Sapphyre: Burden to Bare (The Sapphyre Saga Book 1)

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Sapphyre: Burden to Bare (The Sapphyre Saga Book 1) Page 6

by Felicia Leibenguth

  Zach sat relaxed in the living room on the couch, and Bree is in the kitchen eating some oatmeal. It’s odd how they completely ignore each other.

  “I’m ready,” I said to them.

  “Don’t you want to eat first?” Zach asked a little confused.

  “No, I’m good till lunch.” I’m too hyped up to eat, I added mentally.

  “Okay. I guess if you’re ready… Do you want a ride, Bree?” He asked politely. I wonder how she would fit in the Triumph.

  With a bit of attitude, Bree said, “No, thank you. I don’t want to get in the middle of the steamy romance and go blind, but thanks anyway.” She looked dramatically in my direction and made a gagging face. I just scowled at her. If she didn’t shut up…

  “Okay, let’s go, Lex.” Zach interrupted my plans to make Bree pay. He can probably see it on my face.

  We walked to the door, and he grabbed my bag swinging it over his shoulder. He wrapped his free hand around mine as he led me out the door.

  When we reached the car, I gasped in surprise. I was expecting the Triumph, but this car is much bigger with four doors and looks fast, not to mention expensive. This car is twice the size of the Triumph with more curves but still had nothing on the little blue car. The Triumph just can’t be beaten.

  “Okay, seriously how many cars do you have?” I looked at him with a sarcastic face while he opened the passenger door for me.

  “Just this one and the Triumph. This one is my everyday car, and the Triumph is my… special occasion car.” He grinned proud of himself.

  I smiled back. “So, what’s the story with this one?” I asked as we headed down the road.

  “Nothing special. Just went to a dealer and bought it. So, no scandal involved.” He laughed, and I joined in.

  “So what kind of car is it?”

  “It’s a Porsche Panamera 4, a very fast car.” He smirked as he pushed the gas pedal down to prove it. I beamed, I love speed.

  “So, what made you come pick me up today?” I questioned.

  Zach paused in thought before he spoke. “I know things are going… really fast with us, and… I’ll understand if you want to slow down.” He looked at me trying to gauge my reaction. But I didn’t give him anything to go on. I want to hear what he has to say, so I nodded for him to continue. “Well… in truth, I really missed you and… it was hard to be… away from you. I know that sounds crazy after one date… I don’t know how else to explain it…” He glanced at my face before he continued. “I’m sorry if I’m scaring you away…” He held his face straight ahead, not looking at me.

  I whispered, “Zach…”

  He looked at me, for a moment, before returning his eyes to the road.

  Already holding his hand, I gave him a reassuring squeeze before I spoke in a soft tone. “There is a lot I don’t understand right now, but I do know… what you said just now… is the truth, because I feel the same way. This is nothing like I have ever felt before, and honestly, it scares me. But… I want to see what the future holds for us.” I smiled, squeezing his hand once again.

  He squeezed my hand back and lifted it to his lips, kissing the back of my hand. “As do I my lovely Lexi. As do I.” He flashed a smile in my direction.

  I smiled too. “I’m glad.”

  We sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.

  Zach broke the silence asking, “How was your Sunday?”

  “Boring. I enjoyed it though. I needed the break.” I laughed.

  He chuckled. “I imagine you would. I wanted to come over Sunday, but my parents wouldn’t let me.” He scowled.

  “Why wouldn’t they?” I asked curiously.

  “Well… we have a thing we do every Sunday together as a family. And they don’t think I should be hanging around you. They think I’ll get behind in… my classes.” He frowned. It’s hard for him to say this, as his face contorted with the effort.

  “Oh.” What else could I say? There has to be another reason his parents don’t want me around him other than school. They haven’t even met me yet, so what am I supposed to think? Maybe once they meet me, they will like me and see that their son is at no risk of failing out of school, if that is truly the reason.

  “Don’t worry they’ll come around.” He reassured me with a squeeze of my hand.

  “I’m sure they will.” I smiled halfheartedly.

  Time flew once again. We got to school in what it seemed like no time at all.

  He parked the car at the far end of the lot where the senior parking is located. When we got out of the car, he swung my bag over his shoulder and held my hand as we walked to the front entrance. The buses just let off the high school students when we got inside the building.

  This is where Zach and I go our separate ways to our classes. I frowned at the thought. He paused in the lobby while everyone piled in the doors. It’s like he wants the audience. He just looked deep into my eyes and lifted his hand to my chin, lifting my face up higher. He bent down and softly pressed his lips to mine. Time seemed to stop the moment our lips touched. I can feel everyone stopping to stare and I can care less. I can say he is mine and no one else can have him.

  When our kiss finally broke apart, he handed me my bag and said, “See you in algebra my lovely Lexi.” He started walking down the hall with a huge grin, and a skip in his step.

  I smiled in response and nodded while blushing. Everyone overheard him. I, however, heard a few familiar voices.

  “Oh… my… God! Are you serious? You got him? What? How? Tell all, every detail!” Mya practically yelled as she ran up to me.

  Katrina’s talking quieter, which I’m grateful for. “Wow, I can’t believe it. Well, actually I can, but… wow.”

  “Seriously, you not only kiss at home but now I have to deal with it here too? Uh, I’m sick of this. I’m going to class,” Bree said disgustedly as she walked away. I gave her an apologetic smile, but I don’t think she saw it. I don’t know why she’s acting like this though.

  “Hello, over here, start talking girl! Tell us everything!” Mya said over excited for new gossip.

  I don’t know Mya and Katrina that well and I certainly don’t feel comfortable telling them everything that’s happened this weekend. I’m afraid it will spread like wildfire through the school and it isn’t really their business, but who else am I going to tell? I’m still undecided when the bell rang.

  Saved by the bell. How cliché, but it would give me more time to think.

  “Gotta get to class. Later, ok?” I didn’t wait for an answer, I just ran for class, my safe haven to think.

  I want to share this with someone who can help me think things through, but I don’t trust Mya. She has a big mouth and I know she’ll tell everyone everything I say to her. So, she’s not an option. Katrina, I’ve never heard her talk about people and she’s always quiet, but how can I tell her without telling Mya? I don’t want to hurt Mya’s feelings by only telling Katrina. So, is it better to tell no one, and work through things on my own without asking a second opinion? Why is life so complicated and unfair at times?

  Well, my first class is over and I still have no answer. Maybe I’ll say nothing. That would be the fairest way, wouldn’t it? I’ll just keep it to myself, tell no one. That’s easier said than done. If I can avoid them until lunch that will be great. They can’t talk with Zach there, right? I don’t think they would dare, but then again who knows.

  Every time I wanted time to think, time seemed to fly by. Any other day, classes would drag.

  Zach and I have algebra together now. He met me outside the door, and before we walked in the room, Zach pecked me on the cheek and grabbed my hand. We sat in our usual seats in the back next to each other. We glanced a lot at one another and often shared smiles. I barely heard anything the teacher talked about. I’m too busy enjoying the view to listen to the lecture. Zach’s very distracting and I can’t help but feel that his show this morning told everyone he’s chosen me. That inflated my ego. I still can’
t get why we share this connection. Is this what everyone feels, or is it just us? Is he my soul mate or is this something else?

  Last Saturday, I must say is one of the best days of my life. I had so much fun and I actually felt… loved. Not a family love, but a strong binding love that said we belong together. I still can’t get over it, the strong feelings I have for him. It’s like my body is on autopilot feeling this way because my brain hasn’t a clue how to be in a relationship.

  Zach peeked over at me and caught me looking at him… again. He gave me a small smile so we wouldn’t get caught not paying attention to Mr. Mikael. Our desks are close enough that he grabbed my hand and squeezed. Apparently, he feels the same need I have. We have to be connected somehow, no matter how subtle. I peeked around the room to see if anyone noticed our hands, and thankfully, no one has. My eyes slid past Rashel on the other side of the room. She has her eyes glued to our intertwined fingers, and she looks furious… okay, furious is an understatement. Her eyes seem to flicker with a raging flame, I’m waiting for the fire to come out of her eyes and burn me to a crisp. Okay, I’ll admit, I watch too many sci-fi flicks, but honestly, she looks like she wants to kill me. Zach isn’t hers and obviously, he doesn’t want her, he wants me.

  I smiled at the wrong moment because Rashel looked up from our hands, right to my face. The flames in her eyes only flickered before, now they’re in a full-on blaze, out of control. I held my eyes to hers, letting her know she isn’t going to intimidate me. I’m forced to look away when the bell rang.

  Zach gave me a peck on the cheek as we departed to go our separate ways to our other classes. I have English now then lunch with Zach. I can live till then… maybe.

  As I walked to the other side of the school, someone came up behind me and slammed themselves into my shoulder with a force that made me stumble. There are very few people in the hall, so I know whoever did it, did it on purpose, and I can guess who it is.

  “I’m warning you, stay away from him. I won’t warn you again. He’s mine!” Rashel practically growled at me like a feral dog.

  “Why? What are you going to do about it if I don’t?” I know I’m pushing her buttons, but I really don’t care. It’s her own fault in the first place and she asked for it.

  “You’ll soon find out!” She hissed before storming off.

  She’s certainly going to be a problem. She’s delusional.

  I finished heading to my English class un-interrupted.

  After class, Zach met me outside English and walked with me to lunch, holding my hand again. It feels like he’s getting pleasure out of showing that we’re officially together. Every time he touches me, even the most trivial, my heart picks up in beat and I feel like I never want to let go of him. Things moved really fast with us this weekend. It’s so fast, my head is still spinning. It felt as though we fit together perfectly like we were designed for each other. It’s just bizarre, but comforting at the same time. I can’t explain it.

  During lunch, Mya came right out and asked if Zach is “off the market”, and I wanted to crawl under the table. I let Zach answer, I’m afraid to open my mouth, I might panic. Zach replied very gentlemanly that he and I are together and other than that, no one else needs to know anything.

  Is he afraid of the gossip going through the school too? I know I am, and I’m glad he feels the same. Now here’s hoping that no one would ask me any questions while he isn’t around. I’m sure Mya will. I can see it in her eyes, the burning curiosity. I’m so glad I don’t have classes with Mya, otherwise, I would be trapped. I know Katrina won’t ask me anything. Mya and Katrina are complete opposites of each other. Katrina’s like me, quiet and shy.

  I suddenly feel the burning eyes on my back again. I looked over my shoulder and Rashel is glaring at me, not even trying to hide it this time. Her two cohorts, Amanda and Shelly, I learned from Katrina, are glaring at me too.


  I didn’t realize I sighed out loud as Katrina, Mya, and Zach stopped talking and looked behind me. They all look annoyed.

  “Ya know; she’s really starting to agitate me,” Mya said.

  Katrina agreed. “Yeah, all the staring and glaring is getting old. You would think she would get over Zach by now. Oh, sorry, Zach. I didn’t mean because you two were together or anything.” She smiled apologetically.

  “It’s okay. Don’t worry Katrina.” He looked at her kindly then his face became dark. I’ve never seen this side before. “Rashel has delusion'd herself into thinking she owns me. She never had a shot with me.” His face softened as he looked at me. “You are the only one I want to be with. You are the only one that has truly captured my heart.” He raised our intertwined hands from under the table, placing my hand on top of his, and kissed it gently. His eyes sparkled and my heart raced. He’s mine.

  Katrina ‘awed’ sweetly and Mya sighed shaking her head. Zach looked back at Rashel along with the rest of us. Her face turned red and her eyes glowed with anger. I can’t figure out how she gets her eyes to do that, they look like they will burn up… or melt. I can tell she’s gritting her teeth hard and her hands are in fists under the table.

  Zach got up and said, “Excuse me a moment, ladies.”

  “Where are you going?” I hope he’s not doing what I think he’s going to do.

  “I’ll be right back. Promise.” He gave me a smile and walked toward Rashel.

  Oh God, please tell me he’s not…

  Katrina and Mya are on the same wave-length as me.

  “Yes!” Mya hissed. “That girl is finally going to get what she deserves.” She grinned evilly.

  “Oh, Zach,” Katrina said shaking her head. “That boy must seriously like you.” She said to me with a small smile.

  She must have noticed my confusion.

  She went on. “He’s never stood up to anyone, especially her.” She jerked her chin toward Rashel. “He always went along with anything people wanted him to do; he was like her whipped puppy. It was so sad. She used him a lot. So, I’m sure she would love to get rid of you so she could get him back.”

  “Yeah, she’s made that clear.” I said without thinking.

  “Oh, so she has threatened you. I figured as much.” Katrina said softly. “Well, it looks like you won’t have to worry about that anymore.” She looked toward Rashel’s table.

  I can’t help but look.

  Mya laughed. “About time. I’ve been waiting for the day she would be knocked off her high horse.” She laughed again.

  I know right away what she is talking about.

  Zach leaned toward her, his hands gripping the edge of the table, and his eyes locked on her face. She, of course, is still glaring at me, but she looks like someone put her fire out with a bucket of ice water. The flame of hate in her eyes is gone. They now look glassy as if she’s about to cry.

  What’s he saying to her? She looked away from me, and toward Zach’s face with shock in her eyes at something he said. She said something in reply as I saw her lips move for just a second. Zach simply shook his head, stood, and started to walk back to our table.

  Rashel got up and hastily walked out of the cafeteria with her two cohorts following.

  “Zach?” I said as soon as he sat at our table. “What did you say to her?” He obviously made her cry.

  “I told her she couldn’t control me anymore, and to leave you alone or I was going to the principal. She’s on the verge of being suspended, so I used that against her. Sorry if I upset you, but I’m not going to have someone harass my girlfriend.”

  That word sent shivers up my spine. Girlfriend, and he’s my boyfriend. I love the sound of that. Before I can say anything, Mya piped up.

  “Ooh, I like a man who’s protective.” She licked her lips and wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

  What on earth is she doing!? I’m so embarrassed I turned pink.

  Zach laughed. “Yes, I’m sure Paul’s protective, so why don’t you go talk to him?”

  “I’m chicken,
” she replied without hesitation.

  Well, at least Mya’s honest.

  I’m relieved she wasn’t talking about Zach, so my color returned to normal, and I sighed in relief.

  “Who’s Paul?” I asked. I’ve never heard of him before. I must have missed something while I adored my new boyfriend. I smiled to myself.

  “He’s the one three tables down with the brown curly hair,” Katrina said.

  I looked and soon found Paul. He’s cute. He has a baby face and looks like he’s trying to grow a goatee. But he can’t compare to Zach. I doubt anyone can.

  “He’s cute. You should say hi,” I said encouraging her.

  “Yeah, you should,” Katrina agreed. “See,” She nudged Mya in the arm, “he’s looking at you.”

  Mya turned her gaze on Paul and smiled shyly, turning red. I didn’t know Mya has a shy side.

  “He smiled back. He likes you. Next class, say hi. I know what I’m talking about,” Katrina said sure of herself.

  Mya nodded and the rest of us let out small laughs at how shy she is. It’s cute.

  The rest of the day passed in a blur. Zach drove me home and stayed for a few minutes before he had to get home. Bree got home shortly after.

  “Bree, can I ask you something?” I asked as soon as she came in the door. It’s a question that’s bugged me all day.

  “Yeah, but you just did.” She doesn’t look happy. What’s with the attitude?

  “Well, I wanted to know why you don’t like Zach,” I said not looking at her and more at the floor.

  “You want the truth?” She asked.

  “Yeah, I do.” I looked at her, and her face is smooth, showing no emotion.

  “Well for one, I don’t trust him. Things have gone way too fast. You go out on one date and suddenly, he acts like he owns you, kissing you and taking your hand whenever he wants. It’s like he’s showing the whole school you’re his. Another thing that I’ve noticed, he never hangs out with guys. Ever since we started school, he has always been with girls, never guys. I don’t know what’s up with that.


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