OverTime (The Dartmouth Cobras Book 9)

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OverTime (The Dartmouth Cobras Book 9) Page 20

by Bianca Sommerland

  Also…Luke had just dropped a bomb and Ford hadn’t even gotten a second to acknowledge it. It might have been just a distraction, but if not…

  “Do you seriously want me to be a godfather?”

  Luke leaned against the railing, hands in his pockets. “Yeah. Landon will be the godfather for one, but I couldn’t choose between Scott and Tyler for the other. They’ll have other chances to be godfathers, but I thought it would be special for Jami too if we included you somehow. You’re a part of her past that was messed up, but got better. Stronger. Just like her.”

  “Damn…” Ford rubbed his lips with his fist, his chest swelling as he tried to find the words for how much the gesture meant to him. Some days he still couldn’t believe his chosen family was so fucking big. All his life he’d only had his mom. Then Cort. Now he had…pretty much a team.

  One he was fucking over to save.

  His smile faded. “You sure about this?”

  “Yep.” Luke gave Ford a sage look. “And believe me, I know you’ll make me wonder if I made a mistake. You’re still you. And I like you, twisted bits and all. Just…try not to make me regret it?”

  “I’ll do my best.” Ford looked over as Jaxon rushed down the stair, carefully holding his new drone. “All set?”

  “Fuck yeah!”

  “You know, we really should discuss you swearing so much before school starts, eh?”

  Jaxon snickered. “Why? I don’t swear at school. Detention sucks.”

  “But…” All right, maybe Ford needed to grab some Parenting 101 manuals, because that answer made sense. And he didn’t want to start the day with a lecture. They could deal with Jaxon’s language. Later. “All right, but cool it at the park. We don’t need other kids picking it up and pissing off their parents.”

  Nodding quickly, Jaxon led the way out the front door. “No problem with that. I do it more here mostly to piss off Kyle. He’s all stuck up and wants people to think he’s a good guardian. Aunt Andrea actually taught me some swear words just to irritate him.”

  “Really?” Ford needed to get to know Andrea a bit better. Maybe she wasn’t like her siblings after all. A shame she hadn’t been around today.

  But in the meantime.

  “I probably shouldn’t be doing this.” Ford leaned down as they waited for the elevator, and lowered his voice. “How about I teach you a few more?”

  Chapter 16

  Dominik Mason was getting very good at taking care of bumps and bruises. Even imaginary ones. A man would have to be bleeding on the ice to get this kind of sympathy, but when Bran whimpered and pointed to his toe before bursting out in tears, he immediately picked up the toddler and brought him to the kitchen to inspect the ‘injury’.

  There was none.

  This had happened before, but Bran crying still got to Dominik every time and had taken a few visits with Bran’s therapist to feel like he was handling this right. He obviously couldn’t scold a baby for faking an injury, but the therapist had gently explained, while it was a cry for attention—even though both Dominik and Sahara were giving Bran plenty—he shouldn’t make too much of the little boy pretending to be hurt.

  Bran was unintentionally testing them. He needed to see how they would react if he was hurt, or sad. Their reaction would teach him trust and coping skills, and indulging him with a Band-Aid on a made-up wound was harmless. The therapist said he’d grow out of the behavior in time.

  The tears still broke Dominik’s heart.

  Sitting Bran on the kitchen table, Dominik dried the little boy’s tears with his thumb, then pulled off the tiny sock covering the ‘injury’.

  As expected, there was nothing. Not even a red mark. Dominik checked twice, just in case.

  “Show me where it hurts, buddy.” Dominik schooled his features as Bran pointed at his other foot. “Oh! Silly me!”

  Bran giggled, then sniffed, holding still as Dominik eased off his other sock. He touched the center of Dominik’s chest with a finger. “Ouch.”

  Almost a perfect impression of ET. Dominik grinned. He’d thought the kid was too young for the movie, but when Sahara suggest a weekly movie night of the classics, that was the one Bran latched on to. He asked to watch it almost every day now. It was the movie Dominik put on when he was alone in the house with the toddler and needed to workout, do paperwork, or answer calls.

  “Yes, it hurts my heart when you’ve got a boo-boo.” Dominik still couldn’t say that last word without internally snickering, but he kept his expression serious as he grabbed the colorful, Spider-Man Band-aids from Sahara’s ‘everything drawer’. He’d gotten somewhat used to her organized chaos, though now that he was back from Chicago, he’d probably spend some time setting the house to rights.

  He loved his woman, but one look inside the cabinets that morning made him consider banning her from the kitchen. Dean Richter had pretty much done that with his partners—then again, they were likely to burn the house down. Sahara wasn’t that bad. She just didn’t see the need in putting all the mugs together. Or piling plates with their sets. And the Tupperware? Of course it could just be tossed into the cupboard. So long as the door shut after, right?

  “More ouch.” Bran nudged him, then pointed at his forehead. “Here.”

  Dominik chuckled, pulling out another Band-aid. “I think you just like these Band-aids. How about we get you some stickers? And a sticker book?”


  After allowing Bran two more Band-aids, Dominik decided to distract the kid with some toys on the living room floor while he checked his neglected messages. He’d gotten an email from Rebecca Bower, which asked all players to avoid commenting on the latest social media ‘faux pas’ by White.

  Do I even want to know?

  As the captain of the team, he should probably know what was going on, but the email was days old and Becky likely had it handled. If not, he’d get another email. Or a phone call.

  His other emails were from his manager—endorsement offers for him to consider—and hundreds of emails from fans he’d forwarded for Dominik to reply to personally. There was also a box of letters, which sat in a box in Dominik’s office. He’d start on those tomorrow.

  He used to avoid things piling up like this, but between trips to Chicago to spend time with his mom, or his siblings, and having kids around the house, his carefully organized life had taken a hit. Sahara took on more than her share managing the house and the kids, but over time he’d done what he could to find some balance. She’d have the bulk of the responsibilities during the season unless he hired help.

  Which he was seriously considering, no matter how much she insisted she could handle things. He refused to let her put her ambitions to become a manager for the Ice Girls once she retired from the team on hold. They were building a family together, one that had come to them without much warning, but that they both wanted more than anything.

  Even with the clutter, tears, Legos to step on, and sleepless nights. The sweet baby smiles, countless hugs, and knowing there were three young people who trusted him so much made every bit of uncertainty worth it.

  The front door opening, then shutting softly, drew his attention and he set his phone aside, not surprised to see Heath pad quietly into the living room in his socked feet. His young mentee always came in quietly, whereas Sahara rushed in breathlessly, and Kimber slammed the door while kicking her shoes off, as though everything she did was meant to announce her presence. The girl made up for the quiet of her brothers in spades.

  “Kimber out?” Heath stood in the doorframe, curly reddish-blond hair damp from his workout, lips curving slightly as he watched his little brother play. “It’s almost eight.”

  “Her curfew is at 10.” Dominik leaned back against the sofa, studying the young man as Heath’s expression hardened and he stared at the wall. “We discussed this.”

  “She’s fourteen. Why does she need to be out so late?” Heath squared his shoulders, finally meeting Dominik’s level gaze. “Who is s
he with? She doesn’t know anyone around here.”

  Since Heath usually used as few words as possible in any conversation, the questions were good, but Dominik wasn’t sure what to make of them. Or how to respond. He’d encouraged both teens to go out more, make new friends, feel safe enough to make Dartmouth their home, but while Kimber had done that with enthusiasm, excited to return and tell him and Sahara all about her day, Heath had become more withdrawn. He’d know what Kimber was doing if he’d asked her himself, but the two rarely talked anymore.

  Come to think of it, Heath had stopped opening up to anyone.

  Was there something going on with him he was afraid to discuss? Dominik being his team captain might make disclosing certain things difficult, but only during the season. If he was getting in trouble with his buddies.

  Maybe pulling more pranks?

  Please don’t let it be more pranks.

  Heath was already suspended for the first preseason games due to a few ‘jokes’ that had gone too far in the rivalry he, Richards, and Hunt had with the ‘Trouble Triplets’. The last thing he needed was to draw attention from management again. With the team’s future so uncertain, trading a young player like Heath might be appealing. He was skilled enough to be valuable, but any signs of being ‘problematic’ could lead to him being shipped off to a team who believed they could ‘work with him’. While a team on the market would want to avoid making waves with their core players.

  Dominik had been thinking about the possible move a lot. He’d stick with the team.

  But he wanted Heath with him. The boy wasn’t ready to be on his own.

  His silence seemed to irritate Heath, but the young man only sighed and crossed the room, slumping into the armchair closest to the window. He laughed as Bran looked up abruptly and leaped off the floor, into his lap.

  Hugging his brother tight, Heath glanced over at Dominik. “She’s made friends.”

  “Yes.” Dominik settled in to wait, knowing after months of learning how to make Heath comfortable that the young man would take his time sorting through his thoughts before speaking again.

  If at all.

  Finally, Heath nodded. “And if I want to know who she’s with, I should ask her.”

  “Yes, but it’s not a secret. She’s hanging out with some girls in the local midget girls hockey team. I bought her some roller blades the other day and she’s practicing on them until the local rink opens.”

  “She wants to play hockey?”

  Dominik nodded, chuckling at Heath’s confused look. “Maybe she hasn’t told you because she wants you to be impressed. You know how much she admires you.”

  Jaw clenched, Heath stood, giving Bran one last squeeze before setting him on the floor near Dominik. “She shouldn’t.”

  With that, Heath strode out of the room.

  As though that ended the conversation.

  Not likely. Dominik moved to stand, but Bran grabbed his arm, eyes wide. The toddler didn’t speak, he simply climbed into Dominik’s lap and stuck his thumb in his mouth.

  Looked like the talk would have to wait.

  Sighing, Dominik pressed his lips to Bran’s soft, light auburn curls. “I think we’re going to need more than a Band-aid this time.”

  Still sucking his thumb, Bran nodded.

  Chapter 17

  “I think Becky worded this perfectly.” Ainsley shook her head as Silver stopped chewing her nails and glanced up from the notes on the press release Becky had put out the other day. She didn’t look convinced.

  Which was why Ainsley was at Silver’s house. On a Saturday.

  She didn’t mind, she’d wanted to go over everything herself, along with the transcripts from the briefing, so she could have answers for the reporters still emailing and calling Silver every hour. Being able to bring Sawyer was a plus. They still didn’t know many people in the area and a few hours work before a dinner invite was more than welcome. If only the work was leading anywhere besides Silver becoming more stressed.

  No matter how often both Ainsley and Becky assured her everything would be fine, she kept fussing over every word, every opinion piece by the media, and asking how the public was reacting. A simple retweet shouldn’t have caused this much drama, but with nothing confirmed regarding the possible sale of the team, and the players on their best behavior since pranks had gotten a few of them suspended, there wasn’t much else to report.

  Which was normal. And happened to every team.

  Had happened to the Cobras before.

  But the team’s future hadn’t been uncertain then. Back at the office people constantly told Ainsley Silver wasn’t usually like this. Sure, she was high maintenance, but she’d never obsessed over minute details to this extent. More than one coworker had offered to bring her coffee, or run an errand for Ainsley if she needed a break.

  Ainsley had a feeling her coworkers were afraid she’d quit. Which was reassuring, since it meant they didn’t know her employment options were limited. Or why. But they didn’t need to worry, she absolutely loved her job and Silver was the best boss she’d ever had.

  Still, there was no reason to let her keep going over these papers. They had all the information they needed and it was clear Becky knew what she was doing.

  “Don’t give me that look, I know.” Silver shook her head and smiled ruefully. “And you’re right. This was handled well. The public is already getting bored. We can relax until the next bit of insanity.”

  “Can you though?” Ainsley grinned at Silver’s shrug. Little running feet drew her attention as Silver’s daughter, Amia, came into the room with Sawyer’s new Cobras hat in her mouth. Sawyer chased her, pretending to run while going very slowly.

  “Mama!” Amia shoved the hat at Silver, then hid behind her mother’s chair. “Boy. Bat!”

  “Hat!” Sawyer burst out laughing as he leaned against Ainsley’s chair, his hair all rumpled and his eyes shining. “She keeps calling me boy. But I almost got her saying ‘hat’.”

  “She’ll get there. I’m happy you’re having fun.” Ainsley looked up at her son, feeling a little twinge in her heart at the way his eyes lit up when Amia started running again, looking back to make sure he’d follow. She hadn’t been sure he’d enjoy himself with only a toddler here, but he’d warmed up to Amia immediately when she took his hand without hesitation and led him to her toys.

  He’d make an awesome big brother.

  Shortly after his birth, she and Isaac had discussed having more kids, but two years passed and they hadn’t gotten a chance to try again. And then it was too late. She felt guilty sometimes, being grateful that she only had Sawyer to take care of, but he’d never really asked about siblings and they’d built a nice little life together.

  If she met the right man, she might consider another child, and yet… After what she’d been through, how could she trust any man that much?

  “They’re too cute.” Silver bit her bottom lip as Landon came down the stairs, grabbing Amia and sitting her on his shoulder, while crouching down to speak to Sawyer. “Damn…I never get tired of seeing him hold her. He’s an amazing father. Dean too. They just…”

  Shaking her head, Ainsley cut off the apology she knew was coming. “I’m happy you have two amazing men in your life. And that Amia has such wonderful fathers. Sawyer had a great one. Yes, he lost him too soon, but we’re still a great team, just the two of us.”

  “You don’t have to be. Maybe—”

  The doorbell rang.

  Silver looked damn guilty all of a sudden. As though she’d done something she knew she shouldn’t have.

  Oh…God no. Ainsley frowned. “Silver, tell me you didn’t—”

  “I didn’t! I swear!” Silver hopped off her chair and rushed toward the door. “Dean invited Lorenzo over so we could meet his daughters and see if we might consider having one babysit sometime.”

  “Which you knew before you asked me here.” Ainsley mumbled to herself, keeping her voice low as she heard Silver greeting
Mr. Keane and his daughters. Or was it supposed to be ‘Lorenzo’ here? This wasn’t work-related, not anymore, but separating the two was dangerous.

  Then don’t. Treat him like you would when seeing him in the hall at the office. Nothing has changed.

  But as he stepped into the dining room, she met his eyes and her heart did a stupid little stutter, ignoring every red flag her mind waved.

  She inhaled slowly, standing to greet him. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” His lips curved slightly as he looked over the table, covered with paperwork. “I hope you’re being paid overtime?”

  “Of course. Though that wasn’t necessary since I’m getting an amazing meal out of it.” Ainsley relaxed as Dean stepped out of the kitchen, drawing Lorenzo—Keane’s—attention with a handshake and a quick hug. She began organizing the files on the table to put them away, pausing as Silver returned, Keane’s daughters a step behind.

  Keane’s expression warmed as one of his daughters pulled out a chair for the other. He watched their silent exchange before the one with tired eyes and pale skin finally sat. Then he moved to stand behind the girl, one hand on her shoulder, his arm around her twin’s. “Dean, Mrs. Bower, Ms. Lalonde, these are my daughters, Mackenzie and Madison. Mackenzie is the one who’d like to be considered for babysitting.”

  Standing by his side, Mackenzie wrinkled her nose. “Thanks, Dad, but I could’ve handled that myself.” She shot Silver a charming smile and held out her hand. “Mrs. Bower, I’ve heard so much about all the work you do with the team. And I looked up the movies you were in and the modeling you did? Goals! If you ever need someone to watch your baby while you take a break from your epic life, I hope you’ll consider giving me a call.”

  “Please, call me Silver.” Silver smiled at Mackenzie as she shook her hand, then winced at a scream, followed by a giggle, coming from the living room. “Maybe you want to meet our sweet daughter and see how you get along before you make that offer.”

  With a soft laugh, Dean pulled Silver to his side and pressed his lips to her hair. “Amia’s showing off for her new friend. And I’m sure Landon isn’t setting a good example. Maybe Mackenzie could introduce them to a quiet game?”


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