The Forgotten Cottage

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The Forgotten Cottage Page 22

by Helen Phifer

  ‘Thank you, Father. I don’t know what to say. You’re right; that was the problem, Betsy wanted me from the day I met her and she didn’t want anyone to get in her way. I’m going to board this house up and live in my parents’ farmhouse and as long as I live I’ll not let anyone move in there.’

  They began to work quickly, covering Betsy’s remains once more, but this time the sun kept on shining and Joss didn’t feel the need to look over his shoulder and see her hanging behind him. Once they had done that, Joss asked Seth to come inside the house with him to collect what few belongings he had that were left in there. Seth followed him inside but he refused to go upstairs and waited in the kitchen for Joss to come back down.

  Joss had an armful of clothes and two stuffed bears tucked underneath them, around his neck was a silver-coloured chain with a cross on it. Seth recognised it as his dead wife’s necklace that she’d always worn and his eyes filled with tears for Joss, who had lost everyone near to him. Joss smiled at him and they left the house and walked up the road towards the farmhouse. Joss didn’t turn around to look at his cottage – he had everything he could possibly need. He would send a couple of farmhands to board up the windows and doors tomorrow.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Jake was on the patio, having an animated conversation with whoever was on the other end of the radio. Annie was half watching him and pouring coffee out for Lily and Tom, who had finally come downstairs. They both looked a lot better for having a good sleep and Annie wished she could do the same.

  Jake thundered back in through the patio doors. ‘We’re on—come on. They’re getting ready to storm the house they think Will is in; Kav said you can come as long as you sit in the back of the car and if you move so much as an eyelid you’re suspended.’

  ‘What are we waiting for? I promise I’ll be good.’

  Annie hugged both Tom and Lily and ran for the front door, closely followed by Jake. He clicked the patrol car open and she jumped in the passenger seat.

  ‘Do you know where this address is?’

  He reeled off a country lane with only a couple of houses dotted along it and Annie nodded.

  ‘Yes, it’s not too far away, about three miles. I can’t believe it. I hope Will’s okay and they haven’t hurt him.’

  ‘I’m sure he’ll be fine; he has you to put up with.’

  Annie was too nervous to actually give him his customary dig in the ribs for being cheeky.

  ‘I need to see him; I’ve missed him so much.’

  Within minutes they were at the entrance to the road and Jake had turned the lights off. There were several cars and vans parked in the car park which filled the corner of the street opposite. The Task Force Sergeant was being briefed by DS Nick Tyler and Jake told Annie to wait in the car. He got out and jogged over to them and for once Annie did as she was told, not daring to disobey Kav’s orders even though it was killing her.

  Ten minutes later, Jake came back. ‘They’re going in and we’ve to wait here. Apparently, there is no vehicle outside the address so one of them isn’t there. Amelia is the only one insured on the car so I’m taking it she isn’t home. They want to go in and do a sweep, arrest whoever her accomplice is and get Will out of there, hopefully before she comes back and then we’ll all clear off and wait for her to park up before they arrest her.’

  Annie nodded. ‘Sounds like a plan to me. God, I hate that woman; I want to kick the shit out of her.’

  ‘I know you do, but we’re to stay here and keep observations for her car; you’re the only one who really knows what she looks like so if she turns into the road tell me and I’ll shout it up. Who knows, we might be the ones to arrest her if she tries to run and then, my little psycho friend, I’ll let you have a couple of kicks and punches before we cuff her. Deal?’

  ‘Deal. Have I told you lately that I love you, Jake?’

  ‘No, I don’t think you have.’

  It was hard watching the armed officers all getting into vehicles, ready to go into the house, which was half a mile down the road along a quiet stretch. Annie wanted more than anything to be with them but here was a good place to be. The cars sped off and Annie crossed the fingers on both hands, praying that Will would be okay. There was a brief silence on Jake’s radio and then all hell broke loose.

  The three-man door entry team jumped from the back of the van with the battering ram and with two swings it was put through and they were inside. Luke, who was playing on his Xbox, dropped the controllers and put his hands in the air; two of them ran and handcuffed him. He didn’t resist once, relieved it was over. They were shouting to him about Will but there were too many voices and he couldn’t understand, so he pointed to the trapdoor. Two more officers opened it and went down in the cellar, to see the bed and the ropes and chains but no Will. DS Tyler came inside the house.

  ‘I’m arresting you on suspicion of false imprisonment and trying to secure money by blackmail. Now, where is Will Ashworth?’

  ‘I let him go about half an hour ago; he’s safe and he should be somewhere not too far away. I thought you guys would have found him by now.’

  ‘What do you mean, you let him go?’

  ‘I untied him and told him to run for it before that crazy bitch Amelia comes home. When she sees you lot she’s going to lose the plot big time; can you put me in the back of a car or something because she’ll blame me and when she loses her temper it hurts, a lot.’

  Two officers escorted him out to the van and put him in the cage, where he slumped back and sighed.

  Annie saw the blue car turn into the road and her eyes fixed on the blonde woman who was driving it.

  ‘Shit, she’s there. Should we follow her?’

  Amelia turned her head and stared straight at Annie. Immediately stopping the car, she began to turn it around in the opposite direction. Jake turned the ignition on and began to follow her; she floored her foot to the pedal and he began to speed after her. Annie shouted up for assistance on the car radio set as he put the sirens on and went for it. He followed her for half a mile until she reached a turn-off onto one of the quieter roads but she took it too fast and lost control of the car. It spun around and smacked into a stationary car full of passengers. Jake and Annie both jumped out of the patrol car, Jake running to the car full of people.

  He nodded at Annie. ‘She’s all yours.’

  Annie took off, running towards the blue car. The driver’s door opened and a dazed Amelia saw Annie rushing towards her and took off running. Annie, who hated running with a passion, had a burst of energy from somewhere inside and caught up with Amelia, throwing herself at her, knocking her to the ground. Annie dropped her full weight on top of her and punched her a couple of times on the side of the head and in her ribs. Jake arrived out of breath and with his handcuffs; he bent down and smacked them across Amelia’s hands, locking them on so she couldn’t move. He stuck his arm under hers and lifted her to her feet.

  ‘You’re under arrest.’

  ‘Did you see that? She hit me. That’s police assault.’

  ‘No, I didn’t see anything except you running away from the scene of a fail to stop accident and assaulting my colleague. So, like I said, you’re under arrest for kidnap, blackmail, police assault, failing to stop at a road traffic accident and resisting arrest. Anything else you’d like to add on to that impressive little list of charges?’

  Annie had to suppress her giggle as Amelia spat at Jake. Jake wiped his cheek then turned to Annie and grinned. ‘Aw, it’s just like the old days, and who said you wouldn’t miss working with me?’

  He winked at her and dragged a screaming Amelia back to his car, taking great pleasure in throwing her inside. He let Annie slam the door shut on her and held his hand up for a high five.

  ‘Come on, let’s go and find your man.’

  They drove the short distance back to the cottage and the assorted police cars and vans outside. Annie jumped out. There was no sign of Will and she felt her heart freeze. The pani
c must have shown on her face as DS Nick Tyler came jogging over to her.

  ‘He’s not here; we’ve searched from top to bottom. He was here, there is evidence that someone was kept captive in the cellar, but he’s not here now. According to the boyfriend, Luke, he let him go around forty minutes ago because he was sick of Amelia, who has been the one to mastermind it all. I’ve called for the dog handlers, who will be here any minute, and then we’ll do a search of the area; he can’t have got far and the trail will be pretty fresh.’

  ‘Where is he then—why did he not go to someone for help?’

  ‘He might have been disorientated; there aren’t many houses along here.’

  ‘Or he might be injured?’

  No one spoke, not wanting to upset Annie. She turned to Jake.

  ‘Come on, I’m not waiting for the dog handler to arrive. I’ll go left and you go right; check all the fields and any buildings.’

  ‘Yes, boss.’

  Annie walked off, glad to be on her own because her eyes were brimming with tears and she wouldn’t cry in front of a bunch of grown men, even though she wanted to. She walked the short distance to the next field and peered over the gate. The grass was quite long but there was no sign of Will lying in the middle of it. She jumped the gate to make sure he wasn’t hiding against the hedgerow but it was empty. Climbing back over, she walked along until she came to the next field, which was even more overgrown than the last one but this one had a ramshackle barn in the middle. Her heart began to race and she climbed the gate and took off, running towards the barn calling his name. She reached the door and peered through the gap. ‘Will, are you in there?’

  A groan made her heart soar with joy and she squeezed through the gap into the darkness. It was gloomy and she blinked a couple of times to adjust her eyes.

  ‘Well, if you aren’t the prettiest sight I’ve ever seen, Officer Graham.’

  Annie turned to see Will on the floor. What part of his face she could see through the thick stubble looked ashen.

  ‘Oh, thank God for that.’

  She ran across to him, falling to her knees to hug him. He squeezed her back then groaned.

  ‘Did they hurt you—are you okay?’

  He laughed. ‘Well, apart from knocking me out and a few sneaky punches off my loving sister, not really. I fell over the gate and think I’ve broken my bloody ankle; some great escape that was.’

  Annie began to laugh. ‘It’s good enough for me. I’ve never been so scared of losing you, Will, I’ve been a nervous wreck.’

  ‘What, even more scared than fighting off a serial killer and sending scary ghosts back to hell?’

  ‘Yes, far more scary than any of that. It’s not the same when it’s you who’s the one doing the fighting; you don’t think about it. I love you so much it makes my eyes water just thinking about it.’

  Will sighed. ‘Good, because, broken ankle or not, I’m marrying you in seven weeks and you’re stuck with me for ever.’

  Annie kissed him then broke away. She pulled out her phone and rang Jake, giving him directions to where they were and asking for an ambulance.

  ‘No ambulance; I can hobble or you can get the gentle giant to carry me to the car and he can drive me to A & E.’

  ‘You need checking over.’

  ‘Yes, but I’d much rather sit in the back of the car next to you than have to lie in the back of an ambulance. You’re not the only one who is hard as nails; I have a reputation to uphold, you know.’

  Annie giggled. ‘Come on then, tough guy, let’s see if we can get you out of this creepy barn and into the daylight.’

  She helped him to his feet and he only swore a couple of times. Before they could get out of the door, Jake was outside. There was no need to squeeze through it this time because Jake just pulled the entire door off its hinges and threw it to one side.

  ‘Jesus Jake, don’t ruin the door or anything, will you?’

  ‘Am I glad to see you; I mean you look like shit but still, you’d look even worse if you were dead.’

  Annie glared at him and he mouthed ‘sorry’ to her.

  ‘What the fuck is that beard; you look like some hobo. I hope you’re going to have a shave before the wedding because, as much as I love you, even I wouldn’t marry you with that on your face.’

  ‘Thanks, Jake, believe it or not, they didn’t offer me showers and the use of a razor whilst I was tied up for days. Anyway, what took you so long? I thought you were a copper; aren’t you supposed to be able to solve crimes? You’ll never get into CID at that rate.’

  Jake began to laugh. ‘Sorry, Will, I’m glad to see you’re okay even if you do look like shit. In fact, can I take a photo to show everyone that you’re not always so naturally gorgeous?’

  Annie gave Jake his customary poke in the ribs and he swore under his breath.

  ‘Stop messing about and help me carry him to the car; he’s got a broken ankle.’

  ‘Sorry, I didn’t realise. I thought you were just going for the sympathy card, you know, milking it for every penny.’

  Annie looked as if she was about to explode and Jake grinned.

  ‘I best shut up. Come on, William, let’s be having you.’

  And with that Jake scooped Will into his arms and carried him across the field.

  ‘Don’t you be getting jealous now, Annie; do we make a handsome couple?’

  Annie began to laugh and the tears she had battled to keep inside rolled down her cheeks, but this time they were tears of happiness.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The cottage was almost finished. The builders had been told to work in pairs, which was fine by them, but they wouldn’t for all the money in the world work in there alone. They hadn’t been near for three days because the last time they were here Eric and Callum had both heard the whispering and the awful sound of long sharp fingernails scraping across the glass. It was Callum who had been running upstairs to finish painting the bedroom window who’d actually seen the woman in the white dress standing at the window he needed to paint. She had her back to him and was looking outside at someone or something. He had jumped but then thought it was Annie for a moment because they both had dark shoulder-length hair. He’d said hello but there was no reply and it was only when she began to slowly turn and he noticed that her hands were nothing but bone that he’d dropped his paintbrush and screamed. He’d run out of the house and into the front garden, closely followed by Eric, who had no idea what was happening but he knew enough not to be in the house on his own.

  ‘What’s the matter with you?’

  Callum pointed to the upstairs window. ‘Woman…there’s a dead woman in the bedroom.’

  They both looked up and saw the pretty face of Betsy Baker grinning down at them and then she was gone.

  ‘She didn’t look dead; have you been sniffing paint fumes?’

  ‘I’m telling you now, women who are not dead have skin on their fingers; hers were just skeletal, with these long pointed nails. I’m not going back in there on my own; what do you think she wants?’

  ‘Shit, I have no idea and I don’t want to know either.’

  ‘We need to get it finished; I’ve done the last of the grouting and you only had that window frame to paint. I’ll stay with you while you paint it and then we’re out of here. I’m ringing Paul to tell him, to tell Annie. She definitely can’t live here with that scary woman hanging around.’


  Will was being kept in hospital, much to his disgust. His ankle was broken and it needed a plate putting in. They had operated on him six hours after he’d been admitted and Annie had stayed the whole time, repaying the favour he’d so often done for her. What a pair they were; only Will could survive being kidnapped and then break his own ankle trying to escape. She grinned to herself as she fed money into the coffee machine and waited for her latte to be poured. Tom and Lily had both been and there had been lots of hugs and tears. Tom had looked very sheepish when he’d first walked in but Wi
ll had hugged his dad and told him the past was the past and it didn’t change anything.

  Before they’d left, Tom had taken Annie to one side. ‘Do you think I’ll be able to speak to her?’

  ‘Probably, she was remanded into custody, though, so you would have to go to Styal Prison and it depends if she wants to see you. Why don’t you write her a letter, then if she wants to talk she can send you a visiting order.’

  Tom hugged her. ‘Thank you, Annie. I don’t know what to do but I know I can’t just ignore her. If it’s true and she is my daughter I can’t turn my back on her, no matter what she’s done. I don’t want her in my life but I will pay her solicitor’s fees and give her some money for when she is released so she can start a new life. I’m too old to have a guilty conscience.’

  ‘You’re a good man, Tom, and I know where Will gets it from; that’s very kind of you. Let’s hope she appreciates it.’

  Lily had wandered out and linked her arm through Tom’s. ‘Come on, let’s get you home. You’ve had far too much excitement for this month. I want you resting so you’re feeling a hundred per cent for the wedding. I can’t believe it’s so close! Annie, I’ve booked you and me in for a spa day; after all this stress we need it. Tom, you and Will can babysit each other for the day and have a proper catch-up.’

  ‘That sounds amazing; thank you, Lily.’

  Annie hugged them both and walked them out to the car park. She watched them drive away then turned to go back inside the hospital, which was fast becoming her second home. Well, no more; she was keeping out of trouble and so was Will. She’d already put her leave in for the wedding but had decided to take some unpaid time off work to be with Will. Just the two of them could spend some time together and then move into the cottage. Her phone began to ring and she answered it.

  ‘Annie, it’s Paul. Look, the lads are refusing point-blank to go back inside the house now. They saw a woman in there and thought it was you, but…’

  He paused and Annie felt a ball of dread begin to form in her stomach.


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