Billionaire Vacation

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Billionaire Vacation Page 2

by Nella Tyler

  “Told you,” Ashlee said smugly.

  “Let’s go before they think I’m lesbian. I like them fine, but I’m not looking for a hook-up,” Meg said.

  “It might be interesting. After all, you’re here for adventure,” Ashlee teased.

  Meg grabbed her arm.

  “Come on!”

  They laughed as they moved to the reception desk for Meg to check in. As she checked in, Meg thought about their dinner that night. There were butterflies fluttering in her stomach at the thought of seeing Drake again. The time could not pass quickly enough.

  Chapter 2

  Drake caught his breath when he saw Megan walking toward him that evening. He was amazed at her beauty. He remembered how lovely she was when they’d met earlier that day. She had caught his attention immediately … even before she’d fallen onto the baggage carousel. He’d noticed her hurrying to the baggage claim and admired her shapely legs and trim figure.

  But it had been her face that had arrested him. Even at a distance, he could see how exquisite she was. And then when he lifted her from the moving belt, his heart had skipped several beats. She’d been shamed beyond belief but all he’d been was mesmerized. He’d wanted to run his fingers through her copper-red hair. He’d wanted to feel its texture and smell its aroma. She looked every bit as amazing now as she had then. Her friends walked with her chatting amiably. He knew that he’d be hard-pressed to give them the attention they deserved that night. They were lovely in their own right, but he had eyes only for Meg.

  “Hello. You’re beautiful tonight,” he murmured as he hugged her briefly.

  She pulled out of his arms and tried to still her nerves. She had not expected him to hug her. They barely knew one another.

  “Hello. Thank you,” Meg mumbled. She was disconcerted and suddenly unsure of herself.

  Meg looked away in the distance and took the opportunity to pull herself together as he greeted Ashlee and Benita.

  “There’s an open restaurant on the premise. I thought we could have dinner there if that’s all right with you,” he commented.

  “What’s an open restaurant?” Ashlee asked curiously.

  He grinned.

  “You’re about to find out. Shall we go?”

  “Yes. I’m so curious I could burst,” Benita responded.

  “What about you, Meg? Are you good with the eating there?” he asked quietly.

  Meg looked around at them quickly and smiled.

  “Yes. Of course. I’m excited to see the restaurant.”

  “Let’s go then,” he said.

  He gestured for them to move forward while he walked slightly behind them. He lightly touched Meg’s arm to pull her back with him. She looked at him askance.

  “Are you all right?” he asked in concern. “You seem agitated.”

  “Not agitated. Maybe a little tired. It’s been a long day,” she answered. Meg did not want to tell the true reason why she was unnerved.

  “I apologize. I should have thought that you would be tired from your traveling. We could have done this tomorrow,” he said regretfully.

  “No. No. Ashlee and Benita have been looking forward to this evening. They couldn’t wait to go.”

  “And did you anticipate this night just as eagerly?”

  Meg could not lie.

  “Yes. I did.”

  He smiled broadly.

  “So have I.” He laid his hand lightly on her silk-clad back to guide her along. “I like your dress very much. It matches your striking eyes.”

  Meg wore an emerald-green sheath dress. There was a two and a half inch keyhole just above her breasts. It was one of her favorite dress. Her mother, who was an excellent designer, had made it for her. She was supposed to take it on her honeymoon. Well, that trip had been flushed down the toilet. But there was no sense in allowing it to wallow in the back on her closet. Meg decided to bring it with her to Hawaii. And she was glad she had.

  “Thank you,” she murmured.

  “It looks like it belongs on the runways of Paris. It’s very chic.”

  She grinned.

  “I’ll tell my mother. She will be very pleased.”

  “Did she select it for you?”

  “In a way. She designed and made it for me,” Meg answered.

  Benita turned around.

  “Mrs. Mahoney is a fabulous designer.”

  “We constantly tell her she should show at New York’s Fashion Week,” Ashlee added.

  “From the perfection of Meg’s dress, I agree,” Drake responded.

  Meg noticed that it hadn’t taken him long to use her pet name. She was pleased with his daring. She liked a bold man who went after what he wanted. She was beginning to hope that he wanted her. Despite her friends’ enthusiasm for the two of them, she had her doubts. Probably because she had just been dumped by her two-timing ex-fiancé. His cheating had completely deflated her confidence.

  “She makes nearly all of my clothes and I love them. She has an excellent eye for style,” Meg replied.

  “Do you sew as well?”

  “I wish! But no. I am a teacher. We all are. We teach at Lexington Junior High School in Wayman, Massachusetts,” she said.

  “What so you teach?” he queried.

  “Pre-construction engineering,” she answered.

  “Isn’t that a bit advanced for junior high students?”

  Ashlee turned to face them.

  “Meg is a genius and teaches prodigy kids. Her class was specifically designed for gifted children interested in architecture.”

  “Meg is very, very smart. Why she hangs with us clueless girls is beyond me,” Benita teased.

  Ashlee and Benita giggled.

  “You are not Chrissy Snow from Three’s Company,” Meg protested.

  Drake chuckled.

  “You should be proud of your acumen. I’m very impressed.”

  “Some people don’t feel that way,” Meg said somberly.

  Ashlee and Benita dropped back to entwine their arms about Meg’s waist.

  “Don’t think about that, Meg. He was too jealous to be proud of you. It’s over and he is not worth one of your thoughts,” Ashlee comforted.

  They moved toward the restaurant and spoke in hushed tones. They were trying to comfort a suddenly despondent Meg. It was fairly clear that a man had broken her heart and it happened recently. Did he want to deal with a woman whose affections may be divided? His every instinct told him to back away. But he couldn’t ignore the magnetic pull from her. He wanted to be with her and he knew he wouldn’t walk away.

  “Oh my gosh! Look at this place, guys. It’s fantastic,” Ashlee exclaimed.

  The women looked upward at the night sky. The restaurant had a retractable ceiling that was open to allow the sparkling stars to twinkle down at them.

  “It’s absolutely magnificent,” Meg sighed. “It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen.”

  “I’m glad you like it,” Drake smiled.

  “Like it? I love it,” Benita said in wonder.

  “If you’ll come with me,” the pretty, Hawaiian server smiled.

  Dressed in a colorful sarong she led them to their table on the patio next to a running brook. Meg thought the soft gurgling sounds were relaxing and peaceful. The server gave them menus.

  “Would you like something to drink?” she asked.

  “They have a refreshing cold fruit tea with a hint of Tequila and vodka. It’s very good,” Drake suggested.

  “It sounds delicious. I’ll try it,” Meg said.

  “So will I,” Ashlee said.

  “Me too,” Benita added.

  “I’ll be back shortly with your drinks,” the server said. She left the table.

  “Have you been here before?” Meg asked.

  “No. I was looking at the menu in my suite and saw the drink. It sounded tasty,” he remarked.

  “And that’s how you knew about this restaurant,” Meg said.

  “No. My friend, Marco recommended it to
me. He said the atmosphere and food were remarkable,” he answered.

  “Well, he’s correct regarding the atmosphere. It’s incredible here,” Ashlee complimented.

  “You’re right. This ceiling is unbelievable. The stars look so close. I feel like I can reach up and touch them,” Meg marveled.

  “It’s reflective of the mystique of this place.”

  They all turned to see a man standing near their table. He was a slight man with long, black hair that he wore in a ponytail. He had the clearest aqua-blue eyes that Megan had ever seen. She felt like she was looking into the ocean’s crystalized waters. m.

  “What do you mean?” Megan asked gently. She felt like she should speak softly around this man.

  “Only that the restaurant pays homage to the descendants who are buried here,” he said.

  “I don’t understand,” Benita said in bewilderment.

  The man moved to stand beside the table.

  “This restaurant, in fact this entire resort, is built on the sacred ground that holds the graves of the kamali’i of the Hoku,” the man stated.

  “What does kamali’i of the Hoku mean?’ Ashlee asked.

  “Children of the stars,” the man answered. “These people worshipped the stars and believed they held much power. This restaurant pays homage to those people.”

  “How long ago did this people live?” Ashlee asked in awe.

  “They can be dated back to the ancient times of 930 A.D. And their religion still is practiced today,” the man said.

  “And the souls of these people do not mind having a resort on their burial ground?” Megan queried.

  “Ancestral traditions were respected and protection was given,” the man said.

  “Whoa! That sounds really deep and eerie,” Ashlee exclaimed.

  “What does it mean?” Drake asked.

  The man smiled and backed away.

  “I have said more than I should have. I will leave you to enjoy your meal. It will be excellent.”

  “Wait! What is your name?” Drake asked.

  “Peleke. Goodnight.” And with that he left as quietly as he had come.

  “Peleke. It’s a beautiful name,” Benita mused.

  “It means peaceful ruler,” Drake said.

  “Somehow it suits him,” Meg said. “He didn’t give his last name.”

  “He didn’t need to. I have a feeling that everyone knows who he is,” Drake said thoughtfully. He was silent for a moment.

  “You want to speak with him again, don’t you?” Meg guessed.

  “I do. I will find him,” he said decisively, then picked up his menu to peruse it.

  Meg had more questions but she didn’t voice them. His tone indicated that he didn’t want to talk about it anymore. She wasn’t sure why not, but she wouldn’t press him. The server returned and they focused their attention on ordering their dinner.


  They had a great time at dinner. The food was delicious and the girls found Drake to be a good company. He was smart, humorous, and well read. He could speak knowledgeably on a variety of topics and was a good listener.

  “Would you like to take a walk in the gardens?” Drake asked. They had called it a night and were walking through the hotel lobby.

  “Benita and I are really tired and need to hit the sack. But Meg will go,” Ashlee said quickly.

  Meg looked at her friends in astonishment.

  “Meg was napping when Ashlee and I were out gallivanting about the property. We’re bushed but I’m sure she’s still fresh as a daisy,” Benita grinned.

  Drake grinned as he knew what the girls were about and slightly nodded his head in thanks. He looked at a flabbergasted Meg.

  “What do you say, Meg? Shall we check out the gardens?”

  Meg could have strangled and hugged her friends at the same time. She wanted to spend more time with Drake, yet she was hesitant to do so. She wasn’t sure if she was ready for another relationship. It had only been three weeks since Doug had broken their engagement and her feelings for him had not vanished.

  “I don’t—”

  “Go on, Meggie,” Ashlee interrupted. “You love flowers. We’ll see you in the morning.”

  The girls then hurried to the bank of elevators and stepped onto one of them. Meg watched the doors close in confusion.

  “We don’t have to go if you’d rather not,” he said softly.

  Meg turned to look at him. There was such gentleness in his eyes. How could she not want to be with him?

  “I want to go,” she smiled.

  “I’m glad.” He offered his arm to her.

  She slipped her hand under his arm and rested her fingers just above his elbow. They moved through the lobby and exited a side door to a terrace. It was a long patio which sat above a massive garden below. There were steps that led down to the inviting garden. She could see several couples walking along the paths and bending to inhale the scent of the flowers. She realized that she wanted to do the same thing. She looked up at Drake and smiled. He returned the gesture.

  “The steps are right over here.” He gestured toward the stairs and they descended them.

  They walked silently down the rows of flowers. It was a companionable quiet, neither feeling the necessity to speak. Meg paused to smell many of the blossoms, each of them having their own distinct exotic fragrance. And the stars overhead illumine their beauty and cast an extraordinary aura over the garden. It was magical.

  “I feel like I’m in a fairy-tale. Surrounded by captivating splendor and mystifying magic,” she whispered.

  “And with each step we take in this numinous, enchanted world, we become a part of its charmed existence,” he replied whimsically.

  “Exactly. That’s precisely how I feel.”

  “I feel the same. It’s kind of cool,” he grinned.

  “And a bit unsettling. I can’t help but think about Peleke and what he said. Could this garden be the source of the protection he mentioned?” she asked.

  “That’s a fanciful thought,” he smiled.

  “But that doesn’t mean that it’s incorrect.”

  He shrugged.

  “Anything is possible.”

  “Did you believe what he said about ancestral tradition and protection?” she asked.

  “I’m not sure. But I tend to be a spiritual person so I will dismiss his words arbitrarily. I need more information,” he answered.

  “Because you’re thinking of buying and renovating the resort?”

  “Yes. But enough talk of the supernatural. I would rather take advantage of the spectacular sky above us,” he smiled as he slipped his arms about her waist. “You complement these surrounding perfectly. They should build a statute of you and place it in the center of the garden.”

  “That’s ridiculous. No one would understand why it was there. I’m nobody special,” she countered.

  “I disagree. One glance at your face and all would know why your statute was there. You’re extremely beautiful, Meg. And I am very lucky to have met you.”

  “Well, thinking of the events of today, I think I am the lucky one,” she said.

  “True. You could still be circling in the carousel with the lost baggage. You were quite lucky that I was there.”

  She punched his stomach.

  “Oooh! You’re insufferable!”

  “Is that the best you’ve got?” he laughed.

  She pummeled his chest and he didn’t even flinch. Instead he grasped her fists and brought them to his mouth. He kissed them gently, slowly unfurling her fingers and sucking each of them.

  “Isn’t this better than hitting me?” he murmured in her palm.

  Meg’s breath was suddenly short and her heartbeat sped its pace. She looked up at him and he lowered his head to capture her coral mouth. He’d wanted to kiss her lips all night and he wasn’t about to waste the opportunity. His mouth moved over hers gently and she couldn’t help but to respond.

  Meg liked the feel of his smooth lip
s on hers and realized that she wanted more. She leaned into him and parted her lips. His tongue entered her mouth like an arrow to its target. She sighed contentedly as his tongue brushed against hers over and over again. She kissed him back eagerly and wanted the kiss to go on forever. She couldn’t help but compare his kiss to Doug’s and knew that Doug’s caress fell short. Drake was the better kisser by far, and she wondered if that didn’t speak for him as a lover as well. What would it be like to be loved by Drake? Was she bold enough to find out?

  He trailed his lips to her neck and suckled the spot beneath her right ear. It felt so good. She realized that she would find out what kind of lover he was sooner rather than later if she didn’t put a stop to this encounter. She pulled back and looked at him in wonder. She was breathing heavily as was he.

  “We have to stop,” she rasped.

  “Why? We are both adults who are very attracted to each other,” he panted. He tried to pull her back into his arms.

  She pushed against his chest and he relented.

  “I think we should get to know one another first. There’s no rush. We have plenty of time.”

  He smiled.

  “And I intend to make the most of every second of it.”

  She laughed.

  “You’re like a spoiled, little boy determined to get your own way.”

  “A little of that may have carried over into my adult life,” he said wryly.

  “I would guess a lot of it has. But you will have to be patient this time. I want to take things slowly,” she murmured.

  Something in her tone made him pause. He looked at her closely. She was afraid. He could see it in her sparkling green eyes. She’d been hurt and was now uncertain of herself. Her self-confidence had been rocked and she was insecure. Damn the man who’d done this to her. He caressed her cheek.

  “We can go as slowly as you want. As you said, we have plenty of time,” he whispered.

  He kissed her forehead then guided her about the garden again. They turned onto another path and Meg saw a figure at the end of the lane. The figure was the man who had spoken to them at their table.

  “Look! There’s Peleke,” Meg exclaimed as she pointed down the lane. “Come on!”

  Meg began to hurry down the lane toward him. He looked at them for a moment then seemed to disappear into thin air. Meg and Drake stopped in their tracks.


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