Off Limits: MMF Bisexual Romance

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Off Limits: MMF Bisexual Romance Page 9

by Bianca Vix

  “So, Sarah. What do you think? Are you still into this? Our idea of having a threesome?”

  Her bright smile lights up the room. “Even more than ever.”

  Chapter 16


  “You made this?” The amount of food set out on the table in front of us is huge. It’s all colorful and gorgeous too.

  Ash laughs. “Yeah, right.”

  Cory shoots him a mock-annoyed look. “No, I ordered in. It’s not like I couldn’t have made something, but I didn’t have the time today. I had physio and then I stayed for a long workout afterwards.”

  “How’s your leg doing? Is physio going well?”

  “It’s great. I’m back to normal use of it. Now I just have to get it back into really good shape. And I’m going to be able to start the season on time. I don’t even need to do physio anymore, today was my last appointment. I might check in after a month or so to make sure it’s all good. But otherwise, it’s all good.”

  “That’s great. I’m so glad to hear that.”

  Cory hands out plates to Ash and I. “Help yourself. There’s tons of food, as you can see.”

  After we fill our plates, we head out to the living room. Cory’s apartment is just as impressive as Ash’s, but it’s got a very different vibe to it. It’s really nice and clearly everything in it is expensive. Yet it feels more casual than Ash’s place does.

  And we’re sitting on the sofa while we eat dinner. It’s so different from when Ash and I ate at his place. That was really formal and classic. Just like Ash. Cory’s place is like him too. I like both kinds of nights. Both kinds of men. Casual feels just right for tonight.

  Two different men, two very different experiences. The best of both worlds. I can’t believe how well everything’s going with all of us. I have to admit, I had my reservations. I mean, dating even one guy isn’t always easy. So I figured being involved with two could be a lot harder.

  It’s not. Not at all. It’s amazing. It’s way more than double the pleasure of having just one boyfriend. Having two is like nothing I ever imagined it would be. We all just click. We’re all different, and yet we have lots in common too. How we are. All driven. We’re all serious about our careers. We all have goals in life that we’re working towards.

  I love that both Cory and Ash respect my career ambitions. Because they get it. They’re the same way. Neither one of them ever pressures me to spend time with them, not when I can’t because I need to study.

  They understand that I don’t want to give up time with them, but sometimes I need to. And it’s only temporary. I’m getting closer and closer to graduating. I can’t wait. Not just because I want to start my career off right, but because soon I’ll have a lot more time to spend with the guys.

  It’s already a lot of fun to get to know sides of them that I haven’t seen before. Being with Ash outside of work is a great experience. He only shows a part of himself at the clinic. His efficient, get-things-done side. He’s so much more than that. So much fun to be around.

  And Cory. He always came across as a good-time guy. Now I’m seeing how driven he is too. How he sets his mind to something and makes sure it’ll happen.

  “So. Sarah. What do you want to watch?” Cory picks up the remote. “It’s up to you.”

  “I want to watch a romantic movie.” I figure he’ll veto that quickly. Or Ash will. That type of movie is so not their thing. One of the things they have in common with each other is a big love for action movies.

  “Okay.” Without even hesitating, Cory starts flicking through the list. I glance over at Ash, expecting him to make a face or grimace. He doesn’t look like he has a problem with my choice at all.

  “Are you into that, really? A sappy love story is okay with you?”

  He finishes chewing his mouthful of quinoa and grins at me. “Whatever you want, Sarah. It’s your choice.”

  “Here you go. This one should fit the bill.” Cory clicks on the title and leans back into the soft sofa. He slides one arm around my shoulders, picking up his fork with his other hand. Ash does the same and they’re holding hands behind me as we all snuggle together.

  I couldn’t be any happier.

  I’m surrounded by hot guys. I have a love story going on in front of me, as well as all around me. And this is the best Mexican food I’ve ever had.

  By the time the movie’s done, I’m completely relaxed. I don’t want to move. It’s so nice just being here with the guys and not doing anything. Ash’s running his hands through my hair, toying with random pieces of it. Cory’s massaging my thigh. I couldn’t be any more content than I am now.

  Still. There is just one thing. It’s been on my mind for a little while. Since the three of us are spending all of our free time together and our relationship is really moving forward, I want to start telling people about us. I know both Ash and Cory wanted to keep our threesome quiet at first. But I think it’s time to be open about it now. If we’re serious, people should know about us.

  I’m having trouble keeping it to myself as it is. I’m just so happy being with both of them. People are noticing. Jill’s convinced I’m seeing someone. I’ve kept her off track about it so far, but it’s getting harder and harder. I smile all the time now. I want to tell people why.

  “How’re you doing, Sarah?” Cory ruffles up my hair.

  “Really great. This is so nice. I wish we could do this every night.”

  “Maybe not every night. But we can do it more often than we have been, if you like.”

  I yawn and stretch. “There’s just one thing.”

  “Yeah? What’s that?” Ash shifts around so he’s facing me.

  “I want people to know about our relationship. What do you think? You said before that we’d stop keeping it a secret once things got more serious. Well, I think we’re getting there. There’s no one I’d rather be with than both of you guys. And I want everyone to know how happy I am. I mean, most people can already tell. But I want to be honest about the reason. I hate keeping secrets.”

  Right away, everything changes. Ash’s expression falls. The room fills with a sudden tension.

  Neither man is saying anything. This isn’t what I expected. I wait for one of them to break the silence.

  Ash speaks up first. “Sarah. I get where you’re coming from. And I did say that. But that was back when there was just two of us. Letting everyone at the clinic know, now that there’s three? That’s something completely different. That would hurt my practice and my reputation.”

  “But you’re an excellent doctor. Surely that’d override what anyone might think of our relationship. Besides, a threesome isn’t that out there.”

  He gives a short bark of laughter. “If only that was true. I know that you’re used to this now that you’re in it. But a threesome is hardly a common thing. And a lot of people are going to have a problem with it. It’s just too unusual. And yes. Unfortunately I would get judged on my relationship. I’m getting closer to starting up my own clinic. I can’t let anything interfere with that goal. It’s my lifelong dream. I can’t do anything to risk it.”

  That’s not the response I expected from Ash. Cory shifts around uncomfortably beside me.

  “What do you think?” I ask him. Surely he’ll be on my side.

  “I want to be open too.” I sigh in relief. Good. Maybe between Cory and I, we can convince Ash to change his mind.

  “But the timing isn’t right for me. The beginning of the season’s nearly here. We need to start it off right. The team, I mean. If I came out as being in a threesome and as being bisexual, that’d attract the wrong kind of attention to us. I can’t risk the team’s reputation like that. You don’t have a problem with that, do you Sarah?”

  Do I?

  It’s not the reaction I expected. I thought Ash would be open to coming out about us by now. I mean, sure. It’s not as straightforward as if it was just him and I.

  But why not?

  Why does it have to be so strange? J
ust because it’s three of us. Of course that’s different. But it’s not really. Not in the ways that count. We’re all into each other. What possible difference should it make if there’s three involved instead of two? I can’t really see what kind of a problem people would have with it. Or if they do, who cares? Especially Cory. He’s so relaxed about everything. I didn’t think he’d be taking a step back like this.

  Both of them are waiting for my answer. Our whole relaxed evening is shot. We’re all tense now, including me.

  Maybe I shouldn’t care about being more open. But I do. It feels like lying, to not tell people about the relationship I’m in. Especially one that’s so important to me. This is the best relationship I’ve ever had. How can I keep it secret? It feels so, so wrong.

  As we sit here in silence, I don’t know what to say.

  Chapter 17


  We’re about to play our pre-season showcase. I really enjoy this kind of game. As competitive as hockey usually is, which I really like too, I like these exhibition games. The competition is more friendly. It’s there, but it’s more laid-back.

  I’m especially happy tonight because it’s the first game that Sarah and Ash’ll be at. It’s not the first time Ash has seen me play, but it’s the first time since I’ve gone pro. And it’ll be Sarah’s first time.

  I’m really hoping she has a good time tonight. She hasn’t been very happy since we talked about continuing to keep our relationship under wraps. I get where she’s coming from, sort of. She doesn’t have quite as high stakes as I do. Pro sports is a macho world. I expect that most of my teammates would be on my side if our relationship got out. But not all of them. And certainly not any players who don’t know me and who aren’t on the same team with me.

  And it’s not just about being in a threesome. Being with another man isn’t exactly okay in this world. As much as they talk about acceptance these days, the reality is pretty different. I think it’d be easier to come out about being in a threesome than being with another man. Not that that’d be a walk in the park either.

  Ash gets it. He has a professional standing to maintain as well. But I know he feels bad about Sarah too. I don’t know what we can do about it. This is just what we have to do, at least for now.

  But I have to wonder at the same time. Will this be forever? Because my concerns and Ash’s won’t go away. I can’t imagine how they will. I don’t see it as being acceptable in the near future, or ever really. So what could really change?

  And Sarah does have a point about not living a lie. I don’t like to be dishonest, even by omission. If I could, I’d like to be completely open about being involved with her and Ash. But how will that ever be possible? It’s not like there are so many people in threesomes that it could eventually tip the scale to making it more socially acceptable. I don’t want to be the one to have to take a stand about it. Not when my whole career could be on the line.

  Everything seems better once the game starts. Once I hit the ice, my world makes sense. I like it out here. Knowing that Ash and Sarah are up in the stands watching makes it even more of a special night. It’s great to be back with my team.

  I’m so happy that my injury didn’t ruin my career. That especially is why I don’t want to take any other risks with it. Anything can change in a moment. Like an injury. Something you can’t come back from. I don’t want to make the wrong choice. I don’t want to do something to hurt my chances. I came close to that happening with my leg injury. I can’t take the chance again. I hope Sarah can understand.

  The game goes really well. We beat the other team in an easy victory. After it’s over, I change quickly and go to meet them outside of the locker room.

  There’s a small group of fans milling around. I can’t see Ash and Sarah yet.

  “Cory.” I turn around to find a couple of women that I recognize. I recognize them because I’ve slept with both of them. Looks like they came with each other tonight. I didn’t know they were friends. I guess eventually all the hockey groupies get to know each other.

  “Cory, it’s been a while.” I can’t remember their names. The taller one with the long blonde hair comes right up to me and gives me a hug. And a kiss on the cheek.

  I grip her shoulders and move her away for me gently but quickly. I make sure her friend doesn’t do the same thong.

  “It sure has.” Again I glance around to see if Sarah and Ash are here yet. Still no sign of them.

  “We’ve missed you,” the shorter brunette says. “So, what are you up to tonight?”

  “Yeah, Cory. You know, we’re both free. We’re roommates now. Why don’t you come back with us and check out our new place?”

  “Thanks, but I won’t be able to make it.” The hallway’s getting busier now. There are lots of people crowding around.

  Both of the women pout. “Okay. But if you change your mind, here’s our address.” She scrawls it out on a scrap of paper and presses it into my hand. “We’d love it if you can come by. Anytime.”

  Before I can stop her, the brunette comes in and wraps her arms around me. I disengage right away.

  “Great. I’ve got to go.” I turn around to step away so I can text Ash and Sarah to see where they’re at.

  But there they are. Just a few feet away, coming towards me.

  “Hey guys,” I say. “What took you so long?”

  “The crowds were pretty crazy getting out of the stands,” Ash tells me. “And then Sarah had to use the bathroom. The line to get in there was insane.”

  “I bet it was.”

  Sarah hasn’t said a word. I reach out for her, but she pulls back. “What’s wrong?”

  “Who was that woman hugging you? She seemed pretty friendly.”

  Oh, hell. She saw. Ash must’ve seen it too, but he doesn’t look bothered. I didn’t think he would be. Clearly Sarah’s another story though.

  “She’s no one.” I shake my head. “Just someone I used to know.”

  But Sarah’s sharp. “Someone you were involved with in some way?”

  I gesture for her and Ash to come over to the side with me, so we can get away from the crowd. “No. We were never involved. It was more of a one-time thing.”

  I don’t want to say flat out that I slept with her. That’ll only make things worse.

  “So what was she giving you?”

  I already forgot about the piece of paper I have in my hand. I shake my head. “It’s nothing. She slipped me her address. They wanted me to stop by their place, but I told them no. There’s nothing going on between me and them.”


  I wince. Why did I have to say that? My mind goes into overdrive to try to figure out how I can make this better.

  I can’t come up with a single thing.

  “You slept with them. Both of them.” Sarah’s voice is flat. She’s upset. I try to backtrack. But I can’t. So I tell her the truth. “Yes, I did. Not at the same time. I met them separately, after different games. I didn’t even know they knew each other. Not that it matters. It was a long time ago, Sarah. It was last season. Long before I met you. I haven’t seen either one of them since then, I promise you.”

  “I believe you, Cory. But the thing is.” She pauses. “You were fine with her hugging you. Right out here in front of everyone in this crowd. In front of some of your teammates too. But would you be so fine with hugging Ash the same way? Will we walk into the player’s lounge now with you holding both of our hands? Will you be so open in public with us as you were with a stranger?”

  “Sarah.” I don’t know what to say. “We talked about this. You agreed we’d keep our relationship a secret for now.”

  “Until when, Cory? What’s going to change? Will you ever want to introduce both of us to your teammates? Will you ever act like that in public with both Ash and I?”

  I shift from foot to foot. “I don’t know, Sarah. We have to see what happens in the future. See where we’re at.”

  “Where we’re at?” He
r eyes widen with incredulity. “I thought we were in a good place right now. It’s not us and where we’re at that’s a problem. Is it? Because from what you said before, it’s not about us. It’s the sports world that isn’t ready for a threesome. Or for you to be involved with another man. How’s that ever going to change?”

  I can’t answer her, because I have no idea.

  And because she’s right.

  “Sarah. It’s the same for me,” Ash adds.

  “Is that why you barely speak to me at work these days? You’re less friendly to me now than before we got involved.” She looks between us. “It’s never going to change, is it. This is how it’s going to be for us. Always a secret, isn’t it?

  I swallow hard. I can’t speak. Ash frowns. I can tell he’s thinking hard, but he can’t come up with anything either. Neither one of us can make this better.

  Sarah exhales. “You know what? I thought I could do this. But I can’t. I can’t live a lie. I can’t not let people I care about know about us, and I don’t want to hide from strangers either. It’s just too much. Always having to watch what we say or do? Always when we’re out in public? For the rest of our lives? I can’t do it. It makes me feel like you’re ashamed of me too.”

  Ash clears his throat. “Sarah, that couldn’t be further from the truth.”

  “Ash’s right. We’re not ashamed of you. No way. But if he and I both act affectionate with you in public, that’ll raise a lot of questions. How do you think people will view you, if they think you’re with both of us?”

  I feel terrible as soon as the question comes out of my mouth. I’m not trying to put this on her. But that’s how it sounds.

  “Well. I guess that’s the difference for me, Cory. I don’t care how people judge me. Especially not when they’re wrong. Because any judgement about the best relationship I’ve ever had, anyone who judges us negatively is wrong. Because love can’t be wrong.”

  She turns to walk away. “I can’t do this. I need to get out of here.”

  “Sarah, wait.” Ash catches her arm. “Don’t go.”

  “Yeah, Sarah. Stay here. Let’s go into the lounge and have a drink. Just relax, we’ll figure this out.”


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