Slave Dance

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Slave Dance Page 22

by Samantha Cayto

  He almost missed when the plug replaced Master’s tongue. It stretched and burned, but no more than he could handle. Master pushed it in, pulled it out again, then back in. He fucked him with it a few more times before seating it all the way inside. The base pressed firmly against Jase’s cleft. He didn’t need to be told to clench his hole around it. This time, he liked the way it pried him open and filled him to bursting.

  “There now,” Master said, looming over him. “Now we can get started.”


  “Sure. That was only the appetizer. Time for the main course.”

  Master proved himself to be truly a monster by beginning with Jase’s mouth again, giving him short, closed-mouthed kisses. No matter how hard Jase tried, the man stubbornly refused to progress faster than he had before. Jase couldn’t say he truly minded. Kissing was lovely, and who knew his nipples were so sensitive?

  He made what effort he could to play with Master’s body, as well. It was difficult, not because he couldn’t reach the spots he wanted, although that was true. It was more that his mind and body were mesmerized by Master’s attention. He could barely form a coherent thought or move in a rational way. He was utterly undone by pleasure.

  By the time he’d reached the edge of his third climax, skillfully wrought by Master’s clever hand, he’d almost forgotten the plug. Then, Master removed it. Or, rather, he fucked Jase with it some more before taking it out completely. It was replaced almost immediately with something far wider. Jase was relaxed sufficiently that he didn’t tense more than a fraction before letting go again.

  Master’s cockhead breached Jase’s hole slowly. It stretched the skin beyond anything he’d experienced before. But he knew how to make the muscles go slack to let it in. Then he pushed out, which made no sense, yet he understood it would help the cock to enter. His breath hitched when it became too much. Master stopped and held himself still with an effort that made him tremble. Jase could feel him vibrating through his hand and thighs.

  Taking a deep breath, Jase let it out slowly and lifted his legs. Master understood and pushed in, slowly and steadily inch-by-inch. Jase’s ass, so used to trying to expel someone’s dick, welcomed it. Everything inside him melted, giving way. And Master didn’t use his cock to conquer. He never forced Jase’s body beyond the pace it could handle.

  At the same time, Master’s hand worked Jase’s dick, bringing him back to the edge again, although careful to keep him from careening over. Jase, too, held his climax back. It wasn’t time. Jase wanted to come with his master fully inside him.

  And he wanted more. Greedy boy that he was, he wanted the best orgasm there was to have as the lover of a vampire.

  When Master finally bottomed out, Jase opened his eyes and gazed at him. “Bite me, Master. Please.”

  Those alien eyes had gone black with lust. He saw how much Master wanted that, too. He also saw the hesitation. Jase decided to not give him a choice. Lifting his chin, he exposed his throat and waited with closed eyes for the strike.

  It came a second later. A roar met his ears right before fangs sank deep into the tender spot at the base of his neck. Pain made Jase shout. The pleasure that followed, as Master tugged in his blood, pumped into his ass and jerked one more orgasm out of him, destroyed his senses and his mind. He collapsed into a limp puddle. He was dead. He was alive. Nothing could ever hurt him again.

  Emil drank and drank, taking long pulls of Jase’s unexpected gift to him. He’d forgotten how it was supposed to be. No microwaved bags or animal blood could match this life-affirming drink that coated his throat and slaked a thirst that he’d long since learned to ignore. He could never do so again. As he thrust his cock deep inside his boy and brought him to climax once more, he knew that if he lost him, it would be the end of Emil. That man he’d made himself into would disappear forever. Life without Jase would be worse than any death.

  He had him now, though, and that would have to be enough. He couldn’t become greedy or needy. Jase had to stay with him of his own free will. Emil intended to devote every moment of every day to showing his love. He’d ply him with food and help him however necessary. He’d protect him from Dracul and the Washburns of this world. Nothing and no one would hurt the boy again, least of all Emil himself.

  And if that meant letting the boy go eventually, then so be it.

  He thrust his way carefully to orgasm, the intensity of it catching him by surprise. The exquisite tightness of Jase’s channel undulated as he released his cum into it. He pumped and came as much as the tiny ass would allow and shuddered as his orgasm stuttered to its end. Then he lay still, despite his dick trying to rise for more. Jase had taken enough for one night.

  Letting the vein go was harder. Retracting his fangs, he broke free of the flesh and lapped the puncture marks. Then he disentangled their bodies with the greatest of care in order to lie entwined without crushing the small human. No, his perfect-sized human. Jase fit right where Emil needed him to against his larger frame.

  His kissed the boy’s sweaty temple. “How was that? Did you enjoy your first time?”

  Jase nuzzled into him and cracked open one eye. “It was almost perfect.”

  Emil frowned. “Almost?”

  “Hmm. There was one thing missing.”

  “What was that?” Emil racked his brains for some clever sex move that he’d missed.

  “Someone said something about chocolate mousse?”

  It took a moment for Emil to realize Jase was teasing him. His beautiful abused boy was making a post-sex joke. With a laugh, he hugged him tightly enough to make the boy squeal.

  “Whatever you want, my greedy love. Chocolate mousse coming up.”

  Not so long ago, Emil had helped Val and Mackie achieve their fairy-tale ending. Now he had his. Except that one thing hadn’t yet happened in their story. The evil character hadn’t had his comeuppance. No problem… Emil would find time to take care of that soon. His lovely boy deserved as much, although he would never learn about the vengeance Emil would wreak on his behalf. Emil would shield him from such ugliness, from everything bad.

  His beautiful boy would never know pain again.


  “That’s it, you little slut. Parade around all you want in front of your window in those skimpy undies.”

  Jack took a slug of his beer while he tugged at his dick. The damn thing didn’t work as well anymore, and living in a shithole trailer park was a new low for him. His luck at the track and at the tables would change, though. It had to. He wasn’t meant for this white-trash life. But things weren’t all bad. He had a nice, close view of the slutty boy next door. The kid was too stupid to turn off his lights or close his blinds late at night. He gave Jack a nice eyeful. Maybe he could entice him over with the promise of a beer someday. Boys like that were always itching for a man’s dick, even if they didn’t realize it.

  A sound behind him had him whirling around. A huge man with red eyes stood there. No, that couldn’t be true. “Who the hell are you? Fuck off!”

  He got nothing more out because in a blur that left him dizzy, a large hand wrapped around his throat. He dropped his beer as he was lifted and banged against the far wall of his trailer. Jack kicked his feet and clawed at the fingers. It was like touching something dead-cold and unmoving.

  “Who are you?” he croaked out, although he didn’t want an answer. He wanted air.

  The man’s mouth opened. Gleaming fangs protruded. “I’m a monster.” The voice struck as much terror in him as the sight of those sharp teeth getting closer.

  Jack pissed his pants then and there and didn’t even care that he’d done so. “Why?” He saw his death looming and was desperate to understand how his life had suddenly come to this horrific point.

  The monster brought his mouth close to Jack’s ear. He whimpered at the feel of oddly cool breath blowing against it. He struggled more.

  “Jase.” The one-word answer was almost like a lover’s caress.

bsp; It took Jack’s befuddled mind a few seconds to remember what that name meant. The monster gave him that time. And Jack knew then, as he remembered the boy, the one who should have been his forever but for that bad luck, there was no escaping his fate. He opened his mouth to scream as the monster struck, but those fangs caught it and tore it from him, along with his throat and his life.

  Also available from Pride Publishing:

  Alien Slave Masters: The Captain’s Pet

  Samantha Cayto

  2nd June 2015


  Chapter One

  Wid Bryant wrapped his arms around his waist in a futile attempt at warmth. The hangar he stood in was even colder than the transport ship, and without the limits of the confined space, no body heat from others stopped him from shivering. Of course it wasn’t the cold alone that made him tremble. Fright contributed to his state. He had been scared for the last forty-eight hours or so, since he and his cohorts had been detained by the Travian security force.

  What had he been thinking joining Joel and the others in vandalizing the administrative building of the occupying force? Nothing, except a deep-seated hatred for the aliens who had invaded their colony. His parents had warned him to keep his head down and hope that hostilities between the two races would be settled diplomatically. Seriously? As if there were a prayer of that happening. How did you negotiate with beings who had the superior power to wipe you off the face of any planet and with the certainty they were in the right? The battle between Earth and the Travians for the colony had ended before it began. Conquerors had no incentive to bargain. Harassing them seemed like the best way to go. Irritate them enough and maybe they’d figure the small planet wasn’t worth the effort.

  Or, they could simply round people up and exterminate them. That’s what he had assumed would be his punishment when he’d been caught. Now he wasn’t so sure. He couldn’t understand why they’d bothered to ship him and eleven other guys up to a battlecruiser. Yet, here they were, standing around, freezing and waiting to learn their fate.

  “Do you think they’re going to kill us?”

  Wid glanced at the trembling red-headed kid next to him—Stuart. He’d been shoved into the transport next to Wid, after being detained for throwing rotten fruit at a Travian convoy—a prank as stupid as the one Wid had tried to pull. The poor guy was only eighteen and more scared than Wid, if that were possible. In fact, all of the other boys that had been brought were no older than Wid’s twenty years or so, and most couldn’t hide their fear. Thank God there were no girls. Surprisingly the Travians had let the one girl who’d been with them, Joel’s girlfriend, go immediately. His mother had scoffed over the Travians being patriarchal, but right now it seemed like a good thing.

  “No,” Wid finally answered. “What would be the point? I mean, if they wanted us dead, why bring us all the way up here?”

  He mostly believed what he’d said. It didn’t make sense that they’d be dragged so far when it was easy to blow a laser hole in their foreheads back on the planet. Still, something bad loomed. How could it not? As if in answer to his worst fears, the hangar suddenly filled with a dozen Travians. These males were even more imposing than the security detail that guarded the boys. Each one stood particularly tall, close to seven feet, clad head to toe in red leather. Their shiny black hair fell to their shoulders or below, braided in places to keep it off their harsh faces. He couldn’t lie and say that the Travians were an ugly race, but they were unsettling with their pale skin and completely black eyes.

  As the aliens filed in and lined up opposite the boys, Stuart let out a little whimper. Wid spared him a glance.

  “Don’t let them think you’re scared,” he advised in a low tone.

  “Seriously?” Stuart murmured back. “I am scared.”

  Wid suppressed a shudder. “I know, just try not to show it. It’s all we have left.”


  One of the guards barked out the order in the guttural language of the Travians. God, he hated being able to understand what they said. Once the occupation had been completed, the aliens had forced every human over the age of five to be implanted with a translation device. The foreign words rattled around his head until they made sense to him. The one word was easy to translate. Longer sentences spoken quickly were harder to get. Not that the Travians were patient when a human struggled to understand.

  He shut his mouth, however, his bravado long gone.

  The tallest of the males stood a foot in front of the others, staring down the line of human boys. When he got to Wid at the end, his gaze lingered. Wid tried not to squirm under the scrutiny. He felt invaded in the more personal sense of the word by the piercing look. After a few seconds, the male glanced away and gestured to another of them. The tall one said something short and quick that Wid didn’t catch. When the other male stepped forward, he headed straight for Wid. Before Wid could even think of recoiling, the taller alien barked out one word.


  The steps of the second male faltered. His expression turned sour for a second before he changed course a fraction to go to Stuart. His hand shot out and he grabbed Stuart by one arm. The male’s eyes took on a feral look as he yanked the boy to his body. Stuart cried out and tried to pull away. The male bared his teeth in what could—in an alternate and ugly reality—be called a grin. Then he turned and dragged a struggling and begging Stuart away.

  Silence reigned once they’d cleared the hangar. Wid and the other boys were frozen as they digested what had happened to Stuart and what was going to happen to them. The aliens were quiet too, although that seemed to be more about discipline, waiting for a command. The tallest, who was obviously in charge, gestured to another of them. Once again the boys were perused, and Wid recognized the behavior for what it was—they were shopping, picking out which boy they wanted. He didn’t dare think in terms of what they wanted the boys for.

  Some of the boys struggled when taken, others acquiesced in silent misery. Joel made Wid smile in grim satisfaction when he punched the male who reached for him. The alien barely reacted, as if he’d been bitten by an insect. The disparity between the races physically meant the humans had no hope of fighting them off. Instead of hitting Joel back, however, the alien simply grabbed the swinging arm on the downstroke and used it as leverage to pick Joel up and toss him over his shoulder. The captured boy howled in outrage all the way out of the hangar.

  Minutes later, only Wid and the commanding alien remained. Even the guards filed out. Putting his arms down by his side, Wid straightened to stand as tall as he could. Pride was all he had left and he was determined to hide his fear. The alien approached him with unhurried steps. When he came within a foot of Wid, he stopped and stared down. With an expression of as much defiance as he could muster, Wid stared back. Given the foot or so difference in their heights, he had to crane his neck back.

  For a few seconds, they looked each other in the eye. The alien’s thoughts and emotions were impossible to read within the endless depths of his black eyes. Wid wondered if the alien could read him, or were the species too different to communicate in subtle ways? Despite the coldness around him, sweat trickled down his back. He suppressed a shudder and silently goaded the male to go ahead and do whatever he intended. The waiting was agony.

  Suddenly, as if in response to the unspoken challenge or plea—Wid wasn’t sure which it was—the alien lashed out to grab Wid’s arm. Instinct made Wid pull away, but it was as futile an effort as it had been for the others. The fingers around his biceps were like a steel vise. Nothing could break that hold. Not wanting to be dragged along, Wid suppressed the urge to struggle and instead picked up his feet to match the long strides of his captor.

  They left the hangar and strode down a corridor. The ship held a dark and cold atmosphere. The few aliens they encountered as they wended their way, stared briefly at Wid even as they bowed their heads in quick obeisance of the male who had him. It had to be the captain, or whatever rank
they recognized as the one in charge of the ship. Great, just his luck that he had gained the attention of the most powerful and, he assumed, the most ruthless of them all. Then the reason for his destiny popped into his head. Of all the boys standing in that hanger, he’d been the only one with blond hair. A shiver ran up his spine at the implication of why his looks mattered.

  Many corridors and one lift ride later, the captain led him through a set of sliding doors into what had to be the male’s quarters. Wid only had a second to digest this fact before he was pulled past the first room and into a second one with a large, firm-looking mattress-type thing lying in the middle of the floor. His feet stopped suddenly of their own accord when he realized they’d entered a bedroom. He stared at a bed. What else could it be?

  “No!” The word was out of his mouth before his brain thought it. He tried to pull his arm free.

  The alien tightened his grip and stared down at Wid with his head cocked to one side. He didn’t look any happier than Wid felt, yet instead of letting him go, he reached out with his other hand and ripped Wid’s T-shirt from his body. It came apart as if made from tissue paper. In the face of obvious evidence of where things were headed, Wid fought back. Twisting, punching and kicking, he tried to free himself and escape his fate with all the strength he possessed. It was like striking granite—the alien’s body so hard and unyielding. If he caused the male any pain, it wasn’t evident. The only sounds were coming from Wid and he was the only one showing any sign of strain.

  His resistance did him no good. Everything he’d been wearing when captured was torn from his body. As soon as Wid was bare-assed naked, the alien lifted him up by the waist and tossed him onto the bed. Wid bounced a few times while he caught his breath, then tried to stand up to run. There was nowhere to go, of course, because the alien blocked the way back to the other room. But rational thought had abandoned him. Pure instinct made him try to flee. Gaining traction on the mattress proved difficult, and by the time he managed to put one foot on the floor, the alien had moved to catch him and toss him back.


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