Alexander & Rebecca (Royals of Valleria #1)

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Alexander & Rebecca (Royals of Valleria #1) Page 15

by Knightly, Marianne

  “I know they are,” she sighed. “I just don’t like this feeling.”

  “Which feeling?”

  “The feeling that someone wants me dead, not because of anything I did, but just because I’m convenient.”

  “You aren’t convenient, not anymore,” he said fiercely and held her closer.

  She took a deep breath, then sighed. “So, since you’re responsible for my staying here tonight, do you at least know where in the castle I’ll be?”

  “Ready to tuck in for the night?” he asked with a faint smile on his face.

  “After some dinner and long bath, yes. I feel positively filthy,” she said, then shuddered.

  He held her close for another moment before letting go and standing up. When he held his hand out to her, she took it and stood up.

  As if on cue, Cat came in a moment later. They only just separated their hands in time. “Are you hungry, Rebecca? You should eat something since you skipped lunch again.”

  “You haven’t eaten since this morning?” Alex asked, his voice tight and his lips in a thin line.

  “No, I suppose I haven’t,” she said with furrowed brows.

  “Then you'll eat with us," Cat said. "That’s all right, Alex, isn’t it?”

  “Of course it is,” he said as his anger was replaced by unexpected opportunity.

  “Dinner with you both?” Rebecca asked.

  “No, dinner with the family,” Cat said as she walked out to get her purse. “Mama and maybe Papa will be there, too. I suppose Marcello will be too busy to come.”

  Alex watched as Rebecca’s mouth dropped open in surprise. “I, uh, I can’t eat with your parents.”

  “Why not?” Alex asked as he quirked an eyebrow.

  “It wouldn’t be appropriate.”

  “Wouldn’t it?” he murmured just moments before Cat returned.

  “There’s no sense in arguing,” Cat said. “It’s decided. Now, where are you staying tonight? With your parents?” she asked as Rebecca picked up her things and they left the offices. As they slowly began heading towards the royal apartments, Alex sent a quick message to his parents about the additional dinner guest.

  “No, I’m staying here in the palace somewhere. I’m not sure where, though,” Rebecca said.

  Cat gasped and grabbed Rebecca’s hands. “But you must stay with us!” Despite Rebecca’s shocked expression, she continued. “We’ve got all sorts of guest rooms in the family wing. Oh, it will be great, and you know you’re safe if you’re there.”

  Alex could not have planned the moment any better, even if he’d thought to arrange it. He could have; a few well-placed words with Cat would have done the trick. However, her natural consideration had done it for him. “I wholeheartedly agree, Cat. She’ll stay with us. Papa would recommend it anyway, given how close he and your father are, Rebecca.”

  Alex almost laughed at the look of dismay on Rebecca’s face, but held back. It wouldn’t do to tip his hand just yet. While Cat chattered on in front of them, Alex whispered, “It will be all right, darling. I think it’s time you met my parents, don’t you?”

  Rebecca glanced around; they were alone but for the security agents surrounding them. “Don’t whisper at me,” she hissed as she moved forward beside Cat.

  You can run away now, but you’ll speak to me later, he thought as he sent another message to his parents, letting them know about their new houseguest. Alex had the perfect room picked out for her as well, he thought with a smile.


  Rebecca was full of nerves as she entered the family wing of the palace. Closed off from a great deal of the remaining palace, it housed several apartments for all of the royal children, and many extra besides. She had never been in them before, though she’d seen glimpses in sanctioned photographs through the years. She had heard of Cat talk about them before, but it was one thing to hear about something, and another to experience it.

  Her eyes flitted down to her wrinkled dress. It probably hadn’t been the best idea to wear it to sleep. Even though her mother had steamed it before she left, the fabric was prone to creasing. Now she literally had nothing else to wear, and no chance to go shopping before dinner.

  “I’ll show you to your room first,” Cat said. “I’m sure you want to freshen up.”

  “My Lady, I, well, I think I should just have dinner in my room.”

  “That’s silly,” Cat said, brushing away the comment. Rebecca clutched her stomach again, which only reminded her she essentially had only the clothes on her back.

  “Cat,” Alex said. “A word.”

  While they conferred in whispers, Rebecca stood in front of a large painting. She was too afraid to touch anything, worried she might ruin something.

  “Rebecca,” Cat said as she whirled around. “Alex will show you to your room.” She came over and grasped Rebecca’s hands. “Go take a bath and relax. I’m going to come by in about half an hour with some fresh clothes. You can borrow some of mine until you get some more. All right?”

  A wave of relief crashed inside Rebecca. “Yes, My Lady, thank you so much,” she said as she gripped Cat’s hands back.

  “It’s nothing at all. I’ll see you soon, all right?”

  “I’m taking her to the Lavender Room, Cat.”

  “Oh, that’s one of my favorites. You’ll love it.”

  “Thank you. Both of you,” she said as she looked at Alex.

  Cat walked away with a wave and she and Alex strode down one of the corridors. Servants wandered this way and that, so she didn’t dare try to take his hand, though she wanted to very much.

  After a few corners and another long hallway, Alex stopped in front of a door labeled in embellished script with the Lavender Room.

  “This is where you’ll be staying. I hope you’ll enjoy your time here.”

  He had a smirk on his face she couldn’t quite decipher. Something was going on, though she wasn’t sure what. “Is there anyone else in the other rooms nearby?”

  Alex shook his head. “Just you, as we haven’t any other guests, but you’re perfectly safe. Agents are situated at the ends of the corridors, and all the doors have locks. There are also cameras as well,” he said gesturing to some of the visible ones near the ceiling.

  She had to admit, she’d had visions of him coming to visit her in the dead of night, but could see that wouldn’t be possible now. “So, everyone will know if someone comes near my door, then?”

  “Yes, they will,” he said softly, and turned the handle.

  When Rebecca stepped inside she gasped. Vases filled with dried lavender filled the entryway, and ensnared her senses. “I love lavender.”

  “I know you do,” he murmured as he shut the door behind them. “You wear it every day,” he said as he walked closer. “Do you know how many nights I’ve had, where all my dreams are filled with you and the scent of lavender?”

  “No,” she breathed. “Probably as many as I’ve had of you.”

  His nostrils flared and his eyes darkened. “You’ve dreamt of me?” he asked as he pulled her swiftly against him.

  “You told me to.”

  Alex laughed, then sighed as her hands roamed up his chest to lock around his neck. “I knew this room would be perfect for you,” he said before he kissed her, long and deep. His hands fisted in the back of her dress as he pressed her harder against him.

  She moaned and he maneuvered her against the wall, taking and giving as he did so. All she could think of was him and this moment. They were together. After a god-awful day, she was in his arms again.

  A knock sounded at the door and she gasped. “Miss Campo? I have fresh towels and supplies for you,” a female voice called.

  Alex took a second before pulling away. He ran a hand through his hair and took a few deep breaths. When he nodded, she opened the door.

  “Bonjour, Mademoiselle. I am Marie,” the young maid said with a soft French accent as she entered. “Oh!” she said when she spotted Alex. “I beg your par
don, Your Highness,” she said as she dropped into a curtsy.

  Alex, his royal mask firmly in place, smiled and said, “Think nothing of it. Princess Catharine designated me to show Miss Campo to her room. How is your family, Marie?”

  “Very well, thank you, Your Highness. I’ll just put these away.”

  “Thank you so much,” Rebecca said as she followed the maid into the bathroom to give Alex a few more moments. She was stunned again by the elegant beauty of the bedroom and bathroom, which was complete with a giant whirlpool tub. She noticed it was large enough for two people.

  When they came back out, Marie quickly curtsied and left. Rebecca leaned against the closed door and watched Alex as he walked slowly towards her. He stopped barely a breath away, and his hand lifted to caress her cheek. Her face leaned into him.

  “Cat will be here soon. Don’t worry so much about dinner, all right?” he said.

  Rebecca nodded. “I’ll try. It’s nerve-wracking meeting the King and Queen for the first time. You said your father knows about us, but does your mother?”

  Alex smiled. “So you finally admit there’s an ‘us’. Progress.”

  Her heart may not have left her another choice, she thought. “The Queen?”

  “I’m not sure if Papa told her. Mama is very intuitive, however. I’m sure she’ll pick up on things when I can’t keep my eyes off you all evening.”

  “Alex, you must take more care,” she said as she shifted away from the door, and him. “What if she doesn’t accept me?” she asked, and her mother’s advice about ‘what ifs’ came to her mind.

  Alex came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m not trying to pressure you to decide anything,” he said softly. “You’ll have time to decide if I’m what you really want.”

  “It’s not you that I’m unsure of, exactly.”

  “I know.” He dropped a kiss on her head. “Just know that I’m sure of you, and I have much more experience in these matters.”

  Rebecca huffed a laugh. While she loved the feeling of his arms around her, she really wanted a bath and some time alone before dinner. “You’d better go.”

  Alex kissed her head again before slipping his arms away, and she felt the loss of his warmth around her. “I’ll stop by to walk you to dinner.”

  “I think it’s better if we kept our distance tonight.”

  Rebecca noticed the gleam in Alex’s eye, as though she’d just challenged him. “All right, darling. Make sure you ask Cat to take you then; it’s easy to get lost in these halls the first time you walk them.”

  Rebecca nodded and, with a last look, he left. Rebecca let out a long sigh as she walked to the bathroom. What had she gotten herself into?

  Chapter 12

  Rebecca was curvier than Cat, so the soft dark purple dress she wore was a bit tight but seemed to work. As she turned this way and that in the full-length mirror, she thought she might look a little too enticing to Alex with its tight, sparkling bodice and flared, twirling skirt.

  Cat had not only brought a dress that would match the shoes she already had, but some makeup as well. Rebecca could be nothing but extremely grateful. Though she had met the King before she had never been introduced to the Queen, a daunting prospect on a normal day but a fear-inducing one when she was becoming involved with her son.

  Rebecca took a deep breath and felt the fabric stretch against her skin. She would have to be careful how much she ate at dinner, though she was so nervous she thought she’d be hard-pressed to eat anything.

  “Ready, Rebecca?” Cat asked as she poked her head into the bedroom. “You look fabulous,” she said as she came to stand next to her. “Stop worrying.”

  “Sooner said than done, My Lady.”

  “You’re going to be all formal and everything this evening, aren’t you?” Cat asked with a sigh.

  With disbelieving eyes, Rebecca said, “How can I be anything but, My Lady? I’m to meet the Queen for the first time.”

  “I suppose. It’s a shame you aren’t my sister, then you wouldn’t have to bother with all the formality.”

  “You already have three other sisters, My Lady. Would you really like more?” she probed gently.

  “Definitely,” she said firmly. “One can never have too many sisters. Now, if you’re ready, let’s go. We wouldn’t want to be late.”

  Cat chattered away as they walked the long, confusing hallways until they reached an open family room. Even with the elegant furnishings, Rebecca was a little startled to see something so cozy and welcoming.

  They turned another corner and entered a large sitting room. Lush, antique chairs and couches were scattered around the dormant fireplace, as well as other sections of the room. And there, next to the mantle, stood Alex and the Queen, sipping drinks.

  “Mama, may I present Miss Rebecca Campo. Rebecca, Queen Genevieve Santoro di Valleria.”

  Rebecca dropped into a curtsy, deeper and more formal than she gave Cat or the other royal siblings; she was the Queen, after all. When Rebecca stood again, she dropped a small curtsy to Alex, who smiled softly.

  “My dear,” the Queen said as she walked to Rebecca and, in a moment of pure surprise, gave her a kiss on each cheek. “Come, sit,” Genevieve said as she led her to a sofa. “Alex, get her a drink. What would you like? Such ghastly business today with the explosion. I cannot even imagine what you’re going through.”

  “Th-Thank you, Your Royal Highness,” Rebecca stuttered as she sat down. “Just some wine, please, Sir,” she said to Alex.

  “Of course,” he said in a low voice and began to pour her drink and Cat’s. Rebecca wished his voice did not affect her so; with two words she was transported back to her suite and flushed as she remembered him kissing her against the wall.

  When he handed her a wineglass, he gave her a small wink and she felt her cheeks warm. He then turned and gave a glass of wine to Cat.

  “How are you doing, my dear?”

  “As well as can be expected, my Queen,” she said before taking a drink. The icy chill of the wine slid down her throat in relief.

  “I’m sure,” Genevieve said as she patted Rebecca’s hand. “Do I recognize this dress, Catharine?”

  “It’s one of mine, Mama,” Cat said from her perch on an opposite couch next to Alex, who watched Rebecca with unflinching eyes. “Rebecca lost all her clothes, so I’ve lent her some of mine.”

  “I very much appreciate it, Princess Catharine,” Rebecca said quickly. “It was a very kind thing to do.”

  “Then I wish I’d thought of it. Alex is the one who suggested it to me.”

  Rebecca’s eyes widened as she glanced at Alex. “I thank you as well, Sir.”

  “It was easy to suggest it, but Cat took the trouble of putting it all together.”

  “Alex tells me you’re to stay with us until this terrible mess is resolved,” Genevieve said.

  “Yes, my Queen, if you approve of it. I am happy to find other accommodations if that is your wish,” Rebecca said and saw Alex’s eyes flash from the corner of her eye.

  “Of course I don’t mind. Catharine would have my head if I said anything against the idea, and I’m sure my husband does not mind, either.”

  “He doesn’t,” a voice called from the doorway. Rebecca turned towards the voice to see King Gabriel standing there. She quickly put down her drink and fell into a deep curtsy, as she had done with the Queen.

  When she rose, it was to find the King in front of her. He gave her a long look, as if he were searching for something, and then kissed her forehead, surprising her. She’d had no idea the King and Queen would be so affectionate.

  “Sit, child,” he said gesturing to her seat. “Alex, fix me a drink, would you?” he said as he gave Cat a kiss on the cheek, and then kissed his wife before taking a seat beside her. Alex handed him a glass just as Marcello entered.

  “Sorry I’m late,” Marcello said as he greeted his family and went to get a drink. When he greeted Rebecca, she did a small cu
rtsy and sat quickly down again.

  “What’s the latest, Marcello?” Alex asked, only to see everyone give furtive looks towards Rebecca. “She’s in the middle of this, and she’s discreet. She deserves to know why her home and all her belongings are gone.”

  “I’m happy to leave the room, Your Highnesses,” Rebecca said as she stood up.

  “Sit,” Alex said firmly and, after a pause, Rebecca complied. “You’re not going anywhere.” Alex and the Gabriel exchanged a silent look before the Gabriel said, “Alex is right. Speak freely, Marcello.”

  “All right,” Marcello said as he gave Rebecca a curious look. “We know what type of bomb it is. I’ll spare you the technicalities and just say that we’re trying to track down the perpetrator by the parts used. Even better news is that we’ve got a partial fingerprint on the device. It may have been planted, and likely can’t be used in a criminal case, but it’s something.”


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