Naughty Girl

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Naughty Girl Page 11

by Wolf, Alex

  He took a step forward, his dick never leaving his grasp, and closed the distance between us, until he was lined up with my center. I shuddered when he pulled my fingers out of me, and slid the head of his cock over my clit.

  I fought back the release. I wanted him, filling me up, when I came undone.

  He leaned over top of me, his cock flat against my stomach, and hovered around my mouth. He traced a finger over my lips, down past my breasts, and squeezed my pussy in the palm of his hand.

  “From this day forward, this belongs to me.”

  “Holy shit.”

  He grabbed me harder.

  I gasped at the painful pleasure. His grip was so hard it would probably bruise me.

  “Don’t mistake this for foreplay. It’s not. What I put my cock inside of is mine, and only mine. Understood?”

  I nodded.

  “That’s a good girl.”

  His eyes rolled back into his head when he shoved his cock to the hilt. “My God.” His eyes came back to meet mine. “Fucking perfect.”

  My back tried to arch from the bed when he filled me. His cock was a perfect fit. A slight roll of his hips, and he was already hitting my spot perfectly. His lips curled up into that mischievous grin, like he knew something I didn’t.

  His motions were slow and deliberate, like energy was building inside him. The way he fucked me was like reading a good book, it slowly built in intensity, and when it was time for the climax, I was going to come harder than I’d ever come in my life.

  His forehead pressed against mine, until it was jamming my head down into the bed. His mouth was close enough I could feel his breath over my lips.

  “I’ve wanted to claim this pussy since you walked into my office.”

  “Oh God.” They were the only two words I could get out between pants.

  His next words came with each thrust of his hips, one at a time. “My. Cock. Only.”

  My hands were frantic, pawing into the sheets and clawing into his back. I couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think. All I could do was focus on every intense sensation, every tiny feeling of his dick pounding in and out of me.

  My orgasm built between my legs and was impossible to hold back any longer.

  “Come on that fucking dick. Now.” Hayes shoved my legs back, damn near to my shoulders, and buried his cock in the depths of me.

  My hips bucked wildly, and then I seized up, shuddering as I clenched around him. My whole body trembled as an earthquake rumbled through my limbs. “Oh shit! Hayes. Hayes! Oh fuck!”

  I wanted to look at his face, see his eyes, but my own squeezed tight and refused to open as the most powerful orgasm of my life rolled through me.

  Right at the end, when I thought it was done, his fingers swirled my clit and he pumped into me like a madman. His cock pistoned in and out of my wet pussy, until it sounded like a round of applause echoing through the room.

  “My pussy. Mine!” His cock kicked, and he thrust into me one last time and blew deep inside.

  Another wave of orgasms ripped through my body, until I was tangled in sheets around my face, searching for anything to grab hold of, bite, or claw at.

  I couldn’t speak. Couldn’t do anything but ride out the neurons firing through my body as Hayes’s hot come trickled down my thighs around the base of his cock.

  My eyes finally fluttered open, and my chest heaved up and down into his. A fine sheen of sweat covered his body, highlighting the contours of every muscle in his body.

  Holy. Fucking. Shit.

  His lips curled up into a devilish grin, and he dropped a kiss down on my mouth. “There’s a lot more of that in your future. Get used to it.”

  My body sang and danced for Hayes, but only one thought ran through my brain when my wits returned.

  What the hell are you doing?


  I had to find a way to make things right with Rory. She hadn’t even given me a chance to explain, and she’d been avoiding me like the plague. I was bogged down with meetings the day before, but my thoughts constantly drifted to her.

  On Friday, Hayes and I had a meeting in the morning, then afterward decided to sit down and look over the business names. I went to his office and sank down in the chair across from him. “Have you looked at them yet?”

  “Not really. I glanced at a couple.” He grabbed a big manila envelope and opened it up, then dumped out the papers between us.

  I looked down at the pile. It looked like there were forty or fifty entries. “Did Rory participate?”

  “Why?” He stared right at me with a clenched jaw.

  I shrugged and smiled. “No reason. Just curious if the newbies got in on the action.”

  “She’s no longer the newest employee. We hired a janitor last week.” He smirked. “Want to know what his suggestion was?”

  Asshole. He knew I had no desire to fuck the janitor.

  I pulled myself away from thoughts of how I’d get Rory to listen to me. “Let’s get started.” I thumbed through the papers.

  We both took a stack and laughed at a few like Merathorne, and Hawthorne Merathol The Sequel.

  I started to think the whole idea was silly. Why didn’t we just keep our old name? Exert some power? It was our company. They were joining us.

  We dropped them into two piles, one for ‘no’ and one for ‘possibly.’

  I came to one and stopped. I recognized Rory’s handwriting.

  I read her suggestion out loud. “H & M Designs.”

  I didn’t know if I leaned toward her suggestion because it was hers, or if it was the best we had.

  I really liked it, though. I looked at Hayes. “What do you think?”

  He nodded. “It’s not bad. The H is first. I like that.” He glanced over. “Whose is it?”


  His eyes lifted up to mine and he nodded, grinning a little more than he had before. “Definitely put it in the ‘possibly’ pile.”

  I didn’t object. It would be perfect. I could go tell her that she won, and it’d give me an opportunity to explain what she’d seen at my house. We went back through all the ones we liked and narrowed it down to ten choices.

  “Do you have a favorite?” I held Rory’s in my hand.

  “Do you?”

  “Yeah.” I didn’t need to look through the rest, but I did anyway so he’d think I was taking it seriously. “H & M Designs.”

  “Interesting.” His eyes narrowed on me.

  I hated when he did that shit—acted like he could read me like a book.

  I glared back. “Interesting? Which one did you choose?”

  “The same. That’s what’s interesting. We’ve never agreed on something so easily.”

  I was a little surprised he’d chosen it. He was always so anal about being professional and playing favorites. “Great. Makes this pretty simple.”

  He still had that shit-eating smirk on his face.

  I stood from my seat. “I’ll go let her know.”

  Hayes shook his head, still grinning. “No. I don’t think so.”

  I’d started toward the door and my head whipped back to him. “I’m in charge of the merger. I’ll let her know.” I shouldn’t have demanded to do it. He knew it was important to me now.

  He shook his head. “You have a meeting this afternoon. I’ll take care of it.”


  Fucking meetings.

  I could tell he wasn’t going to budge an inch. I’d have to find some other way to get her alone.

  “Fine. Don’t take all the credit though. It was a joint decision.”

  He snickered. “Why would I do that?” He cocked an eyebrow. “I’ll be sure and let her know you were instrumental in the decision.” He stood up and dropped all the papers in the shredder with the exception of hers.

  “You better.”

  “Why so worried?”

  I shrugged and tried to play it off. “Not worried at all.”

  “Okay then.”


  I walked out of his office and went to lunch before my meeting. There was no doubt in my mind Hayes would try to steal all the credit and sweet-talk her. After my meeting, it was fucking on. She was mine. The sooner he realized it, the better.


  The phone on my desk rang at three-thirty. Hayes’s extension flashed across the screen. I thought about ignoring it for a moment. I spent the entire night thinking about everything with him and Hunter, and I was even more confused than when I’d started. Any time one of them was near, my brain stopped functioning.

  I glanced at the phone again and didn’t even know how I’d respond. I knew what I wanted, what I’d always wanted—Hayes. But Hunter would never give up easily, and part of me wanted him too. I liked both of them in different ways, but it wasn’t okay to mess with both of my bosses—who were brothers—this way. I knew for a fact I didn’t want to get caught up in a love triangle between them, but here I was.

  I finally grabbed the phone, knowing I couldn’t ignore Hayes. “This is Rory.”

  “Hey.” His voice was light, almost happy, despite the fact I’d been purposefully avoiding him.


  “I need you to swing by my office in a minute if you’re free.”

  I sank down in my seat, wondering how I could be in the same room as him. Heat was already rushing down to my pussy just thinking about the smirk on his face. “I’m a little busy. Does it need to be in person?”

  “What’s the problem? You nervous?”

  I bit my lip. “Should I be?”



  A long pause ensued. It was so long I glanced at the phone to see if he was still there.

  “Five minutes.”

  I gulped.

  Why did nerves skitter through my body any time one of the brothers bossed me around?

  “Be right there.” I left my desk, careful to make sure no one saw me. The last thing I needed was to be questioned about why I had to go see one of the brothers again.

  I got in the elevator and took it to the main floor. When I got off, my head was on a swivel, keeping a look out for Hunter. Thankfully, he was nowhere in sight.

  When I got to Hayes’s office, his door was closed. I could hear him stalking around the room, on the phone with someone.

  I stood outside his door, waiting for his call to end, and trying to figure out what I was going to do once I was in there. Was he going to try something? He seemed more controlled than Hunter in that department, but who knew with these two?

  I knocked lightly on the door, almost hoping he wouldn’t hear it.

  “It’s open.”

  I stepped inside.

  He glanced over to me and grinned. “Close the door behind you.”

  I shut the door and turned back around.

  He was still standing. He didn’t sit down until I took the chair in front of his desk.

  Once I was seated, I sighed. “You wanted to see me?”

  “I wanted to congratulate you for naming our new company.”

  Excitement rushed through my veins. “Wait, what?”

  “It was definitely my favorite.”

  My eyes narrowed. “Did you only choose it because of what happened between us?”

  He frowned, almost a glare, then leaned over the desk and lowered his voice. “You mean did you win because you screamed my name when you came all over my cock?”

  Holy shit.

  I couldn’t be near him right now. My brain was already sailing out the window. I slowly nodded. “I want to win on my own merits. My personal life separate from business.”

  His frown morphed into a sly grin. “Hunter agreed to the name too. It was unanimous.”

  I wanted to feel better about that, but the truth was I just felt worse. I’d fucked both of them. “Okay, well, thanks.” I stood.

  Hayes stared at me like I was an alien. “You get a thousand-dollar bonus with it.”

  “Thanks.” I stood there for a few seconds. I wasn’t really sure what to do. I needed to tell him about sleeping with Hunter, but I just couldn’t. “I’m gonna head back then.”

  He nodded and stood up. He came around his desk and walked me to the door. Right before my hand landed on the handle, he pulled me to him. His hand gripped my ass, and he leaned next to my ear.

  “You earn everything you get here with me. I don’t play favorites at the office. Outside of work, you’re mine, though.”

  A shiver ran up my spine in the best way possible. It was so odd, and I didn’t understand the way my body reacted. Usually, I hated being bossed around. But something about Hayes’s assurance that I earned everything I got at the office—it set me at ease.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Call me Sir one more time, and I’ll bend you over that desk for teasing me at work.”

  “Oh my God.” Every time he spoke I found it difficult to breathe.

  “I’ll see you tonight. You’re dismissed.”

  I nodded and walked out of the room.

  When I got to the elevator, I paused in front of it. What was I going to do? I needed to set the record straight about Hunter and get this all figured out. That’s what I’d do tonight. I’d just tell Hayes everything.

  * * *

  Hayes wanted me exclusively. Hunter wanted me as a fling. The choice was obvious, but the problem was part of me still wanted Hunter too, and I hadn’t given him an opportunity to explain. I think part of why I hadn’t was because maybe he did have a good reason, and it’d make my decision much more complicated.

  I decided to cancel the date to think about things. So I texted Hayes.

  Rory: I need to reschedule tonight. I’m not feeling well.

  I didn’t know if he would respond to me right away, but at twenty past five, his response came through.

  Hayes: Sorry to hear that. Hope you feel better.

  I hated lying to him and I almost sent him another message telling him the truth. The whole truth, that I didn’t know whether it was him or his brother that I wanted. Instead, I tossed my phone on the table and sat down on the couch in the living room. I grabbed the remote and settled on binge watching The Walking Dead to take my mind off everything. Surely, it would work.

  Two hours into a zombie killing spree there was a knock on my front door. I glanced at my watch and frowned. Who the hell was here?

  I pulled myself off the couch and went to the door. I peered through the window and spotted Hayes at my doorstep. I groaned and slowly opened it. “Hey.”

  He had a bag in his hand. “Hey. Brought soup.” He glanced around my house, waiting for me to let him in.

  I stared at him for a moment, processing what was going on. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I wanted to. Can I come in?” He put his hand out and handed me the bag.

  “Sure. Sure.” I took it and let him by.

  “You want me to go?” He halfway turned around, but I couldn’t let him walk away when he was being so sweet. It had to be awkward for him, and secretly my heart warmed a little at the gesture.

  “Stay. We can share.”

  He turned around and nodded. “Thanks.”

  “No, thank you. This is nice, really.”

  I turned away as he shut the door behind him. We walked into the kitchen and I grabbed two bowls for the soup.

  “What do you want to drink?”

  “Water’s good.”

  I filled up two glasses with water, sat down at the table, and sipped on the soup. I watched Hayes from the other side of the table and for some reason imagined this was our life—that we were living together, eating soup—just enjoying the night in. I could easily picture it, which scared me a little, because I never really believed in happy endings.

  With Hayes and Hunter, that seemed to change, but now it was even worse. It seemed like to be happy with one I’d have to destroy the other.

  “Feeling better?”


  I wasn’t all
that great at faking being sick. “It did hit the spot. I think it was just a bug.”

  “Sure.” He smirked, like he could see right through me.

  “Do you have a lot of girlfriends?” Where did that come from?

  He snickered, almost amused. “Right now?”

  I shrugged. “Whenever. Just wondering if you date much.”

  “Not really. I’ve always been more interested in work than women.”

  “I see.”

  “Most days, my work runs my life.” He tilted his head and stared at me. “Until now.”

  My body charged full of heat just with his smoldering stare. I took a drink of water, hoping it might cool me off. “What’s changed?” I attempted to pretend I was oblivious of whatever was happening between us.

  “You’re a smart woman, Rory. Don’t patronize me.”

  “What’s happening with us?”

  He sighed, like reality just crashed back into him. “I don’t know. I just know I like myself more when I’m around you.” He waggled a finger between our soup bowls. “Like this—it’s nice. I don’t really do the whole social thing. My father and I were very close until he passed away. The company was his life, and I want to live up to that legacy.”

  “Sure. I see.” I looked away.

  “Sometimes I have to do what’s right for me, though. This feels right.” He took a drink from his water glass. “What do you think?”

  I should have expected that question, but I didn’t have an answer. “I like you a lot. I’m just worried about work.” I winced a little and looked away. “About Hunter.”

  He reached across the table and grabbed my hand. He lifted it to his mouth and kissed it softly. God, why did I have to get involved with Hunter? Thinking about all the circumstances just pissed me off more. Hayes was the clear choice.

  But, I couldn’t ignore that feelings were still there for Hunter too. He made me feel alive, and he was so spontaneous. With Hayes, I’d have to fight with the company for his attention.

  We went back to our soup in silence. I finally cleared the plates when we were finished, and walked the dishes to the sink.


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