Sapphyre: Burden to Bare (The Sapphyre Saga Book 1)

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Sapphyre: Burden to Bare (The Sapphyre Saga Book 1) Page 13

by Felicia Leibenguth

  “Yeah, that’s another thing. I’ve noticed the bites heal quickly, well faster than a regular wound. The places he bites me, don’t even leave a scar. The others on my wrists were from last week and the week before that. He hasn’t taken as much as he did the first time, just basically where I sleep for a while. I told him I had to keep the spots covered up so instead of my neck, he chooses my wrists and under my collarbone. I was shocked when he went along with it. At least those spots don’t hurt as bad as my neck, but when he comes, he doesn’t say anything. He just stands there and watches me until I see him and jump. He smiles while his teeth are extending like he enjoys seeing that fear on my face for a split second. I’m like his personal blood bank, as disturbing as that sounds,” she sighed.

  “Why don’t you try to get rid of him, like with a… stake?” I can’t understand why she let this go on so long. You can kill a Vampire with a stake, can’t you?

  “I did. That same year he first showed up. I wanted revenge for Thomas, I was so full of hatred and anger, that I felt invincible, but I quickly learned it is something I will never try again. It was a night my mom wasn’t home. He came really close to killing me. I was in my room when he showed up like usual. I had my back to the window expecting him, and I had a sharpened stick in front of me where he couldn’t see. When he came in, he came right over to me and when he leaned down to smell my neck, I got a hard grip on the stick and spun around and tried to slam the stick into his heart, but he was too fast. He took the stick from me and snapped it in half with one hand like a toothpick. That was when the worst night of my life began. I thought the first night I met him was the worst, but I was wrong. He went crazy. I was thrown, choked, and beaten, I was a bloody mess. Not to mention the blood he took from me that night caused me to pass out for a while again. I was glad mom wasn’t getting home until late morning so I could have time to recoup and clean up. He told me if I ever tried anything like that again he would kill me. So now I’m stuck, I have no way out. I know one day he is finally going to kill me and I think that’s what he’s working up to. He’s been getting more aggressive and there is nothing I can do about it. If I’m not there, he will hunt me down and he will probably kill my mom. If I try to fight him again, he will kill me. Anything I do, he will kill me. I have no way out and I know eventually I’m going to die.” Katrina has tears running down her face.

  I got out of my chair and hugged her. “I don’t know how, but we will get him some way. I promise that Katrina. I won’t let him kill you!”

  “Thanks, Lexi.” She squeezed me back hard. “Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me, just to tell someone who believes me and who is willing to help. At least when I die, someone will know the truth.”

  “You’re not going to die. It will be okay. I swear.”

  “Now you know why I had to tell you this,” she said pulling away, looking me in the eyes, looking for my understanding. “It’s for your own safety with Zach. I don’t want the same thing happening to you Lexi. I couldn’t live with myself if I knew it was happening to you too. So please Lexi, please promise me you will avoid him when he comes back.”

  “You honestly think Zach’s a Vampire?”

  She nodded her head.

  Katrina actually believes Zach is a Vampire. But… there’s no way! We have something strong between us, like an understanding, a love connection. He wouldn’t ever hurt me, would he? Could he? I can’t promise Katrina that I will stay away from Zach. I need to know if it’s true, is he a Vampire? If he is… well, I’ll deal with that if it comes, but for now, I love him and I want him back, no matter what.

  “Now that I know your story… I wanted to ask you something. That guy in the mall with the hoodie… was that…”

  “Yeah. It was him. He was watching us. I wanted to get you out of there because I don’t know what he would do if he thought I told you, but now you’re in danger because of me and if something happens to you, it’s my fault.”

  “Don’t you worry about me! You need to take care of yourself. Whatever you need, I’m here. Promise.”

  “Thank you. Really, thank you.”

  “Not a problem K.”

  We sat in silence for a while before we went back inside to warm up. It’s getting really late, and I told Katrina she could stay the night if she wanted, but she had to get going for when her mom got home. So, dad decided to drive her home, he didn’t want me out driving at this late hour.

  I went to my room after dad got back home safely. My brain is officially fried. I can’t think anymore. Katrina told me way too many things that I really didn’t want to know, but she’s right, I should know… just in case. When I finally fell asleep, I had a dream that I was taking Katrina’s place, and everything she told me was happening, but it wasn’t the guy Katrina described, it was… Zach. Zach was the one trying to kill me…

  I woke up to a loud howling outside the house. I looked at the clock as I turned over to get up, and it’s 4 a.m. I went to my balcony doors, but before I opened them, I heard a voice clear as day, but it isn’t aloud. It’s… in my head? The sound made me freeze. I haven’t heard this sweet, deep voice in what seems like years.

  It said, “Don’t worry; I’ll always protect you no matter what. I promise. I love you, my lovely Lexi. Remember that.”

  I pushed the doors open and looked into the yard. There in the middle of the yard, sat a large animal. It wasn’t what I expected. There’s a huge wolf sitting there looking right at me. It’s beautiful. Its fur includes browns, grays, and black mixed in. Across its eyes, a black mask like a raccoon, and over its heart, a white spot. We locked eyes as the wolf had yet to move. That’s when it raised its head back in the air and let out a loud howl again. My eyes are still locked on the stunning animal when it finished howling. It then looked at me and ran into the trees at lightning speed.

  Something started to click with me… the way he moved, always a little too fast for a human. His strength, the way he’s so protective of me. He’s always so secretive about his family and any questions about himself. The way he would answer, very carefully, careful not to say the wrong thing. Having no friends, not playing sports, and his parents not wanting me around. Hiding a secret, being a loner, and always quiet.

  Protector… loyal… elusive… wolf - Zach.

  That has to be it, or am I completely losing my mind?

  I found myself, without thinking about it, throwing my sneakers on and running down the stairs throwing on my coat. I ran out the door, banging it against the wall with a lot of force. I left it wide open, not stopping to turn around and close it. I bolted into the woods where the wolf disappeared.


  What am I doing out here, in the middle of the dark woods, yelling for Zach? He can’t be a wolf… can he? He acts so human, but Katrina warned me that he may be a Vampire. So why did I have a sudden urge to follow this wolf? I must have some serious problems. I should stop and head back to the house, but my feet keep pulling me forward like a compulsion. I want, no, need to find this wolf. So, I let my feet pull me deeper into the woods.

  A thought popped into my head while I continued to walk. The woman in my dream said to trust my protector. Could Zach be my protector? He said he would protect me, but the woman said ‘she’. Who is ‘she’? My mom? I don’t understand. Couldn’t that woman give me a hint at least?

  I walked for what seemed like hours through the woods. My eyes became well-adjusted so I can see the ground, but I tripped a few times when I wasn’t paying attention. The woods are a fairly quiet place, apart from some owls hooting and small animals scurrying through the dead leaves. The atmosphere of the woods feels peaceful but still creepy. Who wouldn’t be nervous out here in the dark? I started to get a little paranoid I think. It feels like I have eyes on me all of a sudden. I’m being watched, I can feel it.

  “Zach?” I called again with my voice shaking. “Zach please, if that’s you, please come out.”

  There’s no answer. Wh
atever it is, is still watching me and I’m starting to get really scared. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, and I feel terrified. Something’s out here with me. I can feel it getting closer with every step I take. I can sense it’s dangerous, and I feel as though I am about to be attacked at any second. The thought of the Vampire rang in my head, which caused me to start panicking more. I hastened my pace as my eyes darted around the woods as if on a swivel. I couldn’t see anything at first, but when I twisted my head fast enough, I caught a glimpse of some kind of shadow moving between trees at lightning speed. My heart sank and I suddenly feel like I want to throw up. I turned toward where the shadow had disappeared and tried to put on a brave front… I don’t know if it’s an animal… or… supernatural. But I’d rather deal with an animal.

  The shadow suddenly shot out from behind a tree at an alarming rate. I’m shocked that my eyes can follow it. I took in a sharp breath when it seemed to jump ten feet into the air, then dodged tree to tree without using any branches.

  This is no animal….

  I watched as it jumped to the ground once again and stopped behind a massive tree… then I took a step back in horror as another shadow I had not seen before, darted behind the same tree. There are two of them… I then realized that they made no noise in their movements across the ground. I don’t know how long they have been following me.

  My heart raced and my breathing increased. I know there is no way I can outrun them… whatever they are.

  I continued to stare at the tree they both disappeared behind and started to take small steps backward, away from the tree as not to cause much noise. I saw one peek out from behind the tree… then soon after, the second… I froze in my movements. They are about forty feet away, but their eyes… their eyes shine a bright red against their black silhouettes. My eyes locked on theirs as I found it difficult to pull away. I can’t tell what they look like, but from their silhouettes, one looks like a female and the other, a male. I did manage to find the strength in my trembling legs, to continue to put space between us. But as soon as they dodged back behind the tree, I turned and started to run. I didn’t get far before the female with long brown hair, dropped from the trees above and landed effortlessly on the ground, only ten feet in front of me. She snapped her head up from her crouched position, looking directly at me with a sinister smile planted across her crooked set face.

  I stopped so fast, I actually slid across the ground in baseball fashion. Without hesitation, got up to run in the opposite direction… but I should have known better…

  The male with short jet-black hair stood only eight feet away with the same sinister smile. I instantly realized he isn’t wearing any clothes. His skin is instead covered in short hair… almost reminding me of a tarantula… I wanted to throw up, but then he opened his mouth, seeming to adjust his jaw. That’s when the fear of God shot through me as two large fangs moved individually from the roof of his mouth, stretching in an outward motion, reminding me of a snake… He took a step closer and his crooked set face started to twitch… I watched in stunned horror as his face contorted, changing as he moved closer. I continued to take steps backward, forgetting that the woman was still behind me until I bumped into something hard and unmoving.

  I let out a blood-curdling scream then suddenly realized it’s a tree at my back. But relief did not fill me. I’m now completely trapped between a tree and the two approaching creatures with nowhere to go. My eyes darted between them. The males face has completely changed…

  He no longer had two eyes or even resembles a human at all. Eight eyes, in varying sizes, now formed a single line across his forehead. His dark hair remained, but his mouth and nose were replaced with the massive fangs protruding downward.

  I think I’m about to have a heart attack. My heart is no longer beating, but now quivering. Breathing is becoming harder as if my body can no longer take in the oxygen it needs to survive.

  They continued to move closer in a stalking type motion. They’re crouched slightly, ready to spring like a big cat and I’m so terrified that I can’t move my feet. I can’t even scream from lack of oxygen. My hands trembled and my legs shook so hard it’s a miracle I don’t collapse. The male let out a low gravelly growl that echoed right through me.

  “She’s ours,” the woman hissed within a growl of her own.

  My adrenaline kicked in and I found my voice, “KEEP AWAY FROM ME!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. I spun to the side to get around the tree and started to run as fast as I possibly could. I have to believe I have a chance to survive this; I can’t just lie down and die.

  I felt them chasing me, and all I can think about is home and my family.

  Mom, dad, Bree, I love you. I thought, wishing they can hear me.

  Before I knew it, the female once again is in front of me, but she’s too close for me to be able to dodge her. I ran right into her awaiting hand as she wrapped it around my neck with inhuman strength and lifted me off the ground. I can barely breathe as I wrapped my hands around her arm trying desperately to get her to let go of me. I can feel the thick, short hairs penetrating the skin of my hands and flesh around my neck as I struggle. I tried to kick at her, but she held me firmly without showing any effort, or pain when I kicked her in the stomach.

  The male came up from behind me and I could feel my mind wanting to shut down from lack of oxygen. But I fought to stay awake… The male let out a small growl and the woman in front of me gave a small nod. My eyes widened in horror as I felt the male’s fangs brush against the skin of my shoulder for just a second as everything started to become fuzzy.

  I felt as though my life is ending and I no longer have the strength to fight. My mind is shutting down and there isn’t anything I can do about it. Maybe I don’t want to fight, to stay awake and feel the horrors of my death that is about to come…

  Before I completely blacked out, I heard a familiar voice scream my name…



  Suddenly, a huge flash of light cut through my clouding vision as it came from behind the woman. The pounding of massive feet across the ground soon followed, headed in my direction.

  I can hold out no longer. The darkness took me into its awaiting arms…


  I don’t know how long I have been sleeping, but I started to become aware that I’m lying down… It’s soft, and my head is propped up with a pillow? I began to open my eyes and soon realized that there is a cool cloth covering my eyes. Sluggishly, I moved my hand to remove it, wincing at the shocking pain going through my palm. I blinked multiple times to clear my blurry vision. My eyes shifted around and I soon realized that I’m in my room, lying on my bed.

  Totally confused, I struggled to sit up. Pain shot through my body causing me to flinch. Bree stepped into my room with a bowl of water. She looked up with shock… or surprise on her face. At this point, I can’t tell between the two.

  “You’re awake already?” She questioned, practically whispering to herself. I can sense a bit of horror in her voice.

  She didn’t wait for an answer as she walked over and placed the bowl of steaming water on the nightstand.

  “Wh…” I stopped to clear my throat, which caused pain to shoot down my neck making me flinch again. Ignoring my pain, I asked in a hoarse voice, “What are you doing?”

  “I’m cleaning you up,” she said matter-a-factly. “After your fever last night, I’m surprised you’re awake already.” I didn’t like the look in her eyes. Reminded me of the times she’s lied to me before.

  “Fever?” I questioned with accusing eyes.

  “I can’t blame you for not remembering.” She smiled, brushing off the look I gave her. “But that’s okay. Here, let’s get your rashes cleaned up.”

  “Rashes?” I asked confused looking down at myself.

  I’m in my tank top and favorite blue sleeping shorts. Looking down my arms, I saw my hands and my eyes widened in horror.

  “What happened!
?” I panicked flipping my hands frantically. My palms and part of my wrists are covered in tiny red bumps reminding me of sandpaper-like texture. Coming from the bumps is an oozing yellow like goo. The back of my hands are perfectly fine…

  Bree walked over with rubber gloves on her hands and a soft, wet washcloth in one hand and the bowl of warm water in the other.

  “Here…” She placed the bowl between my legs. “Put your hands in there and let them soak. There is baby shampoo in there too to help clean you up.”

  I did as she said and started to place my fingers in the bowl and quickly yanked them back out with a cry of agony.

  “Sorry,” Bree said. “But you need to get them clean before you get a blood infection.”

  I slowly lowered my fingers back into the bowl, expecting the fire of pain to consume them again. I eventually fought through the agony with tears streaking down my face and fully submerged them in the hot water.

  “They need to soak for five minutes. When they are done, I will clean up your neck.

  “My neck!?” I said shocked.

  “Yeah… the rash is around your neck too. Don’t worry, once cleaned up it should clear up pretty quick,” she smiled. “I’ll be right back,” she said quickly and left my room. I sat and watched as the bowl of water turned a disgusting yellow and it even started to bubble at one point.

  Bree popped back in my room with a towel and another small bowl of water. “That should be long enough,” she said quietly as she walked back over with a dry towel. “Here, wipe your hands off with the wet washcloth first.”

  She held out the cloth, and I slowly took it, expecting pain, but it did not come. My hands already felt so much better, and when I looked at them, the yellow goo is no longer there, and the redness is gone… the little bumps are now half the size that they were originally. Weird…


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