The Keepsake (Love at the Crossroads)

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The Keepsake (Love at the Crossroads) Page 10

by Simmons, Pat

  Michael accepted her gift with one hand and wrapped the other arm around her waist, pulling her closer. He rested his forehead on hers. “I love you, you know that?”

  “I do, and I love you.” She paused to soak in the moment, then exhaled. “Well, I better go.” As she turned to leave, Michael stopped her.

  “Wait. Have a seat in my office.” He winked, then glanced over his shoulder. “Byron, let’s finish our conversation out here. Janice, you and I will talk later.”

  “Sure.” Janice seemed in no rush to leave as Desi made herself comfortable in Michael’s chair. The silence between the two women stretched and strained the air until the woman spoke first.

  “So you’re Michael’s wife, huh?”

  “Yes, I am.” With her spiritual antennas up, Desi could pick up on the women’s spirit and subtle attitude. What if Janice was coming on to Michael? No, she wasn’t going to go there every time a woman was around her husband. Satan, I rebuke you. Now go! Relaxing, Desi scanned her husband’s office and was impressed with his career move.

  “I heard he was married. Is this your first time here?” she spied Desi’s finger and had the nerve to state the obvious, “And I don’t see a ring…”

  “We’re married,” Desi said with finality in her voice and a smile that was as genuine as she could muster, considering she wasn’t owed an explanation of any kind to her bold questions. Mentally dismissing her, Desi began to silently pray, Lord, here’s another one that needs to flee. Is this what Michael and I will be up against from now on? She couldn’t recall all this flirting going on when she first married.

  Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat,” God reminded her of Luke 22. But I have prayed for you that your faith will not fail.

  That was all Desi needed to know. Thank You, Jesus. Michael appeared in the doorway.

  “Sorry, babe.” As if remembering they were not alone, Michael didn’t take his eyes off her, but spoke to his employee. “Janice, would you mind helping Byron on the floor?”

  Moving slowly, Janice reluctantly agreed. Once she was gone, Michael closed the door. “Thank you for waiting. I missed you.” He tugged her from the chair and wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on top of her head.

  “Thank you for shoveling the snow.”

  “I’m here for you no matter how far away I am.” He brushed a kiss on her lips.

  “Hmm.” Desi moaned, enjoying the tender touch. “Michael, I don’t want to spoil the mood, but I don’t trust Janice around you, and I’m going to be praying for you.”

  “Thank you, baby, but I’m not encouraging her and I’ve added a weekly fast to my prayer life, so I can discern those spirits. You don’t have to worry about another woman ever.”

  “I know and to make sure of it, as the Bible says watch—I’ll be watching her—and pray—I’ll be praying for your strength.”

  “Woman, you are definitely worth keeping.”

  Desi winked. “And don’t you forget it.” She grabbed her purse. “I better go and get to work.”

  “Be careful.”

  “Yes, sir.” She gave him a mock military salute and pivoted on her heeled boots and walked away.


  Michael had put in another long week after he fired Byron for a series of offenses, including misconduct and sexual harassment to customers and one employee. The prayers he and Desi had been praying against Janice’s ungodly spirit also paid off. She quit. Michael knew as long as there was Satan, there would be a next time with the devil trying to bait him away from his vow, but it wasn’t worth it. Plus, he and Desi presented more of a united front in their marriage against the attack of the enemy.

  It was another long day, but at least he felt comfortable leaving a new assistant manager in charge of closing as he waved good-bye to his employees. He called Desi the moment he had some privacy in his car. “Hey, babe. What are your plans for this weekend? I’m off for one day, and I’d rather spend it with you.”

  “Why wait for tomorrow? Come over tonight. You can build a fire and we can watch movies.”

  “Okay. Did you cook, or do you want me to stop and bring something?”

  “Bring yourself. I made a stew.”

  “I’m on my way.” En route, Michael did make a detour to buy a bouquet of flowers.

  Before the night was over, it was like old times being in his house, watching his wife in the kitchen and building a fire. When it came time for old movies, they talked instead, late into the night.

  “You can stay here,” Desi offered.

  Those words sent Michael’s heart rate racing. He swallowed.

  “On the couch,” Desi clarified as if knowing his thoughts. “I want our time apart to mean something, so that when we are intimate, it will be like the first time. I’m not saying I want a big ceremony, but at least for Pastor Reed to renew our vows and pray for us before we go to the next level.”

  “Baby, I will call him first thing in the morning.”

  Desi laughed as she walked up the stairs to bed. “I just bet you will. Good night.”

  CHAPTER ~19~

  Desi and her family, along with Michael and Zachary, were gathered in Pastor Reed’s office. Solae was delighted to hear the news, especially after her ex-boyfriend came to his senses and they worked out their issues and tied the knot.

  To Desi’s surprised, Michael and Zachary were dressed in black tuxes and he had even purchased her a lovely wedding bouquet.

  The gesture brought tears to her eyes as they stood gazing into each other’s eyes.

  Pastor Reed cleared his throat. “On this day, we celebrate God’s grace and victory. What the devil tried to tear up, the Lord in His wondrous mercy has restored. Because of God’s faithfulness, just like in Job 42:12 where the Lord blessed Job’s second chances to be greater than his beginnings, He will do the same for the two of you.”

  Desi nodded. She believed that.

  “I believe your husband has something to say,” Pastor Reed said.

  Surprised, Desi frowned as Michael got on one knee, then her vision blurred.

  “Desiree Bishop, I have loved you since the first time I saw you modeling clothes in the store with your sisters. I’m asking you to trust me with your heart. Trust me to be faithful. Trust me to love you; trust me blindly. I promise with all my confidence in Jesus that I won’t disappoint you or God, not this time, or ever again. I’ve committed spiritual suicide once and God brought me back to life and your love has sustained me. You are my keepsake for life.”

  She sniffed as he pulled out a small box. He opened it to display a ring that was bigger and appeared more expensive than the one that had been spiritually broken.

  Tracey took her bouquet to allow for Michael to slide on the ring. Her hand shook.

  When Michael stood, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him tenderly. “I want you to be my keepsake, too.”

  Desi had forgotten about their small group of witnesses until she heard her granny and mother sniffing.

  “Brother and Sister Bishop, I would like to offer a prayer of thanksgiving.” Pastor Reed looked around the room. “I invite their family to join in as you stretch your hands toward them.”

  Halcyon seemed reluctant, but Zachary nodded and mumbled. “It’s all right.”

  Desi couldn’t keep the smile from coming. Michael’s older brother loved her sister and was a good man. Where Desi had failed in her attempts to lead her sisters to Christ, Zachary might have a chance with Halcyon.

  “With bowed heads. Jesus, we thank You for this union today. God, let this husband and wife be faithful not only to each other, but also to You. Bless their union and cause them to be fruitful as a testimony to the world and the devil that the work You began in this marriage, You will oversee the building of it until You come…” He paused. “Before I say Amen, I must add, what God has joined together, let no man or woman separate them, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.”

  After the chorus of Amen
s, the applause followed as Michael engulfed her in his arms. “Finally,” he whispered for her ears only.


  Eleven and a half months later, Michael and Desi welcomed a baby boy, eight pounds and two ounces. There had been a praise on Michael’s lips every day since his marriage was restored, but now, watching his namesake sleep in his arms, he couldn’t stop the Hallelujahs from escaping out when he least expected.

  Without reconciliation, he would not have received the greatest gift his wife could give him, a begotten son.

  About the Author

  Pat Simmons is a self-proclaimed genealogy sleuth. She is passionate about researching her ancestors, then casting them in starring roles in her novels. She hopes her off-beat method will track down distant relatives who happen to pick up her books. She has been a genealogy enthusiast since her great-grandmother died at the young age of ninety-seven years old in 1988.

  She describes the evidence of the gift of the Holy Ghost as an amazing, unforgettable, life-altering experience. She believes God is the author who advances the stories she writes.

  Pat has a B.S. in mass communications from Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts. She has worked in various media positions in radio, television, and print for more than twenty years. Currently, she oversees the media publicity for the annual RT Booklovers Conventions.

  She is the author of nine single titles and several eBook novellas. Her awards include Talk to Me, ranked #14 of Top Books in 2008 that Changed Lives by Black Pearls Magazine. She is a two-time recipient of the Romance Slam Jam Emma Rodgers Award for Best Inspirational Romance for Still Guilty (2010) and Crowning Glory (2011), and the first recipient of the Katherine D. Jones Award for grace and humility as an author. Her bestselling novels include Guilty of Love and the Jamieson Legacy series: Guilty by Association, The Guilt Trip, and Free from Guilt. The Acquittal was her 2013 release; No Easy Catch is her 2014 release.

  Pat has converted her sofa-strapped, sports-fanatical husband into an amateur travel agent, untrained bodyguard, and GPS-guided chauffeur. They have a son and daughter.

  Pat’s interviews include numerous appearances on radio, television, blogtalk radio, blogs, and feature articles.

  Visit or email her at [email protected]

  Snail mail: Pat Simmons, P O Box 1077, Florissant, MO 63031

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