Healing Hearts 2: Fight for Freedom (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Healing Hearts 2: Fight for Freedom (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 3

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Then there was Phantom, dark, mysterious, angry all the time. It was intimidating to even stand near him, never mind have him so close that he sniffed her hair. She didn’t imagine that, did she? Had he done that? Jesus, she was freaking out. She looked down at her hand and her fingers were shaking. She took a deep breath and released it and focused on her friends’ conversation the best she could.

  Over the last few weeks since Mike and the team returned from some job whatever it was they did, something with the military, they had been keeping eyes on her, a lot. At first, she thought it was because of Afina, and then the incident with Casey and Amelia and of course Kai. But then they not only watched her, but started to make a point to talk to her and even touch her. Like just a little while ago as Mike pulled her to him, it was like he was trying to claim possession of her.

  Her heart raced and her body reacted to the thought. She was shocked. She glanced back toward the bar as her friends continued to talk about shopping at a new boutique a town over and some beach activities tomorrow afternoon, but she looked for Mike, Phantom and Turner. Sure enough, they were clustered together and all three men caught her gaze. She immediately turned away, felt her face flush and then gulped. The last thing she needed was to gain their attention. With her friends being involved with men, dating, or ending relationships that weren’t working out, she was the one who remained single. Afina asked why she turned down dates with such hot guys, and she lied and said that she had been in a long drawn out relationship with a guy back home, and it took so much out of her she wanted a break to regroup and find herself. That seemed to satisfy Afina. For now at least.

  Chapter Three

  “I sure hope you have a hell of a lot more than that,” Sebastian asked his partner Henry Young.

  “It’s minor when you look at it quickly, but just hear me out, Sebastian, okay?”

  Sebastian leaned back in the chair at the office to listen to Henry.

  “Okay, so I get this call from my buddy in New York who works security at the casino. Says that some big shot is coming in and has the place jammed up with occupying the entire top floor and penthouse suites. Anyway, he’s babbling about high rollers, prostitutes and whatnot, but then he mentions this entourage of South American men with money. The kicker, is his buddy he’s talking to overhears a conversation about a meeting and a guy named Synista. He thinks it’s a funny name, sort of gangster and odd.”

  Sebastian sat forward. “Synista as in Forester’s main guy, well one of them?”

  “Yeah, I’m thinking it has to be him.”

  “We need to know for sure.”

  Henry smiled. “And that is why you and I are going to check it out tonight. My buddy can get us in no problem, and we can see who these high rollers are and what they’re up to.”

  “Let’s do it,” Sebastian said to him.

  * * * *


  “I got something.”

  “Don’t waste my time.”

  “I’m not. It looks like Loconto wants to make a deal.”

  Forester sat forward on the chair. He was lounging by poolside, watching the women in their bikinis swim or work on their tans. None of them compared to his woman.

  “Does he want to meet, or send someone to negotiate terms?” he asked Synista.

  “He wants to meet, and is ready to have me speak to one of his representatives here at the casino.”

  “Is it safe, Synista?”

  “I believe so. I haven’t caught sight of anyone. The men have been very careful and Loconto isn’t here. He sent Puevez. You know he doesn’t usually show his face.”

  “I know, and I don’t blame him. This is a good deal though. One he can’t pass up. Do we have everything in place if he wants to make a visit or send someone to the warehouses and facilities here?”

  “Yes, he does, but let me sit with his guy and see what we can come up with. It’s happening, Forester. The hard work, the years of planning, is starting to pay off.”

  “I know, my friend. It has been a long, hard road.”

  “Then why don’t you sound even the least bit happy?”

  “You know why, Synista.”

  Synista sighed. “I’ve got nothing on her. It’s like she disappeared.”

  “She had help. Someone in the agency.”

  “I’m not sure, Forester, I mean wouldn’t our people on the inside have been able to find out by now?”

  “Not if those who hid her have really covered their tracks.”

  “They’ll screw up.”

  “It’s been two years. She could be anywhere and with anyone.” He ground his teeth and stood up, walking toward the pool. One of the women was sitting there leaning back sunbathing. The anger pooled in his belly. He wanted North. He needed her.

  “When they do, we’ll be right there to grab her and get her back to you. I promise, Forester.”

  “I know you did. Keep me posted on the meeting.”

  “Will do.”

  He ended the call and gripped the brunette by her hair. He didn’t have to say a word. She immediately got up and bowed her head to him.

  “The bedroom. Now.”

  He watched her hurry through the open sliders and right toward the hallway. His guards took in the sight of her body, thin, sexy, she would do for what he craved. To release this anger, and to possess something, pretending it was North. He walked to the closet and looked at the assortment of gadgets. He reached for the long leather strap, his mind on North and the last time he saw her. She was battered and bruised, begging for mercy. He longed to feel her underneath him. Hear her cry out his name and know that she belonged to him and only him. She better not be with any other man. If she was, and Synista found her that way, he would give the order to kill.

  The thought enraged him and he stepped closer to the bed, and grabbed the brunette by her ankle and then flipped her onto her belly. She gasped.

  “No other men. Ever.”

  He slammed the leather whip down and lost control. He was insane with jealousy, with need to have North here with him. He needed her, and anyone who stood in the way would die.

  * * * *

  “I got something for you.”

  “Oh yeah, what?” Synista asked.

  “The agents who took North. I know who they are. Can watch them, and maybe find out where she is.”

  “Are you fucking lying? He won’t be pleased if this is a fucking game.”

  “Not a game. I’m here. I see and hear shit. Haven’t I kept you and the others warned about investigations, and surveillance?”

  “What do you want?”

  “What do you think? You know the account number. Pay what you think I should get for this. I’ll send you what I have.”

  Synista ended the call and leaned back in his chair. He listened to Puevez talking to some of the men and they were preparing to head down to the casinos to gamble. This was a good day, would be a successful business venture for Forester and Loconto. He wouldn’t call Forster to tell him about this latest call. He’d look at the information the agent sent to him and then decide what to pay. He wouldn’t get Forester’s hope up that North could be found. It would make his boss insane and he would do anything, even take risks that could destroy his empire to find her and have her back. Synista had to make sure the information was legit. When they did locate North, his boss was going to be a madman until she was in his arms and in his bed once again.

  * * * *

  “I like it. I think my brothers will, too,” Rodriguez said, and gave North a wink. Rodriguez stood by the patio and looked toward the back yard and the ocean in the distance. They were a block from the beach, but from the deck they had a clear view of the ocean.

  “Are they planning a visit to see it?” she asked.

  “They’re busy with work, but put Rodriguez and I in charge of this. It’s been years in the making. I know they’re going to love this town and the people,” Rodriguez said, and eyed her over. He was totally flirting. Th
e two of them had been all morning. She was grateful she made the excuse about a dinner date. Not that it was a total lie as of an hour ago when Uncle Billy and Aunt Stella invited her to their house.

  “It’s a great town, and you already know people like Mike, Phantom, and Turner,” she said to him.

  “What’s the deal with them and you?” Denver asked, surprising her.

  She squinted. “What do you mean?”

  “Mike seemed pissed that we were spending time with you, and at the end of the night he pretty much threatened us.”

  “What?” she asked, feeling shocked.

  “Yup, said to be respectful and a few other things. So we were wondering if that feeling for them is mutual,” Denver asked.

  She felt nervous and suddenly had a pain in her stomach, but she was used to deflecting everything away from her and especially emotions. She gave a soft smile. “I’ll be honest with you guys. I don’t date. I’m not interested in dating, and I’m just trying to live my life one day at a time, ya know?”

  Rodriguez tilted his head. “Some dick hurt you?” he asked.

  “Something like that.”

  Denver reached out and caressed her arm. She froze, and then reacted, and instantly pulled back.

  “We should see the place one more time, and if you want I can send a link you can send your brothers to look things over.” They didn’t push and she was relieved as they locked up the doors and looked around before heading out to the cars.

  “What about that dinner date you have?” Denver asked, sounding suspicious.

  “It’s with my aunt and uncle,” she said, and then reached her hand out.

  “So let me know if there’s anything else you want to see again, and if you have any questions.”

  “Okay. Sounds good. Maybe we can check some of the other places next week that are on the outskirts of town where it’s more quiet?” Rodriguez suggested.

  “Sure thing, and they have a little more property, too. I know you mentioned that your brothers would prefer their privacy and no close neighbors. You may have to give up an ocean view.”

  “Or opt for beach front,” Denver said, and winked.

  She smiled, shook their hands, and headed to her car as they headed to theirs.

  As she got behind the wheel, she thought about what Mike had said to them. With thoughts of him came thoughts of Phantom and Turner. She really didn’t need that kind of situation that was for sure. North found them attractive. Who wouldn’t? They were good-looking, in great physical condition, and also had a look in their eyes that was unique. It was hard to describe, but they didn’t show emotion, where a lot of people totally did in their eyes. It had taken her a long time to try and not show her emotions. When she first arrived in Mercy things were tough. She got emotional, would just cry from a thought or freak out and lock herself in her car, or in her bedroom because she thought Forester had found her.

  She knew it was better to just remain single and not even think about pretending her life was normal and she was free. She knew better. Sure, coming to Mercy had been a life saver, and changer, for the time being. It gave her an opportunity to have a professional career in something she loved, and even be around a lot of people and socialize and talk. She hated not talking, being alone with her thoughts, heck, just alone period.

  Her mind went back to the three mysterious men. Men who disappeared because they worked for the government or military, or something. She didn’t even know. Afina didn’t seem to know either and made comments about not asking questions and that whatever they did was dangerous at times.

  North gripped the steering wheel tighter and took a deep breath then exhaled. She didn’t like the sound of that. There was already enough drama, danger, violence in her life, surely she didn’t need to add in an attraction to such men.

  “What am I thinking? God, not, no don’t start wanting things you can’t have, North,” she said aloud, and then exhaled.

  She pulled into the little bakery shop. She wanted to grab some cookies or something for Uncle Billy and Aunt Stella’s house. As she got out, then hit the lock button she glanced around her, always trying to remember to remain on alert. It was natural. Sebastian taught her a lot of things as she recovered from her injuries. She knew how to shoot a gun, how to use a few self-defense moves, but in all honesty, she knew if she ever came face to face with Forester again she would freeze up and cower. She was deathly afraid of the man. He haunted her dreams at night. Sometimes she even felt his hands on her, and even his strikes. What got her the most, and what really freaked her out, was when she heard his voice, his words of possession and promise that no other man would ever have her body.

  She gulped and looked around the café trying to decide what to get. She looked at the key lime pie, a favorite of Uncle Billy’s.

  “Can I help you?” the woman asked.

  “Sure thing, I’ll take the key lime pie please.”

  “Great choice.” She heard the deep voice and turned around to see Turner standing there. He was holding a to-go cup. This place was known for their fresh squeezed lemonade.

  Her lips parted and she tilted her head back to lock gazes with his eyes. “Oh, hi, Turner. How are you?” she asked. He licked his lower lip and eyed her over. She was glad she wore something nice and was in work attire. She could handle men better when she was in her professional mode. The flare beige skirt and the sleeveless silk tank in turquoise made her green eyes stand out.

  “Not bad. What are you up to?” he asked.

  The woman interrupted to tell her the price of the pie. “Excuse me a moment,” North said, and fumbled with her purse in her bag.

  Turner instantly made her nervous, especially because of her thoughts while driving over here. She paid for the pie and took the box that was tied with bakery string and looked back at Turner. The man looked lethal, and also tired. His dark brown eyes looked a little sunken in, or like he had shadows around them from lack of sleep. He wore a hat down low to his eyebrows that just added to the mystery and darkness of the man. Throw in the beard, the bulging muscles stretching out the material of the dark green shirt, and she had to take a step to the side. She bumped into another customer, and Turner slid his hand to her waist and pulled her closer.

  “Be careful,” he said, and she nodded like some mute. The man intimidated her. She tried to laugh off her fear, and the emotions she felt having Turner touch her.

  He followed her outside. “So who is the pie for?”

  “My dinner date,” she replied, and then wondered why she wanted him to think she was involved with someone. Maybe because it would make things easier?

  “Lucky guy,” he said, and looked her over again, and somehow she felt it. Like he had the ability to touch her just with his eyes.

  The way he looked at her unnerved North and she found herself blabbing to him. “Uncle Billy loves key lime pie. I know him and Aunt Stella will love it for dessert tonight after dinner. So what are you up to? Just strolling the streets?” she asked, trying to change the subject, and now felt like an idiot for revealing the truth. She didn’t know why she reacted to this man this way. To Turner, Mike, and Phantom. God, Phantom was ten times harder to talk to than Turner. Mike was the easiest one to talk to. Stop thinking, she said to herself.

  Turner squinted at her as he stood by her car. She looked way up at him. The man made his presence known. She felt it everywhere, even in places that should be numb from abuse. She gripped the pie box so tight she felt it cave in a little.

  “Your dinner date is with your aunt and uncle?”

  She swallowed and nodded, then unlocked the car and opened the door to put the pie on the passenger seat.

  “That’s where I’m headed now.”

  “You finish up with Rodriguez and Denver?” he asked.

  “Just a little while ago. Boy are those two characters,” she said to him and smirked.

  He stepped closer and she bumped against the car. His hand went to her cheek and he gently
pushed a strand of her blonde hair away from her face, then brushed her skin with the pad of this thumb. Her breathing hitched.

  “You be careful around them. They get too pushy, or make you feel uncomfortable, you tell me, and I’ll handle them.”

  She was caught staring at his face, and those eyes, so serious and cold. “I think they’re harmless,” she said, and he shook his head slowly then eyed over her top and then back to her lips. She was well endowed and she knew no matter what she wore, men looked at her breasts, their eyes focusing more on them than her. But Turner just glanced down and then back to her lips and her eyes.

  “It’s more than that. They’re interested in you.”

  He was so close to her, she felt claustrophobic, turned on, aroused but also scared. “I’m not interested in them and I made that clear, Turner. So I don’t need a big brother watching out for me.” She went to move but his hand went to her waist and she gasped at the sensations.

  “No need for attitude, number one. And number two, I’m not your big brother.” Again, he looked her over. “The last fucking thing I want to be to you is a big brother,” he said, and she was shocked. He started pressing closer and she feared he might kiss her. In a panic, she pressed her hand against his chest, and felt the rock-solid muscle beneath her palms.

  “Turner, don’t,” she said to him.

  He licked his lower lip and stared down into her eyes. He was so big and wide and filled with muscles. She felt the attraction and damned her life, her scars and fears that ran deep inside of her. She knew she could never entertain an attraction.


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