The King Versus Commoner

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The King Versus Commoner Page 7

by Chloe Smith

  But even as I watched her from a detached, hazy point of view, I realized something. That hand reaching out was mine. And not only that, her face hadn't appeared closer. I had moved closer.

  And before I knew what I was doing, my lips descended, capturing hers.

  As soon as they touched, it was like someone throwing cold water in my face. I came back to my own body, feeling everything all at once. I became aware of her warm arms beneath my hands, her soft lips under mine…her big, brown, surprised eyes staring into mine.

  I heard Gela scream in outrage before stomping off. Good. I didn't want her getting any ideas for the two of us.

  And then the thought drifted away as Monica drifted from surprised to yielding. Her eyes closed softly, her long eyelashes resting on her cheek, and I instantly wanted to draw her closer.

  And I did.

  I wrapped my arms around her waist, used one of my hands to run it through her hair, capturing her head to angle it a different way.

  Her mouth opened with a gasp, and I slipped my tongue through.

  And then she wasn't leaning against me, but stiffening. She was pushing me away.

  She looked at me in disbelief and…oh god, don't let that be hurt!

  She turned and ran back into her class, leaving me alone in the deserted hallway.

  I abruptly leaned against the wall, needing something to keep me up. I touched two fingers to my mouth in surprise.

  What the hell did I just do?

  Chapter 30

  Gela didn't come back that hour. Not that I had really noticed until later, my mind still in shock from had happened.

  He'd kissed me. My first kiss, and it was heavenly.

  But it wasn't real.

  That fact. That stupid fact had me so close to tear too many times.

  Because it was true. Why else would the Ice King kiss her, the Commoner?

  I felt as if someone had literally stabbed me.

  He wasn't confessing anything to me. If anything, that kiss was to confess his feelings to Gela. He clearly didn't want to go out with her.

  The feeling eased. That thought soothed me a little.

  "My relationships don't concern you."

  "But it used to, didn't it?"


  She had been saying that they had gone out in the past.

  It hurt to even think about that….

  But I did think about.

  Just think about it, Monica…why not?

  My eyes widened. Why not?

  She had to be Nikko to have gotten here. He was Nikko. Parents would be glad to get those two together.

  Why not?

  I grudgingly admitted that Gela was beautiful, even caking herself in a thick layer of cosmetics, she was. And I'd already admitted that Clinton was one of the hottest guys I'd ever seen.

  So why not?

  They both even had the same kind of atmospheres around them.

  So Why the hell not?

  I shook my head, confused as to why I didn't think they were good together.

  I couldn't place my finger exactly on the point that should keep them separated, and it was like another knife slashing into me.

  "Excuse me. Monica?" I blinked a couple of times when hearing my name. I looked around to see people leaving the class, chattering and packing up their backpacks.

  In front of me, Sharon stood. Sharon was the girl who had delivered the packages to me. Actually, underneath her big glasses, her timid, face was beautiful. Even though she could wear contacts, she told me they bothered her eyes, so she stuck to glasses. She just told me recently though, that she would be going to be get eyes surgery soon. I was happy for her. Many guys would finally discover her beauty.


  "I was just making sure you knew class was over." She smiled at me.

  "Oh! Now I know. Thanks much Sharon!" Inside though, I was cursing Clinton. How dare he take over my mind for a whole hour!

  "You're welcome." She smiled as she said in her soft voice before she left the room, books in hand.

  By the time I packed up and was ready to leave, everyone else was out already, too eager to leave the classrooms after being there too long.

  I looked back, realizing as I was about to sling my backpack over my shoulder, that redhead hadn't come back to gather her stuff. I had intended to trash it, but for some odd reason, I found myself walking away…one foot in front of the other, until I was out of the classroom.

  I made my way to my dorm room to drop off my backpack and change.

  As soon as I got to the door, someone tackled me from the side. "Monica! Monica!"

  "Agh!" I untangled myself from the binding arms, glaring at Martin as he stood and held his hand out for me to take. "Martin...never tackle me again, or I'll beat you..."

  He waved it off as though he didn't take it as a threat. Oh, he'll feel It if he does that again, I thought. "Some of us are going with some seniors to town, you should come!"

  "But isn't that against the rules?"

  He turned his head away. "Rules schmules, they were made to be broken."

  "So they are..." I turned and punched the keys into the lock pad. "Well, I'll see you when you get back."

  "Aw, come on Monica, don't be such a goody two shoes!" He said.

  "I don't feel like it. I'm going to take a nap." I opened my door, only to be stopped by his hand on my arm. "What is it with you liking to touch me so much?" I asked, becoming a little annoyed.

  "Fine." He said, putting his hands up in surrender. "I thought maybe I could persuade toe seniors to stop by and say hi to your mother, but its fine. I'll go by myself." He said…he probably thought that was his trump card.

  I snorted. "Then you must not know my mamma." I took a step inside the room. "She would definitely know exactly what I was doing. And I'll likely get in trouble for it." I smiled at him. "Besides, I'll be seeing her tomorrow anyways." Closed the door in his face.

  He pounded on it. "Aw come on Monica! Why don't you just come."

  I leaned against it. "Martin, I've had a long day. I'm going to take a nap." I walked towards my bed, my response to Martin suddenly bringing up the whole incident again. I hadn't actually lied to the guy, I realized.

  I sighed as I threw myself on my bed. That kiss had been heavenly. It had fogged my mind to the point where I couldn't have even remembered my name, or even knew what names were. If it could have…

  Could have what? Been real? Yeah. Go figure. Your first kiss and you're daydreaming over it as though the person who did it had wanted to.

  If Gela hadn't been right there, he wouldn't have even thought about kissing me, so why did I still think that kiss was so…so…hot?

  An exclaimed gasp came out of my mouth as I bolted up. No!

  That guy was unforgiveable! Never would I talk to him again!

  A knock sounded at the door. Who would that be?

  The cleaners had already came through while we were at school, and inspections were random, but only on the weekends.

  Gaya knows the code, and Martin had left after yelling at the top of his lungs that he wouldn't hang out with me ever again(although I knew he would forgive me as soon as he saw me tomorrow).

  "Who is it?" I asked, walking to the door when no one answered.

  I opened the door to find a trembling shrimp freshman, a shaking paper in his hands. "H-h-here."

  I frowned down at the paper that the young boy was handing to me inch by inch…kind of like the way someone would feed a lion.

  As soon as I took hold of the paper, the boy bolted. "Hey!" I yelled. He didn't even look back as he disappeared around the corner.

  I stared at the paper in my hand. Stationery paper. I opened it and read it. Those four words scrawled in messy man-like handwriting stopped the air from going into my lungs as everything around me stilled instantly.


  Suddenly the air roared in my ear, rushed forcefully through my nose, and my heart beat painfully hard
against my ribs.

  I would not cry. I would not cry I would not-

  I slammed the door shut, feeling the leak from my eyes.

  The paper shook in my hand, nearly like the delivery shrimp had been.

  And I was crying because my enemy had done something and then apologized for it.

  You knew he wasn't serious Monica, so why? Why do you let this wet stuff leak from your eyes.

  My eyes widened. Because I don't think that strong feeling in my chest was hatred…

  And I was barely realizing it.

  Chapter 31

  She made sure her golden eyes shone behind her black eyelashes correctly before tucking a wayward curl behind her ear. She checked her clothes before exiting the bathroom. On the way out, she bumped into the girl click-clacking her way past her trying to get into the bathroom.

  After regaining her balance, the girl took out her compact mirror to check her makeup. Satisfied that it was still perfect, she kept walking, making her way back to her classroom.

  She was so engrossed in trying to look her best that she almost bumped into the couple with their mouths glued together. The girl almost yelled, "get a room!" when she noticed the guy grabbing the girl close to him was none other than the Ice King, Clinton Packman. Her heart did a quick flutter before her eyes rested on the girl. Her eyes widened in shock and disgust.

  The commoner? What the hell?


  The girl hid herself around the corner. Mentally, she pulled her hair out; in her head, she stamped her feet. It was unfair! It was wrong! It had to be stopped!

  Quickly, the girl whipped out her latest-modeled iPhone and snapped more than enough pictures.

  As she scanned through them, an evil smile spread from ear to ear.

  This might just do it. She saved each picture and walked away, not headed back to class, but to the library.

  She had make a few important copies.

  Tomorrow was just going to be a ball!

  Gaya came in a little while later, not saying a word. She probably felt the atmosphere around me. Either that, or she heard me sniffing. Either way, she grabbed her pajamas and told me she was going to take a shower. A few minutes later, I heard the shower start up.

  I huddled more into a ball.

  Yes. Realizing things didn't fix the situation. Instead, it made it worse.

  It wasn't the apology from an enemy anymore, it was a rejection. And those things hurt worse. It doused all your hopes. Made you feel the lowest. No, take that back, it made you feel like nothing.

  The sounds of spraying water cut off twenty minutes later, and a few minutes after that, the door opened.

  I heard Gaya walk to her bed. Heard her rustling around as though putting things away. Then the bed creaked.

  Silence rang.

  Then a sigh.


  I didn't say anything. Not that I didn't hear her, but more like I couldn't speak. There was something in my throat the size of my fist, and I was willing to bet that if I opened my mouth even just a little, that "something" would burst into sobs. So I clamped my lips shut.

  I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I flinched. I squeezed my eyes shut too. I was too scared to look at her. I knew she was concerned, and that would show on her face. I didn't need that.

  "Monica, could you just-"

  "In the morning!" I sobbed. "I'll…talk about it in the morning…"

  Silence again.

  Then another sigh.

  "Okay." She walked away slowly, as if hesitantly. Then I heard the sound of her office chair, and I knew she sat at her desk. The crinkling sound I heard next suggested that she had pulled out some papers.

  She was probably doing her homework.

  And I?

  I silently cried myself to sleep.

  Chapter 32

  Gaya sighed. "Gosh." Was all she said. I told her how I felt and what happened the very next morning. It was surprisingly the first thing on her mind when she woke up. I was glad she didn't look at me with disgust or pity. God, that was the last thing I needed. Instead, she had an understanding look and an expression that said I'm-with-you-whatever-you-do.

  I looked away, feeling tears of gratitude fill my eyes. I blinked them away fast and stood. "Well, I decided to act like I don't know him at all. I can't deal with him right now."

  Gaya looked as though she wanted to say something, but she stood and smiled. "I think you should do that too."

  I smiled back. Then motioned to the door. "I'm going to go get some breakfast. Did you want to come?"

  "Ah…actually, I have to get ready now. I still haven't changed."

  I scanned her clothes, realizing she had woken up after I had gotten ready. "Oh. Ah. Okay."

  "I'll meet up with you after I change, okay?" She headed to her bureau.

  "Okay." I grabbed my backpack and left.

  I was surprised as I made my way to the cafeteria that I could actually take a deep breath, considering the mess I had been this morning. I guess all I had to do was get it out.

  And take Clinton's advice. Just forget about it.

  But then, thinking about the guy made the incident pop up and I had to beat it back, cover it up and lock it up and scoot it to the back of my head.

  It was the only way I would get through the day.

  I entered the cafeteria smiling, but it slowly disappeared as I looked around to see a mixed variety of expressions on the faces of many.

  Disgust. Shock. Anger. Disappointment. Resentment.

  The only reason it made me stop smiling was because those expressions were directed solely at me.

  The conversation died down as many more turned and glared at me.

  It faltered my steps, as no one spoke a word. They only vehemently stared at me.

  When no one spoke up, I resumed walking, making my breakfast plate and walked toward the usual table that Martin, Gaya and I shared all the while feeling everyone's eyes on me.

  The people in front of me parted, letting me pass easy enough, although they still stared daggers at me.

  It wasn't until the last person moved out of the way from my table that I understood everything.

  My plate fell unnoticed to the floor.

  Photos of what happened yesterday were scattered all over the table. Pictures of Clinton and I locked in that kiss were everywhere. There were so many copies that it covered the whole table and spilled over to the seats and the floor. In a thick, dark red sharpie, the word "DISGUSTING!" Was scrawled in the middle of the mess.

  It wasn't embarrassment that bubbled up, but rage. Complete, unbearable rage.

  "Damn him!" I scooped up the closest picture and stomped out of the cafeteria. On the way out, the students around me called me names. And when I exited the cafeteria door, people were waiting to throw things at me. I protected my face, running, pushing through the people as eggs, waffles, pancakes hit me. Someone even threw orange juice on me.

  I gritted my teeth and pushed on, the only thing keeping me going was the thought of killing Clinton.

  I finally made it through the crowd of students, and I kept running, making my way toward the dorms. I stomped up the stairs, stomping past 112, walking down the stairs then up again to the 200's building.

  I kept going until I reached his door. I didn't give it a thought, but banged on the door.

  "Open the door!" I screamed.

  I banged harder.

  "Damn! Can't you wait until a more reasonable-" Clinton's messy head, shirtless top, and silky blue pajama bottoms made an appearance. I didn't even think.

  I shoved my finger at his chest. "You stupid, conniving, scheming, deceitful, arrogant A**HOLE!" I took a step with each word I spat out. And with each step I took, he took one back, The last word I spat out had him tripping and falling on his bottom.

  He looked up at me, his face a mask of total surprise.

  "How are you going to tell me to forget it happened and then put these all over the place?" I
threw the picture at him. It fell in his lap where he picked it up.

  He took one look at it, then back at me. "I-I didn't-"


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