[B.S. #2] Bound to Cyn

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[B.S. #2] Bound to Cyn Page 5

by Dale Cadeau

  Striding over to the front of her desk, he took another long look and just reached out and plucked her from her seat and over the top of her desk into his arms. With a little yelp, her glasses fell off as she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

  Angel just squeezed her tightly and breathed in her scent. There it was…the same smell as the first night, a little spicy and light. He would never forget her scent as long as he lived. This was the smell of his mate just like his grandmother had told him. He wouldn’t have to see with his eyes to recognize her, he would know just by her scent. He had always thought that his grandmother was spinning a yarn. But Angel knew now that she spoke the truth. This woman in his arms, no matter what she looked like, was his mate. His cock knew. It was trying to reach though his leather pants to get closer to the warmth of her core.

  Chase followed him into the room. He couldn’t believe that Angel, who was always so calm and collected, had walked into an office and just snatched the woman up from behind her desk.

  “I didn’t know this place had a store of beautiful women that you could just snatch up and claim. God, what have I been missing?” Chase gave Angel and the woman in his arms an amused look.

  Cinnamon, after getting over her shock, released Angel’s neck and gripped his shoulders. She could feel the hard ridge of his cock poking her in a very interesting spot and knew she had to move before her body betrayed her and she started rubbing herself on him.

  “Let me down. Who do you think you are walking in and grabbing me this way?” Her voice was louder than she thought and must have carried through to Lance’s office, because when she looked away from Angel, Lance stood beside a very amused Chase.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” Lance looked at Cinnamon squirming in Angel’s arm and didn’t know if he should be pissed or amused like the guy beside him. “And let her down,” he added.

  Chase took that moment to pipe in. “I think he was window shopping and found something he wanted. I take it you’re the owner? With what I’ve seen tonight, I can tell you right now that I would like to apply for a membership.”

  Lance looked at Chase standing beside him. “You look familiar. Who are you? I don’t think we were introduced. And what the hell are you dressed up for?”

  Cinnamon could not believe that Lance was not taking her situation serious. “Can’t you leave the introduction until later? Can’t you see I need help?”

  Lance decided to be amused. He knew Angel wouldn’t hurt her. As he and Chase both looked at her still held in Angel’s arms, Chase said. “You don’t have to worry, Angel is harmless.” Turning back, they continued their conversation about Chase’s clothes and membership cost.

  Cinnamon finally gave up her struggle and loosened her grip on Angel’s shoulders. She knew he wouldn’t let her fall. Reaching out, she placed both of her hands on his cheeks and shook his head a little. He was standing there with his eyes closed, and if she was right, he was breathing her in. “Angel. Angel, please let me go.”

  Angel felt her small palms on his face and opened his eyes and looked straight into her large brown ones. Giving her another small squeeze, he gently let her slid down his body, feeling all her soft curves until her feet met the carpet. She felt so good he didn’t want to let her go. He just wanted to become like a warrior of old and snatch her up and run away where they could be alone.

  Clay, who had followed Lance from his office after hearing the noise, just stood in the doorway and shook his head.

  In the office, Chase was dressed like he was going to a wedding, all decked out in a three-piece suit, while Angel was holding a tiny woman around her waist. He had his eyes shut as if he was savoring the woman. Clay knew he had to get control of the situation fast. People might think a scene was being played out and start to gather.

  Clay walked into the room, and cleared his throat loudly. When he was still ignored, he put his fingers up to his lips, gave a loud whistle and slammed the door.

  “What the hell is going on in here? First, Angel let the woman go. I won’t let her leave the room. And you, Chase, what are you doing here? And man what are you dressed up for now?”

  Lance, who had been talking to Chase, looked up and realized what had been happening just a few feet away. “Yes, what the hell are you doing with Cinnamon, Angel?

  Angel finally released the woman and opened his eyes. He still held her loosely in his arms, but at least she had her feet under her on solid ground.

  Angel just turned their way and smiled. His hands now held a squirming and pissed off Cinnamon. “I found her. I knew she was here.”

  Cinnamon had had enough of the manhandling. Taking one of her hands, she grabbed Angel by the balls and squeezed.

  Angel just looked down at her, like she couldn’t do any wrong and told her “Be careful love, if we want children later on, you can’t squeeze too hard.”

  Turning beet red, Cinnamon released her grip on him and faced the other men in the room and shrieked. “Get him off me before I do something I’ll regret again.”

  “I think you are doing a great job. It sure got his attention,” Chase told her.

  Clay had heard enough. “Angel, let her go right now and I mean it this time. You told me you were looking for a tall woman with long black hair and violet eyes. Well, what you have captured is nowhere near her description. Are you feeling OK?”

  “Oh, it’s her. She changed her appearance and I don’t know how she got smaller, but it’s her. I sensed her as soon as I walked in this office.” Angel finally dropped her hand and Cinnamon backed up a few paces away from him.

  “OK, if you say so. We have our yearly checkup coming up and I am going to make sure that they give you an eye test. Lance, this woman is your partner right? I met her a few times but for the life of me can’t remember her name,” Clay said to Lance, who was keeping a close eye on a very pissed-off Cinnamon now.

  “Yes, this is my partner. Her name is Cinnamon. Angel better watch his step. I protect all my women.” Lance turned his serious blue eyes on Angel.

  “She’s your woman?” Angel walked up to Lance, looking down at him and getting into his personal space. “She doesn’t look claimed. She has no ring or wear a collar like you Doms seem to put on their woman.”

  “Back off, Angel.” Clay stepped up to the both of them. “He didn’t mean it that way. He takes care of all the women that come to this place. Any single woman in this place is always looked after by all of the Doms. Nothing is going to happen in here.”

  Angel took a step back from Lance and turned to Clay. “Well he has one less to look after. From now on that’s my job. I’m claiming her, if that’s the term that they use in here.”

  Cinnamon, with her mouth ajar, stepped in the middle of the three men. Chase just stood back like he was watching a good TV show playing out.

  “I can look after myself and you can’t claim me like I’m property. I’m not one of the subs here. Could you please all leave my office? I have to get out to the bar. They might need help.”

  Cinnamon was rattled but tried to keep her voice even. She had a strong reaction to Angel, too. But she would be damned if he thought he could own her. Walking back around her desk, she sat down and looked at the three large men standing in her small office. Suddenly, she felt smothered. They seemed to be sucking all the oxygen out of the room. She had to get them out of here before she had a panic attack. She could feel her brow getting moist with sweat. A sure sign that she would be in an all-out panic soon.

  Catching Lance’s eye, she pleaded silently with him to get them out of her office. Lance picked up the signs right away. He knew about her attacks and how she hated having people witness them.

  “Let’s leave Cinnamon alone for a while. Come, we will continue this in my office.” He held his hand up, stemming any arguments from the others, and gestured toward his office

  Chapter Seven

  Leading the way to the door, Lance gave Clay a look as he passe
d him. Clay knew he meant business. Clay walked up and grabbed Angel’s arm, who still wanted to stay and lay claim, and pulled him out of the office. Chase, the last one to leave, turned to Cinnamon, winked, and told her, “You know the big guy won’t give up? I think you should take this time and prepare yourself for his full attention now that he’s found you.”

  Angel shrugged off Clay’s hold as soon as they reached Lance’s office. He seemed to come out of some stupor he had been in,

  Turning to Lance, Angel said, “That woman is the same one I met in the bar last night, I know it. Why was she dressed like that last night and in the spice side of the bar?”

  “Cyn was only dressed that way because I won’t let her in my side unless she fits in. I’ve known her all my life and that’s all I’m going to say on the matter. You’re here with Clay to find the man responsible for scaring our woman. Not carrying one off for yourself.”

  Chase, who had made himself right at home in Lance’s office, slouched in a chair and said, “And now we get to the interesting part. What man are we talking about? Is this the case you were talking about at the office? What can I do to help? After all, with James on his honeymoon, I think it’s my duty to step in and take his place.”

  Clay, who had been watching the exchange between Lance and Angel, turned disbelieving eyes his way. “Like you helped us with Avery? Don’t you have some stock to watch or something? I think we have this handled. And now I have time to think. Why are you dressed up like you’re going to the opera? We told you last time not to dress in your fancy duds if you’re with us.”

  “I asked Grant about the club. He told me that this was the VIP Playground. So naturally I dressed this way.” Chase brushed an imaginary piece of lint off his jacket.

  “It’s not the VIP Playground, you got the name wrong. It’s the VSP Playground. It stands for Vanilla, Spice, Private. Not VIP,” Clay replied with a disbelieving look at Chase. How could he be such an idiot?

  “Well I kind of clued in as soon as I stepped in the Spice bar. The ladies were sure showing off their wares. Why do you always go to places like this and I’m the last to know about them?” Chase ignored Clay’s look.

  Clay tried to be patient and explain things to Chase. “Look, Chase, this is a BDSM club that’s why. I didn’t think you wanted anything to do with the lifestyle?”

  “I think I’ve changed my mind.” Chase looked at Clay with a grin on his face.

  Angel was getting impatient listening to the exchange between Clay and Chase. He broke in and said, “Can’t we get back to Cinnamon now? I want to know more about her. Since she works here, she is in danger, just like the other women. So let’s look at the last camera surveillance and try to catch this bastard. Chase, if you want to stay and help, you have to remain in the office. You caused too much of a stir in your present outfit. If you come back you’ll have to try to fit in and dress appropriately.”

  * * * *

  Cinnamon could hear them talk though the thin wall separating her office from Lance’s. She had finally calmed down and had her breathing under control. The way Angel had just grabbed her out of the chair had made her marvel at his strength but also cringe at being under his control so fast that she didn’t have time to react. She would never let anyone have complete control over her again.

  The last mess she had been in, she had barely made it out in one piece thanks to Lance and the police. She was never going to relive that feeling of having no control again. She couldn’t understand the subs, giving up complete control to a man. Didn’t they know that giving complete control to the wrong man could backfire on you? While she didn’t think the subs had to worry about the Dom belonging to the club, she still cringed every time they looked at the Dom’s with complete adoration. Remembering her misplaced adoration from the past was something she was prone to do every time she had a panic attack, did not help with the current situation.

  Gathering up her purse and coat, she turned out her office light and made for the door. Time to go home, get some sleep and try to forget about Angel and controlling men. The bar could look after itself for one night. She had trained all the staff and knew that they could handle things. Saying good night to Bob at the front desk she made her way down the steps and into the parking lot. Shrugging on her coat she hurried past a few people just arriving but didn’t stop to talk, making a beeline straight to her car. She didn’t want to have to see Angel or any of the others tonight, she had had enough. Standing beside her car she opened her purse searching for her keys.

  So wrapped in her thoughts, she didn’t hear the man come up behind her and didn’t even realize anything was happening until she felt large arms grab her around the waist. Startled, she just dropped her purse and stood in shock for a minute. It wasn’t until she heard his voice, that she reacted. She grabbed at the arms around her waist and yelled

  “Let me go!”

  “Quiet down and I won’t hurt you,” he said as he started to lift her off her feet and pull her between the cars. Struggling with the man, the panic took over and she tried to hit him anyplace she could reach. Even with her struggles, he managed to pull her two cars down away from where her car was parked. Finally, she heard the yells of people getting out of their cars. The guy looked at them heading their way. Letting her go, he shoved her to the hard paved ground.

  “It’s not over,” he told her and took off through the parking lot, darting between the parked cars. Pushing herself up by her hands, she made it to her feet in time to watch two men give chase, but he had too much of a lead and disappeared into the street and the buildings beyond. Wiping her hands on her pants, she took a deep breath and started making her way back to her car. People were now starting to come out of the club, with Lance, Clay, and Angel leading the way.

  Angel thought his heart would stop when he heard the commotion at the front door. His first thoughts were of Cinnamon. Rushing to her office, he found it empty and dark. Racing behind Lance and Clay, who were outside the front door, he caught up with them and passed them on their way to the row of cars. He could see Cinnamon picking up something off the ground near one of the cars parked in the front row. Reaching her, he swept her up in his arms and squeezed her. Cinnamon was having none of it. “

  “Let me go you big brute,” Cinnamon yelled at Angel as she squirmed in his arms. Clay and Lance, when they reached the couple, tried to pry Angel’s arms from around her. Angel was not listening to them. He didn’t want to let her go now that he knew she was safe and in his arms.

  Clay spoke to Angel in a calm voice, trying to get the big guy to release her. “Angel, we have to see if she’s hurt. You have to let her go.” Finally Angel gently let her stand and started to look her over from top to bottom. She didn’t look hurt, just very pissed off, and all the anger was now directed at him.

  Lance turned her away from Angel and asked, “God, are you OK?”

  “I’m fine. Let me go. And keep him away from me. I don’t need two attacks in one night.” She knew she wasn’t being reasonable. Angel hadn’t attacked her, but her panic attack was starting to take over again and all she wanted was to be left alone.

  Angel heard her words and felt terrible. He hadn’t thought. In his rush to make sure she was OK, he had grabbed her, probably like the bastard just had.

  “I’m sorry, Cyn. I didn’t think. I wouldn’t hurt you for the world. Are you injured? Should I take you to a hospital?”

  “I’m OK. I just want to go home. Lance, please get all the people back in the club. I’m fine, really.” She controlled the tone of her voice and tried to disguise its trembling tone with her last bit of strength.

  Lance turned and looked at all the members standing around, staring and listening to their conversation. He knew he had to do damage control and get them back in the party mood.

  “I can’t let you go home alone. Come back into the club, give me ten minutes, and I will drive you home. I don’t want you going home alone. You don’t know if this guy will follow you
.” Lance was torn between getting the members back in the club and seeing Cinnamon safely home.

  Clay, who had been standing a few feet away, keeping the people back, spoke up. “I’ll take her home and make sure she’s OK.”

  “No, I’ll take her home. She is my responsibility and I will look after her.” Angel’s tone of voice brooked no argument as he stood to his full height and put his hand on his hips and snarled at Clay. No one but him was taking her home and looking after her. She was his.

  Cinnamon, who was now feeling exhausted, just wanted to go home and all the fussing to stop.

  “I am no one’s responsibility. I can look after myself,” she told Angel as she opened her car door.

  Lance grabbed her arm, stopping her from entering her car. “You have to let someone go with you. You’re not safe and if you can’t wait, Clay or Angel will have to go with you. Otherwise you’re not leaving and I really don’t think you should be driving either.”

  Cinnamon looked between Clay and Angel. Clay was angry that the guy had the nerve to try and grab someone on his watch and his hard face looked cold with pent up fury. Turning to Angel, she saw that he looked like he wanted to make up for scaring her after the attack and held out the keys to him. “Angel can take me home. If he can squeeze himself into my car? I really don’t think this is necessary, but if that’s the only way I can get to go home, I’ll take it.”

  Angel took the keys from her outstretched hand and gently took her arm and led her to the passenger side door. Opening the door, he seated her and pulled the seat belt around her and snapped it shut. Closing the door, he looked over the top of the car at Lance and Clay “Cinnamon will be fine. I look after what is mine, Trust me no one is going to harm her, and live to tell about it.”

  After watching Angel pull out of the parking lot, Lance and Clay made their way back into the club, herding the members ahead of them. Clay took notice that Chase was not with them. “Lance, do you see Chase? I though he came out with us.”


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