Generation 7

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Generation 7 Page 32

by Ross Richdale

  Pinin dropped, weeping, into Jaddig's arms while Syleb rushed to Tifru who lowered his smoking weapons and kicked a twisted tentacle out of the way. Bastard! he hissed.

  What is it? Syleb gasped. She stood trembling from shock.

  I'd say the passengers on this spaceship, Tifru whispered. We need to be careful. There may be more around.

  I had no warning, lamented Pinin. One minute I was looking at the monitor and the next thing I knew, this hideous creature grabbed me and began to squeeze.

  But you fought back, Jaddig replied and held her companion close. You did well. She glanced at the monitor and received another shock.

  Starship 43 will self destruct in twenty one minutes. Please evacuate immediately, flashed twenty-centimeter high words.

  Above them a siren began to wail.

  Come on! Jaddig screamed, grabbed Pinin's hands and headed for the door.

  Tifru saw the screen, realized what was happening, grabbed Syleb hands and followed.

  They reached the main corridor in seconds and ran, panting, through the myriad of corridors; all the time following the yellow line. The airlock was waiting, so, gasping for air, they flung themselves inside. Jaddig pulled at the door shut as Tifru took one last glance out.

  Another one, he muttered. He lifted his blunderbuss he'd managed to reload somehow in their hasty retreat, and fired.

  Another octopus like creature, mere meters behind, was flying through the air. It uttered a howl of rage, the door shut and the slurping scream cut off. Syleb, meanwhile, ran forward and opened the airlock of the shuttle. They tumbled forward to the sound of Admiral's welcoming voice.

  Detach from Starship 43 and fire emergency retro-power to move away. Jaddig ordered and turned to smile at Pinin.

  You did it, Pinin, she gasped. Don't tell Holly but I think, in the circumstances, your idea to self destruct the ship was the correct one.

  What, Pinin frowned. I did what?

  Don't worry, grunted Tifru. I reckon we've just done this world a favor.

  Their conversation was halted when, without warning, they were flung in a jumbled heap on the floor as the shuttle accelerated away. A monitor came to life to show Starship 43 slowly reducing in size as the distance between them increased. It was the size of the moon when, without a sound, a black zigzag appeared across its equator. It widened before curling in on itself, a second diagonal cut appeared, white condensation clouded out and that was it! Within two minutes the white cloud dissipated and only the beautiful blue and white planet showed behind. The starship was gone! Not even debris showed where it had once been.

  Did I cause that? Pinin agonized. Her face appeared drained of emotion and limbs shook from shock.

  Yes, Jaddig replied in a tender voice, and probably saved our world from an invasion of those creatures. She smiled at her friend before the yellow compassionate eyes moved on to Syleb and Tifru.

  Head for Base Alpha, Admiral. she sighed. We're going home!

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  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Andrea glanced across at Toby when Holly and Jaddig handed over their official report of the starship's destruction. It included a graphic account of how Pinin was attacked and a description of the creature involved.

  But why did she destroy the Starship? Toby asked.

  The species aboard had sophisticated computers that would not accept the virus disk but they had not taken into account a hidden self destruct program. Even though the disk Pinin inserted could not override the programs it went around them, so to speak, and accessed the sequence, Jaddig replied. She merely set it in action.

  It took some nerve to activate the program, I must admit. Toby grunted.

  Jaddig grinned when she thought back to Pinin's explanation of what had really happened. She is a brave young crucnon, she commented. I reckon she deserves a medal.

  I agree, Andrea said and reached for a yellow document with Top Secret written in red diagonally across the cover. This is information for our eyes only, Jaddig and Holly, she continued in a hushed voice.

  What is it, Mom? Holly asked.

  We're on our own, Sweetheart, Andrea replied. There was a second message sent via that Earth probe. Those creatures used the gega-light transmissions to home in on all human settlements and finally Earth itself. If we ever use the equipment to transmit, it is believed they'll follow it back to attack us. As far as me know, human life on Earth has been wiped out.

  Oh My God! Holly gasped. But why didn't they use the gega-light transmissions to trace us when the president originally spoke to us?

  We don't know, Commander Evans replied, Perhaps they hadn't arrived on Earth at that point. At a guess I'd say those ones in Starship 43 were an advanced party sent to Earth.

  ...Discovered and sent onto us while still in suspended animation, Andrea interrupted. It appears the hijackers did us a favor.

  Toby leaned forward and glanced at Jaddig and Holly. My guess is a few of the creatures were programmed so they would be brought out of suspended animation first to take control of Starship 43. Doomwatch must have been partially successful in overriding that control so the shuttle could evacuate the crucnon, Gordon and Nathan. Perhaps there was some warning mechanism that woke the ones that attacked Pinin when the shuttle redocked. He shrugged. I guess we shall never really know.

  So we're back where we started, Andrea added. An isolated community having to cope for ourselves.

  Not quite, square one, Mom Holly smiled. The war is over, we've found the crucnon are our kind and even have a kind of agreement with the crucks. We found out about our past, brought in new liberal laws and have modern technology at our disposal. That's not too bad, is it?

  I don't think you would have liked Earth even if you had managed to evacuate all the humans there, Jaddig added. From what Pinin and the others said the planet was in decline, anyway.

  True, Andrea sighed. So what do we do now?

  Listen to the Vybber election results, Jaddig grinned. I know I'm a New Washington citizen now, but I'm quite interested.

  Are you? Andrea smiled. Then you might like to view the preliminary results. They've just about to come through. She reached forward and turned on the television.

  ...And with half the returns in, the earnest woman stared at the screen, it appears that the United Front of Decency, the offshoot of the ruling junta of the last two decades has only managed to draw eight percent of the vote and President Klyl Olcmal III has conceded defeat. There is, however, a tight race between the Blue Watch Democrats and Social Action Parties with the Democrats holding a slender one point lead at the moment ...

  Jaddig leaped to her feet in excitement. It's happened! she gasped and flashed her yellow eyes around the table. I never believed it would happen in my life time.

  The Social Action Party could still win, Andrea warned.

  That doesn't matter, Jaddig laughed. They aren't too bad. We have a democracy. That's the important part! Oh My Goodness, I must tell the others. She rushed for the door but stopped, swung around and retreated to her seat. They'll know. she beamed. Everyone will be watching the results on television.

  That's right, Andrea smiled. It is all cable television from across the border so no transmissions go off into space to warn any aliens we're here.

  At light speed signal would take at least eighty years to reach Earth, Holly shrugged.

  I know, warned Toby Evans, but any invaders could merely adjust time to be here in our time.

  Of course, Holly exclaimed. I forgot about that.

  Suzi was the one who warned us. According to her, we can still use the orbiting satellites to communicate with laser beam signals that are bounced back to Delpe. She warned we should never use radio or television transmissions though the atmosphere.

  Dear old Suzi, Holly grinned. A scientist to the end.

  Not quite, her mother smiled. I hear she is dating Nathan at the moment.

  And you? Holly added with a sly grin.

bsp; Andrea flushed and gazed across at Toby. We're getting on okay, she replied.

  Yea, not too bad, Toby added but managed to slip a wink across at Holly and Jaddig.

  Three months slipped by and, with it, the arrival of spring, renewed growth and rebuilding programs everywhere. The largest town was now New London with a population of five thousand, ninety five percent crucnon who had crossed the New Columbia River and had taken New Washington citizenship. Another three thousand crucnon were spread throughout the land, taking up farmland and allocations in the first plateau near Zoflum.

  It was evening and, in one white painted timber house, a tall bronzed male human walked in to the smell of roast meat being cooked.

  What's the special meal for? Clay asked as Bikut glanced up from the stove. They were not the only cross-species couples in New Washington now but still received ignorant stares at times in town, mainly from elderly crucnon and humans, not that it worried either of them.

  However, this evening Bikut was apprehensive. She on her bottom lip and a slight quiver of her chin could be noticed. I have a request, Clay, she asked as she placed a steaming plate of food in front of her partner. You know the new laws?

  Yes, grinned Clay. The LSC. I have the papers here. I wondered when you'd get around to asking.

  The Love and Security Contract and recently been passed in the parliament by Andrea's Liberty Party but not without strong opposition from the minority parties. Finally, though, the numbers were there for it to be passed. It replaced the ancient marriage laws and allowed any two citizens, no matter what gender or species, to take vows to be partners.

  Oh Clay, Bikut laughed and flung her arms around her partner. I was afraid ... her voice trailed off.

  What do you mean? Clay grinned. With local crucnon males outnumbering females, I was afraid one would sweep you off your feet and you'd tell me to shove off.

  Clay! Bikut snapped. She sat down and fixed her eyes on her partner. There's one other thing, she continued in a shy voice.

  What is it, Bikut?

  In our society we all have egg mothers and mothers. Our mothers are the females who actually raise us and really mean more to us than the flying female who laid the egg we hatched from. I never knew my egg mother but loved my Mom and Dad. She looked sad for a moment. Neither of them survived the war.

  I know, Clay replied in a quiet voice, but go on.

  Pinin's eggs hatched yesterday. Twenty eight gorgeous little babies. Bikut grabbed Clay's hand. I want to be a mother, Clay. I want one of those babies. Her words all bubbled out in a rush.

  Clay rubbed a hand across his chin. Oh, I see, he replied in mock concern. You want to adopt a child?

  Yes, whispered Bikut.

  I don't want a child, Clay replied. There was a twinkle in his eyes that Bikut missed.

  She stared at the wall all hurt and lips pinched. I know they aren't human, Clay but you can't adopt human babies and only flying female crucnon lay eggs. She swung around and tears rolled down her face. It doesn't matter, she cried and went to run from the room when Clay caught her in a massive hug.

  Go away, Clay! Bikut screamed, squirmed and kicked. Just leave me.

  I don't want a child, Clay restated. I want two, one male, one female. I was teasing you.

  Bikut stopped, stared into Clay's eyes and saw the twinkle. She sniffed and a smile appeared across her face. Oh, Clay, she sobbed. Do you mean it?

  Yes, My Little Sweetheart, Clay laughed. I told Pinin a week ago.

  The new New Washington Women's Hospital was crowded that morning as young families came to collect their babies. In an old tradition, Pinin, as egg mother lifted each child, kissed it once and handed it over to the couple waiting. Clay towered over the crucnon couples and gave an audible sigh as an embarrassed human woman and man walked into the reception room, received one of Pinin's children and stood in self conscious manner by the back wall.

  Clay and Bikut walked up and were hugged by Pinin. I hand into your care, two of my children, the proud egg mother stated in the formal handing over. She smiled and handed a tiny boy to Bikut, reached back to a smiling nurse behind her for an equally small girl who was handed on to Bikut. Care for and cherish these children and give them the security they need to grow into dutiful Vybber, she stopped and flushed ... I mean, New Washington citizens.

  We shall, Clay and Bikut replied together in the Vybber language.

  Oh Clay, Bikut whispered. Aren't they beautiful?

  Clay nodded but, by mistake, stepped back and bumped someone behind him. Oh, I am so sorry, he apologized and turned to gaze into the smiling eyes of Snimel who also held a little bundle in her arms.

  You've taken two, too, she laughed and clung to a sheepish Wunep who also held a baby. We've done the same.

  Oh Snimel! Bikut screamed. We didn't know.

  Yes, Windup grunted. They're going to call our street Diaper Alley. Think of it, no sleep, I Won't be able to go to the tavern every night ...

  You never do, anyway, Snimel laughed.

  Towards the end of the ceremony Holly and Graham walked in and, after formally hugging all the new parents, walked across to where their friends were gathered. The young egg mother held the last child in her arms. No, you can't have Sorrel, she grinned at Holly. I'm keeping him for myself.

  Thanks, Pinin but there's no need, Holly flushed.

  There was a pregnant pause and all eyes glued on Holly. You don't mean! Bikut grinned.

  Yes, Holly laughed. I'm pregnant. Have been for three months. The doctor told me I have a daughter on her way.

  Clay grabbed Graham's hand and shook it so hard the other man almost winced. You old bastard, he chortled while everyone else gathered around to congratulate the mother-to-be.

  Holly turned to face the group. The celebrations are at our house tonight. Just bring yourselves and your babies, of course. Mom said she would shout.

  New Washington, that spring day was in good heart with its twenty-eight new citizens loved and wanted with many more to come.

  On the Northern Border, George Bereano, as grizzled as ever, focused his field glasses across the border to where a cloud of dust was rising from a newly constructed road.

  Crucks are coming, he snorted. Three ... wait a moment, five heavy vehicles.

  Corporal Sheree Gilmore and Bowman Dianne Hilton, the only other DPF officers at the border post cast a worried glance at the sergeant.

  Shall we call a FanWarrior in Sarge? Sheree asked.

  No, wait a minute. They're trucks not those gun vehicles. He grinned. The front one is flying a yellow flag. That's their peace sign. I think it'll be okay. Let's go and meet them, Corporal He fixed Dianne with a glare. Just stay here by the telephone, Bowman. Just in case.

  The five trucks rolled right up to the border and halted, with a hiss of air brakes, a meter from where George and Sheree stood; a window wound down and the insect type face of a cruck appeared.

  Information has been received on two matters, the cruck said in halting English.

  Keep talking. George replied. You're still on your side of the border so can do what you like, there.

  The cruck wagged its antennae and gave what could have been called a giggle. We have no guns, Sergeant so you can relax, it said.

  I am relaxed, George grunted but Sheree grinned at the sergeant's crossed fingers behind his back.

  We heard a crucnon female named Pinin Hyrof saved our planet from the invasion of an alien species, the cruck continued.

  You could say that, George relied in a cautious voice.

  We also heard she has hatched twenty eight offspring and other flying females have done likewise. The voice sounded quite formal.

  And They're being well cared for, Sheree added with her voice quick to become defensive.

  The cruck ignored her comment and continued speaking. Can you humans drive?

  Yes, George muttered. Why!

  We wish to thank Pinin Hyrof for her fortitude and donate these first three vehicles
to your country to keep and use. The cruck almost smiled. They're filled with containers of honey. It is an excellent food source for the newly hatched. We use it all the time and thought humans who use milk for their offspring may be short of the product. Do you accept the gift from our nation to yours?

  For the first time George broke into a crinkled grin. Certainly, he said. I shall inform our president and Pinin. We were finding it difficult to find enough honey to feed our new children.

  Hatchlings, the cruck corrected. They're called hatchlings.

  Hatchlings, George corrected himself. Healthy little souls, too.

  The cruck nodded and without another word, climbed down from the cab and walked back to the fourth truck. George scratched his chin. In the blue body suit, it was impossible to tell whether it was male or female. When the other drivers were aboard, the rear truck backed around and rumbled away down the Pulgibrian valley without any further acknowledgment of the human's presence.

  My God, they were right, Sheree commented a few moments later.

  The three trucks were piled high with row after row of ten-liter containers; everyone they examined filled with honey.

  Well, George grinned. I reckon we can leave the border post empty for a while and drive back to town. You can drive can't you?

  Of course, Sarge, Sheree grinned and waved at Dianne to come down before she headed for the third truck.

  A few moments later the small convey headed towards Zoflum with the first gift, ever, from the natives of the planet. Even George was impressed by the significance of the event as he crunched through a gear.

  Damn! he muttered and hoped the girls behind hadn't noticed his inexperienced driving.

  Travelling in the FanSpeed was an exhilarating experience. After a final inspection of the security systems, Base Alpha was mothballed and Holly, Graham, Andrea and Toby were heading home. The two FanWarriors, loaded with electronic equipment and other supplies considered helpful in redeveloping New Washington had left earlier and would probably be back at Zoflum by this time.


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