The Game Changer (The Millionaire's Assistant) Book 4

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The Game Changer (The Millionaire's Assistant) Book 4 Page 2

by Helen Cooper

“Alice, I know I tricked you. I shouldn’t have done that. I didn’t mean to make you feel used. I didn’t intend for it to go that far. I didn’t want it to go that far.” Oliver sat down on the bed and placed his hands over his head. “Don’t hate me, Alice. I screwed up. I’m fucked up in the head.”

  Alice tried to ignore the obvious pain in his voice. “You let another man screw me, Oliver. You made me think it was you. That’s not acceptable.”

  “I’m sorry. I never intended for it to go that far.” He sounded distraught. “I just needed to have him on camera saying her name. I needed the proof.”

  “You never intended for it to go that far?” Alice walked towards him on the bed. “How far were you okay with it going, Oliver?” She sat on the bed next to him and reached between his legs. She grabbed his cock. “Were you okay with me giving him a hand job? A blowjob? Were you okay with him going down on me?” She hissed like a snake ready to go in for the kill. “Did you watch as he rubbed his cock on my pussy, Oliver?” She pushed him back on the bed. “Did you watch as I got on top of him like this?” She straddled his lap and rubbed her pussy on his cock. He was hard and she was wet and neither one of them could stop the madness going on. “What did you say as the tip of his cock went into me?” She sat on his cock and let the tip go inside her. “What could you see, Oliver? Could you hear my moans? Could you see the juices of my pussy running over his cock as I rode him? Could you feel how excited and turned on I was?” She slammed down on his cock and rode him fast. “Did you know that he reached parts of my body you haven’t?” She cried out as he flipped her over and held her wrists down.

  “Stop it, Alice.” He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Stop it.”

  She wriggled against him, crying out and sobbing. “I hate you, Oliver Park. I hate you.” Her words came out sputtered and she felt tears falling from his face onto hers and creating a puddle of their mixed tears on her cheeks.

  “Alice, we need to get out of here.” Oliver’s voice was gentle but stern. “John is going to be sending two of his men to try and get the video from us and to stop us from saying anything. Trust me when I say you can’t go home. We’ll need to get away. Somewhere he can’t find us. Then I can make enough copies and have them with enough people that he won’t ever attempt to do anything to us.”

  “What are you talking about, Oliver? He said he agreed to your terms,” Alice shouted at him, not wanting to go anywhere with him. “I just want to go home.”

  “Alice, John Gold will have both of us seriously harmed. Trust me when I say this. Image is everything in this business. He doesn’t want America thinking he was willingly having sex with Maribel.”

  “But he said she’s his stepdaughter.” Alice sat up. “What’s the big deal? I mean it’s taboo but it’s not that bad.”

  “It would still ruin him, Alice. We mean nothing to him. Trust me when I tell you that people mean nothing to him.” Oliver pulled her up. “Go and get dressed and meet me by Marco in five minutes.”

  Alice walked like a robot to get her clothes. She knew she was in shock and not in her right mind. She had barely changed when Oliver grabbed her and pulled her out of the building. She looked up at him, finally able to see and she trembled. She still loved this man. She felt like she needed to be put in a mental institute. How could she love a man who could do this to her?

  He looked down at her tenderly and called over a cab. She looked at him in surprise. “He knows my cars. He’ll be tracking them.” Oliver answered her unasked question. They got into the backseat and Oliver told the taxi driver to take them to the airport.

  He grabbed her hand and she snatched it away like he had burnt her. “I’m sorry, Alice.”

  “It’s all part of the game, right?” She smiled at him manically. “I’m just a pawn. Disposable.” She laughed hysterically and he slapped her.

  “You need to get it together, Alice,” he whispered in her ear as she looked at him in shock. “You cannot wig out right now. You are going to draw way too much attention to us.”

  She sat back and looked out of the window. She felt as if she had been drugged and was having an out of world experience. She watched the buildings and the lights as they drove down the highway. It soothed her nerves to count them. She could feel Oliver stare at her but she didn’t bother turning around to look at him. He pulled her out of the cab as they got to the airport and they walked in.

  “I don’t have my passport.” She stared at his mouth as she spoke.

  “No worry. We’re taking a private jet.” He grabbed her hand and this time she didn’t resist. “Please try and trust me, Alice.” She nodded and walked with him. She had nothing left to lose.

  Chapter 3

  Alice awoke in a big soft luxurious bed. She was wearing a cotton nightgown and the sun was beaming in through the windows. She stretched for a second enjoying her luxurious surroundings and then cringed as she remembered what had happened the night before. She jumped up out of the bed and Oliver walked into the room smiling at her gently.

  “Good morning, sleepy head, I was wondering when you were going to wake up.” His hair was tousled and he had deep bags under his eyes. He didn’t look as if he had slept all night.

  “Where are we?” She tried not to look at him.



  “We are on an Island in the Caribbean. Trinidad & Tobago?”

  “Never heard of it.” She looked out of the window and gasped at the beauty outside. There were coconut trees and a wide expanse of white sand next to what she assumed was the ocean. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Tropical island paradise.” He came and stood next to her. “I like to come here to relax and get away after a movie has been released.”

  “I can see why.” She finally looked up at him and she saw pain in his eyes. She quickly averted her gaze again.

  “We need to talk, Alice. I want to explain.”

  “What?” she said softly.

  “Everything. About my mom. John. Me.” He pleaded with her. “I need to tell you.”

  “You never wanted to tell me anything before,” she spoke harshly, harsher than she had intended but she couldn’t help herself.

  “I never told anyone anything before, Alice. You know what I was like when we first met. I didn’t want anyone to get too close. That’s why I had the rules. They were intended to keep everyone away.”

  “I tried, Oliver,” she mumbled under her breath. “I tried and sometimes I thought I was getting through.”

  “I know and it scared me. I didn’t want you to reach me, to take me to that place of caring. But I want to tell you now. I need to.”

  “I don’t care. I don’t want to know.” She walked away from him. “You’re the guy I thought you were at the diner. Arrogant, pompous and without any real care for anyone else.”

  “I was that guy, Alice. But I’m not anymore.”

  “Is this part of your game, Oliver?” She turned around and shouted at him, “What do you want me to do now? Shall we just get some strings so I can be your puppet? So you can just move me around and tell me what to do?”

  “This isn’t a game, Alice.” His voice was soft. He looked at her keenly, trying to convey the innermost feelings of his heart through his gaze. “You changed the game, Alice.”

  “And how did I do that, Mr. Park?” She looked at him with disgust.

  “You made me fall in love with you.” They stared at each other for a long time and Alice felt something in her stomach flip at his words, the words she had always dreamt of hearing. She’d always pictured him telling her he loved her but never in a situation like this.

  “I need to go shower.” She turned away from him and walked out of the room. Oliver watched her as she left and he felt his heart constrict. He didn’t know what to do. He felt like all the light in the world had been taken away and he was all alone. Left to fend for himself. There was only one other time that he had felt that way and that was when his mom had
left him at the orphanage.

  Alice stepped into the shower and let the water run over her. It was so hot it was scalding her skin but she wanted to get the feel of John off her. She was ashamed to admit to herself that she had enjoyed her time with John. But only because she had thought it was Oliver. She wanted to wash off the memory of John’s hands on her, of his mouth on her. She scrubbed and scrubbed until finally she felt clean again. She got out of the shower and put on a pair of jeans and a tank top that was waiting on the bed for her and then she went to go and look for Oliver. She found him right outside their cottage, sitting on the beach.

  “Hey.” He looked up at her and smiled.

  “Hey.” She smiled back at him. “I’m ready to listen.” She wanted to hear what could have driven him to this dark place. She wanted to understand, to see if she could ever accept and love him again. She sat next to him on the beach and they both lay back.

  “I love the sound of the waves,” he started. “It reminds me of when I was younger. It’s the only memory I have of my mother other than the day she left me at the orphanage.”

  Alice turned onto her side so that she could look at Oliver as he spoke. “She took me to the beach and we built sandcastles. And then a big wave came in and destroyed all of our work. But she just laughed and chased me into the ocean. And we jumped the waves. Over and over and over. It seemed to me that the beach was the most perfect place in the world.” He paused and turned over to look at her as he spoke. She could see green specks in his eyes. She felt like she could melt into his eyes and an overwhelming feeling of love enveloped her.

  “My mom moved to Los Angeles to become an actress. She had me young, you know. But she still wanted to follow her dreams. She met John Gold. He told her he was going to make her a star and she believed him. He got her hooked on coke and started whoring her around. That’s how he got his start, selling women to top directors and producers. She didn’t have a chance. She was so young and impressionable.”

  “I’m sorry,” Alice whispered.

  He continued talking as if she hadn’t said anything. “And then she started to back away from him because she needed to look after me. But he wasn’t having any of it. She was beautiful you see and many married men owed him huge favors for sleeping with her. He made her drop me off at an orphanage.” His eyes glazed over. “He told her it was a new daycare and then he had her drugged and…” He choked back a sob and Alice watched as tears came out of his eyes. She leaned over and kissed each tear away softly and he just stared at her in awe.

  “I’ve never told anyone this story before.” He reached over and held her hand and she didn’t resist. “I always thought my mother was going to come back and get me and she never did. I never understood why she stopped loving me. Why she left. I grew up a very bitter man, determined to make all women pay.”

  “I’m sure it must have hurt a lot.”

  “And then I made it big. I hired a private detective to find out what had happened. I wanted to track her down, see where she was living. I figured that maybe she had another family somewhere, that she had given me up because it had been too hard as a single mom. And then I found out the truth. I found out what John Gold had done to her and I knew that I had to get my revenge.”

  “But why didn’t you just confront him?”

  “He’s one of the most powerful men in Hollywood, Alice. I needed a way to have something over him. It was only by chance that I met Maribel, through my PR person and I noticed how she talked about him and followed him with her eyes. I had my detective track them and I had a feeling they were up to no good.”

  “I see.”

  “Alice,” his voice choked out the words. “I was blinded by my need for revenge. I wanted to take him down so badly. And I was scared. I met you and I knew you could be the bait. The one to snare John, the one who could help me approach him for funding.”

  “You knew you wanted to use me? “Alice’s voice was pained.

  “Yes.” He looked ashamed. “When you agreed to the rules, I created a plan; a way to bring John Gold down. I told you we needed his funding to make the movie because I knew it was the only way I could get you to do my bidding and be nice to him.”

  “I didn’t do it for the movie, Oliver.” Alice’s voice was soft as she spoke. “I did it for you.”

  He looked at her in pain. “I know. I think deep down I always knew. You scared me, Alice. You made me feel things I didn’t want to. You made me say things I’d never said. And I hated it. I wanted you out of my life. I wanted to hate you. I wanted to use you so you would hate me.”

  Alice stared at the man she loved as he told her his darkest secrets. She felt such pain that this man could want to hurt her so badly.

  “I just wanted to get the two of you on camera. I just wanted to hear him say her name. I knew that would be all I needed. And I thought that it wouldn’t matter. I wouldn’t care if I saw you two being intimate together but it killed me, Alice. I wanted to kill him. I wanted to kill myself. I ran into that room, Alice, I ran into that room to stop it with shards of glass sticking into my heart.”

  “You let me sleep with a man I thought was you, Oliver.” Alice’s voice was filled with pain so deep that Oliver thought his heart would break in two.

  “Alice, you will never know how much I regret that night. If I could take it all back I could. I love you, Alice. I love you more than I can even imagine. I’ll give it all up for you. I’ll do whatever you want me to. I just want to make it right. I just want to make you love me one day.”

  Alice gazed into his eyes and her heart was filled with joy. “Oliver, I love you. I don’t know that I can ever forget what has happened but I will try to forgive. I will try to be the woman you need. I will never leave you, Oliver but you have to promise to never push me away.”

  “Oh Alice.” Oliver reached over and cupped her face in his hands. “I don’t know what I’ve done to be so lucky to get you.” And then he kissed her. She pushed her tongue into his mouth, wanting the taste of him to consume her. She grabbed his hair and he ran his hands under her shirt to rub her back. They sat up quickly and pulled off their tops and jeans until they were lying there in just their underwear.

  “You are beautiful, Alice.” He bent down and kissed down the valley of her chest to her stomach. She closed her eyes and felt a warm feeling enter her body. She pushed his face down to her pussy and looked down at him. “I need to feel you on me.”

  He grinned up at her and quickly pulled her panties down. “I thought you’d never ask.” He burrowed his nose in her and savored her smell before he stuck his tongue onto her clit and sucked. She squirmed as he lapped up her pussy and pushed his head into her harder. He got the hint and stuck his tongue into her; she trembled as she felt her climax building. Just before she thought she was going to come, she pushed his head off her and pulled him up.

  “I want to come with you in me,” she whispered and stared into his eyes. “I want you to make love to me, Oliver.”

  He lowered himself onto his arms and adjusted his cock so it was at the entrance to her pussy. As he pushed into her he kissed her, all the while staring into her eyes. “I love you, Alice. I want to spend the rest of my life making things up to you.”

  “As your assistant?” She smiled up at him and then they both screamed with pleasure as they climaxed together. He collapsed on top of her and kissed her from her lips to her ears.

  “No, Alice. I want to change the rules to this game. I want you to be more than my assistant. I want you to be my wife.”

  As Alice and Oliver lay there

  , they knew that they didn’t have an easy road ahead of them but they both knew that everything was going to be okay because they had each other.

  Thank you for reading this book. If you enjoyed it please feel free to write a review. Please also feel free to like my Facebook page or visit my blog.

  All Books Available By Helen Cooper

  A Baby For The Millionaire

he Billionaire’s Unlikely Bride

  For Love or For Revenge

  The Millionaire’s Assistant

  The Professor’s Student

  The Accidental Stripper

  The Erotic Files Vol. 1

  The Erotic Files Vol. 2

  The Millionaire’s Club (Both Millionaire’s Series)

  The Professor and the Nanny

  The Millionaire’s Games

  Extra Bonus

  Check out an excerpt from my new series- The Professor’s Student.

  This is from Book 1- The Bet

  “No underwear huh?” The man whispered his first words to her and grinned. She smiled back and him and continued to dance. She could feel his hands squeezing her butt cheeks and trying to slip in-between her legs. She pulled his head down to hers and kissed him, he slid his tongue into her mouth and she felt him bring her in closer to him as they made out on the dance floor.


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