Finding Valor

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Finding Valor Page 44

by Charlotte Abel

  Channie cried out, pulling Josh’s gaze to her face. A weeping, red line underscored the knife at her throat.

  “No! Stop.” The guard holding Channie was the one that had gotten in her face earlier. He’d cut her, and she was definitely bleeding, but it wasn’t a copious amount. Not yet. But Josh didn’t doubt that the man would enjoy slitting her throat.

  “If I accept your terms, will you release my wife and my father?”

  “Of course.” Dominance brushed a nonexistent strand of hair off her brow.

  “Right now. I want my wife beside me.” It went against every fiber of Josh’s being to put Channie in the line of fire, but she’d be safer beside him, under his bulletproof shield than she was with a knife at her throat.

  Dominance narrowed her eyes, but agreed with a curt nod of her head. “All I want is for you to honor our agreement. Now, come, choose your pistol.”

  Hope flared in Josh’s chest. He’d have to suck his shield down tight so he could get the barrel of his gun outside of it, but even if he had to expose his entire arm to do so, it was better than nothing. And he’d be damn sure Channie stayed behind him.

  Josh’s heart sank when he peered into the velvet lined box at the long barreled weapons. These were not revolvers. He’d only get one shot.

  “Oh, and Valor?”


  “No magic means no shields.”


  No shields means no protection. Josh hit Channie with a calming spell that knocked her out then handed her to Vince. “Get her out of here.”

  Vince handed her off to an old man then put a hand on Josh’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. He’s on our side.”

  Josh wasn’t happy about it, but the man and Channie had already disappeared in the crowd.

  Vince enhanced his voice with magic. “Tempest was interrupted before she finished reading the ancient rules of dueling. Does everyone understand the role of seconds?”

  Dominance glared at him as half the crowd shook their heads.

  Hunter frowned. “Maybe you better explain it.”

  “To ensure a fair duel.” Vince twisted his mouth into his strange, but familiar, smile. “If either principle fires before the appointed time, it is the second’s duty to fire at the offender.”

  Vince pointed at Tempest, Dominance’s second. “Please replace the weapon behind your back with one of the pistols that have been approved for this duel.”

  The woman’s face blanched.

  Dominance reached behind her and grabbed the gun then handed it to one of her guards. She shoved her second towards the man holding the box of pistols and waved Hunter forward. “Choose your weapons.”

  Hunter, always a gentleman, waited for Tempest to make her choice before lifting a pistol out of the box. He balanced it in his hand then sighted down the barrel. “Anything special I should know about this here gun?”

  Dominance rolled her eyes. “You pull the trigger, a bullet comes out the other end.”

  “Thanks for nothing, bitch.” Hunter turned around and walked back towards Josh.

  Dominance’s face turned from puce to purple but her second stepped in and whispered something that calmed her down.

  “Are you crazy?” Josh spoke through gritted teeth. “There’s no way I could’ve gotten my shield over you in time when you’re standing right next to her. At least wait until you’re closer to me than her before you start calling her names.”

  “She’s so pissed, her whole body’s shaking. It was worth the risk.”

  “Mother?” Vince's voice trembled. “It’s me you hate. Let me take Valor’s place.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” She smirked at him. “You can’t take Valor’s place, but you may replace his second.”

  “Oh, hell no.” Hunter jammed the loaded pistol in the waistband of his jeans then lowered his voice to a whisper. “You know I’m the best shot. All we gotta do is get her to fire early so I can pop her.”

  “And how do you propose to do that?” Vince's shoulders slumped.

  Hunter shrugged. “Josh’ll just have to twitch his gun hand a little early to draw her fire.”

  “That’s brilliant…except for the part about her firing early. What if she hits one of us?”

  “That’s one of the reasons I called her a bitch. To get her riled up. Besides, these old pistols ain’t too accurate. I doubt she’ll hit anything vital.”

  “Then how do you know you’ll be able to hit her?”

  “My name’s Hunter. It’s what I do.”

  A chill crept over Josh’s skin as the moon darkened. There was barely a sliver left when Tempest called out, “Take your marks. Fire on the count of three.”

  “How come she gets to—”

  “Shut up, Hunter.” Josh’s hand was already shaking. He kept his finger outside the trigger guard to keep from firing the gun accidentally. “Get ready.”

  “I’m good.”

  “One…” Tempest’s voice rang out as the eclipse reached its apex and the last sliver of light disappeared.

  Josh’s pulse raced. Time slowed.


  Josh raised his gun with a shaking hand, but Dominance did not take the bait. She did not fire early. Hunter couldn’t shoot without destroying the treaty. It’s up to me. I can’t use magic, but I can draw on my power-name. It’s a part of me. I am Valor Veyjivik, a royal mage, the rightful heir to the throne. My people are counting on me to save them from tyranny.

  Josh took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. His body stilled. His mind calmed. His racing heart slowed. He aimed at the center of Dominance’s body.

  Everything that followed happened in the space between one heartbeat and the next.

  Tempest shouted, “Three!”

  Vince stepped in front of Josh as a shot rang out then crumpled to the ground.

  Josh fired. The recoil jerked his arm straight up.

  Dominance screamed then grabbed her stomach as she sank to the ground.

  Tempest dropped her pistol and raised both hands in the air.

  Time resumed its normal passage.

  Josh scanned the crowd for Channie. He couldn’t see her, but he felt her love through their bond. He glanced at Hunter. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” Hunter pointed his gun at the sky then ran to the other side of the field towards Dominance and Tempest.

  Josh dropped to his knees to check on Vince. His heart stopped when he saw the quarter-sized hole in his forehead. “No!”

  He covered Vince's wound with both hands and pressed as hard as he could, but it didn’t staunch the flow of blood. He reached for all the magic in his gut, but it refused to leave his body. It was as if it knew the situation was hopeless. No amount of magic would cure a head wound.

  Josh couldn’t believe Vince was dead. He’d barely gotten to know him. There was so much more he wanted to learn. He wanted to heal his scars. He wanted to tell him that he loved him.

  Josh found Vince's hat. He turned it around so the bullet hole was in the back then placed it on his head.

  Channie squatted beside Josh. She grabbed both his shoulders and gave him a little shake. “Hunter’s holding Dominance at gunpoint. Both armies are squaring off.”

  Josh jerked his head up.

  Blood soaked the middle of Channie’s shirt. He didn’t detect any pain through their bond, but that could be the result of shock.

  “How badly are you hurt?” He jumped to his feet and lifted her shirt, expecting to find a bullet hole in her gut. She was bloody, but there was no wound.

  “It’s not my blood.”

  “The guard?”

  “He found me in the back of the crowd and tried to recapture me after you shot Dominance. I stabbed him with his own knife.” Channie looked at Vince. “I’m sorry about your father, but you need to finish this before people start shooting at each other.”

  Grief squeezed Josh’s chest. He closed his eyes and nodded. He didn’t know what the ancient rites dictate
d in this situation, but he didn’t care. Even if they killed him for breaking their archaic honor code, Dominance had to die.

  The Book of the Dead seemed to agree with him. It warmed his chest as it sprang to life. Light shot out between the fibers of his shirt and the button holes of his vest. Josh could tell from the collective gasp that every mage there could see the pulsating beams.

  Channie slipped her hand under his shirt and pressed her palm against the bare skin of his lower back.

  Josh’s heart sank as he scanned the crowd. Both armies had their shields up and weapons drawn but there were no clear battle lines. Everyone was intermingled. He could protect himself and Channie but he couldn’t shield the rest of his people without also shielding the enemy. He could heat up everyone’s weapons like he had at the Black Mountain massacre, but everyone would just switch to killing each other with magic.

  Both sides teetered on the brink. If someone so much as sneezed, it would trigger an all out war. It went against every protective instinct, but Josh kept his shield down. Something told him that if he raised it, Dominance’s people would see it as an act of aggression.

  Josh maneuvered Channie to his side and wrapped his arm around her waist. He prayed that no matter what happened, she’d be okay. He kissed the top of her head then marched towards Dominance.

  Many of Dominance’s people bowed and quietly begged for mercy as Josh and Channie passed through the crowd.

  Josh found Hunter kneeling beside the royal bitch with his gun pressed against her forehead. “She cheated. Her pistol only looks like an antique.”

  Dominance clutched her bleeding side and glared at Josh. Half of her loyal soldiers had their weapons trained on Hunter; the other half aimed at Josh.

  He pulled the Book of the Dead out of his shirt and held it over his head as he addressed the crowd. “Do you all know what this is?”


  “It’s a Book of the Dead.” He turned around a full three hundred and sixty degrees so everyone could see the still glowing book. “Do you want to know what it says?”

  Everyone answered in unison. “Yes, my king.”

  Josh didn’t want anyone to accuse him of making anything up, so he opened the book then held it under Tempest’s nose. “Read it.”

  She gulped then cleared her throat. Josh enhanced her voice without asking permission. Her eyes widened, but she didn’t complain.

  Son of Vengeance, your battle’s done.

  Cut out the heart of the evil one.

  Bury this book in her empty chest

  And all of our power to thee we’ll bequest.

  Josh closed the book. “As Dominance’s second, do you agree with the book?”

  “Yes, my king.” Tempest switched sides so fast it made Josh’s head spin. She even whipped a knife out of her boot and offered it to him, handle first.

  Josh enhanced his voice, so even the people in the back could hear him. “Do you all agree with the Book of the Dead?”

  “Yes, my king.”

  “I’m not dead, yet. I’m still your queen.” Dominance shoved the barrel of Hunter’s pistol off her forehead and grunted in pain as she sat up. She pointed at Josh. “Seize him!”

  Hunter put her in a headlock and moved the gun to her temple.

  A few of Dominance’s soldiers shifted their weapons, but no one came to her aid.

  Every muscle in Josh’s body tightened. This was it.

  Dominance’s eyes filled with tears, but Josh felt no pity. She panted between words. “What are you waiting for?”

  Josh tucked the Book of the Dead back inside his shirt. It continued to glow, but he knew instinctively that there were no more messages. It was merely giving him strength, steeling him for the grisly task ahead, hinting at the power that would be his reward when he completed the sacrifice.

  Dominance’s wound was serious, but not fatal. Josh could have easily healed her, but to what end? She’d murdered countless men, women and children and if he let her live, she’d no doubt continue her bloodthirsty quest for more power. She had to die.

  He took her from Hunter and cradled her head as he laid her on the ground.

  Dominance grabbed his wrist. “Please, don’t do this. I’ll give you half my kingdom. You can rule by my side.”

  “I don’t want your kingdom.” Josh paralyzed her with magic then pressed the knife against her chest. Exhilaration coursed through his veins like an adrenaline rush as her pupils dilated in fear. He’d dreaded this moment for the better part of a year, but not anymore. His fingers twitched on the knife’s handle. He wanted to kill her. But not too quickly. She needed to be punished. She needed to suffer.

  Josh adjusted the paralysis spell so Dominance could feel everything. He released her vocal chords so everyone could hear her screams of agony. His lips curled into a smile as he thought of how much he was going to enjoy sacrificing the evil queen.

  The Book of the Dead pulsed in time with his heart, its power vibrated through his body like the pounding bass at a rock concert. You shall be the most powerful mage that has ever lived.

  Josh hesitated. He’d seen what the Book of the Dead did to Channie’s mother. No one person should have that much power.

  Do it! What are you waiting for? Together, we can change the world.

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.” Josh raised the blade over his head.

  Dominance’s eyes widened. “The sacrifice requires a beating heart.”

  “I know.”

  “Don’t waste my power. My blood flows in your veins. Cut out my beating heart and bury the book in my chest so that I can live on in you. My power will multiply yours exponentially. You will be my legacy.”

  “I don’t think so.” Josh numbed every nerve in Dominance’s body from the neck down and plunged the knife into her heart.

  Her eyes widened in surprise then rolled into the back of her head.

  Josh didn’t regret killing her. But he took no pleasure in it either. And that realization flooded him with relief.

  The Book of the Dead burst into flames. Josh tore his shirt open and flung it onto the ground. A dozen furious voices screamed inside his head, reviling him, promising him a long and painful death for his disobedience and blasphemous waste of their gift. Dominance’s voice joined the others, cursing him for all eternity.

  He clapped his hands over his ears, but it gave him no relief. Agony, like ice picks stabbing his brain, blurred his vision. Blood leaked out his ears and poured from his nose. If not for Channie, he would have welcomed death, just to escape the pain. He yanked the knife out of Dominance and drove it into the book.

  Puffs of oily, black smoke shot out of the torn cover. Each puff elongated into skeletal forms. Hundreds of them clawed at his skin, his hair, his clothes. They tried to force their way into his mouth and nose. They were trying to possess him.

  Josh’s lungs screamed for air, but he knew the angry spirits that had been imprisoned in the book would ride in on the smallest breath. His vision tunneled, going grey around the edges.

  A pulse of energy shot into his chest and expanded his lungs. The irresistible urge to inhale became an equally urgent need to breathe out…Channie. He exhaled with relief. Another pulse from further away refilled his lungs with pure oxygen…Hunter. And then another and another. Countless ribbons of power caressed his skin.

  The freedom fighters, and at least half of Dominance’s army poured magic into his body, oxygenating his blood, energizing his muscles, strengthening the very marrow of his bones.

  Josh yanked the blade out of the book and stabbed it over and over until it was no longer recognizable. The oily wraiths’ screams died out as they evaporated. What remained of the Book of the Dead crumbled into a pile of dark grey ash. Josh scraped the blade of the knife across the pile, scattering the dust in the wind as a sliver of platinum light crept across the surface of the moon. The total eclipse was ending. All around him, people were cheering, laughing, celebrating.

  Channie crouc
hed down behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her warm breath feathered his jaw. “Hunter and Tim are taking Vince's body back to the castle. Would you like to help?”

  Josh suddenly found it impossible to breathe yet again. He nodded.

  Channie stood up and helped him to his feet then led him back to Vince's body.

  Josh was relieved to see that someone had already covered his face. But his relief was short-lived when he recognized Wisdom. Since she was on Dominance’s hit list, Josh had ordered her to stay behind at Freedom Ridge. She’d obviously disobeyed. She sat on the ground, next to Vince, holding his bare, unscarred hand. She’d removed his glove. At first Josh was startled, but he shouldn’t have been. Wisdom and Vince were married. Of course she knew about his hand. He regretted not healing the rest of his scars.

  Tears streamed down Wisdom’s cheeks, but she didn’t make a sound.

  Josh knelt in front of her. He didn’t know what to say. ‘I’m sorry’ was so inadequate it would’ve been insulting so he didn’t say anything at all.

  Wisdom lifted Vince's hand and pressed his smooth, pale skin against her lips.

  Josh remembered the glimpse he’d gotten of Vince's unscarred face when he’d used magic to see him as he appeared to empties. He realized that Vince's glamour spell must be how he saw himself.

  Josh helped carry him back to the castle then asked everyone to leave him alone with his father for a few minutes. He couldn’t bring him back to life, but maybe he could restore his face…even if it was only for his funeral.

  The pain of healing Vince's hand had been unbearable, but the pain of healing his face was exponentially worse. The sound of his own screams was the last thing Josh heard before he passed out.


  When Josh woke up, he had no idea where he was. A soft, cool hand stroked his brow. “Josh?”

  Channie. He didn’t care where he was as long as she was there beside him.

  “Can you open your eyes?”

  He blinked then squinted. Not sure whether he was awake or dreaming. He was in bed, naked, but so was Channie, which was even better.

  It was his surroundings that had him doubting his lucidity. It looked like Walt Disney had married a pimp and they couldn’t agree on how to decorate their bedroom. Red velvet drapes and furniture, gold framed mirrors and white marble walls and floor. White, gauzy fabric floated over the canopy of the four-poster bed and puddled on the floor. It looked like a good way to invite spiders into the bed. Josh shuddered. “Where are we?”


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