[B.S. #2] Bound to Cyn

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[B.S. #2] Bound to Cyn Page 17

by Dale Cadeau

  James walked up to both of them. “You two seem to be having a serious discussion. What’s it about?”

  Angel turned to James. “Lance was just warning me about looking after Cyn.”

  “You don’t have to worry about Angel, Lance. The guys and I will vouch for him. I know he will treasure Cyn until the end of times.”

  “Angel, did you do the noble thing and ask her parents’ permission to marry Cyn? Avery had no parents or close relatives so I didn’t have to go through that. And what about your grandmother? Don’t you think you should tell her?” James asked Angel.

  Lance spoke up and answered James. “Her parents wouldn’t care. They didn’t help her when she needed them years ago and made it known that she is not their daughter anymore. So, I’m the closest that you get to family.” Lance looked over at Cyn as she talked to Clay and Chase. “She looks so happy, I guess I give my blessings.”

  “Well, I have met Angel’s grandmother and she will want to know. Isn’t it usually the elders that negotiate the marriage settlement and plans?” James looked at Angel with a grin.

  Angel laughed at James. “You’re right. She will be calling Cyn’s parents and wanting a marriage settlement. If I know her, I better call and tell her.”

  “Maybe we should stop on our way back and let her meet Cyn?” James enquired of Angel.

  “I would like that, but it’s not easy to get to, you know that from our last visit. She still lives on the reserve. And what about Avery? She must be anxious for you to return home.”

  “Let me deal with Avery. I can have her meet me at the airport in Havre City in Montana, close to the reserve, and we can all go and see your grandmother. I always liked the area around there. Maybe I will continue my honeymoon after the visit. In fact, let me break the news to your grandmother. And we will surprise her with the visit.”

  “I don’t know about that. I should call her.” Angel watched as James took out his cell phone.

  “Angel, you’re part of my extended family, also. Let me do this. It will make the surprise even greater when we get there. I’ll tell her that you are on a mission and can’t call right now.”

  “OK, I’ll leave it you.” Angel looked over at Cyn talking to Chase and his concentration turned from his grandmother to watching Chase, the smooth talker, trying to work his charm on her. He was making Cyn laugh and Angel jealous, so he hurried over to her side.

  James watched Angel hurry over to Cyn. He then took Lance by the arm, his other hand still holding his cell phone, and guided him into one of the small bedrooms.

  “Lance, I know that you might have misgivings about Angel, but I’ve never met a better man. I wanted to talk to you about the wedding ceremony that Angel’s grandmother will want. I think we should give it to her. She’s ninety and as smart as a tack, I think she deserves this. I’m going to call her and arrange everything. Your job is to inform Cyn without Angel finding out. If I know Angel’s grandmother, she will have everything ready when we get there, she’s a ball of energy. We can have another wedding ceremony after, if Cyn wants one. But I think Angel would like to go with the old traditions to please his grandmother.”

  “I think Cyn will agree to just about anything that Angel would want. She has fallen hard for him,” Lance agreed.

  “Leave it to me. Just make sure Angel doesn’t find out.” James raised his cell phone and was already starting to dial. Lance left the room to try and get Cyn from under Angel’s watchful eye and tell her about James’s plan.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Two days later they were allowed to leave and were finally boarding the jet. The night of their celebration, they had all thought that it was their last night in California and were all anxious to go home. But a knock on the door early the next morning changed their way of thinking. The Feds were back again on the other side, wanting more questions answered. Hours turned into two days. They went over their story time and again. Angel didn’t get it. How many times did they have to tell the same story?

  James seemed to be taking it better than Angel thought he would. After all, he had Avery waiting for him at home. But all the guys took it in stride, not complaining too much, which puzzled Angel. Even Lance didn’t seem in any rush to get back to the club. Lance had talked to the Doms at the club and after Cyn’s disappearance, there were no more incidents of a man trying to grab women in the parking lot. Everything was quiet.

  The plane touched down two hours later in a small airport in the middle of nowhere. Two stretch limos were waiting. Angel didn’t know why he was surprised at them being there. It seemed everywhere they went with Chase, limos were always waiting for them.

  After piling into the limos, they had the long drive to the reserve. As they approached, they noticed a cloud of smoke rising from the middle of the small village. Getting closer, Angel could make out a bunch of people waiting for them at the entrance. Angel looked over at James. “I thought this was a surprise?”

  “Well it is a surprise—for you,” James replied and opened the door as the limo stopped in front of the people gathered there.

  Angel first noticed his grandmother, all dressed in ceremonial dress among the people gathered around the limo. The next thing he heard was a large whoop. Turning to his right, he spotted Avery step away from the others and jump into James’s arms as he neared her. Turning back, he looked down at Cyn sitting beside him and saw the wide smile on her face. “What’s up? You look like you know what is going on.”

  Cyn just grabbed on to Angel’s arm and they both got out of the limo. “Just go with it, Angel. Introduce me to your grandmother.”

  Angel took Cyn by her elbow and led her to a small wrinkled woman in full regalia, beaming at them with a wide smile. As they reached her, she took her two small hands and raised them to Angel’s face and pulled him down until he was eye level with her.

  “My boy, I am so proud of you.” Letting him go, she reached a hand out to Cyn. “And this is your special lady. I can see the glow come off both of you. It is very special when you meet your soul mate in the same lifetime. Cyn, I am glad that you finally found my boy. I told him he would find his soul mate and he did.”

  The small woman took Cyn by the hand and started to lead her away from the crowd. Angel started to follow, but she turned and found James. Looking at James, she gave him a nod. “I will look after Cyn. You are to look after Angel. You know what to do.” Then she just continued to lead Cyn away to her small house that could be seen halfway down the village.

  James let Avery down. Still holding her hand, he walked over to Angel, gripping his shoulder. “Let her go. We have things to do. Clay, Brad, Grant, come with us.” Lance and Chase, who were chatting up two native beauties, also left off at hearing his words and followed James. They went to a large house just to the left.

  Cyn was ushered into the grandmother’s house. The house was small but well kept and smelled of exotic flavors. Leading Cyn pass the kitchen into a bedroom, Angel’s grandmother showed her a very beautiful native dress. “This is for you. I made this for Angel’s mother when she got married. I would be proud if you would wear it today when you become Angel’s wife and daughter of my heart.”

  “This is beautiful. I would be honored to wear it…Angel never did tell me your name. He just calls you Grandma.” Cyn told her as see reached out and fingered the dress with its intricate bead work.

  “You are to call me Grandma, also. After this ceremony you are a member of my family. In my heart, you will be considered one with Angel. I see how Angel looks at you. You hold his fate in the palm of your hand. Look after him. He is only a man after all.” Cyn laughed at the wise woman as she helped her into the dress.

  A knock at the door heralded Avery’s arrival, holding a bunch of wild flowers. Looking at Angel’s grandmother as she was let in the door, she told her in a soft voice. “I know it’s not the custom, but I just wanted to give something to Cyn from James, me, and the guys.”

  Cyn reached out and took the
flowers from Avery. “They’re perfect.”

  “I think it’s time, if you’re ready. The guys and it seems all the villagers are gathered near the fire in the centre of square,” Avery told her

  Cyn looked at Avery, then Angel’s grandmother, with happy tears in her eyes. “This is it.”

  Avery, leading the way, walked down the steps of the small house and waited for them.

  Angel’s grandmother stopped Cyn on the first step. Reaching down, she laid a wrinkled hand on Cyn’s flat stomach. “It is good. This little one needs two strong people to raise him. He will be tall and serious like Angel, but will have your spirit of adventure.” Saying that, she moved her hand to Cyn’s back and helped her down the other steps. Cyn was now so shocked it took her a minute to feel the ground under her feet when she reached it.

  Avery, who had heard the exchange, walked up to Cyn, who had abruptly stopped. Angel’s grandmother left them to have a moment and continued on to the square. “Well, that explains where Angel got his gift. I know you’re shell-shocked right now. But we have to go. The guys are all waiting and his grandmother is almost there. I guess she is giving you a few moments to absorb the information,” Avery told her as she watched the small woman reach the gathering.

  Cyn looked at Avery with disbelief on her face. “What a time to let that drop.” Cyn took the hand not holding the flowers and brought it to her stomach.” Do you think she’s right?”

  Avery smiled at Cyn. “If all the stories I hear the guys telling about Angel’s sixth sense are true, I think it’s a safe bet that she’s right. I know you would like a minute or a year to take it all in, but we have to go before they think something is wrong.” Avery reached out and took Cyn’s hand away from her stomach and held it as they walked together to the centre of the village.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  As they got closer, Cyn expected to see Angel dressed as she was in the ceremonial dress of his ancestors. But he was standing there in his leather, like the first time she had seen him at the club. He still took her breath away. Just one look at his glowing black eyes as he took in her appearance told Cyn she was doing the right thing. Heaven help both of them if grandma was right and they had a little large wild Angel on the way. Cyn gave a secret smile and walked up next to Angel, letting go of Avery’s hand and taking Angel’s.

  Standing beside Angel was James, Clay, Brad, and Grant with Chase, whose attention was caught looking at the women gathered around.

  Avery took her place on her side next to Lance, who turned smiling eyes to Cyn and grinned at her, letting her know he was OK with all this.

  Angel’s grandmother was standing in front of them with her back to the fire. She raised her hands into the air and the crowd suddenly became silent.

  “As the elder of the village, I will make the blessings.”

  She walked up to the couple and handed them both a feather, bringing their hands together she bound the feathers that they were holding together with sage.

  “As this sage binds the two feathers together, so shall your lives be bound to one other now. This is a sacred vow not to be entered into lightly.”

  Looking at them both, she waited for them to acknowledge the solemn moment.

  Stepping back she continued. “Have you both picked your sponsors for this ceremony and to guide you into the future?”

  Angel spoke up. “We have chosen our sponsors. We chose James, Avery, Clay, Lance, Brad, Grant, and Chase. We know that they will guide us and also protect us and ours in any time of danger, as we would with them.”

  Angel’s grandmother looked at all of them as their names were being spoken and each nodded to acknowledge their solemn vow to help the couple.

  She turned back to Angel and Cyn. “You have chosen well. Now we begin.”

  Looking up at the blanket of stars that had come out she closed her eyes and said, “Tonight the stars are shining for us, Ahtahkakoop.

  They are the very same stars that gave their blessing the night of your birth.

  They have always protected you like their own angel that they sent to earth to walk amongst us.

  They bless you and Cinnamon today again, as your two souls as bound together as one.

  Their light will guide your path as you walk together through all the rest of your days.

  When they are not with you, their cousin the sun will shine upon you and bring you happiness, always.

  Although the rain may try to separate you, and the cold wind may try to keep you apart, they will not be successful.

  This is what I see for you, both.

  For you are now one heart where there once was two.

  May that heart beat long and strong from this life into the next.

  ” Lowering her arm, she looked at the couple. Turning to Angel, she asked him, “Do you have a token of your love for Cyn?”

  Angel looked at his grandmother then at Cyn. A mortified look came over his face with the realization that he had nothing. Everything had happened so fast, he hadn’t thought. He wasn’t prepared for this ceremony.

  James at his side stepped forward. “Yes, he has. This is his token.” With that said, James handed a stunned Angel a ring with a large diamond winking in all its brilliance.

  Angel looked at the ring in James’s hand, then at his face. “Is this what I think it is?”

  “Can’t have the government taking all the spoils of our labour.” He handed the ring to Angel.

  Angel took the ring and looked down at it, shaking his head with a grin on his face. “When the hell did you have time to get this done?” James and the guys never let him down.

  Clay looked across at him. “Didn’t you like the extra questions my Fed friends asked, making us stay another couple of days?”

  Angel turned back to Cyn, his grin turning to a serious expression. “I give Cyn this token of my love and of our adventure so far and for what life will hold for us in the future.” He took Cyn’s hand and gently slid the ring on her finger.

  She then turned to Cyn. “Do you have something as a token of your love for Angel?”

  Cyn was speechless. She was at a loss. No one had told her about this part of the ceremony. Looking down at the beautiful ring Angel had placed on her finger, she raised a tearstained face to his. “I have nothing. I’m so sorry.”

  Angel reached out and held her face with a gentle hand, a look of love shining from his eyes. “You have the best token a man can receive. You are keeping him warm and safe and I can’t wait to meet him.”

  Cyn’s tears stopped and she looked at Angel. “You know?”

  “Yes, I do, and I couldn’t ask for a better gift.” Leaning his head down, he sealed the ceremony with a kiss.

  Angel’s grandmother walked up to both of them as they finished their kiss and enfolded them both in her small arms. “My children, today you have made an old woman happy. Now we celebrate.” She took both of their hands and led them and the group surrounding them to a large, long house that a feast had been set up in.

  Between James’s champagne and his grandmother’s dandelion wine, they dined on venison and bannock.

  Angel, while he loved his grandmother and all the people gathered celebrating with them, couldn’t wait for it to end. He wanted Cyn all to himself. After following her to California and the worry about her safety, they hadn’t had a moment alone. Then when she was finally safe, they had to deal with the Feds and live in the same apartment the last days with all the guys. He had a serious case of blue balls. All that he could thing of and wanted to do was to sink into Cyn as far as he could and not come out for days. Looking up the table, he could tell that James also wanted to start his honeymoon again. James’s hands and lips always seemed to be on Avery as they sat and listened to the stories some of the elders were telling them.

  Finally his grandmother walked down from her place at the head of the table and took both their hands and pulled them to their feet. “I have arranged for a very special hut to be readied on the edge of the
village, just for this very special night where you will come together as one.”

  Looking over her shoulder, she looked at James sitting with Avery. “And you, Mr. James. As my Angel tells it, you left your woman to help him in finding his and watched his back the whole time. You did this even though you were on your honeymoon. I have arranged a special hut for both you and your woman, also. Please follow me.”

  She led both couples to the edge of the village where two huts were waiting for them. His grandmother led him and Cyn to one and opened the door to a welcoming, warm hut that held a king-size bed with a fire roaring in the fireplace. The table in front of the bed was laid out with bread, cheese, and some of his grandmother’s very special cranberry wine. Waving them in, she took Angel’s hand and pulled him down closer to her so she could speak to him and look into his eyes at the same time. “Love her well and always keep her warm and at your side. Now go and join with your soul mate.” “Kinana’skomitin Nikawi, thank you grandmother”

  “Wachiya, You are welcome, my angel”.

  She gave Angel a kiss on his cheek and left him to join Cyn, already standing in the hut.

  Closing the door on them, she turned and led James and Avery to a hut that was decked out the same as Angel’s. Grabbing on to James’s hand she told him, “I will always hold you dear in my heart. You thought enough of my boy to help him in his time of need at a very special time in your own life. I could tell when Angel and Cyn’s secret came out that you were a little envious. But there is no need. You have already been blessed.” Letting go of his hand, she closed the door on Avery’s and James’s stunned faces.

  Going back to the long house, she sat with all her son’s large friends and indulged in another glass of wine with a smile on her face.


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