Billionaire Vacation

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Billionaire Vacation Page 42

by Nella Tyler

  I said nothing, but allowed him to continue.

  "I was wrong about what I said earlier. It was wrong of me to try to think of the situation in strictly a business manner." He shook his head. "I was just taken aback and needed some time to process. Does that make sense to you?"

  I nodded. "I learned the hard way a long time ago to allow myself to process things. Yes, I'm a creature of emotion and I often react to surprises and unexpected situations with a knee-jerk reflex, but it never helps, does it?"

  He shook his head and took another bite of his pizza, chewing as his eyebrows lowered in thought. "I've done a lot of thinking, Molly, and I realized that our situation is unique, and it does involve a variety of complications. I want you to know that I'm placing the ball in your court."

  I glanced at him in surprise. "Luke, I understand the position you're in. I can't even begin to tell you how upset I am with my father-"

  "Have you talked to him?"

  I shook my head. "No. I'm still trying to make sense of it. I understand how you're feeling, but I don't think, at least as far as my father is concerned, that it’s any of his business what I do. Of course, you have to consider your business. I don't know what kind of business you're involved in with my dad, but-"

  "I decided that it didn't much matter," he shrugged, taking another bite of pizza. "Oh, don't get me wrong – I like money just as much as everybody else. But I also understand that your father's ultimatum not only put me in this situation, but put you in an awkward position, as well. I just want you to know that it's your call." He was quiet for several moments, chewing. He swallowed and then continued. "After all, this is your father we’re talking about. You've had a good relationship with him, haven't you?"

  I took another small bite of pizza and shrugged. "Yes," I said, chewing slowly. "I've always been close to my parents, and while my father can be a little overbearing, he's never been quite so…so…"


  I swallowed, smiled, and nodded. "Yes. That's the word. Intrusive."

  "Look, Molly," he said, brushing off his fingers and wiping them on one of the napkins provided by the pizza guy. "I don't want to put added pressure on you. I mean, I care for you, and it's obvious to me that your dad does also or he wouldn't have given me such an ultimatum."

  I frowned. "But why? Why an ultimatum?" I stared at Luke for several moments. "Is there something about you that I need to know about?" He looked at me in surprise for several seconds, and then straightened and shook his head.

  "I don't think so," he said, tossing his balled up napkin onto his plate. Then he shrugged. "But you know fathers." He fiddled with the silverware for several moments before continuing. "I'm not going to get involved with…or nor do I intend to get caught between your relationship with your father. That strictly out of bounds for me.”

  I wasn’t sure what he meant by that. He was already involved, like it or not.

  “I’ve had enough family drama to last me a lifetime, thank you very much,” he continued. “But I want you to know that I don't want you to have to decide between me and your father. Not in the least. I want you to tell me exactly what you want."

  All I had left of my slice of pizza was the crust, and I placed it gently on my plate, brushed off my fingers, and then wiped them with my own napkin. I was finished. I had suddenly lost my appetite. What did I want? I wasn't sure I even knew anymore.

  "Tell you what, Molly. You don't have to decide right this minute, but as far as I see it, here are your options.” He paused, took a breath and then spoke again. “We stay together and you continue working for me or we stay together and you don't work for me."

  Those were my choices?

  "Or, you continue to work for me and we keep our distance from each other. Or, last option, I gave you a nice severance and you can be done with me completely."

  What to say? I was completely flabbergasted. Was he serious? Had he really offered the option of me not working for him anymore, but still seeing each other? What did that mean? My heart began to race. I looked up at him and smiled.

  Chapter 6

  I knew which option I wanted to choose, and with that knowledge burgeoned a spark of renewed passion for him. He was really sweet, and I could tell he was serious. He looked at me in earnest, patiently waiting for me to make my decision. No pressure. In fact, he looked almost casual, as if he knew what decision I was going to make. Finally, I saw the grin that began to pull at his lips.

  I decided that since the options were out there, I would take full advantage. Why not see where this goes? I wanted to find out. I also knew that I would need to talk to my father – eventually – about the situation, but for now, I wanted Luke. I wanted to explore this relationship. I had no idea how long it would last, but all I had to lose was my heart, right?

  Yes, I had been backed into a corner from both my father and from Luke, but now it appeared to me, although I could still be wrong, Luke didn't really care about the business relationship with my father. After all, if he had, would he have suggested that our relationship continue? Then I wondered what exactly it was that my father objected to. My working as a maid? My so-called affair with Luke? Or both? I decided then and there that I didn't really care, either, at least not for this moment in time. In fact, it was time at my father realized that I could make my own decisions. I would make mistakes, yes, but I would deal with some without “running to Daddy” to fix them.

  I began to feel more in control, not only of my own decisions, but my life. I did know what I really wanted. I wanted to take chances – not stupid chances, but chances. How did anyone learn, grow, or mature if they didn't take chances? Sure, this relationship, or whatever it was, between Luke and I might fizzle out in a few weeks, but then again, it might not. If I turned and walked away now, I would never know.

  So, knowing that I was making a decision that might affect me for a long time, I decided to go for it. I leaned forward toward him and he did the same. The moment our lips touched, the spark inside me erupted into a flame. It started low in my belly and then spread languorously through my limbs. My lips touched his and all my concerns dissipated. I reveled in the sensations that his lips elicited within me. He seemed hungry for me, and I was hungry for him, as well.

  He tasted of pepperoni, tomato sauce, wine, and a hint of cheese. He opened his lips lightly and my tongue dove right in, no hesitation whatsoever. He made a startled noise in his throat, but at the same time, wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. My breasts were squished against his chest as I wrapped my arms around him. I scooted closer to him so that our thighs touched. Every place our skin touched, including our lips, felt like I was on fire, my blood thrumming with excitement.

  The pizza was forgotten. As it grew colder, I grew hotter. The sensations in my groin began to burn in desire and a throbbing began, as if in anticipation. My nipples hardened and tingled, aching for his touch. Without shifting my position, I lowered my left hand toward his crotch. His right hand dipped underneath my T-shirt and threaded its way upward along my rib cage, leaving in its wake a trail of electric heat. Gently, he shoved my bra above my breasts and then cupped one in his palm, as if testing its weight. His thumb brushed across the tip of my nipple.

  My hand squeezed his penis, growing erect in a matter of seconds. It was obvious to me that we were both hot for each other and that our passion could be ignited with a mere kiss. It was exciting, titillating, and invigorating. I felt a sexual power that I had never experienced before. I was making him feel like this. Me. As my hand began to stroke and rub his shaft, his fingers began to gently twist and tweak at my nipple. In response it hardened, growing even more sensitive to his touch.

  In a matter of seconds, I was lying on my back on the couch, my T-shirt and bra shoved up under my neck. One hand continued to play with one breast while the other breast ached for his touch. He obliged, but not with his fingers. Pulling his mouth away from mine, he lowered his head. When his warm, wet lips touched my ach
ing nipple, I groaned out loud. His tongue circled, nibbled, and suckled until I could hardly stand it. The fire building in my groin grew hotter and hotter. I felt wetness in my panties and of their own volition, my hips thrust upward.

  In a tangle of arms and legs, we gradually divested each other of our clothing until I lay naked beneath him, stretched out on the couch. My blood was pounding through my veins so strongly; I felt the pulse in my neck. He was kissing me, and then nibbling my ear lobe. His hands continued to perform their magic and grasped within my own palm was his hard, engorged, and hot penis.

  Both of us were breathing heavily by the time Luke, with obvious reluctance, lifted his lips from mind, gazed down at me in amusement, and smiled.

  "Shall we take this upstairs?"

  I nodded. The next moment, he had lifted himself off of me. I immediately felt bereft of his heat. He stood before me naked, his penis extended at an angle away from his body as if yearning for me. I stared at it, watched it wiggle, and then allowed my gaze to travel upward along his finely muscled ribs, gorgeous pecs, and broad shoulders. He also stared down at me, his gaze taking in all of me lying on the sofa. Every time his eyes sought out some part of my body, it responded of its own accord. I felt every nerve ending in my body react with a tingle. With another grin, he extended his hand to me. I took it.

  Unabashed with our nakedness, we made our way upstairs. We passed the closed door to his office and made our way down the hall to his bedroom. He led me toward the bed and then sat down on the mattress, nestling me in between his knees. Lifting his head slightly, he had perfect access to my breasts and without wasting time, he gave them his full attention. I snuggled closer to him, wrapping my arms around his head, trying to increase the connection. My hands threaded their way through his hair for a moment and then stroked along his neck and down along his shoulders. I felt the definition of his deltoid muscles, the ripple of muscles across his upper back, the hardness of his triceps.

  He knew what I wanted. With a low, sexy laugh rumbling up from the depths of his chest, he lifted his hands and once again cupped both my breasts. They filled his palms perfectly, as if they had been made especially for him. After several moments of undivided attention, he urged me to sit down beside him, and then, in a playful moment, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back onto the bed. I lay on top of him, my back against his chest; his cock nestled against the crack in my buttocks. I really had no access to him at this point and could only move my arms. I didn't really know what to do with them, but then his arms were wrapped around me again, his left arm cradling my waist and his right hand gliding along my right side, my right hip, and then down my spine. I rested my hands on top of his arms.

  Then, his right hand slid between my legs, exploring the most sensitive part of my being. As if of their own volition, I bent my legs and spread them wider, placing my feet outside his knees. I had never behaved in such a wanton manner before, but couldn’t help it. I gasped as his fingers quickly grew slick with my wetness as he fondled, slid, and rubbed, then one of his fingers plunged into me. I gasped. His palm cupped my pubis, warm and filling me with a myriad of sensations. His middle finger slid in and out, slowly and with deliberation. In my position, I could do nothing but relent – not that I minded in the least. His fingers worked their magic as his thumb found my nub and began circling it. Instinctively, my hips began to rock upward. His fingers continued to play with my most sensitive of parts and my hips began to gyrate against his palm.

  He groaned and before I knew it, I was nestled beneath him. I now lay on my back and he straddled me, bearing most of his upper weight on his forearms. Once again, I spread my legs in open invitation and he settled himself inside them, his cock aiming for my center.

  As he lowered his head toward mine, effectively kissing the daylights out of me, I became dimly aware that his left hand had left the bed beside me. I heard him open the bedside table. I knew he was reaching for a condom, and after a brief moment he retracted one, then lifted his lips from mine. A devilish smile lifted the corners of his mouth as he ripped open the foil packet with his teeth. Then, his eyes never leaving mine, he placed a condom over the tip of his penis and quickly unrolled it.

  "Ready or not, here I come," he said.

  For a second I didn't understand, but then I laughed. My laugh was cut short as he plunged deep inside, and I spread my legs even wider, cupping his buttocks with my own hands, urging him deeper inside. Exquisite sensations rose through me. It felt as if every nerve in my body ached for him. I needed him closer. He didn’t move for several seconds while we both reveled in the immediate sensations.

  I pulled my lips from his and trailed kisses and strokes of my tongue along his jaw and neck until I found that sweet spot right between his neck and his shoulder. I gently suckled, not enough to leave a hickey, but enough to let them know I was there. My hands released their death grip on his buttocks and began to stroke along the muscled contours of his back. I lightly ran my fingernails up his ribs and the resulting rush of goosebumps on his flesh gave me an intense thrill of power. Sexual power. In response, he began to thrust deeper inside me. I soon matched his rhythm.

  I grew even more heated and began to rotate my hips at the top of every thrust. I planted my feet firmly on the bed outside of his knees to give myself lower body power. He seemed to appreciate my efforts, from what I could tell by his groans. He lifted himself up slightly, glanced down at us joined together, and the new position enabled his nipples to rub against mine. Such an exquisite sensation! I smiled up at him, my pupils probably as dilated as his with pleasure. We smiled at each other and then once again our lips met and our tongues tangled in their own passionate dance.

  I hadn't been altogether sure I wanted to end up in bed with Luke again, but there was no denying the pleasure I felt. He was an excellent and experienced lover. No, don't go there, I told myself. I met every thrust with my own, every swoop of his tongue with a reply. He made me feel so good. I never wanted to stop.

  He began to pump faster and harder and I encouraged him, once again cupping his buttocks, trying to pull him deeper into me with every thrust. He threw his head back, his eyes closed, his jaw clenched and I watched him, filled with the heady sensations of so much power. For the first time, I recognized the strength and power and potency of my own sexuality. He wasn't just enjoying sex. He was enjoying me. The way that sensation and realization made me feel was incredible. In fact, it made me hotter than I already was.

  Panting with exertion, my body slick with sweat, I continued to thrust my hips upward, gyrating at the top of every upward movement, forcing him at a deeper angle to fill me to capacity. It was glorious. Then, I felt the waves building as he continuously plunged himself into me, his pubis rhythmically coming into contact with mine, lathing that most sensitive part of my body with every stroke. We moved in unison – faster, harder, slicker. And then it happened. I tumbled over the cliff and barely swallowed the scream that erupted from my throat. My mouth opened wide and as we achieved climax together, his mouth once again covered mine, his lips gently sucking on my tongue, making every cell in my body feel alive and sensitive.

  I didn't know exactly how this whole thing regarding our relationship was going to work out, but at the moment, enthralled with his lovemaking, I realized that I was more than willing to find out.

  Chapter 7

  I don't really remember how many times we made love during the course of the night, but I do remember a couple of new positions I'd never tried before. While I felt rather self-conscious at first, the feelings and sensations surging through my body quickly overcame my hesitance. Oh, it wasn't anything nasty or perverted, just different. I began to feel more trusting of Luke and the situation I found myself in. I had made my decision.

  We lay in bed for several minutes after our last lovemaking session. Every muscle in my body ached, but it was a good ache. One thing I knew for sure about Luke: he was an excellent lover. I didn't let my mind wander to
how he had gotten to be such a good lover because the ugly green monster might rear its head, but for now, I was satisfied to take what he offered. I looked over at him and saw him staring at me, his hair tousled, a sleepy look in his eyes.

  "So, Molly, have you made your decision yet?"

  Had he read my thoughts? I slightly shook my head. It seemed as if he could. I pulled the sheet up to cover my nakedness and then turned onto my side, cushioning my head on my elbow. I stared at him for several moments, just gazing at his handsome features. "As a matter of fact, I have." I smiled. "I would like to give this a chance."

  "What exactly do you mean by this?" he asked in turn, a grin pulling up the corners of his mouth.

  "Our relationship…I would like to continue being your maid…"

  He lifted an eyebrow. "Anything else?"

  For a second, I thought I saw a flash of worry in his expression. Then I decided I must have imagined it. "Yes, I would also like to continue seeing you and find out where our relationship might go."

  “You sure? It might cause some problems with your father,” he murmured.

  I nodded. “I’ll deal with my father.”

  His grin turned into a smile and he leaned over to kiss me. His lips pressed gently against mine, warm, soft, and certainly not demanding. I wasn't really surprised. We had gone at it pretty hot and heavy for most of the evening. I glanced over his shoulder to the windows and was surprised to see the early light of dawn gradually lightening the sky. The sun wasn't up yet, but it would be soon. I yawned, covering it belatedly with my mouth.

  He chuckled low in his throat. "I'm going to take a shower. Care to join me?”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Thanks, but I’ll take a raincheck. I don’t think I have the energy to move.”

  “Will you be here when I get back?"

  The question surprised me. Would I be? It wasn't my day off, so the obvious answer was yes, but then again, I had been up all night, I was tired, and I was sure he was, as well. I decided to wait and bring it up when he emerged from the shower. "Yeah, I'm just going to lay here for awhile and relax. Go ahead and take your shower. Don't rush on my account."


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