Alexander & Rebecca (Royals of Valleria #1)

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Alexander & Rebecca (Royals of Valleria #1) Page 4

by Knightly, Marianne

  “Your Highness,” Tavin said with another head bow before entering Alex’s office. “How was your journey? I take it the tea luncheon went well?”

  “Yes, it was fine.”

  “Excellent, sir. If you could just sign this thank you card, I’ll have it sent to the proprietor.” Alex scribbled his long winded royal name quickly.

  “Shall I go through your messages, sir?”

  “No. Sit down. There’s something we need to discuss first.”

  A startled look crossed Tavin’s face, and the arms carrying several crisp folders sagged just a little. “Sir?”

  “Sit down, Tavin,” he said a little more gently. Though Alex liked being in charge, he wished he had a chance to be himself more often.

  After Tavin sat down, Alex continued. “I need to talk to you about security. What are the current protocols regarding my family and their staff?”

  A look of surprise and relief crossed Tavin’s face before he asked, “Then you’ve already spoken to Prince Marcello, sir?”

  Alex quirked an eyebrow at the reference to his brother, fourth in line to the throne and who currently held the post as Minister of Security and Defense on the Royal Council. He’d earned the title through his intuitive sense when it came to security matters as well as his years of military service, during which he earned the respect of those he’d led into battle. Marcello had earned the post of Minister despite his royal connections, not because of it. “I haven’t spoken to Marcello today. Why? What’s wrong?”

  “He wished to speak with you, sir, regarding a personal security issue. I assumed your question was in relation to that.”

  “It wasn’t, but I’ll give Marcello a call shortly. In the meantime, tell me about the current security protocol.”

  “Well, sir, you, as heir apparent, have heightened security at all times, as do the reigning king and queen. The future queen would receive similar security, whenever we are lucky enough to wish you joy on such an occasion.”

  Alex waved his insinuation away. Even Tavin had started teasing him for a lack of a bride. “All right, move on. My siblings.”

  With a broad smile, Tavin continued. “Yes, sir. They receive lesser protection, and by that I mean only in the number of people following them and escorting them on royal duties. Were the line of royal succession to change at any time, then security is adjusted accordingly.”

  “You mean if I die.”

  “I mean if you have children, sir.”

  That was Tavin, always optimistic. “And royal staff?”

  “The king’s chief of staff does receive additional security provided by the state, as do all the ministers on the Royal Council.”

  “But not you.”

  “No, sir.”

  “Then why have you hired your own security? I apologize for not realizing before now, but I assumed they were agents from our own Royal Protection Service.”

  “Sir, there’s no need to apologize at all. I have, in the past, received certain messages of concern. I made both the Royal Protection Service and the Vallerian Bureau of Investigation aware of these, and they have followed up appropriately. No harm was come to anyone, and none of the messages were deemed a credible threat.”

  “That’s a very diplomatic way of saying you were threatened, handled it on your own, and then both you and the agencies decided not to tell me. Is that about right?”

  Tavin looked a little abashed. “Yes, sir. We weren’t trying to keep anything from you, honestly. Prince Marcello felt that this was the best way to go.”

  “Well, I’ll have my own chat with Marcello. I think it’s ridiculous that you and the other royal staff aren’t protected. God only knows what other threats are received by them on a daily basis.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Tavin said as he stood up. “Shall I get the Prince on the phone for you?”

  “No, thanks. I’ll call him myself. Shut the doors on your way out, would you? And Tavin?”

  “Yes, sir?” Tavin said just before he closed the last door.

  “Don’t keep things from me in the future. Marcello may have asked you not to tell me, but I’m the future king, not him. Is that understood?”

  “Y-Yes, sir,” Tavin said with a stutter and quietly closed the door; Tavin rarely stuttered.

  Alex flipped out his cell phone and called Marcello directly, knowing he would be more likely to pick up if he thought the call was unofficial.

  “Finally back, Alex?” Marcello asked on the other end. Despite years in the military facing brutal battlefields and modern war, his voice had personality had remained light and playful. In contrast, Alex’s time in the military had left him sounding particularly more somber at times.

  “Are you in Valentia right now?” Alex asked.

  “Of course I am. Didn’t you hear? Mama’s decided we need a family dinner, and everyone has been told to attend.”

  Alex nearly groaned. Though he loved those rare moments when his immediate family found time for each other, lately those moments had been filled with comments about Alex needing a wife. He could almost bare it with a small subset of his family, but with all eight of his siblings plus his parents and Nonna hurling taunts at him, he’d never get a word in edgewise. He became a future king who couldn’t even control a family dinner. “When will this evening of torture commence?”

  “It won’t be so bad, Alex,” Marcello said, and Alex knew he was smiling on the other end. “But you’ve got a few days reprieve. We’ve got to wait until Ethan comes back. His ship’s set to dock soon,” Marcello said, referring to their youngest sibling, who was a doctor steadily moving up the ranks in the Vallerian Royal Navy.

  “They’re heading back from the Philippines, aren’t they?”

  “Yes, though he wanted a mission to Africa, so he’s still pissed at me about that. They did good work in the Philippines, though, where they’re still recovering from that earthquake and typhoon that hit back-to-back over a year ago.”

  Alex paused, knowing what Marcello really wanted was his baby brother safe and sound. They all held a soft spot for little Ethan, who wasn’t so little anymore. Alex had been barely a teenager when Ethan had arrived, Marcello had been just a few years younger. All of their siblings had helped to raise him. “He’s ninth in line to the throne, capable, and a damn good officer and doctor. He would have been fine in Africa.”

  “I’m in charge when it comes to security, both national and personal for the royal family,” Marcello said, anger laced through his words. “Don’t tell me how to do my job and I won’t tell you how to do yours.”

  “Ethan will be fine,” Alex repeated calmly. “And you tell me how to do my job on a daily basis. You tell Papa, too, come to that, though you tend to listen when he tells you to back down.”

  Marcello snorted a laugh. “Can’t really talk back to him, can you? Especially not with other people in the room.”

  “Unless it’s just us, which it will be in a few days. Anyway, Tavin said you needed to speak with me.”

  “Yes,” Marcello said, his tone suddenly somber. “We’ve received a threat, specifically against you.”

  “We receive threats against me all the time, and against you and Catharine, and our parents. Why are you and the Royal Protection Service concerned about this one?”

  “We’re concerned because this one’s credible.”

  “How do you know it’s credible?”

  “Look, I don’t want to talk about this on the phone. Meet me in the Situation Room, and I’ll tell you more there.”

  “All right. I’ll head over now if you’ve got the time.”

  “I do. I’ll see you in ten.”

  After Alex hung up, he headed to Tavin’s office and overheard him ordering a tea service. He stopped when he heard Rebecca’s name.

  “Yes, would you send it to Princess Catharine’s office, please? Yes, Rebecca’s working late again. Thank you,” Tavin said before he hung up.

  “Rebecca’s working tonight?” Alex asked as
he continued walking towards Tavin

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Any particular reason why?” The last he’d heard, the driver had left her at her apartment. What had been so important that she’d come back to the office?

  “Well, sir, she’s concerned about the video that’s making the rounds.”

  “There’s a video of her tripping and my catching her this afternoon, is there?” Alex said, picking up on the situation immediately.

  “Yes, sir. It’s not bad, just embarrassing. However, she’s concerned about the things the press are saying. She came into wrap up any loose ends, she said, just in case.”

  “Just in case of what?” he asked, crossing his arms over his broad chest. “Does she really think we’d fire her over something as trifling as that?”

  “Sir, she would give up her position herself, if she felt it was best for the royal family. She takes her duty to the crown very seriously.”

  Alex felt a surge of pride at that statement. It was simply more proof that Rebecca would be an excellent queen one day. “Does anyone else know that she’s here this evening?”

  “No, sir, just us. Well, and the kitchen staff.”

  An idea, more an opportunity, seemed to be presenting itself. Only years of practice at keeping a blank face allowed Alex to hide his intentions. “It was nice of you to arrange for a tea service.”

  “It was the least I could do, sir. She won’t eat anything, but she might have a snack if I send it up with tea.”

  A nudge, a precise one, should be all it took to set his secret plan in motion. “I see. Well, perhaps Catharine can convince her.”

  “The Princess, sir?”

  “Yes, she’ll be returning to the office briefly to assist me with something.” A clever lie. He would have to convince Catharine to help him without knowing the real reason. He knew she would help him with Rebecca for the price of his secret, but he didn’t want to play that hand, not yet. “Have a family style dinner sent to her offices.”

  “Family style, sir?”

  “Yes. Catharine needs to eat, too. This way, they’ll both have something to eat together.”

  “A very clever plan, sir. I’ll just give Rebecca a call to let her know.”

  “No need,” Alex said, a little too quickly. “Catharine’s already told her. In fact, after you make the call to the kitchens, I think you should head home as well. I’m off to meet with Marcello, then I’ll be on my way home myself.”

  “Are you sure you don’t need anything else, sir?” Tavin asked, and looked a little lost for things to do. Alex almost smiled at his confused reaction.

  “Yes, Tavin. Have a good evening, and I’ll see you first thing tomorrow,” Alex said as he strode away.

  “Your first meeting is at eight, sir,” Tavin called. Alex acknowledged the comment with a quick wave and without a backwards glance. Now to put the rest of his plan in motion. A chance to spend time alone with Rebecca was too good to pass up.

  He sent a quick message to his most trusted security man, asking him to oversee his security personally that evening for a few hours. Though he initially balked at the idea of only one man guarding the future king, when Alex assured him that he was remaining inside the palace itself, the man relented.

  Next, Alex needed to contact Catharine. He had to tread carefully, making sure that Cat, whose heart was soft and often worn on her sleeve, wouldn’t go directly to Rebecca and eat with her.

  Still awake, Cat? Alex messaged.

  Yes, why? Where are you? Cat messaged back.


  Do you need me back at the office? Can’t it wait until morning?

  Don’t need you to come back, but do need your help. It’s about Rebecca.

  Rebecca! What’s happened?

  Video’s making the rounds.

  I know, it’s just awful.

  She’s come to the office to work ‘just in case’.

  I’m not firing her.

  I didn’t tell you to, did I? Tavin said she’s so worried that she refuses to eat anything.

  Oh, no. Shall I go talk to her?

  Alex quickly replied. I had Tavin order her some dinner. I just need you to convince her to eat it.

  But how do you know she’ll eat any of it?

  She will if you tell her you’ve sent food to her and that you’re coming to join her for dinner.

  Why don’t I just go over and ensure she eats?

  You’ll only make her more nervous. Who understands people better, me or you? Trust me.

  I hate it when you’re right.

  Alex chuckled. Then you must hate me quite often.

  Oh, shut it. Okay, I won’t go over. I won’t fire her either.

  You won’t have to. I’ll arrange a statement to the press in the morning to clear it all up. Stop worrying.

  I’ll try.

  Night, twin. Alex messaged.

  Night, twin. Cat replied.

  It had been a tricky task, but he had accomplished it. The downside to having a twin was that Cat could usually see past his bullshit much quicker than anyone else. Fortunately for him, however, tonight she had been distracted.

  Now to see what Marcello wanted, and quickly. The thought of dinner with Rebecca had put a spring in his step. She didn’t know they were about to have their first date, but she would figure it out soon enough.

  Chapter 4

  Two agents of the Vallerian National Security Agency stood guard in front of the Situation Room at all times. Alexander approached the doors, pressed in a series of codes, and completed a retinal scan before the doors opened. Though the room was tucked away in a secure basement corridor of the palace, silent cameras, both hidden and obvious, recorded his every breath and covered every nook and cranny nearby. The images were watched by agents located offsite in the opposite side of city, across the Rhone River.

  As Alex walked through the doors, a series of lasers scanned and x-rayed him, as they did everyone who walked inside the room. Marcello, seated at the end of a long, polished conference table with papers and photos scattered in front of him, had undergone the same scan.

  Not that it mattered much if you were a royal.

  The main room inside, where Marcello was seated, had two full walls of screens, filled with muted news, data, maps, and more. Several smaller conference rooms and offices led away from the main room. During times of war and trouble, all were used.

  “What’s so important that it couldn’t wait?” Alex asked as he sat down beside Marcello, who wore a dark suit and had his blond hair styled back; Marcello must have had plans before the threat arose. “I haven’t got much time.”

  “You never have much time, but you’ll make time for this,” Marcello said as he tossed a few photographs his way.

  Alex’s brows furrowed as he picked up the glossy black and white photos and began sifting through them. His eyes narrowed as the photos focused closer and closer on the subject within them. A storm slid across Alex’s eyes as he flipped to the last picture. “What the hell is this? These are all pictures of me, and the last one’s of me in my private apartment. I’m exiting my own bathroom for Christ’s sake!”

  Marcello, his face grave and troubled, nodded. “Don’t you think I realize that?”

  Alex whipped up from the chair and started pacing. “I’m wearing a fucking towel! Are you telling me someone’s planted a camera in my private suite? In my private bathroom?” Alex paused and turned to Marcello. “Is this a new security policy you’ve decided to implement? Have you set up cameras in all of our suites?”

  Marcello rose in a flash and stood nose-to-nose with his elder, infuriating brother. “How dare you accuse me of something like that!” he yelled and pushed Alex lightly in the chest.

  Alex’s nostrils flared and spoke deceptively soft. “I’d like to remind you that you’re pushing the future king.”

  “That doesn’t mean I can’t kick his ass if he deserves it.” Marcello turned away and rubbed a hand across his face before
turning back. “For Christ’s sake. Do you really think I would do something like that?”

  The fight left Alex as quickly as it had come. “No. No, I don’t. I’m sorry, Marcello. I didn’t mean it. Truly.”

  “You did, but we’ll leave that for now.” Marcello walked over and picked up another photo and some papers, then handed them over. “These death threats came with those photos.”


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