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Scoundrel Page 6

by Keira Blackwood

  Tony left, and I decided to test my luck. I reached across the table and touched her hand.

  Paige snapped her gaze to mine, and her pupils dilated.

  She was soft, and warm, and she didn’t pull away. With just a simple touch, I could scent her desire, and my cock grew hard.

  I asked, “Where were we?”

  “Marla.” Paige sucked in a deep breath and pulled away. “We were talking about my friend, your baby mama. And how you’re not equipped to give Evie everything she needs.”


  “What school is she going to attend? Where is she going to sleep?”

  I hadn’t considered school. I guessed seven was old enough for that. When did they start, five or six? “I gave her my bed last night.”

  “Sure,” Paige said. “But what about tomorrow or the next day? What about a year from now? Ten? You can’t have her sharing a room with you at your clubhouse forever.”

  That was fair. Evelyn did need more, and she deserved to have it. And the more I heard about her situation, the more permanent it seemed to be.

  My first thought was my parents’ cabin. It was outside of town, nestled in the forest, just far enough away to be able to shift in privacy. I hadn’t been to the house in years, and hadn’t planned on going back. Shit, for all I knew—for all I’d cared—the roof could have caved in by now. I’d intended to let it rot, and my childhood memories with it.

  “You’re right,” I said. “Of course you’re right. But now I’m just trying to figure out how to get through one day at a time. I will figure out how to make this work.”

  Paige studied me, and her expression softened. “You really want to be there for her, don’t you?”

  I didn’t have to think about my answer. “Yes.”

  Since I’d found out Evelyn was mine, hell even before I knew for sure, I knew she was a part of me. She was mine, and I would do anything for her.

  Paige sighed. “Then I guess...I’m going to help you.”

  Her tone made it clear that this wasn’t her first choice, but whether she was reluctant or not, I needed her help.

  Tony set down two plates in front of us, mountains of noodles, cheese, and red sauce, before heading back to the kitchen.

  I’d come into this diner not knowing if I could trust Paige. After only a short time, though, I knew. She cared for my daughter enough to help me, and enough not to run away with her. I could count on Paige.

  She dug into her food, and while I ate, I watched her. Some people ate merely to survive. This woman enjoyed it, though. She made the most delicious noises of appreciation as the lasagna slid down her throat. I watched the way she closed her eyes and savored the flavors as they rolled over her tongue. Shamelessly, I wondered what other faces she made in pleasure.

  When we finished eating, I made a mental note to feed her as often as she’d let me. I insisted that I be the one to pay. She only protested once. And when we left, I wished it wasn’t time to head back yet.

  This time when we climbed on my bike, she melted into me without hesitation. Her soft curves enveloped me, and it was hard as fuck to pay attention to anything but the feel of her. I pulled up to the bed and breakfast, wishing I could take her home with me.

  But the progress we’d made tonight was fragile, and the stakes were too high. I couldn’t fuck up with Paige.

  She climbed off first, and I followed her up to the door. I felt like a damned teenager, palms sweating, my gut fluttering, waiting to see if she’d let me steal a kiss.

  “You never did tell me what you needed my help with.” Paige’s soft smile lit her big brown eyes. Her sleek black hair shimmered in the moonlight, and I found myself unable to stop staring at her luscious lips.

  “I wanted to ask if you’d help me by watching Evelyn tomorrow.”

  “And you had to take me out to dinner for that?”

  Her lips quirked up to one side, making an adorable dimple. She was so fucking perfect—curves and sass, gorgeous and cute. “I needed to make sure I could trust you first. I just found out I had a daughter. I didn’t want to risk someone trying to take her away.”

  She cringed. “Sorry about that.”

  “Even if that person is my mate.”

  She sucked in a sharp breath. “You think I’m your mate?”

  Hell, I’d already put myself out there. Time to go for it. “I know you are.”

  “And what if I say no?”

  I took a step closer, testing the boundaries. Her heartbeat quickened and her pupils dilated ever so slightly. The sweet scent of her desire mingled with her earthy essence, and I knew she wanted me as much as I wanted her. “You already said yes.”

  “I’m pretty sure I didn’t.” She didn’t move back as I leaned in so close that we were almost touching. With her on the step, we were the same height, eye to eye.

  “You told me you’d help with Evelyn. So you’ll watch her for me tomorrow, won’t you?”

  “Yes, but I thought you meant—”

  I reached up and brushed her cheek with my fingertips. Soft, smooth, the feel of her skin was a drug and I was hooked. She leaned into my touch and exhaled slowly, and her eyes fluttered shut.

  She felt it. No question she felt the same instinct I did. The need to fuck, the need to mate, the need to claim her as mine.

  She leaned closer to me and tilted her chin up. “Jett.”

  Soft and searing, I claimed her lips with mine. She was supple, sweet, and so fucking intoxicating. My cock throbbed against my fly, and I needed to claim her right here on the doorstep.

  I ran my fingers through her hair, and she arched her back, leaning into me. Everything else melted away, everything but Paige.

  She reached around me, her arms exploring my shoulders, my back. Her lips parted, offering more, letting me in deep. More. I wanted more.

  The door opened behind her. I didn’t care, but Paige did. She pulled back, her cheeks flushed.

  “I, uh...that was…” She bit her lip and smiled at the same time. The way she looked up at me through her lashes, it seemed she was shy, which only made me more desperate to have her.

  “Coming in?” The little woman in the doorway put her hand on her hip.

  Paige laughed. “I am. He’s going home.”

  “Good night, Paige.” I took her hand and gave her one last kiss, this time on her knuckles.

  “Good night.”

  She went inside and I shamelessly admired the way her hips swayed, the way her waist cut in, and the fine roundness of her ass.


  The gray-haired woman looked me up and down, smiled, and shut the door in my face without another word. And I was left thinking about everything that had happened, the dinner, the kiss. I hadn’t wanted the night to end. I’d wanted to tear Paige’s clothes off. It felt like Paige had wanted that, too. Besides the nasty case of blue balls I was definitely going to have after this, I couldn’t have asked for a better night. Paige was worth the wait.

  After dinner, my plan had been to return to the clubhouse. Instead, I found myself driving in the opposite direction. I caught a glimpse of a future I’d never thought possible, one I’d never thought much about until now—a family of my own. And that possible future had me thinking about my past.

  The summer heat of the day was long gone, leaving the air brisk. Each inhale filled my lungs with a refreshing sting, while each exhale billowed like smoke. Paved roads gave way to loose stone, then dirt. Out here was shitty terrain for my bike, but the secluded forest was perfect for wolves and bears. It’s why my father had chosen this place. And it’s why I returned.

  I passed the treehouse where Hawke and I used to play, the stream where we used to splash to escape summer heat. Those memories were the best I had of this place. The rest were...not as pleasant.

  The trees broke apart enough for me to see the little log cabin in the clearing up ahead. Moonlight shone down on the building, and I parked my bike at the edge of the drive.

  I s
at there longer than I needed to, looking over the building.

  Staring at the porch, I imagined a kid version of me curled up by the door waiting for hours to be allowed back inside. Beside that was the window that my father had shattered with a kitchen chair.

  After they’d died, I’d thought about torching the place, set a match or ten and watch it burn. But I hadn’t. Instead, I’d left it to rot. Maybe letting the place stand hadn’t been a mistake.

  I thought about Evelyn, and wondered how she was doing. I pulled out my phone and dialed Brick.

  “Jett.” He answered on the first ring, his voice sounding pained.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s your kid…”

  Fuck. I shouldn’t have trusted him. If he let her get hurt—

  “She’s a monster.” In the background, there was laughter, high-pitched, maniacal laughter.

  “She’s okay?”

  “Of course she’s okay. You need to get back here before she rips out all of my arm hair. She thinks it’s funny.”

  Because it was funny. That was my daughter. “Good talk,” I said. “Thanks again, Brick.”

  “Get back here right now, you motherfucking shit-for-brains—”

  Content that Evelyn was fine, I hung up.

  As soon as I slid my phone into my pocket, it buzzed. Expecting it to be Brick, I checked the number just in case. It was Hawke.

  “Yeah?” I answered.

  “Give me good news.” His tone was more misery than command.

  I’d promised to deal with the Greenville City Pack, and I had let personal business get in the way. Juggling responsibilities was new territory for me. “I’m going for a meeting tomorrow.”

  “I’m counting on you, Jett.”

  “I won’t let you down.”

  The line clicked. And I only hoped I could deliver. Evelyn would be safe, so I could focus on Briggs. But that was for tomorrow. Tonight, I had different plans.

  I climbed off my bike and waded through the overgrown grass toward the cabin. My jaw ached with how hard it was clenched. Each step was harder than the last, like my legs were made of lead. When I reached the door, I knew I could still turn back. For a moment, I considered it.

  Just as quickly as the thought had struck, I discarded it, and turned the knob.

  For Paige. For Evelyn.

  Stale air and dust escaped into the night, a cloud reentering the world after being trapped without circulation for a decade in a wooden box.

  I hit the switch by the door, but the power was out. No surprise there. Still, I could see well enough to make out the fireplace and the ugly yellow sofa where my dad used to pass out drunk. I could see my mother’s framed needlework that had once been on the wall, before my father had discarded it on the floor. There was as much shattered glass on the carpet as there was carpet. Home sweet home.

  One day, maybe I could say that and actually mean it. After a hell of a lot of work, maybe the dark cloud of my past would fade, rewritten by new memories of a better future.

  Chapter Eight


  Brick had been a dick when I’d returned to the clubhouse. To be fair, I had left my kid with him longer than I’d said. He was pissy, but he’d get over it.

  Evelyn bounced on the bench seat, her attention darting to and fro over the truck’s dash. After a better night of sleep, she was starting the day with a beaming smile and more energy than she’d had the day before. Seeing that she was happy took the edge off my nerves for the upcoming mission.

  “What do you think we’re going to do today, me and Paige?” Her tone was jovial, and she squeezed her little arms around her stuffed unicorn.

  At least one of us was in a good mood. “I don’t know, squirt. What do you like to do, besides eating ice cream?”

  “That’s a great idea. Yes! We have to get ice cream.” A twinkle of mischief played in her bright blue eyes. “It was your idea.”

  I laughed. “Okay, but what else?”

  “I like to draw, and I like to play outside.”

  I pictured Evelyn standing in the doorway to the treehouse Hawke and I had built as kids, dirt smudged on her face. She would love the cabin. I just had to get it ready for her, and in watching her giddiness, I’d learn to love the cabin, too.

  “Do you like the woods?” I raised a brow and shot her a glance.


  “Maybe?” What kind of answer was that? Was she being coy?

  “Yeah, maybe. What’s it like?”

  She’d never been to the woods at all? If she used to live in the city, I guessed that made sense. But shifters weren’t meant to live in concrete and exhaust. Nature was in our DNA.

  “You’re in for a treat. There are trees everywhere, perfect for climbing. There’s a stream to play in, and squirrels to chase.”

  “I’d like to see that.”

  Sure, I’d missed a hell of a lot of firsts, but this one was mine. I was glad to share it with her. “I’ll take you.”

  “Today. After you pick me up.”

  Today? I couldn’t promise that. “I’m not sure what time I’ll get back.”

  “I don’t mind, really. It can be the middle of the night.”

  I looked at her. She looked completely serious, and I guessed this was why seven-year-olds didn’t make their own rules.

  “What? I don’t need to sleep.”

  “Maybe. I don’t want to make any promises about today.”

  “Okay.” She frowned and looked down at the unicorn in her lap.

  I hated to disappoint her. “I will take you soon. I can promise that.”

  She nodded, but her whole body sagged in defeat.

  I parked the truck on the curb in front of the bed and breakfast. As I climbed out, I noticed the door to the building open.

  Out stepped Paige, in yoga pants and a t-shirt. She looked like a different person than she had the night before, completely at ease, and with her hair in wild curls. I liked it. I liked her in a dress or in pants, with straight hair or curly. I just liked her.

  “Hey.” She waved to me, then knelt down to hug the ball of energy running straight for her.

  Evelyn threw her arms around Paige, and I watched a smile take over my mate’s face.

  This was my family. I didn’t just have Hawke and the Butchers anymore. I had Paige and Evelyn. But I still had a lot of work to do before I could be the kind of father and mate that they deserved.

  Paige stood and looked to me. “Any idea what time you’ll be back?”

  “With any luck, before dinner. I’ll call if my meeting runs late.” But I wasn’t just hoping the meeting didn’t run late. I was hoping to get a meeting. Peace was riding on it.

  Something flashed in Paige’s big brown eyes, and just as quickly as I noticed it, it was gone. “Be careful.”

  “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”

  She stared at me, unblinking. What was I supposed to say to convince her?

  My footing faltered as Evelyn slammed into me and wrapped her arms around my legs. I hadn’t expected the hug, and I wasn’t quite sure what to do.

  She said, “Don’t forget what you promised.”

  She smiled up at me, and I realized, that was the kind of face that was impossible to say no to. Given that she was bright, I was sure she already knew how to use that to her advantage. I was in over my head in every fucking aspect of my life.

  I patted her back. “I won’t.”

  “All right, munchkin, let him go.” Paige ushered Evelyn back up to the door.

  “Stay out of trouble.” I waved and climbed back into the driver’s seat.

  Evelyn kept on waving as I drove away, and for the first time, I could see myself in a domestic role. The father, the provider, leaving for work. Leaving his woman, his kid.

  For the first time, I wasn’t looking forward to the next mission, but to returning home.

  I parked on the street two blocks from the Briggs tower. If this meeting went to hell, it wa
s better not to have Brick’s truck, my only way of escape, trapped in the enemy’s lot.

  As I walked up to the tall tower, I noted the lack of security at the door. Given Briggs appeared to be a businessman, in addition to being an aggressive pack’s alpha, I’d expected at least one or two guards.

  I fiddled with my cufflinks, wishing jeans were appropriate for this kind of shit. Show up looking like a biker, and I’d never make it to Briggs.

  Inside, the lobby was empty save for a sharp-faced woman behind the reception desk. Her scent said wolf, which would make our conversation easier. I slid my hands into my pockets and approached. “I need to speak to Mr. Briggs.”

  The receptionist devoured me with her eyes. “You really should have called first. Mr. Briggs is booked up at least two months out.”

  “He’ll make time to see me.”

  “And why is that?”

  I leaned forward and spoke softly, sure that she could hear me. “If I leave here empty-handed, there will be war.”

  She bolted up in her chair, and her breathing hitched. She believed me. Good.

  When she spoke, her voice was higher and softer than it had been. “Take a seat and I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Thank you.” I gave her a nod and took a seat across the lobby, one with a view of both the entry and the elevators.

  I missed most of what she said into the phone, but I didn’t need to know. My message had been delivered, and Briggs would clear his schedule to meet with me. No alpha would risk overlooking a threat to his pack.

  It didn’t take long before a big guy in a suit came out of the elevator. He had black hair and the kind of hard, smashed face that said he was born for MMA. The way he held himself told me all I needed to know. This guy was security, the kind I’d expected when I’d arrived. He scanned the lobby, eyes narrowed. I headed over, knowing it was me he was looking for. When he finally noticed me, he went stiff as a board, with his hand on his belt.


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