[B.S. #2] Bound to Cyn

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[B.S. #2] Bound to Cyn Page 1

by Dale Cadeau

  Braden Security 2

  Bound to Cyn

  Ahtahkakoop "Angel," a Native American known as "the seer" by his partners and ex-army buddies of Braden Security, is asked by Clay, one of his partners, for a favor. The local private members only club has been having trouble with someone trying to snatch women out of its parking lot. Angel expects a very routine case but it turns out that nothing is routine when he meets Cyn.

  Cinnamon "Cyn" is cool and collected on the surface but is hiding a dark past. When Cyn’s past comes back to haunt her and her secrets are revealed, it becomes a game of mind control between Cyn, the stalker, and Angel. With the help of the rest of the team, they put the pieces together and learn there is more to the predator then just wanting to snatch random women.

  When Cyn disappears, a search ensues that leads to Northern California with their only clue being a garden with special seeds.

  Genre: Contemporary, Romantic Suspense

  Length: 60,311 words


  Braden Security 2

  Dale Cadeau


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2014 by Dale Cadeau

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-607-8

  First E-book Publication: April 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher




  To my mother, who always said there was nothing better than a good book. To my daughter Keri (Jade Belfry) and our many lunches where we talk over the lives and loves of the characters in our books. To Faye, Shannon, and Kristy for their support, and finally, to my husband who never tires of me asking how to spell a word.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  About the Author


  Braden Security 2


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Cinnamon stood in her five-inch heels and reached up to the shelf above her to turn a bottle so that she could see the label. It was Friday night and she only had a little time left to finish inventory before the club would be packed to capacity.

  She was taking inventory on the BDSM side of Vanilla Spice Private Playground, or the VSP Playground as the clients like to call it, and wanted to complete it as soon as possible. It was a joint club that she owned with her partner, Lance. Cinnamon’s side was ‘Vanillia,” a quiet and classy cocktail lounge.

  Although both bars that made up the Playground were popular, they couldn't be more different. “Spice” was the area’s hottest BDSM club. Membership was exclusive and people applied months in advance to play there.

  She usually only took care of the vanilla side of the Playground, but Lance’s involvement with his friend Clay from Braden Security had prompted the transition. Now she had to rearrange her schedule to help Lance with the small things needed to run both sections.

  Although people were dying to get into Spice, Cinnamon couldn’t wait to get out. As she made her order list, she hoped her outfit of a tight black corset, mini skirt and the ridiculous, excruciating heels she was wearing didn’t show off more of her body than she wanted. Lance demanded that while she was on his side that she dress appropriately, so as to not confuse the guests.

  The black wig slipped down a bit. She was almost finished. If she hurried she could place the order with their suppliers and get a liquor delivery by noon the next day. She just had a few more pieces to count, and a quick meeting with Lance. After those two things were done she could change back into her own clothes and slip back to her side of the club where she belonged.

  The group of people talking around the bar suddenly became unusually silent. Cinnamon, whose back was to the room, turned to find out what had everyone’s attention. Looking around, she didn’t see anything in particular until she took notice that the majority of people were looking at the front entrance. Looking in the same direction, Cinnamon caught her breath. She now knew what had everyone’s attention. Standing on the top step leading down into the bar area was a very large, tall muscular man. If she wasn’t mistaken, he had to be at least six foot five, and his colouring indicated he was Native American. He looked like a war
rior standing there with his hands on his hips, surveying the room like it was his domain. His black hair was long and hung down enough to sweep the top of his shoulders and brush the leather vest he was wearing. With his hands on his hips, it stretched the vest he was wearing, opening it, and allowed her to see his magnificent chest lightly covered in black hair. She had seen many Doms before, working side by side with Lance, but she didn’t think she had ever had the pleasure of seeing one this beautiful.

  Angel stood on the top step of the spice side of the Playground and swept the room with black piercing eyes, wondering how the hell he got himself into this mess. Damn Clay and his favour. How could he refuse when all the big guy wanted was to spend time with the lady he’d met here in the vanilla bar. It couldn’t have been the spice side of the bar. No it had to be the vanilla side. Damn it! Clay was comfortable in this side. He wasn’t. He didn’t understand it and didn’t want to.

  This was his second night at the club, but with last night’s commotion with a woman being almost snatched, he hadn’t had a chance to look in depth at the spice side of the bar. He had expected to see naked bodies and whips, but all was quiet with just a few people milling around the bar area. Feeling at a loss what to do, he narrowed his gaze to a woman behind the bar. She couldn’t be too tall as Angel could only make out the top half of her from this angle. She was dressed all in black, with her black hair tied up in some kind of bun, holding a clipboard in her hand. She probably worked at the bar here. Angel thought he would start with her as he didn’t see Lance, Clay’s friend, anywhere around.

  Walking down the three steps into the floor area, he made his way in her direction. He knew he was being stared at but didn’t know why, looking at some of the costumes some of the patrons were wearing. Angel ignored their stares. He knew what he looked like dressed in leather pants and a vest with no shirt. He felt like he was dressed up for some Halloween party. He didn’t feel comfortable in the clothes, but Clay and Lance had both assured him that the Doms in this place all wore the same. So knowing that he had to try and fit in, he had allowed himself to be outfitted by Lance’s tailor. Even Laura, Clay’s lady, had said he fit in and looked OK.

  Arriving at the long mahogany bar, he could now see the woman behind it fully. Taking in the black corset and skirt she wore, Angel admired the curvy body that it showcased. Looking into her large violet eyes, Angel took in her appearance. The black hair didn’t seem to suit her. In his opinion, the hair was too dark for her pale complexion. Angel stood there a moment and just admired the view. When it didn’t look like she was going to speak first, he mustered up his courage and leaned forward over the bar to ask her a question.

  “Is Lance here? I was supposed to meet him at eight o’clock.”

  Cinnamon had watched the large man as he approached the bar. God, he was big. She almost licked her lips as he neared. The swagger in his walk told her he was comfortable in his skin and proud of his heritage. As her eyes made their way slowly up his muscular body, she met his coal-black eyes and realized he was speaking to her. Gathering her thoughts away from his body, she finally took in his words.

  Closing her mouth, which had dropped open at the first sight of him, she shuddered. “You’re looking for Lance? I think he’s in his office.”

  Angel knew he was making her nervous as she shifted her eyes away from his and he leaned closer over the bar, getting a whiff of her perfume. It smelled of some spice that seemed familiar but he couldn’t name, though it didn’t seem to match her outward appearance. Looking like she did, he expected to smell something bold and exotic.

  “Can you tell me where the office is, or better yet show me? We were to meet and discuss my position.”

  Cinnamon couldn’t believe Lance had hired someone without her knowledge. They always discussed any new hires, but looking up into the eyes of the man standing before her, she knew that he wasn’t lying.

  “If you go back through the doors to the entrance hall, Lance’s office is the door just behind Bob at the front desk. Lance usually takes a couple of minutes to himself before coming in for the night. I’m sure that’s where you’ll find him.” Cinnamon was starting to feel a tingling sensation going through her body the more he stared at her. When he had leaned closer over the bar, her panties dampened. She had never had that kind of reaction to any man without knowing him first. Next she knew, her nipples would start peaking, wanting to escape the tight corset she was wearing. She had to get him to back off and give her time to get her bearings.

  “I’m not sure I could find it. Could you take time away from the bar to show me?” Angel’s eyes now had a twinkle in them. He didn’t want to move on without knowing more about this woman, and he also needed a minute for his cock to go down. Leaning against the bar like he was, no one would notice. But he knew if he had to walk back across the room, there was no way the soft leather of his pants would be able to hold it down.

  She hesitated for a moment, giving him another long look, then laid her clipboard down on the bar and walked around it to stand in front of him. The first thing Angel noticed was that she was smaller than he first thought. The bar must have been raised, as she just barely reached his chest, even in her heels. She was small and compact with just enough curves for Angel to ache to get his hands on.

  “OK, but I don’t think a guy like you would get lost.” Cinnamon pointed her finger toward the large door at the top of the steps, and waved her hand to get him to walk in front of her.

  But Angel wasn’t having that. He stepped aside and gestured for her to lead the way. “You first.”

  She eyed him warily before moving forward.

  Following her allowed him to hide his cock, which seemed determined to stay up now that he’d seen the whole picture. It also allowed him to admire the sway of her generous hips as she walked in front of him. Maybe this job would have some benefits after all.

  * * * *

  Lance looked up from his desk as Cinnamon and Angel opened his door and walked into his office. The first thing Lance noticed was that the unflappable Cinnamon looked nervous, and Angel was looking at her like he could eat her for breakfast.

  Cinnamon walked swiftly around the desk to his side as if she needed protection from the large man following her. Lance just glanced at her as she settled by his side, and he could tell it wasn’t all nerves that had her jumpy. He knew her too well. She also seemed excited about something. Well, well. He’d have to see what he could do to encourage these sparks flying between these two. Cinnamon was always so cool and collected. To see her react to a man she had just met was unbelievable. She was his best friend and partner who had seen Doms of every shape and size from their first opening until today. None had even swayed her to take a chance and go out or socialize with any of them.

  Angel stopped in front of Lance’s desk but didn’t let his eyes leave Cinnamon’s face. Angel could tell she was responding to him and didn’t want to waste time talking to Lance. Sure, he knew he had a job to do for Clay, but sometimes one just had to strike while the iron was hot as his grandmother was always telling him. She also talked in length about him finding his soul mate and when and if found, one had to stake a claim. He had learned all these lessons on her knee and thought she was just spinning yarn to keep him amused when he was young. But he now had to rethink his mindset. He had never had an urge to grab a woman in his life and run away with her. This attraction was new to him. He had had many women in his life. He was no saint. In the army they always had the tagalong women, who would give anything to nail an officer. They were free for the picking in most army bases. Since being a civilian, Angel never had any trouble either. Even some of his security jobs had him gently refusing offers. He was a man with large needs but had always managed to control them until a welcome outlet came along. He didn’t even know her name yet, but he already knew his attraction to her was different from anything he had felt before. He hoped like hell that she wasn’t Lance’s because he just couldn’t bear the thought of not ha
ving her.

  “Do we have a problem here?” Lance asked Cinnamon as she stood beside him.

  Cinnamon raised her eyes from the floor, trying not to look at Angel. “No nothing wrong. What made you ask? I just brought one of your new Doms that got lost.

  Lance rose from his desk, trying to defuse the tension he could feel pulsing between the two. “Angel, glad you decided to come back tonight. Last night we didn’t have time to get you up to speed. I know you must have a lot of questions after your brief glimpse at the spice side last night. I just rang through to Mark. He’s one of the best dungeon masters that we have and he’ll show you the ropes.”

  Angel’s eyes finally left Cinnamon’s and looked at Lance. “I don’t think that will be necessary. This lovely lady looks like she could show me everything that is needed.”

  Lance turned toward Cinnamon, who had now moved behind his office chair and held it with both hands gripping the leather.

  “Cyn, I don’t think so. She runs the vanilla bar next door and is helping me out. She doesn’t have anything to do with the BDSM side where you will be working.”

  “She sure looks like she fits in with the others on your side. Are you sure she couldn’t show me the ropes? I think a female’s perspective to the goings-on would help me to understand better and explain the rules.” Angel wanted her by his side. What better way to keep her there if she had to teach him this BDSM business?

  “Cyn was doing me a favour and taking inventory, as I’m wrapped up with finding this guy that’s chasing the entire female population away from the Playground. And you are supposed to be helping with that matter. I’ll just get Mark and you can get started. I know Clay probably brought you up to date with our problem, and you saw some of it firsthand last night. But I have started to go through all the women that are members and maybe weed out any that would be in danger or any matching the description of the other women that had been accosted.”


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