Vacation Writer

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Vacation Writer Page 7

by Coleinger, Ronnie

  As they prepared their lunch, they discussed where they would live and how many children they would adopt. That discussion went quickly since they both wanted to live on a sailing vessel for the next two or three years. After that, they would begin adopting their family, one girl and one boy. They decided to home school their children at sea and only return to California when necessary. If they carefully invested the money they already had acquired, they would have little difficulty making it last throughout their lifetime. James explained to Jill that he had put away half of every weekly paycheck he had received over the last ten years and the fund had accumulated a considerable amount of money. They could draw out the interest from the fund as a monthly check instead of reinvesting it back into the fund as he was presently doing. Jill looked him in the eyes and asked, “May I ask how much is in that fund? It must be of considerable size by now.” James said, “I checked a few months ago and determined I could draw three thousand dollars a month in interest if I chose to do so. The fund will continue to grow even if I draw out the interest, since it is well funded.”

  Jill walked down into the galley and retrieved two checkbooks. One was her checking account and the other was her savings account. She slid both books across the table to James and said, “You have disclosed some of your financials, I will now do the same. I have no secrets from you; however, you must understand that these two accounts do not represent my net worth. I paid cash for this ketch, I paid off the mortgage on my beach house and I paid cash for my SUV and the Corvette. I have little or no debt to speak of.” James opened each of the bankbooks and looked at the balance. He closed the books and slid them back to Jill. He looked into her eyes and said, “I still owe twenty thousand dollars on my Ferrari. I guess I should sell it. I am an easygoing guy, but I refuse to allow children to ride in that car. Since I am so possessive of it, I think it is time I sell it. We can buy a more practical car that our children will enjoy riding in.” Jill giggled and said, “I suspect that when our daughter is old enough to drive, she would enjoy that Ferrari as much as you do. However, I bet the insurance premium would set you back a few thousand dollars a year, let alone the price for new tires every month or so.”

  As they sat in the galley enjoying a cold beer after their meal, James yawned. Jill said, “I think it is time for a swim. The cool water will wake us up and if we take a bar of soap, we can get clean at the same time. An afternoon nap might do us good.” James smiled and said, “I know it would do me some good.” Jill giggled but did not comment; instead, she began picking up the dishes and placing them in the dishwasher. Then she walked over to the power panel and pressed a button. James heard the faint sound of the generator as it started. Then Jill pressed the button on the front of the dishwasher so it would run its cycle.


  As all four girls crawled into the shelter for the night, the last of daylight forced the island into darkness. The sounds of night reverberated off everything around them and they had difficulty determining which direction the sounds were coming from. As they listened and relaxed, they heard the sound of cats growling and puffing off in the distance. Which direction the sounds came from was hard to determine, but it sounded like they originated along the beach. The sounds reminded all of them of the sounds they heard while watching a popular movie that was circulating the Internet. The girls feared that the sounds were those of two lions. Since they had only explored the west shoreline of the island where they now resided, they had no idea if such animals might in fact live on the island. The girls had researched island living and survival, but the choice of islands used for their vacations was left up to the Vacation Writer. In this case, the writer was James.

  In the morning, the girls headed down to the beach. They wanted to gather anything edible that might have washed in during high tide last night. They also hoped to find more fish in the small tidal pool. When they arrived at the water’s edge, they discovered large footprints in the wet sand. The tracks were very fresh since the tide had only receded within the last three hours. Emily put her hand down beside one of the tracks and said, “This track is from a large feline, maybe the one we heard roaming around last night. The track are most likely those of a mountain lion, but they are quite large.”

  After an hour scavenging for food, the girls returned with two fish and three crabs that they found stranded in the tidal pool, the same place they had caught fish earlier.

  Before returning to their campsite, they decided to scout a little farther along the beach. They had no idea how large the island was that the Vacation Writer had placed them on, so a little scouting might be advantageous. After walking a mile or so, the girls returned to their campsite to cook their breakfast.

  After breakfast, Emily said, “We have only a few days left on this vacation. I would like to attempt to walk around this island. We really should see how large it is and what resources are available to us. We may even find a better campsite, possibly a place more secure than where we are currently staying.” Emily’s words had no more left her lips than the other three girls stood up and faced her. Connie said, “Let’s get to it. We can each carry a bottle of water to stay hydrated and a bamboo staff in case we have to fight off Godzilla along the way.” The others laughed over Connie’s words, but after hearing the animal noises last night, they were none too sure who was at the top of the food chain on this island.

  The girls decided to head north along the beach and circle around to the east side of the island. If the island was not to large, they would end up back at their campsite in a few hours. They decided that if they walked for three hours and had not turned towards the west yet, they would turn around and head back home. They certainly did not want to be out on the beach after dark. There would be no moon tonight and the island would get extremely dark once the sun had set.

  As the girls made their way north, they could see that the shoreline was curving towards the northeast. As they walked, they discovered animal tracks in the wet sand. The animals had come down to the water’s edge, for what purpose, they were unsure. Certainly, the deer could not drink the salty water from the ocean. They also discovered raccoon, squirrel, rabbit and the tracks of some rather large birds in the sand.

  The shoreline slowly turned towards the east and then began a gentle turn in a southerly direction. Here, the water lapped up against the rocky shoreline. Eventually, they had to move up along an animal trail, which took them a hundred feet or so up above the water. As they stood at the top of the small cliff and looked out towards the ocean, they could see some whales breaching. The sight was spectacular, but the girls decided to continue their adventure, not wanting to spend a night away from the security of their shelter after dark.

  They had now walked for three hours, the time they had allotted before turning around and heading back the way they had come. The girls could see up ahead far enough that the shoreline had begun turning towards the west. They made up their mind to continue on; now walking twice as fast as they had earlier.

  After another hour, the girls came upon an open beach area. The white sand meandered for a hundred or so yards inland, right up to the edge of a thick forest. At the edge of the water up ahead of them was what they at first thought to be a jagged large rock. As they got closer, they realized that the object was not a rock, but in fact the carcass of a huge whale. The only thing left of the mammoth beast was it sun bleached bones.

  Suddenly, from behind them, they heard the same cat like sounds they had heard on the beach last night. Billy turned around first and spotted two very large lions stalking along the beach, creeping slowly towards them in obvious pursuit of their prey. All four women realized at the same time that they were the intended prey.


  Jill giggled when she felt James naked body snuggle up against her bare backside. He was warm and Jill moved her body towards him to reassure him that his advances were welcome. As they snuggled close in the cold chilly night air, James gently kissed the back of Jill’s neck and s
houlders. She cooed with pleasure when she felt his cock begin to gain strength and press against her butt. She reached down and moved the penis between her thighs. She felt the now rigid member moving slowing back and forth between her legs. The head of his penis, which had spread her labia, was now bumping up against her clitoral hood. She moved her hand back and placed it on James hip, hoping to inspire him to continue with his gentle rocking. The rocking continued until Jill could stand no more stimulation. She moved away from James and rolled over on her side so she was facing him. She gently massaged James penis until she was certain he was ready for her and then rolled up on top of him. She rolled her hips forward just a little and felt his cock easily slide deep into her vagina. She was wet already from the earlier pressure on her clit and it only took a few moments for her to climax. She slid off the now wet cock and moved it back a little with her fingers. A gentle push and she had entered James long hard penis in exactly the right spot. She pushed slowly, allowing her body to adjust to the manhood that now penetrated her most private orifice. As she settled herself and tried to relax, she realized that this precious moment was about to end. James grabbed both of her hips with his hands and gasped for a breath of air. Jill felt the first stream of hot cum enter her body. The feeling was exquisite and she gushed with excitement as another orgasm took hold of her. Jill felt the warmth of her body fluids run down between her legs and drench the crotch of the man lying under her. James chuckled and said, “That was obviously good for both of us.”


  All four girls began to run, even though they all knew that the cats would take up the chase. Their bodies, filled with adrenaline, pumped their legs with every ounce of strength they could muster in an attempt to escape the horrible death that awaited them if the lions caught up with them. Each woman in their own minds knew that the animals were only toying with them. The cats could have easily run them down if they so desired. However, they let the four girls continue to run, quite possibly a ploy by the animals to allow their prey to wear themselves out before the final struggle took place: the struggle for their very lives.

  Emily was the first to hear the sound of a helicopter rapidly approaching them from the west. The four girls ran to the center of the beach and huddled together. They began banging the bamboo staffs they were carrying on the sand, screaming at the lions as they banged the sticks. Then the girls lined up in single file and began banging their staffs together, trying to convince the lions that their prey was too big and strong to manage. The tactic seemed to bide them some time, but it was obvious that the lions were not going to go away.

  The sound of the helicopter got louder and the girls started looking up to the sky, hoping the pilot would see them in distress on the beach and land. Emily began waving her arms and yelling at the pilot, trying with all her might to gain his attention. Suddenly, the helicopter turned and quickly moved towards them. The lions seemed undisturbed by the human machine and continued stalking the girls. Each lion began circling the girls in opposite directions, trying to force one of them to lose their nerve and flee. Emily seeing what the lions were trying to do, moved back into the circle with the others and continued to flail the air and beat the staffs of the other girls. The circle the lions were stalking began to shrink, bringing the animals within striking distance of their prey and preventing them from fleeing.

  The pilot began lowering the helicopter closer to the ground, directly over the girls. Sand began to fly in every direction and the lions used the loss of vision as a diversion and leaped into the circle where their prey was trying to escape. When the lions landed where the girls had just been standing, they found themselves falling over each other; their meal had escaped.

  The helicopter quickly rose into the sky and the girls realized that the two lions were now looking up at them, certainly wondering how the four humans had escaped. Connie screamed at the lions as the helicopter continued to rise, screaming her anger at the lions and at the man whom had written their vacation scenario with such a frightening conclusion. The other three women began to laugh. They laughed at Connie’s reaction, they laughed at the way their vacation ended and they laughed at each other.

  As they gained altitude, the pilot said, “If you watch the ground below, you will discover something quite interesting.” The girls all put their faces to the huge windows of the helicopter and looked down at the ground. Suddenly, the ground below them disappeared, as did the entire island.

  Emily woke with a start and sat up in her bed. She looked around and began to remember that she had joined her vacation memory chip to discover the vacation that the Vacation Clinic had recently implanted in her brain. She laid back on her waterbed and realized that she was wet and naked. She got out of bed only to discover that her bed sheets were wet and she smelled horrible. She giggled to herself and said aloud, “James that is the best vacation I have ever taken. Thank you.”

  When Emily turned on the shower and adjusted the water temperature, she found that her skin was red and in some places, it was peeling. She stood in amazement over how she had physically joined her vacation. She wondered how that could be, but dismissed the idea as simply impossible.

  When she had stood in the shower as long as she could, she stepped out and began to dry her body with a large soft towel. As she dried between her legs, the memory of her and June’s sexual encounter flashed through her mind. She let the memory linger and moved her fingers to her clit, allowing them to massage her most sensitive place. After a moment, her body tensed and she felt a flood of warmth flow through her body. She smelled the wonderful aroma of June’s sex and another wave of pleasure took hold of her body. She finally had to sit down on the toilet seat and let her legs regain their strength. Her orgasm had been intense and her hands were wet and slippery from her body fluids.

  After the shower, Emily returned to her bedroom and pulled the sheets off to wash them. As the sheet came off, she realized there was sand in them. She reached over and turned on the ceiling light, only to discover there truly was sand on the floor. She stood looking at her discovery for a minute before laughing aloud. She hoped that June, Billy and Connie enjoyed the vacation as much as she had.

  Chapter 4 – The foiled Virginity of Sally and Richard

  Sally and Richard had just stepped out of the limousine when their family and friends swarmed them, wanting to hug and shake their hands. The wedding had been spectacular and everything went just as planned. With all the attention outside at the limousine, it took almost twenty minutes before the bride and groom managed to enter the reception hall.

  When the walked through the door and joined their wedding reception, which was already in progress by this time, they were each handed a glass of bubbling champagne. They sipped the drink and joined in three toasts before their host escorted them to the head table. Sally giggled as they stood behind their chairs and the first man and first lady made another toast. Sally and Richard faced each other, entwined their arms and drank a little more champagne. By the time they sat down at their table, both the bride and the groom were feeling the effects of the alcohol.

  After an hour of pictures, shaking hands and meeting new family members, the host finally escorted them to the serving line. Sally loaded up her plate with foods she hoped would soak up all the alcohol she had drank. Twice Richard put his hand on one of the tables to stop the room from spinning. The walk back to their table was difficult at best. Sally felt as if she might pass out, but managed to get to the table and get a little food into her stomach. Richard asked for a picture of water, but instead received another glass of champagne. Finally, Sally spoke to her bride’s maid and said, “Becky, Richard and I have had too much to drink. Can you get us a picture of water and two glasses?”

  After the bride and groom finished their meal and hydrated with some cold water, they started to feel a little better. They managed to enjoy the first dance and all of the following dances with family and friends. As the evening progressed, everyone began to drink again,
this time the hard liquor flowed like water. Sally had finished off four or five drinks and Richard seemed unsure how many he had drunk. They both were three sheets to the wind by the time they entered the front door of the hotel.

  As the best man (Jim) and the maid of honor checked them in and escorted them to the bridal suite, they faced each other in the elevator and smiled. Becky leaned over and kissed Jim hard on the lips. Then she pressed a small white pill into the palm of his hand and said, “See you in the morning.”

  When the elevator door slid open, Jim took hold of the bride’s arm and headed to room five twelve. Becky took hold of Richard’s arm and led him to room five eleven.


  As they two lovers lay together, Jill sat up on James hips and said, “I have no idea how nasty our bodies might be right now. I suggest we get up and head to the bow for a swim in the ocean. James giggled and said, “We smell as if we both need a diaper change. I think a swim and a bar of soap are truly in order.” James reached up and rubbed Jill’s nipples with his fingers, causing her to pull back and giggle. Then she said, “That is the first time in my life I have ever done that deed. I always feared it would really hurt, but that fear quickly disappeared when I pushed your penis inside me.”


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