Healing Hearts 2: Fight for Freedom (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Healing Hearts 2: Fight for Freedom (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 11

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Fuck yeah,” Phantom stated.

  “Let’s go get our woman, and when this is over, we’re not letting her out of our sight,” he said, and they nodded before they headed out to the waiting vehicles.

  * * * *

  “Noooo!” North screamed as Forester struck her with the belt. He made the mistake of untying her hands, and tried forcing her to hug him and lay in the bed with him. She could hardly move she was so bruised up, and her cheek throbbed, her eye was swollen, she was weak from the assault and from the drugs he gave her. She scratched at his face, ripping his skin. He roared and backhanded her in the mouth and she flew back, hitting the floor. Her head was numb, her mind a whirlwind of crazy thoughts as she rocked back and forth and growled at him.

  “What the fuck?” Synista said, coming into the room.

  “The fucking drugs. What the hell did you give her? How much Forester?” he asked.

  “Just enough to calm her, to make her relax in my arms.”

  “She’s having a reaction. Some people become violent on that shit.”

  “Fuck! I need her to accept me. I need to know that man is out of her head and he is dead. You got word, right? Phantom is dead?” Forester asked.

  She understood everything he was saying. She didn’t know what they gave her or what was in the drugs but she felt bursts of anger and didn’t feel a thing as she attacked. Forester grabbed her arms and yanked her back onto the bed. “Help me tie her up. Then I’ll give her some of the other stuff until I can figure out a plan,” he said, and she tried fighting them and she was screaming at them to let her go. To get away from her. She had no more voice. It was hoarse and her throat burned from screaming and fighting.

  “You didn’t answer me. Is Phantom dead? Is her boyfriend dead?” Forester asked, and Synista stared at her as Forester prepared another needle. This time he got something from a purple velvet packet.

  “He’s no longer a problem,” Synista said, and tears fell from her eyes.

  They killed Phantom. She got Phantom killed. Mike and Turner would hate her. She had nothing to live for. Nothing. Her eyes rolled and the room spun. She slid her head side to side and felt Forester’s hand against her cheek.

  “Stop fighting your fate, North. I own you. I own this body, this soul, and every inch of you will be mine and you will obey my commands. Your boyfriend is dead, and any other man who tries to take you from me will die a horrible death as well,” he said to her and she stared up into his dark eyes, watched him as his lips pressed to hers, and she felt numb once again.

  She was losing her fight to live. I killed Phantom. She closed her eyes, felt Forester’s palms along her belly then her thighs and to her breast. She focused on feeling numb, and putting up the walls so she would get through his games and hopefully meet death soon enough.

  Chapter Nine

  Eight days. He’s had her for eight whole fucking days. What has he done to her? Where the fuck is he? How could no one get this right? I’m not giving up, North. I know this is going to be the spot. We’re close. I feel it.

  Phantom was right behind Mike and Turner. Watson, Dell, and Fogerty were in position and they were waiting for confirmation. A tip from a friend who lived out this way had picked up on several trucks delivering supplies. He found it odd, until his hunch paid off as he did some recon and saw the guards around the perimeter of jungle, video surveillance, and then a residence in the distance. He got through security to get a closer look and sure enough he saw a man who appeared to be one of the men they were looking for. Pulta. He took photos and sent them to Watson, and here they were, desperate for this to be the spot.

  He was tired, angry, they all were, but they needed to be sharp and on their toes. They had fifteen men with them. Friends, some familiar with the territory, and of course Sebastian. Castella and Forester were arrested, but their lawyers were doing their thing and Sebastian didn’t know if anything would stick. What they had on Forester would, and definitely the crime of abduction, assault and fuck he didn’t want to think about the possibility of rape. It made him sick.

  “We’re getting ready. When we get the signal, we move quickly and carefully. Our objective is to kill anything in our path and to find North. Forester has connections to international terrorist and recently negotiated a deal with some Iranian assholes. The U.S, government has evidence. He’s going away for life. Unless he wants to go out in a blaze of glory, then we’ll provide that blaze,” Mike said, and they all agreed. “Mic check,” he said, and they all made sure their ear pieces were working. “Teams of three. On my signal.” He then pressed his finger to his ear. About ten seconds later, spotlights went out, small sparks illuminated throughout the estate property and they moved in.

  “Pop, pop, pop, pop.” Phantom fired his weapon, so did Mike and Turner. They were all moving along swiftly, taking out the enemy, and above in the trees they had their friends sniping out more men who came to fight against them and stop them. They made it into the house in record speed. Dell, Fogerty, Watson and the others along with Sebastian got through. Phantom, Turner, and Mike moved up the stairs, their friends moved along the living room, others came in across the deck and onto the roof. Phantom could hear yelling and then more gunfire. When they got to the hallway and there was one large wooden door, he knew that North had to be in there. The bullets hit the door and they ducked for cover. As the door burst open, there stood Forester and Pulta firing their semi automatic weapons. They fired back as both men emerged, but then Forester ran back into the room, Pulta went down as they shot him up with bullets and then Forester reappeared, holding a very beaten, bloody woman in his arms around her waist. It hit him insanely that it was North. She could hardly stand up, and Forester kept pulling her higher. He held the gun on them with one hand. “I’ll kill her right now.

  “North, don’t move!” Phantom yelled to her, his gun pointed at Forester as well as Mike’s gun, Turner’s gun, and numerous other guns. She rolled her head to the side and then it was like she saw Phantom and her eyes widened. He didn’t even see the knife she had, and suddenly she turned and stabbed Forester in the chest. He roared and turned the gun on her. The bullets sprayed erratically and they all took aim at Forester, but as he fell, North was hit with a bullet and she went down to the ground.

  “Nooo!” Phantom roared and him, Mike and Tuner went running toward her. They looked at her battered body, her pale complexion, and the blood oozing from her chest.

  “Apply pressure. We have to get her out of here. We can get help off this estate, have a helicopter pick her up. I’ll get on that come one and move.” Watson yelled and Phantom lifted her up, Mike applied pressure to her wound and blood was all over them.

  “Come on, North. Fight damn you. Come on,”’ he yelled and they carried her out of the house and through the jungle to the clearing.

  “I can hear them. Your buddy. He’s a pilot. He’ll get her to the hospital,” Watson informed them, and they got her to the chopper as it landed.

  “Two, that’s all I can fit with her,” the pilot said.

  “You go, Phantom. We’ll get there.

  “I’ll go, too. I can get her the best medical attention around. I’ll call it in,” Sebastian said, and they agreed and Phantom held onto his brothers’ somber gazes, and then looked down at North. She was so badly bruised and beaten. He felt the tears in his eyes and the anger boil up as Sebastian kept pressure on the wound and made calls on the satellite phone.

  “You have to make it, North. You have to,” Phantom said, and then looked at Sebastian.

  “She’ll make it. She’s tough, and she loves you guys. She’ll make it.”

  * * * *

  “Well, anything yet?” Mike asked and him, Turner, and the team all arrived, filing into the small emergency waiting room. Phantom shook his head.

  “Fuck,” Mike said and paced.

  “She’s in surgery as we speak,” Sebastian told them.

  “What did they say? Do these people know what the
fuck they’re doing?” Turner asked.

  “Yes, she has an excellent surgeon. When I called the situation in there just so happened to be a top surgeon staying at one of the local resorts. All we can do is pray now,” Sebastian said to them.

  The hours passed and nothing. Not a word, until suddenly, the doors to the emergency room staff only opened and there stood a doctor. He had sweat stains on his neck and was wiping his brow. He locked gazes with Phantom and then Sebastian. “She’s alive,” he said to them, and sighs of relief went through the room.

  Phantom, Mike, Turner, and Sebastian stepped closer. “Will she make it?” Sebastian asked.

  “It’s going to be touch and go for a bit, but she definitely has the will to live. We almost lost her a few times on the table.”

  “Jesus,” Turner said, and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “I believe she’ll make it. She has a fight in her that’s for sure. A hair more, and no amount of fighting would have saved her. The main impact of the bullet was to her shoulder bone. They’ll be other surgeries ahead of her, but the next twenty-four hours are crucial and will tell us a lot.”

  “Thank you, Doc. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done,” Mike said, and shook his hand.

  “I’m glad I was close by. I’ll be here, and if need be, I’ll extend the trip to ensure she can travel back to the states. Like I said, a lot depends on the next twenty four hours.”

  The doctor walked away with Sebastian and Phantom, Mike and Turner hugged and their buddies were right there with them.

  “She’ll pull through. She’s a fighter,” Watson said.

  “She’ll make it. Look at what she did. She fought even under drugs and exhausted and killed that asshole,” Dell added.

  “Sure the fuck did. She’s badass like you three, and that’s the kind of woman you deserve. She’ll be just fine,” Fogerty said, and then the others shook their hands and prepared to stay right there with them until they were certain North would live.


  North awoke to the sounds of the ocean, and a gentle breeze that caressed her bare thighs. She took a breath and breathed in the scents of her men’s cologne. She was at their house recovering, and getting pampered and cared for. She had been exhausted after making love to them and then showering. She laid down for a nap and still only wore one of Turner’s button-down shirts and nothing else. She brought the collar to her cheeks and turned her head to inhale the scent of him when the floor creaked.

  “Nice nap?” Mike asked, and then Turner and Phantom came in behind them. They only wore their jeans, no shirts, and those muscles, and sexy expressions had her body all ready to make love again. She moved and felt the slight ache, and their eyes furrowed and they were up on the bed, Mike cupping her cheek, Phantom sliding in behind her and pulling her against his chest.

  She smiled. “I’m fine.”

  “You’re pushing yourself too much,” Turner reprimanded. “Nonsense. I’m fine, just get tired after making love to my men. I’ll be good for tonight,” she said to them as there were plans to meet everyone at Corporal’s for a celebration they never had the chance to have. But really she wanted to see Amelia and talk to her. Something was going on with her, and when she visited at the hospital after North was transferred to one here in Mercy, Amelia had a hard time seeing her bruises. She asked her questions about fighting, about shooting a gun, and about how feeling confident and capable. She hoped that Cavanaugh wasn’t still harassing her. Then of course she was also worried about April. She disappeared not too long after North was transferred to the hospital and she stayed away for a few weeks and didn’t tell anyone where she went or whom she was with. She really needed to get back into the swing of things despite her recovery process.

  “Maybe tonight isn’t such a good idea,” Phantom said, and kissed her neck and then rolled her to her back and slid over her. She straddled his waist. “Well, we could stay here and make love all night, but I think our friends are getting mad about not seeing us. It’s been months.”

  “Who cares?” Phantom asked, and she chuckled and gave his arm a slap but felt the ache in her shoulder and winced.

  “Fuck,” Mike said, and then kissed her bare shoulder where the shirt was falling.

  “We need to get ready.”

  Phantom kissed her and began to ease his fingers up into her cunt, making her moan.

  “Oh God, we are going to be late.”

  “Mmm, yes we are,” Mike said, and stepped from his jeans just as Turner did and they prepared to make love to her again.

  Over an hour later they arrived at Corporal’s and received welcome cheers and hugs from everyone. It was in that moment as she looked around at the people, some she knew well, most she only knew by their names but not their stories. There had to be a hundred different stories in this place tonight, and hers was only one. She looked at her men and smiled. Mercy changed her life. Her friends, her lovers, all helped to give her life and give her the will to fight to keep it. Her past was behind her and her future was right here in Mercy, right here in her lovers’ arms, surrounded by friends, and those she called her family.




  Siren Publishing, Inc.





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