Billionaire Vacation

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Billionaire Vacation Page 37

by Nella Tyler

  Chapter 6

  All in all, I had a wonderful afternoon. Luke had been more personable than I had ever seen him, and I believed that we had connected on a different level than before. Away from the mansion, it was like he was a different person. Maybe that was the entire problem for him; he figured that he had to become someone else just because all of a sudden he was rich. I wish there was a way that I could assure him that that was not the case. Yes, there were some expectations when it came to the wealthy, but nobody should have to give up their true persona or personality because of it.

  "Do you want me to take you home now or would you accept my invitation to come back to the mansion for a glass of wine?"

  I gave him a look.

  "A small glass of wine," he amended with a smile.

  I was having such a nice time that I didn't really want the afternoon to end just yet. I would just have to be firm when it came to imbibing in anything, including an innocent and small glass of wine. I nodded. "Sure, that sounds like a nice way to end what has turned out to be a wonderful day," I smiled.

  We drove back to Raleigh in comfortable silence. The sun, the ocean breeze, the relaxation, and the good food had made me feel sleepy and I didn’t really want to talk. He seemed comfortable with the silence, as well, so that was good. He turned the radio on low, some pop station, and I leaned my head back against the seat, riding most of the way gazing out the window and letting my memory replay the entire afternoon.

  We pulled up to the house in his Jeep and, ever the gentleman, he got out and then opened my door for me. The afternoon sun was dipping slowly toward the west and I felt tired, but relaxed, ready to go home, fix myself a salad or something for dinner, and then just lounge around reading or watching TV. First though, to cap off the afternoon date and the lovely time at the beach, I figured one small glass of wine wouldn't hurt. I would stay a half an hour at most.

  No one was inside the house when we entered, and Luke invited me back to the kitchen. The chef had left it spotlessly clean, as usual. Luke looked over his shoulder as he opened the refrigerator.

  "Have you ever had Riesling?"

  I shook my head. He extracted a green bottle of chilled wine. White. He reached into a cupboard, pulled out two long stemmed wine glasses, and then poured a small amount in each glass. I had sat down at the small kitchen table, where he joined me. We tapped glasses and then I took a careful sip. I lifted my eyebrows. "This is really good," I commented. "It's light, but it has a wonderful flavor."

  "You know, Molly, I had a wonderful time with you today. I hope we can do it again."

  I smiled, warmed inside and out not only by the wine, but by his compliment. "I don't see why not," I said.

  After about five minutes of not so important chitchat, I finished off my wine. He rose from his chair and stepped to the counter, picking up the bottle and heading back toward the table. He gave me a look and I nodded. "One more." He smiled as he poured, and then refilled his own glass.

  I had a fairly certain idea where imbibing might lead again, but to be honest with myself, I was having a good time and I might as well just make the most of it for now. I wouldn't allow myself to get drunk or to have so much to drink that it would impede my judgment.

  "How would you like to go sit in the Jacuzzi for a little while?" he asked. "Soothe that mild sunburn I see on your arms and get rid of some of the sand?" As he said that he brushed his hand through his hair. "No matter how careful I am to brush the sand off me before I get into my car, I always find some when I get back home, don't you?"

  I laughed. I knew exactly what he meant. What the heck? I already had a bathing suit, and sitting for a while in the Jacuzzi sounded like fun – the ultimate in relaxation. It wasn't often that I got the chance to be so indulgent, so I nodded.

  "Your bathing suit is hanging in the bathroom of the spare bedroom upstairs," he said. "While you get changed, I’ll do the same and meet you down here in a few minutes, okay?"

  I nodded, finished off my wine, and watched as he reached for the bottle again. "No, no more for me, thank you," I said. "I'll be right back."

  In a matter of moments, I was upstairs, heading toward the spare bedroom. "What are you doing, Molly?" I muttered to myself. "You know where this is heading, don't you?" The truth was, I did. A little making out at the least. Just the thought of making out with Luke and kissing him again caused a tingle of anticipation to surge through my veins. It'd been a wonderful afternoon, and there was no harm in a little make out session, was there?


  The only problem was that our little make out session in the Jacuzzi turned out to be a little more involved than that. Before I knew it, we were both divested of our bathing suits, our hands exploring each other's bodies in the warm, bubbly water. I sat straddled on his lap, the Jacuzzi jets creating bubbling foam between us, my breasts pressed close against his chest. We kissed, deep, long, and wet. My tongue tangled with his. His erection was pressed against my lower abdomen. He groaned low in his throat, and it was all I could do to hold myself in check.

  He tried to push me onto his erection, but I shook my head and leaned back. "Protection, Luke," I said.

  He nodded in understanding and wrapped his arms around me, kissing the living daylights out of me for several more minutes. Every part of my body throbbed with sexual tension and anticipation.

  "Let's go upstairs to my room," he suggested.

  My legs felt like noodles as we climbed out of the pool. He handed me a towel and I quickly draped it around me while he did the same, wrapping one around his waist. His erection created a little tent at the front of his towel and I laughed. We hurried into the house and padded up the stairs, laughing and giggling like little kids as we headed for his bedroom.

  Forgotten was my desire to go home, to spend time by myself reliving the day. So much for cooling things off or taking things slow. I laughed out loud when he dove for his bed and it bounced and creaked with his weight. The towel fell from around his waist. I looked my fill and smiled when his penis seem to gravitate toward me, as if appreciative of the attention. He reached for the drawer of his bedside table and retrieved a foil packet. He ripped it open, rolled the condom over his hard shaft, and then laid back, his arms extended toward me.

  "Ready when you are," he said.

  Boy, was I ready. Dropping my towel, I climbed onto the bed and straddled him, much like I had in the Jacuzzi. Balancing my hands on his strong, broad shoulders I positioned my hips just above his. Then, slowly and with exquisite pleasure, I lowered myself down onto his erect shaft. I was hot and ready for him. I tilted my head back, reveling in the sensations and my back arched, thrusting my breasts forward. When he had filled me completely, I leaned forward for several moments, skin to skin, my breasts pressed against his chest, my mouth pressed against his lips.

  We kissed long and hard. My blood literally boiled with passion. As my hips began to rock, he tilted his head down, urging me up just slightly. He took one of my nipples in his mouth and suckled. I groaned in exquisite pleasure. He lathed first one nipple and then the other. Soon, his hips began to rock in pace with mine and I totally lost control. He filled me completely, every thrust of his hips sending a wave of pleasure through me. It wasn't long before I began to feel the culmination of my pleasure, and I felt him accelerate his pace a bit, as well as the force of his thrusts.

  I was amazed that we climaxed at the same time. My muscles tightened around his shaft as I felt the waves of his orgasm. We were both breathing hard and then I was tipped over the edge, filled with such a great sense of warmth, pleasure, and bliss that I was left feeling rather astounded. By the time the waves began to ebb, I collapsed onto his chest. He pulled out of me, quickly removed his condom, and then urged me to flip onto my side. I did and we spooned. In a matter of moments, I fell into a deep and contented sleep.

  Chapter 7

  I woke up in the same position I'd fallen asleep. I knew where I was this time, and I felt Luke's body cuddled
up close to mine. I didn't move, but stared out the window, watching the branches of a loblolly pine gently shift with the morning breeze. The rising sun cast a dull glow into the bedroom, so I knew it was still early. I assessed my emotions. I didn't feel nearly as bad as I had the first time I had woken up next to Luke.

  I smiled. Yesterday had been absolutely wonderful, last night even better. Perhaps we could make a go of it. I sighed, shifted my position only slightly, and then heard Luke's deep voice rumbling behind me.

  "Good morning, beautiful," he said.

  His breath tickled the back of my neck. "Good morning, handsome," I said. I smiled when his penis, lying flaccid up against my buttocks, moved slightly. "Don't even think about it," I said.

  He laughed. "It has a mind of its own, you know."

  "So I've heard," I said. "What time is it?"


  "Because I have to work today, silly," I said.

  "Can’t you ask the boss for the day off?"

  I laughed again. I liked this Luke, this Luke that showed a good sense of humor and a whimsical, boyish charm. "Nope," I said. "He might think I'm taking advantage." This time he laughed.

  "Just for a little while longer," he said. "The chef doesn't arrive ‘til nine, and it's only seven o'clock. Let's just stay in bed and cuddle for a little while, okay?"

  I agreed, not reluctantly. Smiling and feeling a little wicked, I pressed my buttocks against his groin, pleased when his penis sprang to almost instant attention. He grabbed me around the waist and turned me around. I felt self-conscious that I hadn't yet gotten up to brush my teeth or go to the bathroom. "Give me a minute, will you?" I asked.

  He nodded and let me go. I quickly got out of bed and move toward his bedroom door, not bothering to cover myself. After all, he had seen all of me in the Jacuzzi last night.

  "Where you going?" he asked.

  "I'll use the bathroom in the spare bedroom," I explained with a lame shrug. "A little more privacy."

  He nodded and I left his bedroom. Before stepping out, however, I quickly glanced down the hall to make sure that the house was indeed empty and quiet. I darted across the hallway and entered the spare bedroom. Just before I shut the door I heard Luke’s bed creak and I could only imagine that he was also going to take care of business before I rejoined him in bed.

  In a matter of minutes, I had used the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and given my hair an assessing glance. Then, as I had done moments earlier, I quickly darted back across the hallway and into his room. I hopped into bed and covered myself with a sheet just as he emerged from the bathroom, completely naked.

  He was impressive, no doubt about that. He had a great body, and I wondered how often he worked out or what he did to stay in such great shape. As he approached the bed with a smile, he gave me a questioning look, and then glanced toward his bedside table again. I knew what he wanted, and again to be completely honest, I looked forward to making love with him again.

  We did just that.


  By the time the chef arrived for the day's work I was back in my work clothes and cleaning up downstairs. I spent the rest of the morning vacuuming and dusting and then mopped the downstairs bathroom floor. Then it was time for my lunch break, but I couldn't go anywhere because I didn't have my car. The chef mentioned it.

  "My car?" I asked, taken by surprise with his query. Unfortunately, the first thing that came out of my mouth was a lie. "It's at the shop today," I explained. "I needed a new radiator hose."

  He offered to fix me something for lunch and I accepted, feeling guilty for lying. Then again, what was I supposed to have said?

  After lunch, I began cleaning upstairs. I hadn't seen or heard from Luke all day. He was enclosed in his office, obviously catching up like I was. As I worked, my heart and my emotions felt lighter than in days. Maybe we could work things out between us so that neither one of us felt awkward. Besides, was there any reason, other than him being my boss, that we shouldn't enjoy each other's company? If we were both discrete, who would it hurt?

  Besides, Luke Benning was now a very eligible bachelor, and while I knew that workplace relationships happened all the time, I knew I was stretching the boundaries, more than a little bit.

  By the time quitting time rolled around, I was ready to go home and relax. It'd been a long day and my muscles felt a little achy, even in my private area. I headed upstairs, smiling as I knocked on Luke's office door.

  "Luke? I'm leaving now. I'll call a cab to take me home."

  "Hold on a minute, Molly," his voice came from the other side of the door.

  I waited outside his door for several moments and then I heard his footsteps approaching. The door unlocked and he opened it, filling the space.

  "Is it quitting time already?" he asked, glancing down at his watch. "Oh, the day went fast, didn't it? I got a little backed up."

  I smiled. "Yes, time for me to head home. I just wanted you to know was leaving. I'll call a cab-"

  "No, I can do that for you. My driver has the day off today," he said. He quickly stepped into his office, grabbed his cell phone off his desk and dialed. He gave the address. “Honk your horn when you get here,” he said, and then disconnected the call, placing the phone back down on a stack of papers.

  "A cab will be here in just a minute," he said. "You doing okay?"

  I could imagine he was wondering if I was having second thoughts about yesterday afternoon, as well as our two lovemaking sessions, last night and then this morning in his bedroom. Wait…three times. I wasn’t. "Sure," I said. "I'm just tired and want to get home and veg out, get a good night’s sleep."

  He grinned, and then grew serious. "I have a meeting early tomorrow morning, but I should be back here by the time you get here."

  I heard a distant honk and he nodded. "There’s the cab.” I turned to leave, but Luke gently grasped my shoulders, turned me toward him, and then leaned down and kissed me on the lips. It wasn't a passionate kiss, but a kiss like a boyfriend gives a girlfriend before she goes somewhere. I kissed him back, and then turning, quickly made my way downstairs, my heart literally hammering with satisfaction.

  Chapter 8

  I arrived at Luke's estate a little bit early the next morning, hoping to be able to spend a few minutes with him before my official workday began. Unfortunately, I didn't see him anywhere. I supposed that maybe he wasn't back from his meeting yet. I began my work, humming quietly, looking forward to what the day would bring.

  Since I had done most of the basic cleaning yesterday, I decided I would spend the morning polishing the woodwork in the main living room and the den, if I got to it. Not long after I got started on that task, I heard the front door open. It slammed shut so loud I jumped. From where I stood in the living room, I saw Luke enter the foyer and thought I saw a troubled expression on his face.

  "Good morning, Luke!" I called out. The smile died on my lips when I saw him halt in the foyer, turn my way, frown, and then head quickly upstairs.

  My heart sank a little. I don't know what I was expecting, but this certainly wasn't it. Perhaps his meeting had not gone too well. I had no idea what that meeting entailed, but if he came home in such a state, it obviously hadn’t been successful.

  I decided I wouldn't bother him about it and continued with my tasks. Before long, the chef arrived and I heard him clattering about in the kitchen. Luke had not come downstairs, not even for his usual morning cup of coffee. I wondered if I should go up and see if something was wrong, but then shook my head. It was none of my business!

  I forced thoughts of Luke from my mind as I ate the lunch that I had packed for myself, sitting quietly in the kitchen at the table while I watched the chef prepare a lunch for Luke. I knew that once that was completed and delivered, he would start on preparing Luke’s evening meal.

  I said nothing as the chef left the kitchen with a tray. Several moments later he returned. I couldn't contain my curiosity. "Did Luke…did Mister Benning say anything to you?"<
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  The chef glanced at me curiously. "Like what?"

  "Nothing in particular," I shrugged. "It's just that he came back from a meeting this morning before you arrived, and he looked upset. He even slammed the door. He’s never done that before. I just wondered." The chef stared at me for a moment, as if assessing. I glanced back at my nearly finished sandwich.

  "What difference does it make whether he's upset or not, Molly?" he asked. "We’re here to do our jobs, nothing more and nothing less. Personally, I could care less. He's paying me to do a job, not to ask about his emotions."

  My hackles rose. "Well, of course," I agreed. "I just wasn't sure…” I thought quickly to cover my tracks. “If he's in a bad mood, I don't necessarily want to be making a bunch of noise upstairs." That was the closest to an excuse I could come up with for wondering about Luke's emotions. The chef seemed to think about it for a moment and then shrugged.

  "I just gave him his lunch, Molly. I didn't ask them for an emotional status update."

  I shook my head and smiled at him. "And I don't need one, either, I suppose. If I end up disturbing him, I'm sure he'll let me know." With that the chef turned back to the stove and I shook my head, mentally kicking myself. What in heaven's name was the matter with me?

  I decided that I just needed to focus on my tasks. Finishing my lunch, I threw away my trash and then stepped to the cupboard with the cleaning supplies. Gathering a bucket full of cleaners and other supplies, I headed upstairs. Thinking cheer him up a little, I knocked lightly on his door. "Luke," I said, my voice soft. "Are you okay? Is anything wrong?" He said nothing for several moments and I wondered if he'd heard me. I couldn't talk any louder because I didn't want the chef to hear me from downstairs. I doubted if he could, but still…


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