Vacation Writer

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Vacation Writer Page 2

by Coleinger, Ronnie

  The following day, James returned to the task of finishing Brigitte’s vacation. He hoped to finish it in the next three or four days. He was anxious to get to work on the Texan’s vacation. That one would be a doozy. James had no more than gotten the computer booted up when a knock on his door followed by a blond head looking into his office interrupted his thoughts. He smiled at Jill and said, “Looks like you survived the vodka quite nicely.” Jill laughed and said, “It will take more than a few shots of vodka to get me pregnant. However, if you were to sign the title to that Ferrari over to me, I might reconsider having your babies.” James laughed and said, “No pussy is worth a quarter million dollars.” Jill giggled and said, “You are talking out your ass, my new found friend. You will never know how much this pussy is worth until you ask nice and convince me you’re worth my investment.” Just then, Sally stepped up behind Jill and said, “Sounds like you two are getting acquainted. Jill, I hope you refrain from letting this old buzzard into your panties the first week on the job. Just so, you know, the bank owns most of that Ferrari.” Jill laughed and said, “Should have known; just another writer with lots of talk and no brass balls. Guess I will look around the office for another writer to seduce.”

  After Jill walked down the hall and shut the door to her office, Sally entered James office and sat down beside him. She opened a discussion about his workload and offered to let Jill pick up some of his work. James agreed to Sally’s offer, but requested that she allow him to begin writing the Texan’s vacation as soon as he finished with Brigitte’s work. Sally quickly agreed to the request. She patted James on the shoulder before heading off to talk to Jill.


  Brigitte swallowed four times to clear her mouth. When she looked up into Robert’s eyes, she realized that he was smiling at her. She wiped her hand across her mouth and then licked a drop of semen off the now shrinking cock she held in her hands. She giggled and said, “I did it. I got every drop.” Robert pulled her up on top of him and said, “That you did. Now it is your turn.” Brigitte smiled and said, “I think I am done. I came twice while doing you. Something about pleasuring my man causes me intense orgasms.” Robert kissed Brigitte and then said, “I am not certain you have figured it out or not, but that is why I need a towel under me when I give you cunnilingus. I usually come on the towel while licking you to orgasm. Don’t know why it so pleasing, but it is.” Robert’s words made Brigitte giggle. She had not considered how much pleasure Robert was having while she had multiple orgasms all over his face.

  Brigitte realized that Robert was hard again. She slid up into position and slid his penis into her wet vagina. She leaned back until she felt pressure on her G spot. She moved her hips up and down a few times and felt the flood gates open. She leaned forward and rested her body on top of Robert, allowing him to work his penis up and down into her vagina. She leaned to the side and gently sucked on his neck and then moved her mouth to his and allowed her tongue to glide over his lips and then mingle with his tongue. She felt his penis get harder and his breathing become deeper and faster. Within a few moments, she felt him tense and then felt warm liquid flood her insides. The feeling was good and his rapid thrusting once again brought her to orgasm.


  The following evening, Jill met James after work at the local pub. They both had a stressful day and the sound of happy people around them settled their nerves and allowed them to relax for the first time today. The server that supported all of the office computers went down around half past eight, right after the staff had all logged in and begun communication with their clients. By ten o’clock, it was obvious that they were not going to have Internet service anytime soon. The writers locked themselves into their respective offices and began writing. Microsoft word still worked as standalone software, but without Internet, many of the highly used functions failed to operate, mainly spell checker. By lunchtime, the writers had turned off their cell phones and unplugged the cords to their desktop phones. Multiple interruptions by the office staff who could not find ways to do their jobs without the server operating became unbearable. The four writers were on deadline and answering a hundred questions would not get the vacations written.

  Once they found an out of the way table in the pub, the two writers ordered steaks and a beer for their supper. While they waited, Jill asked James if he had Sunday free. He looked up into her eyes as to the reason for her question. Finally, he said he was free. Jill giggled and said, “I am not planning to rape you, I just wondered if you would join me at my beach house for the day. We can swim, hike, cook on the grill and just relax.” James laughed and said, “I would love to join you. Can I bring anything, like beer or food?” Jill said, “I planned to cook some hotdogs and keep things simple. You can bring anything you wish, even a bathing suit if you feel you really need one.”

  James thought about Jill’s offer for another minute or two as the waiter sat their drinks down in front of them. Then he looked up into Jill’s eyes and said, “I hope you don’t mind if I run a few ideas past you while we relax at your place. I have some ideas for teaming up to write one of my upcoming vacation memories. I would like your input.” Jill giggled and said, “I invited you to my home hoping you might inspire me. With the move to this new job and trying to fit in at the office, I hoped I could find a way to get comfortable. I often times am uncertain what is expected of me and how much information to pass along to my clients. You have been with the company a very long time and I hope to gain some insight from you on Sunday.” James smiled and said, “I had not noticed any insecurity from you. You hide your feelings quite well. I am always eager to discuss work with another writer. Maybe if we can work together on some of our projects, you can begin feeling a little more at ease.”

  As James walked Jill out to her car in the parking lot, she turned around and faced him. She did not speak for a moment, but James was certain she had something important to say. He waited patiently for her to begin the conversation, which she eventually did. A smile formed on her face as she said, “Sally has asked me to work on one of your projects. As I read the draft you started working on, I realized you had barely begun the writing. What I did read made me laugh. I had never considered receiving cunnilingus in a confessional while talking to a priest.” James looked into Jill’s eyes and said, “I am free Sunday. I could assist you while you confess your sins to the priest.” Jill considered what James was offering for a moment before regaining her thoughts and saying, “I will finish writing the vacation and then consider your offer. I have a very vivid imagination and I might come up with my own twist on that scenario.”

  As Jill drove out of the parking lot, James stood watching the taillights on her red SUV. His mind was running a hundred miles an hour as he considered Jill writing the ending to his erotic vacation. He made a mental note to read her writing when she was done with it. He laughed as he considered what he might learn from this new female writer.

  The following morning, James decided to work again on Brigitte’s vacation. He planned to finish the first draft today if possible. He was excited about spending time with Jill. She was a very gifted writer and she was quite nice looking. Spending some quiet time with her could prove beneficial. Not only might he gain some insight into her vivid imagination and unique writing style, a little beer might loosen her tongue so he could discover some information about her past life; maybe even a little about her sex life.

  While the computer booted up and logged into his email account, he decided to refill his coffee cup. A little more caffeine might give him the motivation to get back on track with Brigitte’s vacation.


  As Robert prepared breakfast for himself and Brigitte, they discussed their plans for the day. Brigitte sat down at the table across from him, then began filling her plate with scrambled eggs, bacon, muskmelon, and buttered toast. As they ate, Robert had difficulty concentrating on the story Brigitte had begun telling him. She had come to the table without a shirt. The nipples of
her rather small breasts were peaking over the top of the table. The large brown areolas forced Robert’s male brain into overdrive. He tried to focus his attention on Brigitte’s eyes and on the plate of food in front of him, but his eyes continued to return their gaze on those incredibly beautiful breasts.

  Brigitte looked up from her plate of food and asked if there was any strawberry jam left in the cupboard. Robert stood up, intending to retrieve the jam, but the bulge in the front of his shorts immediately caused Brigitte to giggle. Robert sat back down, hoping Brigitte would not continue to stare. She got up, retrieved the jam and sat the jar down on the table. Then she picked up her Under Armour shirt and began pulling it over her head. As she pulled the tight fitting shirt over her breasts, Robert could not look away; once the shirt was in place, her hard nipples showed through causing the erection in Robert’s shorts to throb.

  When they had finished washing the breakfast dishes, they dressed in their hiking clothes. While Brigitte finished up in the bathroom, Robert packed some bottles of water, two sandwiches and an apple in each of their backpacks. As they slung the backpacks onto their shoulders and headed out the door, Robert spoke to Brigitte and explained that he had forgotten the bottle of suntan lotion. When he returned with the bottle in hand, Brigitte said, “Are you having trouble with your short term memory? You seem awful forgetful today.” The comment came out as a put down and Robert felt a little hurt by her words. Then Brigitte turned to face him again and asked if he was going to take all day to catch up with her. Robert had heard enough. He quickly caught up to her, stepped in front of her so he was facing her and stopped. Brigitte almost walked into him and put her hand out as if to push him aside. Robert moved again in order to block her path. Brigitte stared into his eyes for a moment and then looked down at her feet. Robert said, “If you are angry with me for some reason, please have the courtesy to tell me what I have done!” Brigitte looked up at him and said, “I am not angry with you. I am angry with myself. I have not been honest with you and I am struggling to find a way to set thinks right.” Robert stepped up a little closer to her and said, “You might start by simply opening your mouth and begin talking. We are friends and I have enjoyed this vacation time with you. Whatever you tell me will not cause me to walk away from that friendship, unless you tell me to leave.”


  James had written a total of five days of vacation for Brigitte’s vacation itinerary. Her profile showed that she had paid in advance for six days, which meant that James would have more time to work his way towards an exciting conclusion.


  Brigitte took a deep breath and then said, “I have a two year old son.” As the words came out of her mouth, tears began to flow down her cheeks. Robert stepped up close to her and asked, “Why would your son cause all these tears. Is he okay?” Brigitte looked up into Robert’s eyes and said, “My son is fine, but I have been afraid to tell you of his existence for fear you would walk away from this relationship. I feared you would not wish to be burdened with a child that is not yours.” Robert pulled Brigitte into his arms and asked if she was married or in a relationship with her son’s father. Brigitte shook her head and said, “I have never been married and Billie’s father was killed in a motorcycle accident before he ever knew of my pregnancy.” Robert wiped tears from Brigitte’s cheeks with his fingers and said, “I don’t understand why you have kept this from me. I am sorry your friend died before you could tell him about your pregnancy. Does Glen have your beautiful blue eyes?” Robert pulled Brigitte into his arms and said, “Please don’t push me out of your life until we have had time to see if this relationship can work. Glen deserves a father figure in his life. That father figure might not turn out to be me and that is okay, but let’s sees where fate takes us before you push me away.”

  The following morning, Robert and Brigitte began packing their backpacks. Today was their last day at the remote cabin. They would need to be on the trail and hiking back to their Jeep right after breakfast. They had a six-mile hike over very rocky terrane and the sun would begin to set by four in the afternoon.

  As they hiked, Robert kept Glen in their conversations. Now that he knew about the boy, he did not intend to allow Brigitte to keep them apart. Once he met the child, if their relationship was to end, Robert would feel confident that he had done everything in his power to make the love affair work. A child in their lives would only help cement their love; at least that was his hope.


  James’s cell phone beeped. He picked it up off his desk and saw that Jill had sent him a text. He opened the message and began to read. Jill had invited him to her beach home on Saturday for a barbeque. The message explained that he should arrive around ten in the morning and plan to spend the day. She also mentioned that he should bring a change of clothes in case they decided to spend the night on her sailboat. James thought about the offer for a moment and then sent a reply. The message read, “Will be there by ten. I will pack a bathing suit just in case we have company. See you on Saturday.” He had no more than laid his phone back down on the desk when it beeped again. He picked it up and realized that Jill had sent him driving instructions, GPS coordinates and a map. It was then James realized it would take him three hours to drive to the beach house from his home. He would have to be on the road by sunrise.


  As Robert drove the rental Jeep into the National rental car garage at the airport, Brigitte checked their flight departure time on her cell phone. When they had turned in the Jeep and paid for a tank of gasoline, they headed inside the airport and walked towards the Delta ticket counters. While they walked, Brigitte answered a call on her phone. She giggled as she talked and then returned her phone to her pocket. She walked up closer to Robert and said, “You will have your opportunity to meet Glen when we arrive in Texas. My brother is bringing him to the airport to pick me up. I will introduce you if you are still interested.” Robert smiled and said, “I am interested. Maybe you and your family will join me for supper tonight if you are certain you still want me around.” Brigitte slid her arm inside of Robert’s and said, “I am certain I want you around, however, you may quickly tire of a two year old’s attention. He will drive you insane with questions.” Robert just laughed over Brigitte’s words, but he was certain her words would most likely prove to be true.

  When the plane landed in Lerado, Texas, Brigitte’s brother and Glen were waiting for them in the baggage area. Brigitte hugged them both and then introduced Robert. Robert spotted their bags on the carousel and quickly grabbed them. When he returned to where the others were standing, he spoke to Brigitte and said, “I am going to book a hotel room for the night and then grab a bus home in the morning,” hugging her as he finished his words. Brigitte grabbed him by the coat collar as he tried to step back and said, “Not so fast mister. You are not getting away from me that easily. We have spent a very exciting vacation together and I have no intensions of letting you slip out of my life. Will you please join us at my ranch for a few days? We have plenty of room and I would like you to get to know Glen before you go. Will you please stay with us?” When Robert looked into Brigitte’s eyes, trying not to anger her as he refused her offer, he finally gave in and said, “I would love to spend a few days with all of you. Thanks for the offer.”

  As they walked out to the waiting SUV, Brigitte reached down and held Robert’s hand. She snuggled up close to him as they walked and said, “I was afraid you were going to run out on me back there. You must understand that I have fallen in love with you; have you not?” Robert looked into Brigitte’s eyes and said, “I have worked hard to keep those words from slipping from my lips. I too am in love, but I did not feel it was appropriate to tell you so while we shared this mutual vacation adventure. Now that you have spoken the words, I will tell you that I fell in love with you the first night we spent together. The first time we made love in that motel room, room number twelve. I do not normally fall in love with a woman the first time I have sex w
ith her, but you were different. That night, we did not just have sex, instead, we made love.”

  As they loaded their bags into the SUV, Brigitte had tears running down her cheeks. Glen saw his mother crying and was instantly angry with Robert. Brigitte spoke to him and said, “Robert did not hurt me, I am crying because he told me he was in love with me. Those words have made me very happy. I know your young male mind does not understand female emotions yet, but in time you will come to understand that these are happy tears.”


  Robert finished Brigitte’s story the night before he was to meet Jill at her beach house. He was feeling quite nervous about the time he was going to spend with Jill; why he was nervous was not something he understood. He felt a closeness to Jill, a feeling that maybe he should make a special effort to get to know her and maybe spent a little time with her on weekends, if she was willing. Maybe those feelings played a part in the ending he wrote for Brigitte and Robert’s mutual vacation. The magic James wrote in Brigitte and Robert’s vacation adventures must have been very special to them. A few weeks later, James received a letter from Brigitte expressing her appreciation for the vacation scenario he had written for her and Robert. It turned out that the two lovers returned to that same mountain where they had pseudo vacationed for two wonderful weeks and purchased some land. They had begun construction of a cabin quite similar to the one James had written the vacation story around. There, they planned to begin their new life together. There they planned to give Glen a brother or sister to love and nurture. There, they planned to home schooled Glen and teach him the secrets that dwell within the mountain they now call their home.


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