Off Limits: MMF Bisexual Romance

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Off Limits: MMF Bisexual Romance Page 3

by Bianca Vix

  She blinks, clearly caught off guard. It’s not what she expected, of course. This isn’t the best setting for it, here in the clinic. But I’m not going to wait and dance around the subject. Go behind her back and try to get her number. That’s not my style. I’m pretty confident. I don’t get turned down.

  And yet, she hasn’t answered me.

  What’s that about?

  A couple moments have already passed. The shock of being asked out by a patient must’ve worn off by now. So why isn’t she saying yes? A flash of self-doubt shoots through me. Is she trying to think of a way to turn me down nicely? That’s never happened to me before. I can’t imagine why it might be happening now. What the hell? Women always jump at the chance to go out with me.

  Why isn’t Sarah?

  Chapter 4


  “So?” Jill’s waiting impatiently for my response. “What did you say?”

  I can’t help the smile that creeps up on me. Jill would never be jealous of me. She’s not that kind of person. But she’s super excited. As excited as if she was the one that Cory asked out. She is such a fan of him. I don’t quite get it. I’ve never followed sports myself. Even when I do catch the occasional game, I don’t really get into it the way other people do. I had no idea that Jill was so into it herself. That she knows the names of so many hockey players and follows them closely.

  Although I can see why she follows Cory. He’s a super hottie. I was checking out his team on my break earlier on. They’re actually all pretty hot. Tough, rugged guys. And in uniform too, which doesn’t hurt at all. Not one bit. But he stands out even among them.

  The moment that Jill found out that I treated Cory, she cornered me to ask me all about it. I went into the uninteresting details of his injury for as long as I could drag it out. Just to see if she would stop me. She didn’t.

  That’s pretty unbelievable. His injury is standard and so is his treatment. It would be completely unremarkable in almost anyone else, but extra care has to be taken considering he’s a pro hockey player and he uses his legs differently than most people. So his care does require something extra.

  And still, Jill’s hanging on my every word. “I hope he heals fast. The team really needs him this season. There’s no one who can match The Core.”

  Once I let it slip that he asked me out, her jaw nearly hit the floor. “Are you serious?”

  We ducked into an empty exam room to have this conversation once it got quiet out front. Now Jill’s closing the door and leaning against it as if she has to hold herself up after the shock of what I’ve just said.

  “Yes.” I’m trying to act all casual, just to bug her a bit. But it’s hard to hide my excitement. From the first time Cory and I met, I felt something between us. I don’t know. I’ve never felt anything like sparks from a patient before. And I did try to keep thinking of him that way. Just as a patient. Because it would be really inappropriate for me to get involved with a patient in any way.

  But I couldn’t get him off my mind for a awhile after his first visit. I don’t know what it is. But it’s like there’s a connection between us. Definite interest. On my side at least. And now Cory’s made it clear that he feels it too, since he asked me out.

  At first I wasn’t sure if I was imagining things. Sometimes patients flirt with me. It’s actually a good way of determining if they’re in serious medical trouble or not. Anyone who’s in dire straits won’t waste their breath or pain tolerance on something like that. It’s a great quick way to make an assessment. Because we do get emergencies in the clinic more often than I expected we would. Frankly it’s making me wonder if I should switch over to a hospital ER once I finish school. But there’s lots of time to decide that.

  “Tell me.” Jill insists. “What did you say to him?”

  “I said yes. He asked me out for dinner on the weekend. And I said yes.”

  I still can’t quite believe it. I wasn’t sure what to do in the situation. I knew perfectly well what I wanted to do. I knew that I should say no. I knew it. But I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I can only hope it wasn’t wrong to say yes. As soon as I can tonight, I’m going to check up on the ethical code of conduct that we have to abide by. Because I want to make sure that I won’t make a big mistake. I don’t ever want that. But especially not at this stage of my career, not when I’m just starting out in the medical field. I want to have a great career. Long and successful. My work is important to me. It means everything to me to become a nurse.

  “Oh, Sarah. That’s great. I’m jealous.” Her eyes sparkle as she speaks. She’s not really. I mean I know she has a thing for Cory. But she’d never be truly jealous in a negative way.

  “Is it?” I want to know. “Because isn’t dating a patient against the rules? I don’t want to do anything wrong. Or get in trouble.”

  “Well, it’s not like you’re a doctor.” Jill purses her lips. “We have a different code of conduct than they do. And from what Cory said, his leg is clearing up nicely. Is he coming back for a follow up?”

  “No. He won’t need to.”

  “So then he’s no longer a patient here at this clinic. Or an ongoing one of yours in particular. He’s done here. And if he comes back for any reason after you get involved, then he can see someone else. Me, for example. I wouldn’t mind a bit. You can get out of any future appointments easily. And no one will have a problem with that.”

  “Hold up. Involved? It’s one date and we haven’t even been on it yet. There’s no involvement.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re not thinking of the future already. I know you.” Jill smirks at me. “I’ll be surprised if you’re not planning your wedding already. But don’t you dare plan it much without me.”

  She knows me too well. “I’m changing that. I’m not doing that anymore. That never leads anywhere good. We’re going on one date, and that’s all I’m thinking about this time. Nothing beyond that. Are you absolutely sure it’s okay for me to go out with him?”

  “Sarah, if I was single, I’d be all over Cory Reynolds. Like I said. We’re not doctors. You’re not doing anything unethical here. He asked you out. You didn’t do anything inappropriate. Not at all. But if it’s bothering you enough, call him up and cancel.”

  It’s the logical thing to do. That would put my mind right at ease. Then there’d be no issue. Nothing to worry about.

  “No.” I sound decisive. More so than I feel. “I want to give this a shot. I’m going to go out with him. Like you said. There’s nothing inappropriate here. He’s not a patient of mine.”

  “Good for you. You haven’t been on a single date since you started working here.”

  I tug on my ponytail to tighten it. “I know. Between work and studying and classes, I haven’t had any time.”

  “I know it’s not easy. I’ve been there too. But you need to find a balance. All work and no play is no good for you. Go on. Go out with the hot hockey star and have some fun. You’ve been working so hard for so long now. You deserve a tiny little break at the very least.”

  Jill lowers her voice even though there’s no one in the room and the door is still closed behind us. “Although I’m sure there’s nothing little about Cory.”


  She gives me a grin. “Have fun and report back.”

  We back head out together, and then go our separate ways. She’s right. I am looking forward to this.

  It’s just one date. No pressure. Just having some fun with a good-looking guy. It’s been way too long since I’ve done anything like that. My dating life got shoved right to the back burner when I started school and my job. There’s simply no time to get involved with anyone seriously right now.

  And from what Jill told me about hockey players so far, is that they’re all players. There are very few exceptions. So I can’t imagine that this date will lead to anything at all. Anything except a good time. And that sounds really good to me right now.

  Rounding the corner to the supply room
, I almost bump into Ash.

  He catches me by the shoulders, although it’s not strictly necessary. It’s not like last time where we truly collided.

  Not that I mind him touching me, of course.

  “Careful.” His eyes are twinkling. “We don’t want a repeat of last time. No need for injuries more at the clinic. We get enough already.”

  Ash rubs at my arm. The gesture is unexpectedly familiar. At the same time, it’s also very unexpectedly hot. How can a man touching my arm lightly send sparks skating over my skin?

  It doesn’t make sense.

  Or maybe it does make sense when the man doing it is Dr. Ash. His eyes catch mine. Am I blushing? I can’t even tell anymore. I can’t breathe. I hope I’m not blushing. That would be almost as embarrassing as if he could read my thoughts right now.

  Because my thoughts are very, very unprofessional. I shouldn’t be thinking of him this way. Not now. Not at the clinic. Not ever.

  I don’t know what to say. I still can’t catch my breath. This is crazy. We not only work together in a respected medical clinic. He’s my boss too. I work for him. I can’t be thinking these thoughts.

  “I’d never want to hurt you, Sarah.” It’s a casual comment, but somehow it sounds like he means something else. Like he’s flirting with me.

  No. No way. Not possible. Dr. Ash is professional at all times. And even if he wasn’t, there’s no way he’d ever hit on me. As much as I have a crush on him, he’s so far out of my league.

  Not going to happen.

  Then he shocks me again. By pushing a piece of my hair off my shoulder. I can barely hold back a gasp.

  There’s no mistaking that kind of a gesture. It’s way too familiar. It’s definitely something only a man who was involved with you would do. Very inappropriate. I don’t mind at all. But what’s going on here?

  As if he realizes what he’s just done, Dr. Ash pulls his hand back away from me as if he’s been burned. Like he touched me without thinking. Which he must’ve done. It’s so out of character for him. It’s like neither one of us can believe it. He turns and walks away without another word.

  I continue on to finish what I was doing. My mind is in turmoil. What on earth was that about? Is there even the slightest chance that Dr. Ash thinks of me in a non-professional way?

  Before now, I’d never have even considered that. Now I don’t know what to believe.

  Chapter 5


  I don’t know what to wear. I don’t usually have this problem. It’s not like I even have tons of clothes to choose from. I never have trouble picking out what to wear on a date. I’ve got three standard outfits right now. Of course most of them work better for going out for coffee in the afternoon. Or meeting for lunch. Not for a dinner date.

  I’ve never been unhappy with the clothes I have until this minute. They’re great for being a student. Work is too easy, since I have a uniform there. Which is a great money saver, since I can’t afford to invest a lot in my wardrobe right now. Not between school and everything else. The moment I graduate and get a full-time job, I’m hitting all the shops.

  But for now, that’s not possible. I’m in enough debt as it is. I can’t push it any further, even though I truly can’t figure out what to wear to a nice dinner. With a famous hockey player. I’ve been looking into Cory. I can see why Jill was so excited when he came into the clinic. He is a big deal.

  An up-and-coming star. I’ve read that a few times about him now. I don’t know much about hockey, but it’s easy to see he’s the latest sensation. Recruited young, and he’s proven himself in every game he’s played. All eyes are on him. He has a bright future. It’s a good thing his injury isn’t very serious. And that he’s taking it seriously. Now I can see why.

  What I don’t get is why he’s into me. Every single photo I found online, when he’s not playing, is of Cory together with model.

  I’m no model.

  From the looks of it, he could have any woman he wants. Why he wants me is a mystery. Maybe he wants free medical advice. It wouldn’t be unheard of. I’ve dated more than one guy that always has questions. Not about my work, or how I like it. But about some random health concern he has that he doesn’t want to go to a doctor about.

  Yeah. Okay. That’s a great way to start off a first date. Telling me about your weird pains and injuries. Jill and I laugh about it. Or at least we used to. Now it’s just sad to think about. Funny how those guys are the ones who keep talking about themselves, even after I’ve given them my opinion that the headache they had a couple months ago is probably not a brain tumor.

  Time’s running out. I have to get serious. I work through all of my hangers again. I have to make the best of what I have. Maybe I should’ve tried to stretch my credit card out once again. But it’s too late now. I have less than two hours to get ready.

  Okay. I have a nice black skirt that fits me well. It’s tight enough to show off the good bits and hide the rest. Yes. There’s half an outfit ready to go.

  I set my skirt on the bed and turn back to the closet. I have a pretty blue top that I’ve only worn once. It’ll do quite nicely for tonight. It’s too nice for school. Way, way too nice to wear under my clinic top. I forgot I had it. This will work very well.

  I slip into the outfit and then put on my best pair of heels. In a way, it’s a good thing I don’t have a lot of occasions to wear nice clothes these days. It means the ones I have are in really good condition, since I’ve rarely worn them. Just like new. And they feel new to me too.

  I’m touching up my lipstick when the door buzzer sounds. Cory’s here. Right on time. I thought I’d be ready early. But getting my hair just right took a lot longer than I expected. I’m wearing it down. It’s always tied back at work and it’s a nice change to wear it this way. Plus Cory hasn’t seen me with the style before.

  I swing the door open after his knock. “Hi,” I manage. I sound like an idiot, but I can’t help it. He looks so striking, I can’t help it. So much better than he did at the clinic. He’s extra handsome in his button-down shirt and sports jacket. I can’t even believe it. The color of his shirt highlights his eyes.

  His dark bangs are falling forward. He must have had his hair slicked back before. I don’t remember it being like this.

  “Hey, Sarah. You look amazing.” Heat rises to my cheeks. I’m so caught up in staring at him, I almost don’t take in what he’s just said to me. I hope he hasn’t noticed.

  “Thank you.” I’m about to invite him in but he leans towards me and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I catch his scent. Spicy and manly. And just as sexy as him.

  “If you’re ready, shall we go?”

  “Yes. I’m ready.” I grab my purse off the table by the door. I can feel his eyes skating over my figure as I lock the door behind us. Does he like what he sees?

  The restaurant is even nicer than I imagined it would be. I checked it out online the moment he suggested it. But it’s even fancier than in its pictures. It’s really exquisite.

  I feel out of place, but Cory’s right at home here. The host even greets him by name, shaking his hand warmly before escorting us to a table near the back. It’s got some more privacy, more than the ones out front, but it doesn’t feel too separated.

  “What do you think?” Cory asks. “You look a little anxious.”

  “It’s not what I expected.” The words come out without any thought. I didn’t mean to sound like I was complaining, not at all.

  His brow furrows. “If you don’t like it, we don’t have to stay here. We can go anywhere you want.”

  “Oh no. That’s not what I meant, Cory. This place is beautiful. It’s not like any restaurant I’ve been to before.” Now I’m wishing I hadn’t said that. It makes me sound even more out of place. Am I reminding him that he’s out of my league?

  Great move, Sarah. I don’t know when I got so rusty with dating.

  Maybe I didn’t. I think this is just too new to me. I’ve never gone out with
a guy who would take me to a place like this before. Never. Let alone on a first date.

  “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than here.”

  “Great. I think you’ll like it here. The food’s excellent.

  “I’m sure it is. I can’t wait to give it a try.”

  The waiter arrives and after he takes our order, Cory picks up my hand. I expect that he’s going to squeeze it reassuringly, since I’m probably giving off a super-nervous vibe. It’s not the restaurant that’s causing my nerves now. It’s him. Being so close to Cory, just the two of us. He’s having an effect on me that I didn’t expect. It’s not just his looks, although they’re impossible to ignore.

  It doesn’t help that he’s tracing his fingertips over the backs of my hands. So lightly that tingles shoot over my body. I can feel his touch as if it’s all over me.

  It’s unexpected. And very nice.

  There’s an attraction between us that’s so strong, it’s hard to believe. Whatever I felt with him back in the clinic is nothing compared to this. I’m usually pretty talkative and friendly to just about anyone. But whatever’s going on right now is so distracting, I can’t think of a thing to say. I smile at him. It’s all I can do.

  He grins back. “So, Sarah. Tell me about your work.”

  Okay. At least I can focus on that. My job is easy enough to talk about. I tell him about a couple of funny stories we’ve had lately. He seems genuinely interested and we have a good laugh. Cory’s managing to put me right at ease. I’m starting to feel like myself again, and that this is just a date with a regular guy. Not somebody super-hot and famous.

  But I’m more curious to get to know him. “So, how did you get into playing hockey? It seems like you’re quite the star.”

  He laughs. “I’m doing all right. I’ve always loved the game. Right from childhood. I was always the first one on the ice and the last one to leave. When I was really little, we used to skate on frozen lakes. That’s how I learned. Both my parents were into skating and they taught me pretty fast. And once you learn on a lake, ice rinks are a snap. My mother enrolled me into minor hockey as soon as I was old enough. And I’ve never looked back. I mean, my parents made sure I got an education too. Always have something to go back to, my mother would say. You might not want to do this forever.”


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