Emerald Moon

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Emerald Moon Page 11

by Deanna Kinney

  Emerald screamed.

  “Wake up! Em, wake up!” Ricky yelled. He was afraid to release their hands for fear of breaking the connection.

  Another vampire stalked into the room. This one was different than the others. Ricky could sense that this creature was more powerful than the rest.

  He was a big vampire and his face was grossly distorted in a more extreme way than the others. The vampire spotted the couple on the bed.

  “Em, wake up! Em, wake up!” Ricky yelled as the vampire charged at them.

  It all happened as if in slow motion. The vampire was charging, Ricky noticed Ren’s sword by the bed. He snatched it with one hand, pulling it from its sheath, and swung. It hit its mark, slicing through the neck of the vampire and removing its head. The body clumped to the floor. And then everything was still.

  Riggs stood there motionless, his eyes bulging in disbelief. “I’m human,” he breathed.

  “What?” Ricky responded, suddenly noticing that the vampires had the appearance of humans, dead humans.

  “Did it work? Is the curse broken?”

  They listened. There was no more fighting. “I think it worked.” They were both ecstatic, until they realized their friends were still laying motionless on the bed, their hands still bound together.

  “Ricky, we have to wake Em up!” Riggs shouted, rushing to them.

  They both began shaking her. “Em, wake up! Wake up!”

  As if sensing he was needed, Beta jumped onto the bed and began licking Emerald’s face, lathering her with dog drool.

  Within seconds, she was spitting and protesting.

  The brothers sighed with relief as she, and then Ren finally stirred.

  “What happened?” They both asked in unison, seemingly confused.

  “The war has ended!” The brothers laughed, jumping into a brotherly hug.

  They pulled apart and turned to the couple still lying on the bed and froze. Ren and Emerald were locked in an embrace, their lips waging a new war, celebrating the end of the old one.


  The war had ended. The vampire named Darian was dead, and Ren and Emerald had survived. Once the curse was broken, the fighting had stopped and all the scary creatures had returned to normal and parted ways, most unsure of what to do next.

  Emerald was exhausted from all the exerted energy of her dream, not to mention the drug she had taken, but she was so relieved to have the drama of the past week and a half behind her. Her future looked hopeful and from the moment her and Ren exited her dream, things between them had changed. They both had sensed it. No longer did he have to hold back his feelings in order to protect her. His job was finished, and he had not failed. He had succeeded.

  More than her own relief, she could feel his. It was in his amber eyes, in his deep scruffy voice, and in his touch that he no longer held back. It was a new day filled with new possibilities.

  As they stepped out, arm in arm, into the brisk night air, the wolf pack were standing around, talking and congratulating one another. Jake had informed them that they were still brothers and that they were welcome to stay with him, but many would now go their separate ways. Happiness was the overall emotion Emerald felt from the men about being human again. The possibilities were endless for them now, and the feeling of hope was in the air.

  Everyone was staring into the sky. Ren pulled Emerald against him as they both glanced up at what the others were seeing.

  “Look, Ren, it’s an emerald moon. My mother said I would recognize the sign of the end of the war when I saw it. She was right.”

  “Bòidheach,” he whispered, but he wasn’t looking at the moon, he was gazing down at her.

  “What does that mean?” she asked him.


  “Um, Em?” She turned to see Riggs standing behind them. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  “Sure,” she said, reluctantly pulling from Ren and following him a few feet away. “What is it, Riggs?” He appeared nervous for reasons Emerald couldn’t understand. “Is everything alright? Is Ricky alright?”

  “Oh yeah. He’s great. He’s in the basement, tormenting the men that used to be vampires in their cell. He’s making them listen to him singing the song ‘We are the Champions’.”

  They both laughed.

  “I just noticed that you and Ren seem tight now and all. But I was just hoping, I mean I was wondering, now that I’m not a werewolf anymore and Ren is still a fae, if I have any chance at winning your heart.”

  She was caught off guard by his words. She glanced at Ren and they locked eyes. She sensed he was aware of what was going on.

  “It’s not that, Riggs. It’s not that at all. It has nothing to do with him being a fae, or you no longer being a werewolf.”

  “Then what is it?” he asked staring down at her with those deep blue eyes.

  “I care about you, Riggs. You and your brother. I really do, but it’s just different with Ren.”

  He smiled then. “But you care about me?”

  “Yes. Of course.”

  “Well, then that will have to be enough—at least for now.” He winked at her and turned to leave.

  She stood there, mouth agape and wondered what had just happened.

  “You handled that pretty well,” Ren said, coming up behind her and speaking over her shoulder.

  “Well, I can honestly say I didn’t see that coming.”

  “I did.”

  She turned so she could see him. “You did?”

  “I could sense he liked you when you came down the stairs on that first day I met you. It looks like I’ll have to keep my eyes out for the competition.”

  She laughed, throwing her arms around his neck. “Ren Callaway, there could never be any competition with you.”

  * * * * * *

  Ren never dreamt he could have this much joy. He had spent his entire life guarding his heart and focusing on his training for his mission. Now that his mission was complete, he could let his guard down and finally allow himself to love. And he did love Emerald, more than his own life. He had even allowed himself to imagine a future with her. This was definitely the beginning of something great.

  He felt utter joy as he climbed into the bed across the room from hers. He finally fell asleep listening to her quiet purring from across the room.

  Her sharp intake of breath woke him with a start. He darted to her side. “Em, what is it?”

  She glanced up at him, her eyes bulging with fear. “Oh, Ren.”

  “What is it, Em? Tell me.” He tried without success to keep his voice calm.

  “It’s the Fae. They’ve learned that the war has ended. A division within their ranks has occurred. Now, with no one to stop them, they want to rule the earthly realm. They’re coming, Ren. A new war is starting!”

  *Keep a lookout for the sequel, Dream Siren coming soon!

  *Keep reading for an excerpt of Charity Moon, a YA Paranormal Romance by DeAnna Kinney.

  Charity Moon

  Charity Series Book 1


  Deanna Kinney

  As I worked my way back through the dark forest, I felt a drop on my cheek. I stopped and glanced up as rain drops began to fall. “Great, what else can go wrong?” I mumbled. Then I heard it—a low, menacing growl. It was in front of me and it was close. I stared out into the dark, squinting against the rain, and that’s when I saw them, a pair of yellow, glowing eyes. They were higher than I expected, much higher, and I froze in fear. After a brief moment, I somehow compelled my legs to move and began backing up slowly, turning and bolting in the opposite direction. Whatever it was I wasn’t going to stand there and wait for it to eat me.

  The rain pelted me in the face as I ran through the trees. Branches were clawing and scraping, tearing my dress as I passed. I heard something behind me, chasing me, and I ordered my legs to run faster, jumping and dodging trees frantically. I could hear it closing in on me. I could almost feel its hot breath on my back. I took a risk
and glanced behind me but saw nothing. Just as I was about to turn back around, I screamed, falling over an overturned tree and hitting the right side of my head on something hard.

  As I lay there, motionless and in pain, I braced myself for the impending attack, but there was nothing. Besides the rain, the forest was quiet and still. I laid there for a moment waiting for my breathing to regulate before trying to move. I moaned as I tried to get up, my arms jello beneath me, but the effort was useless.

  I’m not sure how long I lay there, perhaps only minutes, drifting in and out of consciousness, until I was suddenly aware of two arms sliding under me and lifting me effortlessly from the wet forest floor. In that flicker of a moment, I thought about struggling, but the thought left as quickly as it came. And, without further thought of my own safety, I wrapped my arms around the guy’s neck and held on as he began to run. The rain continued to drench us. It was then that I noticed he was shirtless. I was puzzled but not alarmed—I guess I should’ve been, but—I wasn’t. I rested my head on his shoulder and let him carry me off through the dark forest. As crazy as it might sound, my only concern was that I didn’t want him to put me down. Somehow it felt safe—something I hadn’t felt since the last time my dad held me in his arms so many years ago. I lifted my head weakly and tried to make out his face hidden by dark, wet hair. And, as the moon peeked through the trees, the dim light casting a soft glow, I caught a brief glimpse and then was unnerved as a strangely familiar scent hit me.

  “Levi?” I asked groggily. There was no answer. Then my consciousness left me and I slipped away into darkness.

  *Available on Amazon.com and Audible

  About the Author

  DeAnna Kinney is what you could call an eclectic writer at its best. If she can dream it, she can write it. Her main focus is YA Paranormal but also writes New Adult and Adult Romance, Action Adventure, Children's books, and even an Apocalyptic Christian Thriller Romance.

  She is a wife of twenty plus years (I mean after twenty years who’s really counting?) and a homeschool mom. She considers herself as fun-loving and a bit peculiar, and loves writing about quirky and flawed characters, of which she is the worst.

  Besides writing, she loves reading, all things purple, Star Wars, decorating on a budget, and dancing while she cooks (she can see her kids rolling their eyes as we speak). She believes whole-heartedly that chocolates and a good book go hand in hand. And, having experienced it herself, believes utterly in the power of true love.

  She lives in North Carolina with her husband, four children, their black lab named Lincoln Six Echo, or just Link, and their black bunny named Lula Bell.

  Visit her website:


  Or visit her on Facebook at Deanna Kinney, author.

  Visit Luminescence Covers at https://www.luminescencecovers.com/?fbclid=IwAR3LVsLhobdjRHtoi-VQzcfVZLyoHrdRWMWNi4EeFyEDhMvChhMYta1ac1Y




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