Awakening: A Christian Romance Novel

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Awakening: A Christian Romance Novel Page 29

by JoAnn Durgin

  The woman eyed Lexa, looking her up and down with one brow cocked. “Why? Some guy beat you up, sweetheart? You look okay to me.” She started to close the door in her face until Lexa stuck her foot in the door, effectively blocking the woman from closing it entirely.

  “You wanna keep the foot, you’d better move it.”

  “Look, I’m not a thief or a criminal, but I need a phone. Please,” Lexa implored.

  At least the woman didn’t slam the door on her foot. Finally, she opened the door a crack and looked outside. In that moment, Howard seized his opportunity and burst past the woman into the house. Spouting a stream of loud profanity, the woman stared at Howard and then glared at Lexa with venomous eyes.

  “I’m sorry.” Lexa shifted to her other foot and captured the woman’s eye contact. “I assure you, we don’t mean you any harm.” She kept her voice as calm as she could muster.

  “Shut up! I don’t wanna hear anything else outta the likes of you.”

  Lexa obeyed, knowing it was in her best interest. She stepped aside.

  “What are you doin’ here, Howard?” The tone was belligerent. She looked not in the least frightened or intimidated by this man. In fact, she looked meaner than he did, and downright menacing.

  It was then that Lexa remembered where she’d seen this woman. “You’re Margarita’s mother, aren’t you?” Lexa interrupted, stepping forward.

  The woman laughed, but it lacked mirth. “Sweetheart, I ain’t that girl’s mother and I ain’t never been. Only reason I’m keepin’ that kid is ’cause she belongs to my sister. I’m doin’ her a favor, keepin’ that rug rat away from this good-for-nothin’ lazy husband of hers. Howard,” she said, returning her attention to him, “what do you think you’re doin’ burstin’ in here at all hours of the night? You’re a crazy idiot.” Shaking her head, she plopped into a chair.

  “Justina, go get Angelina now!” Howard yanked Lexa by the arm again and pulled the gun from the pocket of his pants.

  The woman’s eyes widened as she spied the gun, and she held up her hands. “Don’t go and get all crazy on me. I’ll get her for you. Hang on.” She shrugged as she stood up again. “All she’s been is a heap of trouble anyhow. I’m glad to get rid of her.”

  “Get her and shut up about it,” Howard warned in a low, threatening tone. “If you don’t, there’s gonna be trouble. And, considering the amount of coke you’ve got stashed in your sofa cushions over there,” he added, waving the gun, “I don’t think you want the cops in here.” At his words, Justina quickly departed the room without a word. In less than a minute, she was back in the living room with a small, sleepy girl in-tow.

  Lexa cocked her head to one side, trying to get a better look at the child. Her hair was tousled and half in her face but there was no mistaking the haunted, dark eyes when they looked up at her.



  “Margarita?” Lexa held her breath as Margarita flew into her arms. Lexa held her tight. She stroked her hair and whispered that everything would be all right.

  “Angelina, baby.” Howard scowled in Lexa’s direction. Stooping down, he opened his arms to his child. Angelina clung to Lexa, but stared with wide eyes at her father. “Come on. I won’t hurt you, sweetie,” he coaxed. At least he’d put away the gun. No need to scare the child with the weapon. Thank goodness he seemed like a halfway decent parent. That thought struck Lexa as highly ironic.

  Angelina released her grip on Lexa and walked over to Howard. She laid her head on his shoulder. With gentle strokes, he ran his big hands over her hair, murmuring something into her ear. The child smiled her customary shy smile, and put a finger in her mouth, sucking on it in a familiar gesture. Watching Howard with his daughter, Lexa glimpsed a softer side of the gruff man. Yes, Angelina was his soft spot all right.

  Margarita is Angelina. Sheila and Howard’s daughter. Lexa didn’t know why she hadn’t put two and two together before. Same dark, silky hair, small hands and shy smile. But it was the big, sad eyes that were remarkable in their similarity. Sheila never worked with the children at the makeshift schoolhouse. She kept to herself, never talked about herself or revealed much about her life. This was all part of Sheila’s plan to stay hidden and nondescript. Too bad it hadn’t worked.

  “Get a move on,” Howard barked in Lexa’s direction. She moved forward and grabbed the knob on the front door, aware that Justina’s eyes bore into her back.

  “Hurry it up,” Howard repeated in a low voice. “We don’t have all night.” He followed behind Lexa, pulling Angelina along by the hand. “Come on, Angie. Your friend’s comin’, too.” Lexa heard small whimpers and, as Howard passed her on the sidewalk, he picked up the child’s slight form and threw her over one broad shoulder. Seemed men liked doing that.

  Lexa grimaced as she started to climb into the back seat of the car beside Angelina. She was thankful he made sure his daughter was strapped in properly.

  “Where do ya think you’re goin’?” Howard kept his voice calm for Angelina’s benefit. “Get up front, woman!” His small black eyes bore into hers.

  Lowering her gaze, Lexa did as he ordered, giving Angelina a reassuring wink. She couldn’t allow her to see any fear. She had to be strong enough for both of them. But all she wanted to do was hug the little girl close. But at least her mother would be able to do it soon enough if that was Howard’s plan. Fear seized her again, squeezing tight.

  “It’s okay, Margar . . . Angelina.” Lexa forced her voice to sound as soothing as possible considering the current circumstances. She was rewarded with a nod and a hint of a smile. Howard started the car again, and it sounded obnoxious in the quiet night. Cursing under his breath, he pulled the car around and headed in the opposite direction.

  “You’d better tell me how to get back.” This time, he made no attempts at conversation, and Lexa was grateful. Within fifteen minutes, they were back at the mission. Lexa felt like flinging open the car door and making a run, not to escape from Howard but to run toward the comfort of Sam.

  If she wanted, she could have escaped on that quiet street. But Lexa couldn’t leave Sam and Sheila at the mission, at the mercy of Howard. And she couldn’t leave Angelina. She wanted to stay by Sam’s side. The Lord put her in this situation for a reason, and she had to see it through. He’d protected her so far, and He’d continue to do so.

  “Get out,” Howard ordered said as soon as he turned off the engine.

  Standing beside the car, Lexa held out one hand for Angelina. She crawled across the backseat and grasped Lexa’s hand. Covering the small hand with hers, Lexa smiled. She loved when Sam held her hand, and she wanted to give the same measure of comfort and security to this frightened little girl.

  Howard motioned for Lexa to move forward, following beside her as if to remind her not to try anything sneaky. Lexa moved in the direction of the back wall where he’d left his two hostages. Rounding the corner ahead of them, Howard motioned for Lexa to stop and keep Angelina with her. He disappeared. She guessed he was probably removing the gags and ropes from their mouths and hands. He doesn’t want Angelina to see her mother tied up. The thought warmed her heart.

  “Okay,” he called to Lexa, gesturing with one hand for her to come closer and bring the girl. “Angie, baby, look who’s here.”

  When they rounded the corner, Lexa saw Sheila stand up and wipe her hands on the sides of her shorts. She looked up with a trembling smile as Angelina went flying into her arms. “Mama!” the little girl cried, flinging her arms around Sheila’s small form. They wept together, Sheila with her arms tight around Angelina.

  Tears sprang into Lexa’s eyes, and she turned away. It surprised her when Howard didn’t interrupt their reunion. Maybe there was hope for this man yet. Looking over at Sam, she saw that he, too, was fighting strong emotions. Sensing Lexa’s eyes on him, he moved his gaze over to her and smiled, nodding to let her know he was all right.

  “Now, what am I goin’ to do with you two?” H
oward demanded with another one of his disgusting grins, his face twisted and evil with the moonlight streaming behind him. Frightened, Lexa instinctively reached for Sam’s hand, moving closer to him as he captured her hand in his own firm grasp. When he squeezed it, Lexa felt small shivers running up and down her spine. Whether they were from fear or otherwise, she couldn’t be sure.

  “Let us go,” Lexa pleaded. “Take the car.” Ignoring Sam’s elbow jabbing in her side and his grunt, she plundered on. “We’re out here in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night. No one else is around, and it’ll be a long time before we get to civilization. You could be halfway to Mexico . . . or wherever you’re going by then.”

  “I’d keep her if I was you,” Howard told Sam with another grin. “She makes a lot of sense. Seein’ as how I really don’t want to murder no one, maybe you’re right. But, just to make sure,” he added with a menacing leer, dangling the rope in front of him again.

  “Sheila,” he hollered over one shoulder, “take Angie and wait behind that wall over there. Go! Don’t get any funny ideas because I’m right here, and I’m keepin’ my eye on ya.” Darting an anxious look in Lexa and Sam’s direction and taking Angelina by the hand, Sheila started around the corner.

  Howard made quick work of gagging Sam again and retying the ropes around his ankles and wrists. Then, with another one of his sickening grins, he turned to Lexa and did the same with her. In a flash, Howard was gone around the corner. Lexa scooted across the ground to lean against Sam. They both sat immobilized until they heard the distant rumbling of the Volvo’s engine a few minutes later.

  “Good job, Miss Clarke,” Sam finally sputtered, spitting the gag out of his mouth. “You just gave away our only mode of transportation. Bomb or no bomb, it was my bomb.” Leaning over close to her, Sam used his teeth to wrestle the gag free from Lexa’s mouth. Winking, he shook his head and laughed.

  “Well,” Lexa huffed, staring at Sam in disbelief, “at least you still have your life, Mr. Lewis. Talk about gratitude,” she grumbled, slumping back and frowning.

  “You’re right about one thing. Howard was no Boy Scout. He really doesn’t know how to tie a decent knot. There,” Sam added, breaking free of the ropes on both his wrists and feet and beginning to work on hers. “How’s your thumb?”

  “My thumb? Why?” Lexa pouted.

  “Why, to hitchhike, of course.”

  “No, thanks,” she protested, not bothering to thank him as he loosened the ropes binding her hands together. “I don’t think I want to get into a moving vehicle with anyone who would be cruising around this area, especially, at this hour of the night.” She untied the ropes around her feet.

  “Suit yourself.” Sam rose to his feet and started to walk away. When he realized Lexa wasn’t right behind him, he walked back over to her. Reaching out with one hand, he helped her to a standing position. For a long moment, they stood and simply stared at one another. Without speaking, he moved closer. So did she.

  “Look in the pocket of your jacket.”

  Sam looked at her with an odd expression. “My jacket? Why?”

  Lexa’s eyes never wavered from his, her voice steady. “Just look. In the right pocket.”

  “The jacket you’re still wearing?”

  “Yes. I promise it won’t bite.”

  Sam stepped even closer and touched the bottom of the jacket. Feeling a heaviness in one pocket, he reached inside with tentative fingers, his eyes never leaving hers. His eyes grew large as he pulled out the gun. He held it as though afraid it might discharge.

  “Don’t worry. The bullets are gone.” Lexa shrugged and grinned. “What can I say? My dad was a cop.”


  “How did you get the gun away from Howard without him knowing it was gone?” Sam looked incredulous, but admiration for her shone in his eyes.

  Lexa shrugged. “It fell out of his pocket on the drive back to the mission. He was saying something to Angelina and looking in the rearview mirror. I seized the moment, grabbed the gun and stuffed it inside the jacket.” She laughed. “Good thing you’re so tall and your jacket has such long pockets. As for why Howard didn’t notice the gun was missing, I think we need to thank the Lord for that one.”

  “I feel a little better with Howard taking off with Sheila and Angelina knowing he doesn’t have the gun,” Sam admitted, raking a hand through his hair.

  “Maybe we should find the nearest phone and call the police.”

  “Howard’s still Sheila’s husband, so I don’t know that they’d do anything about it.” Sam frowned.

  “But he still kidnapped Sheila, and me . . . and Angelina,” Lexa reminded him. This time, she didn’t hesitate to smooth her fingers over the worry lines crossing his forehead.

  “Sheila and I managed to talk, even though Howard gagged us—not very well, at that.”

  “Oh?” Lexa’s hand moved to her hip. “Why do I have the feeling Sheila doesn’t want us to report what Howard did? And you don’t, either?”

  “Put it this way. She’s going to get away from Howard as soon as she can. As long as Angelina is with them, Howard won’t hurt Sheila. And thankfully you have the gun.” Sam shrugged. “I say we trust in the Lord to watch over them. Call it instinct, call it a gut feeling, but I think Howard will do something stupid and get himself caught tonight. Mark my words.”

  “And your precious bomb?”

  “We’ll see what happens. Something tells me that old bomb’s not ready to die just yet. If it does decide to finally die, maybe this would be the right time.” Sam took another step closer. He had that look in his eye she recognized and really liked. Full of meaning, and capable of making her giddy. “You are one amazing woman, Lexa Clarke. Come here. Please.”

  “I beg your pardon?” She giggled, feeling silly but heady with happiness. Maybe it was the emotion of the night. Maybe it was that the nightmare was over and they were safe. Maybe it was the man standing beside her and the overwhelming love she felt for him.

  “You heard me.” Sam’s voice was low. Seductive. Inviting. Lexa took a step closer.

  Sam smiled. “Come closer. Much closer.” When she complied, he reached for her. Pulling Lexa to him, Sam held nothing back as he kissed her. One hand cupped her face, and his fingers ran through her long strands of hair. He whispered her name and caressed the back of her neck as he deepened their kisses.

  “I was . . . so . . . scared tonight,” Lexa managed to get out in-between kisses.

  “Me, too,” Sam murmured, covering her mouth with his own again, not able to get enough of her. He silenced her in the best possible way.

  “You were so brave,” she told him the next time she came up for air.

  “Not as brave as you, my love. I do believe that after tonight, you’re my hero.” Sam’s lips dropped down to gently nuzzle her neck with enticing kisses, causing quick shivers up and down her spine.

  “Heroine,” Lexa corrected, allowing him to help her shrug the jacket free from her shoulders as it slid to the ground in a soft heap at their feet.

  “Right. Now, be quiet, my brave, beautiful heroine. Don’t talk. Don’t think. Just be quiet and kiss me back. Please,” Sam pleaded with a soft laugh.

  They collapsed to the ground together, their bodies intertwined. All the emotion, pent-up tension and longing of the past few weeks flooded out of Lexa as she clung to Sam, savoring the rawness of his mouth possessing hers, his strong body so close, wrapping her in the cocoon of warmth and love.

  He moaned a little and kissed her with increasing passion. His hand traced its way in an achingly slow, gentle path along the curve of her face. His touch was feathery light as his fingers lingered on the small of her neck. His skin, his touch, warmed her everywhere. Hesitating a moment, Sam pulled back and gazed down at her with all the love he held for her.

  “Should I stop? Tell me when to stop.” His voice was huskier, deeper than ever.

  Lexa answered Sam by pulling his head back down to her waiti
ng lips, welcoming his own with everything within her.

  He pulled her even closer to him. “I love you, Lexa,” he whispered in her ear before reclaiming her mouth. There was no doubt in her mind this man was her destiny. She’d never been this close to a man, and she wanted to give herself totally to him—mind, soul and body. But as much as she loved Sam Lewis, Lexa couldn’t cheapen what they had by making love with a man who wasn’t her husband. Deep down, passion aside, that’s what Sam wanted for them, too. It might be what they wanted in the heat of the moment, but it wasn’t God’s way.

  Ignoring the warning bells in her head, Lexa lost herself in the moment. Sam’s fingers flirted with the bottom edge of her thin cotton blouse. To his credit he was good, but if they kept this up, it was only a matter of time. The endearments he murmured under his breath were every bit as exciting. Heady. Dangerous.

  It seemed like the most natural thing in the world, but when Lexa felt her body rising in anticipation, she knew they must stop. Especially when Sam shifted his position, Lexa thought she’d go mad. This is dangerous, Lord, and we’ve got to stop. She didn’t want it to stop, but she shouldn’t have let it go this far. She needed to be the stronger one. As strong as Sam Lewis was, he was still a man with passion and physical desires.

  “Sam?” Summoning every last bit of courage, Lexa dragged her lips away from his long enough to gasp for air. “Sam . . .” Her fingers clasped over his, gently drawing his hand away.

  “Hmm?” His voice was distracted as he found a delicious new place to nuzzle where the base of her neck met her shoulder. Lexa’s eyes fluttered, and she inhaled a deep breath. When he started to withdraw his hand from hers, she held on tighter even though everything within her screamed to let his hand roam with abandon, wherever it desired. Sam wanted it, she wanted it.

  Lord, give me strength, she pleaded under her breath. “Sam, we’ve got . . . to stop.” She pushed against his chest with a gentle hand. “We’ve got to stop,” she repeated. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let it go this far. What we’re doing now is as dangerous as having that gun pointed at us tonight.”


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