Beat of the Heart rt-2

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Beat of the Heart rt-2 Page 8

by Katie Ashley

  As the opening chords started up, AJ quirked his brows at me. “You wanna show-off what you learned tonight?”

  I grinned up at him. “I’m not sure everything we did back at the dance studio is appropriate.”

  AJ returned my grin. “That’s true.” His arms snaked around my waist, drawing me flush against him. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around his neck. One of his hands splayed across my back, his thumb rubbing back and forth across the exposed skin above my dress. I shivered under his touch, causing him to tighten his arms around me. “How about we try this instead?” he questioned, his breath fanning across my cheek.

  I fought to catch my breath. When I could finally speak, I replied, “I think…this is nice.”

  He snorted. “You and your usage of nice.”

  Pressed tightly together, we swayed as the passionate words of the love song echoed through the room. I closed my eyes and rested my head against AJ’s chest. Tuning out the sounds around me, I focused on the gentle beat of his heart, thrumming through his shirt. “I can see why your grandparents liked this so much,” AJ said, breaking the silence.

  “Really?” I murmured.

  “Yeah, it really speaks to the beauty of true love. Kinda reminds me of one of the first songs I learned to play on the drums, Amorcito Mio. My Tio Diego he’s the one who got me started playing music. He used to have a band back in Guadalajara. His song with my Tia Anita was Amorcito Mio, and he used to play it all the time.”

  “That means, ‘my love’, in Spanish right?”

  AJ nodded. “Yeah, but sorta more affectionate like ‘my baby’ kinda usage, too.” He stared down at me. “Like I would want to call you, amorcito mio.”

  “You would?” I questioned softly.

  “Yeah, I would.” He then brought his lips to mine. In that moment, I didn’t care we were on display in front of the entire restaurant. All I wanted in that moment was AJ’s lips on mine and his hands on my body. Wanting him to deepen the kiss, I opened my mouth. He obliged me by flicking his tongue against mine. I moaned as I slid my hand up to tangle in his hair. I got so lost in him and what we were doing I didn’t realize the song had ended. It wasn’t until a more upbeat tune blared around us that I jerked away.

  “Fuck me, that was intense,” AJ murmured.

  I couldn’t help laughing. “You have such a way with words.”

  He grinned. “I try. Now come on, let’s show these stiffs how it’s done.”

  Widening my eyes in horror, I shook my head furiously. “But I don’t know what to do.”

  “Just follow my lead.”

  “Easier said than done,” I shouted, over the music.

  “Piece of cake.” AJ then quick-stepped me over the floor while several times spinning me back and then out. When the music came to a close, he dipped me. My chest rose and fell in harsh pants as I tried catching my breath.

  “Wanna go again?”

  “Um, maybe?”

  AJ laughed and drew me back up. Once again, the music was fast paced, and I fought to keep up with AJ’s manic movements. When the song ended, I tugged his arm. “I need something to drink.”

  “Yes, I should be plying you with more wine, shouldn’t I?”

  I giggled. “I think you do just fine without it.”

  Just before we got back to our booth, my dad stepped into our path. “Emiliana, what a surprise.” He grabbed me in his muscular arms and hugged me tight against his broad chest. For a man pushing sixty, he was in great shape. With his salt and pepper hair, bright smile, and rugged good looks, he was quite the prize around these parts. Of course, after one marriage before my mom and one brief one after, he was quite content as a confirmed bachelor.

  “Hi Daddy.” I leaned back to kiss his cheek.

  His eyes, that were the same onyx color as mine, glittered with excitement. “You should have told me you were coming out tonight, and I would have had dinner with you and your…” He glanced between me and AJ before his mouth gaped open. “Drummer Boy? Don’t tell me you’re here with my little Mia?”

  AJ grinned before he and my dad hugged and smacked backs. “Yes sir. Of course, I didn’t know she was your daughter until after I’d made the reservation.”

  Daddy smiled. “I kept telling you I had a daughter you should meet.”

  “Oh please, tell me you didn’t,” I moaned.

  AJ laughed. “Actually, he did.”

  “You didn’t tell me that earlier.”

  “Well, you were freaked out enough about this being your family’s place. I didn’t think adding in that little tidbit would help.”

  Daddy cleared his throat. “You know what Mama Sofia would say about this?”

  “What?” AJ asked.

  “She would say it was truly meant to be because fate and destiny decided to intercede.” Daddy took my hand to plant a kiss on it. “I think I would have to agree, mia cara.”

  “We’ll have to see about that,” I replied, nervously shifting on my feet. My head spun in a dizzying flurry at the mere fact that AJ and my dad not only knew each other, but apparently liked each other. A lot. It had taken Daddy weeks to come around about Dev. Now he seemed like he was practically ready to marry AJ and me off. Of course, his words about Mama Sofia and fate sent me tail-spinning even further.

  Eyeing our table, Daddy said, “You weren’t about to leave, were you?”

  “Not until we finish our wine.”

  “I’ll send over another bottle along with some dessert.”

  “No, you don’t need to do that.”

  Daddy smiled. “Of course, I do.” He turned to AJ. “Have you ever sampled some of Mia’s Mousse?”

  I held my breath, hoping to God and all that was holy that AJ would refrain from making any smart ass innuendo remarks or getting that sexy little smirk on his face.

  Thankfully, he behaved. “I’ve had some of the gelato and the tiramisu, but not any of the mousse.” A look of revelation flickered on his face. “Wait, is that the one spelled like the animal, moose, on the menu?”

  With a chuckle, Daddy replied, “My father named it for Mia. She loved being in the kitchen with my parents when they were cooking. One day when my mother mentioned using a new recipe for the chocolate mousse, Mia got all excited because she thought there was going to be a real moose in the kitchen. Pop and Ma loved it, so they introduced the new mousse as ‘Mia’s Moose’, and it’s been that way on the menu ever since.”

  Warmth flooded my cheeks. “Thanks for the embarrassing story, Daddy. Why don’t you take AJ back to your office and show him some of my baby pictures next?”

  AJ nudged me playfully. “I loved that story. And I bet you were a real cutie when you were little.”

  Daddy grinned. “She could certainly be a precocious little handful.”

  “I don’t think that has changed,” AJ teased.

  Reaching over, Daddy cupped my cheek. “But most of all, she’s been the greatest achievement and blessing of my life.”

  I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat at his words. Willingly myself not to cry, I wrapped my arms around him again. “Thank you. I love you so very, very much.”

  He kissed my cheek. “Go on and have a seat. I’ll get Pauley to bring out the wine and dessert.”

  “Thanks, Duke,” AJ replied, thrusting out his hand to shake Daddy’s again.

  “You take care of my little girl now,” Daddy replied.

  “Would you stop? I am twenty-eight, not twelve.”

  AJ winked at me. “It’ll be my pleasure taking care of her.”

  I narrowed my eyes at his innuendo while Daddy reached over to give him another hug. “I’m happy to hear that.” He then glanced over at me. “See you Sunday night?”

  “Of course.”

  “Bye sweetie.”

  As I watched my dad’s form retreat down the hallway to his office, AJ motioned for me to have a seat. Instead of sitting across from me, AJ slid in next to me in the booth. “Nothing like having you and my dad sharin
g the same air for a few minutes on a first date,” I groaned, as I smoothed down my dress.

  “Hey, you should be thrilled that he likes me so much.”

  “Yeah, I’m not so sure if that’s a good thing or not.”

  We were interrupted by Pauley returning with the wine and mousse. As he set down the plates, he smirked at AJ and me. “Gay friend my ass.”

  I grimaced. “Sorry, but I was trying to keep you guys off my back.”

  “Then next time try not to make-out on the dance floor. We’re running late on dinner plates because half of the kitchen and wait-staff were watching you two.”

  “Oh God,” I muttered, cupping my head in my hands.

  “Quit your bitching, cuz. You looked good out there.” When I peeked at him through my fingers, he was smiling genuinely at me. “It’s been a long time since we saw you looking so happy.”

  “Thanks, Pauley.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  After Pauley left us, AJ eyed the mousse before smirking at me. “Hmm, can’t wait to get a taste of Mia’s Moose.”

  “You’re an ass,” I replied.

  “If I remember correctly from earlier this evening, it was mighty tasty.”

  I smacked his arm. Hard. As he grimaced, I replied, “Just shut up and eat.”

  On my command, AJ took a hearty spoonful. “It’s kinda rich,” I warned, but he shoved it in his mouth anyway.

  He closed his eyes in exaggerated bliss. “Damn, that’s good.” He grinned at me. “Orgasmically good.”

  “Whatever,” I mused. After such a big bite, he had a glob stuck on the corner of his mouth. Using my thumb, I reached over and swiped it off. Before I could get my napkin, AJ grabbed my hand and brought it closer to his mouth. With his eyes locked on mine, his tongue reached out and licked my thumb. I held my breath as he sucked my whole thumb into his mouth, suctioning off the chocolate. I instantly had a heated flashback of what that tongue had felt like on me earlier in the limo. Blood rushed to both my cheeks and lower half.

  “You want some?” he asked, his voice taking on a lower, husky tone.

  I bobbed my head. Instead of using the spoon, AJ dipped his finger into the chocolate and brought it to my lips. Leaning forward, I sucked his finger into my mouth, never taking my eyes off of his. As I pulled harder against his finger, swirling my tongue around it, a lustful gleam burned in his that caused me to shudder.

  “We should go. Now.”

  I was having a weird déjà vu moment from earlier in the dance studio when AJ was ready to leave in a hurry so he could ravish me in the limo. A delicious tingle of anticipation ran down my spine. I still couldn’t help questioning, “Don’t you want to finish the wine and mousse?”

  “I just wanna finish you off a time or two…maybe more.”

  “Oh, Jesus,” I muttered as my panties instantly moistened.

  AJ chuckled. Pulling away from me, he searched the restaurant for Pauley. When he saw him, he waved him over. “We’re going to need the check. ASAP.”

  Pauley ducked his head, trying to suppress his laughter. “Uncle Duke said it was on the house.”

  “He didn’t need to do that, but tell him thank you for both Mia and me.”

  “I will.”

  AJ reached in his pocket. I watched him slide a crisp hundred bill over to Pauley. “For your excellent service.”

  Pauley’s dark eyes widened. “Holy shit! Thank you, man.”

  “You’re welcome.” Pauley stepped aside to let AJ rise out of the booth. He held out his hand for me. “Coming?”

  Pauley snickered at the loaded innuendo. I rolled my eyes, feeling like I was surrounded by teenage boys.

  “Goodnight, Pauley. And do me a favor?”

  His brows rose. “Anything for you, cuz.”

  “Wipe that shit-eating grin off your face.”

  He nodded. “Will do.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

  Leaning over, he gave me a kiss. “Have fun, cuz.”

  “I’ll try.”

  AJ and Pauley shook hands. “Can we go out the back? That’s where our driver is waiting.”

  “Sure thing. You know the way?”

  AJ nodded. “It’s usually how I come and go when I’m here.”

  “Night,” I called as I strode through the kitchen door.

  The moment I entered the room a shouted chorus of “Emiliana!” went up all around me.

  “Hi Louie, Petey, Carmine, Carmilla!” I shouted over the sound of clanking plates and silverware scraping food preparation bowls. I would have stopped to talk, but AJ’s insistent hand was against my lower back, pushing me along. As soon as we were out the door, his hot mouth was on mine in a hurried, frantic kiss. Pushing me against the brick wall, his hands started roaming over me. “Not here,” I panted against his lips.

  “Ready sir?” Benny called behind us. I actually felt sorry for him. He was going to need a whole lot of eye bleach to get rid of the images we’d given him in the last five hours. With my past, I never would have expected or imagined that I would be comfortable with such PDA, yet with AJ, it felt right.

  “Yeah,” AJ grunted, pulling away from me. My heels clicked along the pavement as I made my way to the limo. Benny stood, his head tucked to his chest, with the door open.

  “Take us home, Benny,” AJ instructed, as we collapsed into the limo in a wild tangle of arms and legs.

  “Yes sir,” came the mumbled reply, before the door was shut tight behind us.

  Once our bodies had adjusted on the bench seat, AJ crushed his mouth against mine, thrusting his warm tongue into my mouth. He tasted sweet like the chocolate and wine we’d just consumed, and I moaned into his mouth as our tongues intertwined. With one hand cupping my ass, AJ brought his other to my breast, slipping through the satin of my bodice to cup my naked flesh.

  As much as I hated to, I jerked away from him. Our gazes locked, and I’m sure mine mirrored AJ’s lust-filled one. It took me a full minute to find my voice. Even AJ’s broad chest heaved up and down from our passionate lip-lock. “We should go to my house.”

  “Nuh-uh,” AJ grunted, his hand kneading my breast harder.

  “But you’ll need to drop me off at my place anyway,” I argued, trying to ignore the heat pooling below my waist at his actions.

  AJ shook his head. “Mine’s closer. And I don’t wanna waste any time before I can be buried back inside you.”

  His words stoked the fire burning within me. I couldn’t believe just thirty minutes ago we’d been slow dancing at my family’s restaurant. Now we were mauling each other like sex-starved deviants. Of course, it was that damn chocolate mousse that had turned dessert into foreplay between the dancing and the limo.

  As his thumb flicked over my pebbled nipple, his other hand snaked up my dress to find my already damp center. When one finger slid inside my panties, I involuntarily thrust my hips up. Although I wanted nothing more than to be with him again, I smacked my palm against his chest, pushing him away. “Oh no, just a minute, big boy.”

  AJ’s chuckle scorched against my neck as he nudged his erection against my exposed thigh. “Thanks for the compliment, babe.”

  “I’m serious.” Grabbing the sweat-soaked strands of his hair, I jerked his head up to meet my gaze. “You’ve already had me once in this limo. What kind of girl do you take me for?”

  A wicked gleam burned in AJ’s dark eyes. “The kind who gets off on satisfying her man.”

  I quirked a brow at him. “Oh, but you’re not mine, Mr. Latin Lover.”

  “I’ve had you, Mia. So you’re mine,for the night.”

  Shaking my head, I scooted away to where I was on the opposite bench seat. AJ shot me a predatory glare, reiterating the fact he was not accustomed to females not giving him his way. “Quit playing fucking games,” he growled.

  “I said, no.”

  “Yeah, well, I call your bluff since I can smell how fucking aroused you are right now. Not to mention, you’re practically soa
king the seat.”

  He leaned over to grab me, but I nailed him in the chest with my stiletto heeled foot, thrusting him back against the leather seat. His gaze dipped from mine to my pump and then he snorted. “Are your ‘come fuck me heels’ really supposed to deter me?”

  When I shrugged, he dropped his head. Never breaking eye contact with me, he then ran his tongue over the strap slowly before taking it between his teeth and jerking. The wet leather smacked against my foot, and I shivered at his actions, causing him to wink at me. “These heels just make me want to throw you on your back and pound you even harder as they dig into my ass.”

  His tempting words caused me to press my legs tighter together to ease the tension while at the same time I crossed my arms over my chest. “Baby, your little machismo act may work for some helpless bimbos, but I’ve got strong Italian blood pumping through me. I fuck when I want to.” I flashed him a defiant look. “And right now, you’re not having me in this limo.”

  We stared each other down in a silent battle of wills. AJ eyed me so intently that I could almost see the wheels turning in his head, like he was sure at any moment I would relent and let him take me on all fours like he had earlier. In a firm voice, I said, “Not. Happening.”

  Keeping my foot firmly against his pectoral, I inched my skirt further up my thighs. His nostrils flared at the sight. “Don’t. Fucking. Tease. Me.”

  I gave him a sweet smile. “I’m not teasing you, babe. Just giving you a preview for later.”

  An agonized groan escaped his lips as his hand cupped the bulge in his pants. With his gaze still locked on mine, he rubbed the length. “Mia…” His voice had taken on an almost pleading tone.

  My mouth ran dry at the image before me, and I licked my lips. “You want me that bad?” I questioned in a whisper.

  “Fuck yes.”

  “Show me,” I commanded, nodding towards his crotch.

  Without a moment’s hesitation, AJ’s fingers quickly worked the button and zipper on his khakis. Raising his hips, he eased down his pants and boxers to his mid thighs, exposing his erection to me. “Stroke it.”

  AJ’s hand gripped his hardness before he began to slide his palm up and down. “You owe me, remember?”

  “I do?” I replied, playing dumb.


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