Generation 7

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Generation 7 Page 21

by Ross Richdale

This time she responded and her apprehension faded to be replaced by that tingly feeling Holly had mentioned a moment or two earlier. Six arms, four petite ones and two, thick and muscular, wrapped around each other and held on so tightly, each of them could feel the thumping heart within the other.

  Come on. Clay whispered a moment later. Let's go and find our space shuttle.

  Another semicircular door, large enough to drive a vehicle through, slid open just outside the console room to reveal a long white corridor that disappeared into the mountain. The floor was carpeted and a row of lights stopped in blackness fifty meters ahead. However, as the six moved forward together, more lights switched on and those behind went out. The corridor curved so the hanger door soon disappeared behind. They continued on, always curving right in a continuous oasis of light until, ten minutes later, they came to another door.

  It slid open, natural sunlight shone on them and hot tropical air engulfed then.

  Holly found Graham's hand in hers as she walked out into a circular concrete enclosure so large it appeared to cover the whole interior of the volcano. Above was the sky and on one side, high above them, was the transmission tower noticed when they flew in. In front, six towering frames built in a circle were linked by layer after layer of catwalks, iron ladders and glass-domed elevators.

  Four equally large cranes were standing, gaunt and silent with their arms stretched outwards like mechanical monsters ready to reach down to snap up the minute humans and clickers below. The immense area, as big as the interior of a football stadium was filled with equipment and debris, including a small orange tractor with a trailer attached.

  But that was all. There was no shuttle or spacecraft!

  Oh Hell! Graham sighed and glanced down at Holly.

  Well, she replied with a philosophical shrug. That's one decision we don't have to make.

  So the passengers in that wrecked FanWarrior used the space shuttle? Jaddig added. Her own feelings were that of relief but she chastised herself for being selfish. What now?

  Ask the computer what happened, suggested Clay. In a strange way he felt relieved as well and looked down at Bikut. She met his eyes and smiled.

  The group walked around the space ship landing concourse, or whatever it was called, until they came to another control room. Inside, after the usual identifications, Len confirmed their theory that the shuttle had left the base on 8th of March 2168 with the one hundred and three other passengers, joined up with Inter-galatical Star Ship 7 in a stationery orbit above Delpe and departed for Planet Earth.

  What news have you received of their journey? Holly questioned.

  Len replied. Their journey was successful. News of their arrival was received on 21 November 2245, True Time, at 1614 hours. Inter-galatical Star Ship 7 was decommissioned later that year and replaced by Inter-galatical Star Ship 43.

  They made a few, Clay grunted.

  And the passengers on Star Ship 7?

  Fifty nine were integrated into Earth society.

  Fifty nine! Holly reiterated. Out of a hundred and four?

  Three became deceased during the journey and forty two found the social conditions on Earth unacceptable.

  Jaddig gave Bikut a tiny frown and added. Were they all human?


  Expand your answer, Holly snapped.

  Out of the forty two, forty were crucnon and two, human. There were eighteen female crucnon, sixteen males...

  That doesn't add up, Graham interrupted.

  ...Six flying females, the computer almost sighed, fifteen female and eight male humans. Generation 4 humans were...

  That's all we require on that answer, Jaddig interrupted, and the ones who stayed?

  They were all human.

  So it appears humans are as intolerant with other species as the crucks in this planet were, Clay snorted.

  Okay, Holly retorted and questioned the computer again. And where are these crucnon and humans now?

  Travelling to Delpe aboard Inter-galatical Starship 43.

  In relation to our present time, when will it arrive? Graham put in.

  At present speed, it will arrive in fifty six years, two months and six days. The time has been rounded for your convenience.

  Another problem solved, Holly shrugged. I'll be about eighty when they get here.

  Not necessarily, interrupted Suzi and spoke to the computer for the first time. Tell us, Len, she said in her quiet voice. How can the journey time be shortened?

  Details need to be programmed in and transmitted to Inter-galatical Star Ship 43.

  A small gleam appeared in Suzi's eye. What is the shortest possible arrival time?

  Fifty three hours from this moment.

  What! Gasped Holly again.

  Suzi grinned at Holly and continued. Explain please.

  At post light speed, time is also altered so, in theory the starship can arrive any time in the past, present or future. In practice, though, the starship needs to reduce to sub-light speed and go into orbit. The live creatures aboard have to be brought out of suspended animation and transferred to a landing shuttlecraft, hence the fifty-three hours I quoted. We do not recommend landings before this moment for ethical and social reasons

  How do we alter the arrival time? Suzi asked.

  Your two superior offers, Jaddig and Holly need to simultaneously program the arrival co-ordinances in. This is a security protocol built into my programming.

  And can the officers on Inter-galatical Star Ship 43 override our command? Suzi added.

  Once the craft is in orbit above our planet, they have can reprogram the landing shuttle. However, safety programming will not allow the shuttle to land anywhere except at this facility.

  So what can they do? Graham added.

  They can remain in orbit but once awakened, their food supplies run out in twenty three days and oxygen supply in fifty six.

  Suzi spoke again. Leave the Spacecraft in its present position until we get back to you. That is all for now. She turned to the others. This is a whole new scenario. Personally, I believe we should return home and discuss it with the council. There are important decisions to be made.

  The computer everyone thought had shut down sprang to life. We have holographic contact with New Washington, it said. You can talk to the Proctor and Commander without leaving this room.

  Andrea was in her outdoor office in Zoflum when suddenly Holly appeared at the table.

  Hi Mom, she said in a quiet voice.

  The Proctor gasped in fright. Holly! When did you arrive? I never heard the FanWarrior.

  I'm not here, Mom, Holly grinned. This is an electronic holograph. Actually we are all in the control room at Base Alpha. I see you on a screen in front of me.

  More of our ancestor's electronics, no doubt, Andrea snorted. We are going to get every scientific record and other item opened for scrutiny, warts and all. To think generations of us lived... She grinned, but go on, Sweetheart. What have you discovered?

  Lots Mom, Holly replied. With help of the others and also by sending views of the space station back as a shimmering three dimensional vision in mid air across the back wall of Andrea's office, everything was communicated back home.

  Everything has been recorded in the console room of the inner cave, Holly added. You can replay it to the Commander or anyone else you wish once you have been identified. She grinned. If the computer doesn't recognize you, just ask Snimel or Wunep to access it for you.

  I'll need to discuss this with the others, of course, Andrea replied, but in the meantime I'd say we should leave their arrival until we get more personnel to you on the island. Can you bring the FanWarrior back?

  Probably two of them, Mom, Holly answered. How about tomorrow around midday?

  That'll be fine, Sweetheart, Andrea replied. In spite of herself she jumped when Holly's vision just vanished in thin air.

  At eleven hundred and forty hours, the human settlers rubbed their eyes in amazement as two FanWarriors landed on the
newly created field on the outskirts of Zoflum. Holly and Graham ambled down the back ramp of one while Clay and Bikut made a more sedate exit from the other.

  We brought back two tractors, three crates of emergency rations, oodles of electronic equipment and some more weapons, Holly told her mother and Commander Evans. Suzi wanted to stay and research the computer on the island and Jaddig offered to stay with her. She grinned at the pair, Come and look at FanWarrior 2. It was sealed in protection plastic and is brand new.

  However, Andrea hardly had time to welcome everyone back when the old faithful Charlie came roaring along the dirt road at the edge of the landing area. Clouds of fine dust bellowed into the air as the vehicle turned and drove up to them. It braked, the passenger's door flung open, Snimel brushed past a small group of bowmen and came running up to the new arrivals.

  Her clothes were covered in dust and hands still dirty from working their garden. Did you see them on the way in, Holly? she gasped with her blue eyes filled with concern.

  No, we were concentrating on the landing. What is it, Snimel? Holly replied with a frown.

  We saw a distress flare down in the other valley? Snimel gasped and her eyes gazed at Holly. You have to help. They'll be massacred.

  Wunep had now come up and continued the conversation. We went to the edge of The Haven just inside the warning fence in front of the force field. You know the area where you can see right down the first valley?

  Holly nodded and let Wunep continue. There are three vehicles like Charlie down there but they are stalled behind some sort of fixture across the road.

  They're crucnon. We could see their faces through the field glasses I had Snimel panted with her eyes still wide with worry, but all around are crucks. We saw flashes. We think the vehicles were caught in an ambush.

  But why would crucnon be there? Commander Evens asked. They were driven across the river weeks ago.

  Can't you see! Snimel retorted desperately. They must have been trying to get here. There is no other reason. But hurry. They can't last long. Please! she pleaded and grabbed Holly's arm.

  Take a FanWarrior, Andrea nodded at her daughter. Snimel could be right.

  Come on, Holly glanced at Graham. You two as well, she added to the two Crucnon and ran back to FanWarrior 2.

  Within two minutes the huge craft was ready to lift off, Toby Evans signaled for the overhead force field to be deactivated and the aircraft accelerated into the air.

  Over there! Snimel cried and pointed to where the road, wide and muddy after constant use of the two invading armies wound through the forest below.

  She's right, Holly grabbed Graham's sleeve but he'd already seen the cloud of black smoke bellowing into the air. On closer inspection he saw three military vehicles stopped at a bend. The front one was burning fiercely.

  Can you protect the crucnon in the vehicles, Zeta? Holly asked.

  Yes, the computer replied and went silent.

  Well do it! Holly snapped.

  Set the weapon power, please.

  Holly remembered the weapons George had at Beta Hanger. Power four, she said in a calmer voice. I want the three vehicles protected so we can rescue the passengers.

  Do you wish to activate automatic fire and control?

  I do, Holly snapped and sat back in the pilot's seat as the engines accelerated.

  A shimmering glow encircled the FanWarrior and a bank of lights glowed. The words, Defense Shield Activated appeared on a monitor as they moved directly above the three vehicles. Suddenly, without warning they dropped straight down towards the scene. Within seconds, the matchbox sized combos were mere meters below. The FanWarrior hovered above the scene with the downdraft flattening the smoke and flames of the burning vehicle. A gap in the smoke appeared and faces, white were fear could be seen looking up at them from a ditch to their left

  Graham snorted. Look further out! he snapped.

  Also gazing up at them were a score of the brown insect faces and, even as they watched, weapons were raised and orange flashes cut through the air. They were being fired at.

  Hurry! Snimel gasped.

  The defense shields are holding and no damage is reported, Zeta droned out. Have ascertained there are sixteen live crucnon in the ditch on the southern side of the road and four deceased ones in the burning front vehicle. The attacking force consists of thirty-four cruck infantry. Six are firing weapons at us. If you don't want the attacking force do be taken out this is the last chance to abort the operation.

  Continue! Holly ordered.

  The Fan Warrior never altered course but just hovered on its stubby wings. However, a ring of white rays fanned out around the combos and the ditch. There was a whoosh and red laser beams shot out beyond the white ones. They pulsed like dozens of tiny rockets and the ground; trees and enemy just disappeared in a cloud of brown dust. The fire of devastation continued for less than two minutes but that was enough. Except for the protected oasis in the middle, a two hundred meter circle became a hole of burning smoke, brown and white with shimmering heat waves vibrating through. The ground erupted and buffeted the aircraft with sand that hit an invisible wall several meters outside the windshield. Nothing beneath that firepower would survive!

  Operation successful, the computer reported a moment later. All weapons deactivated.

  Snimel clasped a window ledge with her hands and squinted through the smoke. Can we pick them up? she asked.

  Recommend landing in three minutes, Zeta reported.

  They're safe, Wunep tapped Snimel on the shoulder and pointed. Three of the crucnon in the ditch were waving at them.

  The FanWarrior rotated slowly so the tail was facing the third vehicle and landed with a slight bump on the smoking road.

  Come on, Snimel grabbed Wunep's arm. Let's get to the ramp.

  Do you mind? Wunep glanced at Holly and he gave a brief nod of approval.

  The two crucnon squeezed past the crates and one tractor still in the cargo bay to wait for the ramp to lower. Hot air, clouds of brown dust and the stench off burnt wood and chemicals blew in as the gap in the cargo bay widened but as soon as the ramp hit the ground Snimel held a handkerchief to her nose and rushed forward.

  Over here! she screamed in her home language. You will be safe with us. We're crucnon!

  Two dirty-faced clickers appeared out of the dust with apprehensive looks and rifles held ready to fire.

  You won't need the guns, Wunep snapped. We're friends here!

  The two males stared at Snimel and Wunep and broke into a smile. Crucnon! one gasped. But how?

  At that moment Holly and Graham appeared from around a crate and the clickers shrank back and raised their weapons.

  The humans are our friends, Snimel snapped. Come on. Get everyone in here.

  The clicker in the uniform of a lieutenant studied Snimel for a second, turned and fixed his eyes on Holly and Graham then over to Wunep then stepped forward with arms stretched wide.

  Lieutenant Sirrat Karotor, he said and embraced Wunep in the traditional Crucnon greeting. This is Sergeant Genowo Cnolyr. We are from the fifth infantry battalion... He hesitated, ...At least we were, he added in a soft voice.

  Were? Snimel asked.

  Actually we're cell fourteen of the Blue Watch, he confessed.

  The underground movement, Holly replied. And were you trying to reach our lines?

  Yes, nodded Lieutenant Karotor We have wounded. Gunshot wounds.

  Well get them in, Graham snorted. I don't imagine the crucks will be too far away.

  Sergeant Cnolyr saw Karotor's slight nod and disappeared into the dust. A moment later a line of clickers walked or staggered forward. Two needed support from their companions and one was carried by the sergeant. All looked at Snimel and Wunep with appreciative eyes that turned apprehensive at the sight of the humans, Graham tall and muscular and the red headed Holly standing on the edge of the ramp.

  Those who can walk, make your way forward past this crate, Holly said in accented Cr
ucnon. The others can squeeze in here. She pointed to a space behind where the ramp swung up.

  The refugees nodded and moved in. Holly had difficulty telling their sexes but noticed two flying females, both young, timid and looking just like Bikut when they'd first met.

  You'll be safe with us, she said in a kind voice. My name is Holly Jurjevics. Welcome to our FanWarrior.

  One of the flying females looked up at her with a dust stained face and searching eyes. I'm Jynco Vockek. Thank you so much for coming. You could have just watched while we were massacred.

  That is not our way, Holly replied. But thank Snimel here. She's the one that saw your flare.

  Jynco turned, smiled at Snimel and stepped forward to clasp her arms. Snimel! she whispered. We've heard about you. The government has you on a list of public traitors but your refusal to be called up and take the treatment inspired us all.

  Yeah, I'm a hardened criminal. Snimel laughed.

  I'll get us home, Graham added and slipped away through the now crowded cargo bay. The clickers moved aside and smiled at the human as he squeezed by. Several touched his arm and a young wounded teenager looked at him with tears in his eyes. Graham reached out and squeezed the youngster's shoulder. You'll be okay now, Lad. he smiled.

  The ramp door banged into place, engines roared and the FanWarrior began the short journey home with sixteen new citizens and the clicker population increased four folds. A few members of the Blue Watch were safe and with friends.

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  Chapter Eighteen

  Jaddig, I need your help, Suzi Yu grunted. She stopped tapping on the keyboard and glanced out the control room window at the empty shuttle bay.

  Jaddig who, at that moment was on an observation deck under the transmission tower where the whole island could be seen, had her attention focussed far out on the ocean where something had attracted her attention. A slim black line that, even with field glasses she could not identify was sitting on the horizon. She clicked the small communicator clipped to her blouse and grinned. The equipment available was quite amazing. I'm at the lookout. What is it Suzi?

  There is some historical information I have tried to access through Len but I have been denied access. It's like at Base Beta. They both spit out that a Classified 5 is necessary to proceed.


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