The Pack Rules Boxed Set: The Complete Series of Wolf, Bear, and Dragon Shifter Romances

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The Pack Rules Boxed Set: The Complete Series of Wolf, Bear, and Dragon Shifter Romances Page 27

by Michele Bardsley

Houston, we have the G-spot.

  Roxie moaned as he rhythmically stroked the underside of her entrance. The fondling of her clit and the manipulation of her most erotic spot rocketed her into blind need.

  His patience seemed to vanish as he put his cock where his fingers had worked such magic. He took hold of the underside of her thighs and began taking her with long, hard strokes.

  Sweat cleaved to her skin. Her nails bit into her ankles as she submitted wholly, fully, gratefully to her lover.

  The powerful force of the orgasm tore a scream from her.

  She was awash in the light and heat of absolute bliss. As the last waves of her orgasm rippled through her, Jack cried out, his hands clenching against her thighs as his release shuddered through him.

  For the longest moment, neither one of them moved, trying to gain back their breath, their movements.

  “God.” Roxie inhaled noisily. “That was … unbelievable.”

  Jack moved to her side and brushed her hair away from her face. “You’re a beautiful, strong, fantastic woman. Grant and I are very lucky.”

  “I’m the lucky one,” she said.

  Jack smiled. “It’s time for us to mate as the triad. Once we take you together, Roxie, you’re ours forever.”


  WHEN GRANT ENTERED the room, Jack pulled Roxie onto his lap and held her by the waist.

  As Grant got undressed, Jack cupped her breasts and played with her nipples. She sat across his thighs, his stiff cock nestled against her crotch. His member twitched against her sex, causing shocked trembles of need.

  Oh, babe!

  Grant stood on the side of the bed, looking at them.

  “C’mon, Grant,” said Jack. “Let’s make love to our wife.”

  Jack leaned forward, cupped her neck, brought his lips to her ear, and traced the shell with the tip of his tongue.

  Grant climbed onto the bed, taking a spot next to Roxie. She slid off Jack’s lap and sat between them.

  Roxie caressed the cocks of her husbands. Jack and Grant pleasured her breasts, their hot mouths and slick tongues tormenting her nipples. The heat of desire engulfed her. Grant tugged her nipple between his teeth, and she gasped at the sharp pleasure.

  They lifted their heads and looked at her, both of their gazes dark with need. Her pulse jumped, and she licked her lips. They were both so damned gorgeous.

  Jack’s hand coasted across her stomach, leaving streaks of tingly heat in his path. Grant kissed her, a slow meeting of the lips that made Roxie’s heart pound. She sighed into his mouth, suckling his bottom lip, tracing the upper one before spearing the seam. He groaned, and she swallowed the sound, angling her head to taste more of him. His tongue danced with hers.

  As Grant released her mouth and kissed her jaw, Jack’s hand glided down her back. Desire speared her. Making love to her husbands was a hotter-than-hell experience.

  “Lay down between us,” said Jack.

  Roxie lay back with Jack on her left and Grant on her right. Jack seemed content to watch as Grant’s mouth traveled along her collarbone and down the valley between her breasts. Grant traced her areola with his tongue before tasting her nipple. Jack’s expression heated as he watched his co-alpha lick and lave. Roxie pressed Grant’s head against her chest and moaned. Jack leaned down, swallowing her noise of pleasure with a bruising kiss.

  Roxie felt an electric jolt of pure need.

  Grant’s groan shuddered across her flesh as his lips clamped the right nipple and suckled it into a taut, aching peak. His other hand cupped her left breast, kneading it, two fingers pinching its hardening point.

  Jack’s kiss deepened. Roxie didn’t know what to do with herself. Her body hummed in anticipation.

  “I want to taste you both,” she said.

  Both men rolled onto their backsides. She scooted between them and looked at the male buffet before her. Grant’s eyes were glazed, his body trembling, and his cock hard. Jack’s cock was stiff as a rod, too. She grasped both shafts in her hands and stroked.

  The men moaned in unison.

  She leaned forward and kissed the tip of Grant’s cock. She sucked him into her mouth, tickling the sensitive underside of his ridge.

  After teasing him, she bent and received Jack’s large, thick cock into her mouth. He tasted different from Grant, more musky, but just as good. She took him to the base of his impressive length, relaxing her throat to take him.

  Quivering with heart-pounding, sweat-inducing lust, she released Jack and returned to Grant.

  She slid her tongue down his shaft, peppering it with tiny kisses and quick licks. She cupped his balls, playing with them before lowering her mouth to each one, suckling and laving.

  Then she returned to Jack’s cock. She sucked it into her mouth, slowly, inch by inch, until she’d swallowed him again to the base.

  “Roxie,” Jack said in a breathless voice. “Feels so good.”

  Desire pounded through her. She could barely catch her breath as she released Jack and took Grant’s cock into her mouth again taking him deep into her throat. Her tongue ravaged the hard length, licking and stroking as she took all of him again and again.

  God, she was turned on. She was wet and tight with absolute quivering need.

  “Honey,” warned Grant. “That feels too good.”

  Roxie rose to her knees and looked at the men. Her heart pounded unevenly. She wanted them both to take her.


  JACK PATTED THE space between him and Grant. “It’s your turn, Roxie.”

  She lay between the two men, trembling in delicious anticipation.

  They stretched out on either side of her.

  Jack leaned forward and cupped her breast, suckling the soft peak. Then Grant cupped her other breast, kneading it gently. Then his mouth encircled her nipple.

  Heat flooded her as Jack and Grant played with her breasts, their hands drifting down her rib cage, over her hip, down the inside of her thigh, then up again.

  She squirmed and moaned, loving the feel of their lips, their hands and soon … their cocks.

  Roxie’s eyes drifted closed, and she enjoyed all the sensations. Two hands were good, but hellfire, four were better. One of her husbands’ fingers stroked her most intimate place, then parted the folds of her pussy and dipped inside.

  Both men enclosed against her, and she felt their thick lengths press into her thighs.

  Now, two fingers teased her wet heat as both lovers suckled her nipples. The embers of her lust burst into ravaging flames that burned through her, heating to combustible levels.

  “Take me,” she whispered. “Both of you.”

  She was completely turned on at the very idea of two lovers penetrating her. A true triad.

  “Get on top of Grant and lift your beautiful ass up for me,” said Jack.

  She did as he directed. Her nipples scraped Grant’s chest as her rear end hovered in the air, waiting for Jack’s preparation.

  From the corner of her eye, she saw him leave the bed and open the nightstand drawer. He removed a colorful tube that she recognized as brand of sex lube.

  She looked at Grant. Fear and excitement wound through her as she leaned down and kissed him. His tongue played with hers, and she let herself be immersed in everything she felt, everything she wanted.

  Jack’s hand cupped her ass to let her know he was there. She felt the plastic tip of lubricant enter her. She tensed as she felt the cold gel fill her, and the reality of her sexual adventure walloped her.

  Two men at once.

  She broke off from Grant’s kissing, and looked at Jack over her shoulder. He smiled, his eyes dark with desire. That look zapped her right to the core. Her human side might feel strange about this encounter, but her wolf howled for it. She could feel the shifting of her animal, its wild urging to mate with these men who’d claimed her.

  Jack tossed the tube onto the nightstand.

  As Grant touched her with fingertips and lips, Jack rubbed her anus before slow
ly sticking his finger into her ass.

  “This is for you, Roxie,” whispered Jack in a hoarse voice. “For all of us.”

  She knew Grant was ready for her by the way his hard cock pressed against her stomach. His eyes were glazed with passion. His hands stroked her breasts.

  As Jack stretched her open, Grant rolled her nipples between his fingers. Pleasure sparked through her.

  “Take me, babe,” begged Grant. “Take us both.”

  She was ready to obey. She lowered herself onto Grant’s cock and used her inner muscles to stroke him.

  He groaned.

  Grant held onto her hips and executed smooth, long strokes while Jack continued playing with her ass. She gave herself over to the sensations, gave herself over to everything.

  Mind. Soul. Heart.

  For Jack. For Grant. For the triad.

  She sucked in a breath, her gaze pinned to Grant’s. He was in full-blown lust. He kept pounding into her and every time he bumped her clit, she felt her bliss peak higher and higher.

  “It’s time,” said Jack in a hoarse voice. Jack fit the head of his cock against her ass.

  Jack leaned forward, and began slowly working his cock inside her. “Push back as I push in.”

  Grant stopped moving, and Roxie wiggled back as much as she could. Jack slowly, tenderly seated himself inside her tight canal. Her ass quivered and burned with the intense pressure. Two cocks filled her, and she wondered if the two men could feel each other inside her.

  She sucked in a few deep breaths, adjusting to the intense pressure of Jack filling her channel.

  Her body trembled. Lust rioted through her.

  Grant began thrusting again. He grabbed her shoulders as Jack clamped onto her hips. She kissed Grant, her tongue matching the slow rhythm of his cock.

  Jack caught their rhythm and soon, his cock was working in and out of her ass with same urgent cadence.

  Grant bucked under her, pumping faster. He panted, his face tight as he hurtled toward release.

  They moved with each other, for each other. Sweating. Moaning. Enjoying. Her breasts scraped Grant’s chest and her buttocks slapped against Jack’s hips.

  Their movements were frantic now, igniting a burst of pleasure that took her straight to the stars. Her back bowed into Jack, her hips jerking, her sex clenching as she experienced pure nirvana. She floated in the waves of heat and pleasure, trying to catch her breath after the mind-blowing orgasm.

  She had barely recovered when she felt Grant tense. He thrust deeply inside her, groaning loudly as he came. His cock pulsed inside her.

  Grant’s cock slipped out of her as Jack’s movements forced her clit to slide along the ridge of Grant’s half-hard penis.

  Roxie captured Grant’s lips, warring with his tongue, feeling the rise of another orgasm.

  Her clit throbbed—her second orgasm only a few strokes away.

  “Roxie!” cried Jack.

  His cock pulsated inside her sensitive ass, and she flew over the edge again. Shuddering and breathless, she collapsed onto Grant’s chest.

  Grant, Jack, and Roxie were officially mated as the Earth Pack triad.

  ROXIE WOKE IN the middle night with her heart pounding erratically and sweat coating her brow.

  The nightmare that had wrenched her out of sleep pulsed at the back of her mind. Dark. Lost. Running. Screaming.

  The images faded, but the feeling of being chased, being trapped did not. She couldn’t help but think of Crawl—and whether or not he planned to come after her.

  She was lodged between two big, muscled men, each with an arm slung over her, but she managed to wiggle her way out of her husbands’ embraces. She shut the bedroom door behind her as she walked into the suite’s small kitchen area, poured herself a glass of wine, and sat at the table. Her cell phone was there, too, along with her purse where she’d left them earlier. Idly, she scrolled through messages and saw that she’d missed three calls from Lara.

  Concern had her dialing her friend despite the late hour.

  Lara’s phone rang twice.

  “Hello, sister.”

  Roxie’s heart jumped into her throat. “Crawl.”

  “Been looking for you. Seen Mom?”

  “She’s dead,” said Roxie. “But you knew that, seeing as how you killed her.”

  His laughter sent chills down Roxie’s spine. “Mom was weak. Pathetic. I just put her out of her misery.”

  “How kind of you,” she managed flippantly.

  “You always were a hoity-toity bitch. Where are you?”

  “Where’s Lara?”

  “Right here.”

  “I want to talk to her.”

  “You can. In person.”

  Roxie swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’m not a threat to you, Crawl. I’m married to the Earth Pack alphas. I’m Earth Pack now.”

  “You can’t join another pack,” he sneered. “Not without my permission.”

  “I don’t need your permission.”

  “See? This is why you’re trouble. You don’t like following the Blood Pack rules.”

  Roxie knew there was no reasoning with a psychopath. But the hell if she was going to show any more fear, that was like giving meth to a drug addict.

  “You killed the alpha, Crawl. You’re the head of the pack now. Congrats.”

  “All I need is your tribute. How about those nancy-boys of yours?”

  Roxie’s heart turned over in her chest. She wouldn’t let Crawl get near her husbands. “Let me speak to Lara.”

  “No.” He paused. “There’s a little dispute in the pack right now. Some people aren’t sure I’m due my inheritance. In fact, got a few too many people interested in you taking over.”

  “I don’t want to be alpha.”

  “Prove it. Do a little brawl with me in front of the pack. Let me win. Show everyone that I’m the right guy, then I’ll let you and Lara go.”

  “That’s not gonna happen.”

  “You wanna talk to Lara? Fine. Tell her you don’t care enough about her to save her.” A woman screamed in the background. Then she heard a weeping voice say, “Roxie?”

  “Lara? What is he doing to you?”

  “Doesn’t matter. Don’t come back.”

  There was a thud, an angry voice, and then Crawl was back on the line. “Lara’s unconscious. If you don’t want her dead, do exactly as I say.”

  “Okay,” said Roxie. “Just don’t hurt her anymore.”

  “Give me your location, and I’ll send someone to pick you up. Don’t say a word to those pussies you’re with, either. I’d hate to end the ol’ honeymoon by having your husbands killed.”

  Crawl didn’t make idle threats, but he wasn’t exactly true to his word. Either way, Roxie didn’t have a choice.


  “YOU CAN’T MEET your psycho brother,” said Grant.

  After her disturbing call with Crawl, Roxie had woken up her husbands and told them everything. She didn’t even consider the possibility of confronting her brother without their help. Together, they stood a much better chance at rescuing Lara and defeating Crawl.

  Jack had put on a shirt and sweats while Grant had slipped on a pair of silk boxer shorts. They sat in the living area of the cozy suite discussing their options. They had less than an hour to come up with a plan. In fifty-two minutes, she was supposed to meet Crawl’s lackeys outside the hotel.

  “He’ll kill Lara,” said Roxie.

  “Not unless he believes you won’t come,” said Jack. “Your friend is his leverage.”

  Roxie didn’t believe for a second Crawl had any intention of letting her live, much less Lara. He was out for blood, and now, Roxie and her mates were the only ones who could stop him.

  “We need help,” she said. “What about that woman … Delta?”

  Grant shook his head. His blond hair stuck straight up, probably because he kept running his fingers through the strands. “This isn’t her area of expertise. Besides, she won’t get directly
involved in pack politics.”

  “Could we ask the Shadow Pack for assistance?” asked Roxie. She tried not to let her desperation show.

  “They’re in the middle of their Choosing ceremonies.” Jack put his hand on her leg and squeezed. “We’re not looking to start a territory war. If the Shadows were to help us and we failed, we’ll have a lot bigger problem on our hands.”

  “True. If wolves can’t help us, maybe we should consider the bears.” Grant looked at them. “The Pearsons. They’ve got an excellent rep among the shifter community—at least according to Delta. It’s one of the reasons she put us in their mom’s hotel. Extra protection.”

  “Why would they get involved?” Roxie felt so helpless, even in the company of her brawny, brave men. If it was just a matter of overpowering Crawl with physical strength, they could take him down. But her brother was the kind of crazy that was unpredictable, and most definitely homicidal. He’d kill hundred innocent people if it meant taking out his target. There was no line Crawl wouldn’t cross. He wouldn’t think twice about eliminating the Earth Pack alphas—and would welcome a pack war. He loved chaos.

  “The bears aren’t set up in allegiances like the packs. Bear clans are small, usually consisting of two or three families.”

  Roxie glanced at her phone and noted the time on its screen. “We have forty-nine minutes to figure out what we’re going to do.”

  “I’ll call in the Pearsons,” said Grant.

  GABE AND MIKE Pearson were big, imposing men—the size of NFL linebackers. Roxie had come across plenty of shifters, but she’d never met any bears before.

  They listened patiently to Roxie, Grant, and Jack’s story. With only twenty minutes to go before she was supposed to meet her brother’s minions, time was running out.

  “Do you want to take out Crawl?” asked Gabe. He wore his dark blond hair in a military-style haircut. He had a boxer’s face, square and solid. His full lips softened his fierce visage, but with the scar above his right eyebrow and a nose that had no doubt been broken more than once, he was—overall—scary-looking.

  His brother, Mike, was just as huge, but wore his long, brownish-red hair pulled back into a ponytail. He had sharper features than his brother, and his smile seemed to come a lot easier.


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