in, I smiled and followed her out. I could hear the music Ash and I had selected, and the thought of him waiting at the end of that aisle made my pulse skip a beat. I caught a glimpse of my niece and nephew as they went from their mom at my end of the aisle to their dad who was waiting near Ash.

  “Ready?” My dad stepped up next to me and held out his arm, his face the very definition of pride.

  “Definitely.” I nodded as I threaded my arm through his, and we waited our turn.

  I tried to concentrate, to remember every detail, but the day jumped in fits and starts, some parts lost in the background, others stark and clear.

  The feel of Ash's hand as his fingers wrapped around mine was an imprint, never to be forgotten.

  The traditional words faded into background noise.

  Our self-written vows stood out, and I knew I'd remember his as well as my own.

  “From the first moment I met you, Toni, you defied my expectations. And you've continued to do that, every minute, every hour. I know that I don't deserve you, but I promise to spend the rest of my life loving and protecting you. I trust you with my life and my heart. You're my world, my everything. I love you, Toni. And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  Then it was my turn.

  “The first time I saw you, I couldn't believe how good-looking you were. Or how arrogant.” I paused, giving the audience a moment to quit chuckling. “But I quickly learned that there was more to you than your looks. Or your arrogance. I saw a man who loved his sister more than anything, who was intelligent and passionate. And I fell in love with that man. You amaze me, and I know you'll continue to amaze me in the years to come. I trust you with my love and with my heart. I love you, Ash.”

  Other words buzzed by, but then I heard the important ones.

  “...husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Ash stared down at me for a long second and then cupped my chin. I expected a harsh kiss, something fierce and passionate, especially since we hadn't had sex in two weeks – surprisingly, at his insistence – but his lips were gentle as they came down on mine. He took his time, his tongue sliding into my mouth, slowly exploring every inch. Searching. Seeking. Discovering. As if it was our first kiss.

  And then it was over and we were walking back down the aisle, hand-in-hand.

  The receiving line was a blur, a series of hugs and well-wishes that I was grateful for, even though what I really wanted was to take my husband to the nearest private space I could find and feel him inside me.

  As soon as the limo door closed behind us, I knew that I hadn't been the only one thinking that way. I barely had time to register Ash moving before he was kneeling in front of me, mouth and hands hot on my skin. He kissed me with the near-desperate hunger that had been missing from our wedding kiss. His teeth scraped over my bottom lip, and I moaned into his mouth as he pushed the skirt of my gown up far enough to get his hands underneath.

  “Need you,” he growled as his mouth moved down my jaw and throat, nipping and sucking until I knew I was going to have marks.

  I shot a glance towards the front of the limo, but the driver had already put up the partition window, giving us complete and total privacy. I took a second to hope that the intercom was off too, and then Ash's hands were sliding up the outside of my thighs and I didn't care anymore.

  He hooked his fingers under the waistband of the sheer white lace panties I was wearing and pulled them off. He tucked them into his pocket and I gasped as his head disappeared under my skirt. I bit my bottom lip as I arched off the seat, his tongue licking and probing every inch of me until I was writhing against his mouth.

  A year ago, I would've denied I could ever make the mewling, whimpering sounds that were coming from me, but my time with Ash had taught me that he could make me do a lot of things I'd never dreamed of.

  Case in point, having my new husband going down on me in the back of a limo while we were on our way to our reception. Not exactly something I would've expected of myself before Ash.

  I was panting, on the brink of orgasm, when he raised his head. I made a noise of protest, my body a humming, needy mess. I reached towards him and heard his zipper even as he leaned into me. His mouth came down on mine, and he thrust into me. He swallowed my cry, his tongue sliding into my mouth even as he rocked against me. I could feel his tension as he fought for control, and I intentionally tightened around him.

  “Fuck, Toni,” he groaned as he pulled his mouth from mine. His eyes were dark as he looked at me. “I'm going to punish you fo
r that.”

  I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Make me come, and you can punish me all you want.”

  He started to pull back and, for a moment, I was afraid I'd gone too far, that my punishment was going to be to spend the entire reception with my body throbbing in need. Then he snapped his hips forward and I nearly screamed. Nearly only because he clapped a hand across my mouth in time to stifle the sound.

  “Don't want Lewis to get the wrong impression of what's going on back here.”

  One hand over my mouth, the other slid behind my back to hold me in place as he drove into me with hard, rough strokes that had me trembling after two, and coming after two more. His hips jerked as my muscles convulsed around him, his fingers flexing against my face. Three more hard thrusts sent sparks of painful pleasure through me, drawing out my orgasm, and then he buried himself deep, coming with a primal moan that made my stomach flutter.

  His hand dropped away from my mouth as he kissed me gently. We stayed together for a moment longer, letting our bodies calm and cool. I hissed as he pulled out of me and a look of concern crossed his face.

  “Did I hurt you, baby?” He brushed his fingers across my cheek.

  I smiled as I shook my head. “Only in a good way.” I reached up and wrapped my fingers around his. “I'll be feeling you inside me through the whole reception.” I drew his hand to my mouth and kissed his fingertips. “I guess that'll have to be enough to get me through until we make our escape.”

  He sucked in a breath as I scraped my teeth across the top of his middle finger. “You really want me to punish you, don't you?”

  I gave him a mischievous smile and darted out my tongue, touching it against the pad of his finger.

  He rocked back on his heels, watching me for a few seconds before he moved up to the seat next to me. He turned our hands so that our fingers laced between each other, but he didn't speak.

  Based on the thoughtful expression on his face, I had a feeling he was trying to decide on my punishment. My stomach twisted in a good way. In the time we'd been together, Ash had shown me that, even if uncomfortable at first, in the end, I would enjoy being punished. He never hurt me, never made it so that it was something I dreaded, no matter how it started.


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