Fake Fiance_fake engagement romance

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Fake Fiance_fake engagement romance Page 5

by Kerry Leigh

  She was beautiful.

  Something about her body made me want to fuck her passionately.

  “Have you eaten?”

  Alex’s voice broke my train of thoughts.

  I turned my head away from my friend waiting for me at the reception area.

  And felt my stomach grumble. “Nah I’ve been busy. How's the Iserlohn contract coming along?”

  "She's bending me over about the closing costs but I think we can close the deal by the end of the month."

  "Great. That's one less load off my plate. Let's grab something to eat."

  “Sure, I've got some time- let’s have at it this evening.”

  “You know exactly what to say to make me excited.” I smirked.

  Alex went into the elevator with me and we stayed in my office and took our seats while I waited for the food.

  Lunch was a few moments away hey I’ll have the usual order today please."

  “Extra hot sauce,” Alex intoned.

  “Oh yes, and some hot sauce.” I said

  “We’ll get that to you in five minutes, sir.” Said the annoyingly cheery voice of my assistant on the phone.

  I ended the call and stood about the room, pacing. I went to the liquor cabinet, poured a couple glasses of vodka and mixed some drinks. Then I handed one to Alex and sat back in my recliner chair.

  “Everything about your situation is crazy. If it was me I would back the fuck out, phone the parents and take a month - no two months holiday - where the sea is beautiful and the girls are pretty.” Alex asked slowly, treating me like a very sensitive child.

  I rubbed the bridge of my nose and threw my feet up on my desk commandingly.

  “If it were so easy." I gave him a forlorn look. "Unlike you I couldn't live this down. What's the worst that could happen?" I said, grinning.

  "It’s easy. Find a girl. A great girl. She plays the role of happy, extremely satisfied wife-to-be and we hang out with my parents. And I will make it worth her while.”

  Alex’s eyes opened wide. “Ah a fiancée for a week. Such an uncanny, well-crafted idea.” He joked and raised his glass up for a toast.

  “Exactly.” I said raising my cup to clink his.

  “Hmm, that shouldn’t be impossible in a place like New York city. This city is bursting with single women looking to make a nice big payday.”

  “Nope. Won’t work. She can't be any woman, if I get an actress she could blackmail and hold it against me for money. Besides I want her to be believable but she needs an edge.”

  Alex shuddered believable he said as if he didn’t understand the words coming out of my mouth.

  “Yes, you heard me a believable woman for my tastes.”

  “Basically... what you're telling me is - you’re doomed right?” Alex said with a glint of mayhem in his eyes

  I smirked at him trying to hide the smile “Fuck off man.”

  “Relax you know what I’m saying,” he said and placed his emptied cup on my desk. “What would your ideal woman look like Logan from what I’ve known and seen you don’t … really … have a type right?"

  Ugh, I slumped in my chair. “This is not the same I’m not trying to get laid, I can do that with ease.”

  “But-” Alex said.

  “I’m supposed to marry this woman for the remainder of my life and raise amazing heirs with her gentle guiding hand. She’s got to be fantastic.”

  “So what sort of woman are we looking for exactly?”

  “Let’s see what you like and try to throw it into one profile to look for.”

  I touched my fingers to my temples and thought this through.

  “She will be clever, she needs to take life by the balls. Warm, and beautiful. I've already got my father somewhat suspicious I wouldn't want my mother to join that party.”

  Alex slapped his chest age appropriate.

  “Sure, yeah, I guess so Alex, let’s add that on your little list.” I scowled with a touch of bitterness, Alex just left out a roar of laughter and collected a beer form my well stocked fridge.

  "I’ve known a couple women who fit my description." I said, “all of them gorgeous but all of them wouldn’t spit on me if I was on fire well why don’t you get someone who works for you to act like this. What about that cute woman I’ve seen working around here. Y’know the woman with the light blonde hair. Shit she looks so cold I’m afraid to go up and talk to her."

  I shook my head. "Uh uh, can’t to do that pal. Way too much risk. I’ve treated them with respect. But there are some old geezers who would love to fuck with me. Besides it’s far too close to home, and my father would have something to say if he knew I was dating an employee, maybe even suspicious."

  He gave me a look as if to say “really Logan”.

  “Suspicious that you fell in love at your workplace? the place you spend 50% of your day? Alex crossed his arms in front of his chest. "dude it happens all the time, it’s like pam and that other guy from the office."


  "Exactly it happens so much you can’t even come up with a case study."

  I shrugged, and Alex snorted with displeasure.

  "Believe in me. That guy won’t like it at all he would find it uncouth, maybe even think I was slumming it while I could chase some high society tail." I said coldly.

  "Besides I don’t want any discord here I worked my ass off to make sure I have this office running like a well oiled machine."

  "Peters isn't here because he's recovering from that concert."

  "So? From what I heard it was a good night."

  Alex's eyes crinkled as if he didn't believe what he was hearing.

  "Whatever you say boss man."

  "Look. I don’t need rumours around here. I don’t need false rumours when there so many that are true."

  I heard a knock on the door. Then my assistant brought the food along, and we zipped our mouths until the room was silent and safe once again.

  The food was amazing and it made me happy and in a better mood to solve these problems that seemed so typical for me.

  During our lunch we came up with our profile and a strategy. I would call around and see if someone’s looking for some adventure and excitement. Then once they're hooked I'll reveal all the details. It would be too much to go around and reveal all the secrets to every candidate. I mean, because there’s no smoke without fire and it would eventually get back to my father by some patsy looking to gain favor. Or I’m back to square one with the blackmail

  We went through our exhaustive phone books and called every woman we knew. The profile was exhaustive, yet in the end they refused my invitation. Or hurled accusations down the phone if not giving me a few choice words. Every one of them. Some even knew of my father’s business reputation and backed the fuck down.

  "I didn’t know you were so famous," Alex said sensitively as he ended one of his calls.

  “What fame? I didn’t realize we were that famous or known I mean sure we have a real estate empire spanning the east coast and parts of the south but it’s just real estate.”

  Alex pursed his lips. “Oh, don’t tell me that money means something it means power it means influence so to these girls you are a grand prince and your dad might as well be the sun.”

  “They’re probably determined that you’re going to drop a disaster on their careers. or something unplanned and bad will happen when your father catches you up in these lies.”

  My eyebrows furrowed, and I folded my arms. “What a rousing sign of support.”

  “C’mon it’s not like he’ll call a hit on the lucky woman. Just for helping me with this world class scheme rich people do fucked up shit all the time and get away with it.”

  “Although I can think of some people that should have been gently dealt with if he wanted to go that far. I think you’ve been watching too many movies.”

  I poured some more drinks and sighed.

  “The truth is that they are not an open anymore. And they won’t come out if they think
there’s a real chance something bad will go down, and honestly, they’re kind of in the right this is suspicious.”

  “You have a point but I am still screwed at the moment I didn’t think it would be difficult to find someone to play a joke with.”

  “People talk a lot. They think they want fun and excitement but drop them into a completely different world and they’ll be clinging to their life boat. It’s the same for me. And probably the same for you too.”

  “You chose to be safer it was a prudent choice but know some people have a lower threshold for safety.”

  Huh, I never thought of it as a routine because I enjoy my life so much I can’t blame them after all. I looked at the ceiling and slammed a fist onto the table and sighed.

  I don’t think of what I do as safe as all but I guess you’re right they can’t afford to take a loss. I don’t really blame them I scratched my scalp and took another sip of my drink. But I still need a solution, not the solution to this nagging problem and it needs to happen now I need a woman with big balls.

  "You need to find the right woman let’s hope the twelfth is the lucky number. Alex said and took a final swig of his beer.

  Yeah, I agreed with him. I just hope she’s someone that stands out good or bad. and she won’t go along with something because it’s the popular thing to do. I stopped speaking as a spark of brilliance hit me square in my mind and the vision was perfectly laid forward.

  I started laughing maniacally.

  Alex bolted upright in his chair as if something was amiss what happened.

  "Someone who will do something different, unafraid of being uncool right." I said to Alex. "I can’t believe I didn’t think of it before it has to be her."

  "Who Logan?"

  "Jess." I said getting up and slamming my hand down on the chest with a youthful energy it felt so good to find a lifeboat with when. you’ve been swimming for hours

  "She is the one who will help me."

  "Who the fuck is Jess?"

  "Careful there, she’s my lady now." I smirked. "Do you remember a couple days ago when I was at your club and I was in a foul mood?"

  "Oh yeah you were a real asshat for the rest of the night looking at the CCTV hoping for a something that didn’t come about." Alex laughed.

  I spoke as I got up and looked through the large window overlooking the street.

  "Jess is a beautiful little redhead that normally lets things come to her. I was immediately drawn to her. And she has everything we need Alex, more so I want her. She’ll be the perfect little fake fiancée, gorgeous, groomed respectable. But crucially, daring enough to make crazy decisions and overturn conventional thinking."

  "You’re saying you know all that after spending what thirty minutes together with the girl."

  "Because you didn’t see the look on her face. or the tone in her voice when she told me about how she defied all her expectations. To be where she wants to be. She decided to go against everything her parents have raised her to believe and go in an entirely different course of mind. And what’s more she’s had some success. She did some bad things, but she went back and got some more. That’s exact what we’re looking for or else why even make a stupid profile? She knows what she wants and won’t settle for less Jess all I have to do is find her simple."

  "Which you think will work well."

  "Sure, it well, got to have a little faith, I’m filthy wealthy and handsome as fuck." I said.

  "Whatever she wants is in the palm of my hands."

  "No, I meant won’t I have trouble finding one single girl in a city of however much New York city’s population is."

  "Somehow, I don’t think that’ll be the biggest problem part of the proposal."

  "And what if all she wants is your love." Alex smirked, in a melodramatic tone.

  "Love? You think that's the problem? To get out of this mess I’d risk it all if it meant she was the perfect little fake fiancée." Though I knew it was impossible.

  Alex gave a little laugh and clapped his hands together. "So, what's your next step."

  To my tailor I said and then I have to get ready I’ve got to have everything perfect before I ask for Jess’s hand in marriage.

  Ok, sheesh you sound so real as if you’re getting off on this. You’re not actually getting a real diamond ring, right?

  “She’s going to need one eventually right. So, the sooner the better.” I said.

  “Or do you have a completely believable explanation why I can’t get a diamond ring from Tiffany’s when it’s not even a tenth of my yearly bonus. Or explain to my father why I haven't showered her, the love of my life, with the best experiences in the world.”

  “How, about, oh I don’t know - it’s getting fitted?”

  I wanted to make a smart remark about it but he was being really helpful.

  “Alex. One does not simple be super rich. It requires a dedication to excess that is rarely seen and even then, believe in me, when I say my Dad will never believe that I would wait. He knows I can be a handful. I would fail, or I would have found some way, whether it be a temporary ring or what have you getting it done is just the simplest way forward.”

  As I closed my office for the day and prepared to return home Alex had one last thing to say.

  “Fine, - it’s not like you were being an asshole just don’t look like an idiot I know it’s tempting to make a big surprise but don’t do it.”



  My alarm drilled into my head. Yawning, I got out of bed and put on some sweats. I made coffee quietly so I wouldn't wake Kaitlin, then jumped into the shower.

  I worked Monday through Friday in the front of house. And it was a life my parents wouldn't have exactly been thrilled about. Kaitlin ran an on-line business and she was humble about it.

  I dressed for work and left the apartment. Then I took the elevator down to the street. That night was still on my mind, like a dark cloud following behind me.

  My days at work were seemingly challenging. To keep myself awake I listened to music on the metro the bakery was already opened up when I began it my shift the line stretched to the door. I signed in and joined to the front staff. The day was hectic as I gave food away and fill orders it was hard to keep up my smile.

  Hours passed and I felt uncomfortable. My brow broke into a sweat and my shoes, which I had saved up for, hadn't broken in yet. I watched the time, hopeful that my lunch break would arrive sooner. After my break came up, I went to the back room and took my purse and jacket. I had time to make a quick trip to the deli and sit down at a park bench to eat the sandwich. Then back to the cafe for the rest of my shift, blessed by the feeling of heartburn.


  Erik, our front of house manager who seemed to stand inside the doorway. Next to him, our pastry chef, Jean, gave detailed instructions to a baker who was rolling out dough with extreme intensity.

  I brought the tips of my mouth as high as I could form a smile. Erik was a deplorable figure in this bakery. But I had to be nice to him I didn’t come here to work minimum wage and take away day old bagels.

  No, at first, I wanted to climb the ladder and get moved to working in the back, under, Jean's not so private tutelage. Because I didn’t have any meaningful catering experience in baking. I had to wait and earn a reputation as someone worthy enough, reliable to become a central pillar of the bakery.

  Yet, try as I many Jean hadn’t even noticed I existed. So, getting on Erik’s good side meant everything in the world to me. Most of the hiring in the bakery was in house some got promoted and moved to other departments. It happened all the time really If I was good and a hard worker, a real go-getter I knew I’d get ma chance. Oh, how wrong I was. But now I have options, so I would see how that would play out.

  Erik gave me a bright smile James called out sick. Something about an allergy from the baseball game

  "Can you work until Ashley comes in?"

  “So, when is that?”

  He got his
phone out and checked. “Six.”

  My body felt cold. “I have something extremely important I’m sorry I’ve got to go.”

  “You can’t get off?”

  I twinged internally. I guess I could take the night off. It was a Friday eve afternoon and I wanted to spend tonight working on my recipes and reading some books that I wanted to go through. Before the programme started I also needed to buy some supplies.

  Then I needed to go to my bar-tending job, on Fridays we had lots of patrons, so we would be busy. And I didn’t want to leave the wage behind.


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