The Contract: A BBW Rockstar Romance

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The Contract: A BBW Rockstar Romance Page 4

by Misty Carrera

  “Hey sis, you busy?”

  “No, what’s up?”

  “We kinda have your boyfriend. Seems he got himself a little toasted.”

  “My what? Wait…Luke?”

  “Yeah, he wasn’t driving or anything, we haven’t got any reason to arrest him but he’s got paps following him, and he’s performing for that camera crew of his and, well,” her brother sighed, “the boardwalk will never be the same.”

  She sat back in her chair and thought for a bit. You know it would serve him right to have to deal with this on his own. What was he thinking? And on camera for the reality show too. But no, for some reason she felt she had to go down to the boardwalk and see what he was up to. But not before she finished her wine.

  “I’ll be there in 15 minutes,” she said swirling her wine in her glass and propping her feet up on her desk, “I have something here I need to finish up.”

  The crowd on the boardwalk was unmistakable; there were lights, and the flashing of cameras, videographers, at least two of them, a boom microphone with a sound guy holding it, and girls, lots and lots of girls. And in the middle of all of it was Luke. He was disheveled looking, his hair was a mess, he wasn’t wearing a shirt and his dragon tattoo appeared to be moving as he walked, he was carrying a giant stuffed panda in one arm and his other arm was slung around a girl.

  Wow, that didn’t take long, did it, she thought. Of course it didn’t. Who was she to think she meant something to him? It was one night, that’s all. It had meant nothing. She followed the crowd for a few minutes, and as she was turning to go, he spotted her. The look on his face was one of surprise, she couldn’t imagine why. He was making such a spectacle of himself out here, how could he have thought she wouldn’t turn up?

  She caught his eye, and they shared a long look. It was as if time stood still, and for a few minutes he just looked at her. Then he looked away, and she turned and slipped out of the crowd and headed for home.

  The knocking at the door woke her, and she tried to ignore it, but it wouldn’t stop. Finally she stumbled to the front and peered through the peephole. It was cameras. And a police car. What in the hell? She had half hoped for Luke, but she didn’t see him.

  Opening the door a crack she surveyed the assembled crowd. “You can come in, everyone else is out of luck. It’s late, go home, or wherever. Just don’t be here when I look again, I’m in no mood.”

  Closing the door she turned and leaned against it, regarding her guest. The cop was Tony, she had gone to high school with him.

  “Lilly, I don’t know where you stand with this guy, but there was an accident, and he’s in the hospital, and your brother wanted me to come get you.”

  “An accident? Is he, will he…” she could feel her nerves going on high alert, “he’s ok, though, right?”

  “I think so, honestly I just came to get you right away.”

  “Let’s go,” she said, grabbing her purse.

  Chapter 8

  “What the hell happened?” she asked her brother.

  “Well, nearly as we can tell, he got his hands on a car, and flipped it off the edge of the road leading from the boardwalk.”

  Lilly could feel herself go cold, and she sank into a chair.

  “The car seems to have spun out of control, the stories don’t make much sense but it seems like he was trying to avoid colliding with, well we’re not sure, there were several cars following him. Couple cars of girls, and one of photographers, we don’t think he was impaired. Well, the troopers do, ‘cause they always do, but we had an eye on the guy all night. He stopped drinking hours ago. Anyway, he did avoid hitting anyone else, but he’s in a bad way we think.”

  Lilly was gripping the armrest so hard her knuckles were white. The doctor approached, and said quietly, “Hey Lilly, he’s not awake right now, but he was asking for you when he arrived. Would you like to come down to his room?”

  She swallowed hard, “Sure, yeah, of course.” Picking up her purse she began what seemed like a million mile march to the end of the hall, and then down another one. The lights were bright and the hallways were unnaturally quiet at this time of night. Finally she arrived at his room and quietly tip-toed inside.

  He was lying stock still, with a beeping heart monitor on him, and an IV drip positioned at the head of his bed. His skin was chalk white, and at first glance it was hard to tell where he stopped and the sheets began. She stood quietly watching him breathe for a bit, the doctor spoke after examining him.

  “You can sit down you know?”

  “Oh, right.”

  “It could be a while, you might as well be comfortable.”

  “What’s, um…he doesn’t look good.”

  “Actually, he’s really just banged up, we’ve got him sedated so he doesn’t move around, but he’s gonna be fine.”

  Lilly exhaled a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. She felt herself relax against the chair, and she dropped her purse. It bumped onto the floor and the noise startled her. Then she heard from the bed a whisper

  “Shhhh, some of us are trying to get some sleep around here.”

  Lilly shot up out of the chair again and approached him, her heart in her throat. She reached out and gingerly touched his hair.


  She pulled her hand back.

  “Kidding, I’m kidding, my hair doesn’t hurt.”

  “Oh,” she half smiled as he reached for her hand.

  “Thank you for coming,” he whispered.

  “Sure,” she paused for a long moment, “you scared me.”

  “Did I?” he smiled ruefully. “I didn’t mean to, but I’m, um, glad it mattered.”

  “Of course it mattered,” she sighed.

  “I wasn’t sure, after, you know…”

  “Look, you’re the one who left, I didn’t ask you to, or tell you to, you know?”

  “Yeah, but look at the mess, I mean there are cameras everywhere, you didn’t sign on for that.”

  “No, but I didn’t NOT sign on for it either, I mean, ask me, you know?

  “Right, never assume. I forget that one all the time.”

  “So, already I’m serving a purpose.”

  “You serve more than just a purpose, come here.” He hugged her with his one good arm. They stayed like that for a few minutes, she was afraid she’d hurt him though.

  “What’s the damage, do you know?”

  “You mean, can I still sing?”

  “No, that’s not what I mean at all, actually. I mean are you going to be ok?”

  “Yeah, I’ll live. Some deep bruises, I look worse than I am, or so they tell me. I should be out tomorrow if I’m a good boy, and I can do the show.”

  She leaned down and kissed him, gingerly, on the lips. “You’re a cranky patient, but I like you anyway.”

  “Thank you,” he smiled, “I like you too.” He began to stroke her back through her thin shirt, and he pulled her toward him on the bed. He groaned a bit as he moved and she shifted so that she was sitting next to him. He reached up and pulled her in for a kiss.

  Her breath caught and she felt him pressed against her body as he slid his hand under her shirt and massaged her back.

  “Shhh, don’t move,” she whispered, “just lie there.” She slid her shirt up and leaned over him so that her breasts were over his mouth. His tongue darted out and he licked her nipples, flicking against their hardened tips. She moaned, but stayed up on her arms so as not to lean on him. Slowly she moved down his body, dragging her nipples along, down his chest, kissing as she went. Gentle tiny kisses in a trail from his chest down along the side of his dragon tattoo. She licked the scaly beast and felt his cock tapping against her belly in response. She wanted to scale him like a mountain but she was aware she needed to be gentle. And quiet, the nursing staff might disapprove of her way of healing. She drifted her tongue across his abdomen to the V she had noticed the first day he was there. Shifting to balance on her knees between his legs she danced her fin
gertips down along his flat belly to his hardened cock. There was a drop of pre-cum on the very tip of him, and she flicked her tongue at it. He groaned in response and, knowing she was on the right track, she began to massage his balls with the pads of her fingers, then lowered her mouth so that she could draw them in. Sucking gently on his sack she felt him squirm underneath her, and heard him exhale. His hands were on her head trying to draw her toward the head of his cock, but she continued her tease, licking around it, up along the sides of his balls, and around his abdomen and back down the other side.

  “Please,” he whispered, “suck me, baby, please suck me.”

  She laughed quietly, “soon, baby, soon, lie back.”

  “Torture, you’re torturing me, I’m a sick man, this isn’t fair.”

  “Awww, you poor thing,” she smiled up at him and looked directly into his eyes as she relented and licked the tip of him. It jumped and she laughed again, “eager, aren’t you?”.

  She licked from the base of his cock up to the tip and opening wide she slowly slid his cock to the back of her throat.



  “How far can you take it?”

  In response she relaxed her throat and took him even further, then she slowly drew her mouth off him again. As she lifted her head she moved her tongue around his shaft back and forth and felt him respond. He was growing in her mouth, getting thicker and harder with each stroke of her tongue. She massaged his balls and felt them drawing up as he approached his climax. His hand was steadier on her head now, guiding her, fucking her mouth.

  Looking down he saw her lips on his cock, and her lovely breasts hanging down framing the picture. He was ready to burst, and he wanted her pussy but knew he wouldn’t be able to do her justice. This was good for now, there would be other times he thought, as he gripped her hair and got ready to cum in her sweet soft mouth. He tried to stifle the groans so the staff wouldn’t hear him but this one came from deep inside him somewhere. He came with a force he hadn’t experienced in a long time, and she took it all, swallowing him deeply and sucking gently on him as he began to soften.

  She lay her head on his belly and kept him in her mouth until he was relaxed and she could hear his breathing steady into sleep.

  Chapter 9

  Lilly drove back toward home as the sun was coming up, and she was stunned by the numbers of people streaming into town. God, she hoped they were ready. They couldn’t possibly have known a year ago when she signed the contract the crowds that would be coming today. The streets were jammed, and it wasn’t even daybreak yet. It was going to be a crazy day, she hoped she be able to get some sleep before the show tonight.

  She slowed her car to a crawl as she wound her way through the streets that led to her house. The vendors were opening early on the boardwalk, the hot dog guys had managed to have coffee and donuts for the early crowd. She smiled to herself, this was a windfall for all of them, and she decided to go to the theater instead. She could park her car there and have it there tonight, and she could always walk home if she had to.

  Luke’s crew was in already setting up, and her own crew had set the dressing rooms the night before. His guys worked quietly, probably because it was so early she thought. She paused as she watched lights being raised and guys on the catwalk far above her head tighten the focus. In the back of the house the soundboard was set up and his sound guy was fussing with the knobs and sliders, and muttering under his breath.

  She knew Luke would be released later in the morning, and she was glad things would be mostly ready for him when he got here. He didn’t need to worry about anything besides himself and his instruments.

  She spent the morning in her office, mostly though she watched in awe as the streets continued to fill up with his fans. It was weird to think that they were all here to see him, and she knew him, really knew him. She didn’t want to be all star-struck, but it was crazy that he was “Lucifer Drake” and to her he was her lover. She didn’t think boyfriend, that was a jump she didn’t dare make.

  She left the theater and walked home. The crowds were full of happy people and they were spending money, it seemed. Which was good, since that was the point. She had to admit though, she was going to miss Luke when he left. She opened the door to her house and closed it quietly behind her, enjoying the cool air and quiet as she closed out the crowds.

  “Noisy out there.”

  “You startled me! How come you’re not at the hospital?”

  “They let me out for good behavior.”

  “Now that I don’t believe. You were not well behaved!” She looked at him and that shiver ran through her again. He was looking right into her eyes, and not blinking. Totally unfair advantage.

  “Oh,” he said, drawing her close, “I think that was you being bad, as I recall.”

  “You didn’t seem to mind though,” she said, reaching down to feel his hardening cock.

  “Not at all, baby, not at all.” He ran his hands up her sides and underneath her blouse, undoing the clasp on her bra with one snap of his fingers. Her breasts swung free and he lifted her shirt and grazed her nipples with his day old growth of beard. His tongue lapped at her and she moaned and pressed into him as she reached down to feel where his jeans were drawn tight and tented. She drew down his zipper and grasped his hardening cock, stroking it as she did. He tensed briefly, then relaxed as she continued to stroke him, his cock growing and thickening with each pump of her fist. He pulled her close to him and backed them both against the wall, his hands on either side of her head. She could feel his muscled torso pressing against her, his chest brushing against her nipples, and it sent a thrill of sparks coursing through her veins. He grasped her arms and reluctantly she let go of his cock. His hands slid down to her wrists and he pressed her arms above her head as he braced her against the wall. His mouth came down on hers again, and he sucked her lower lip between his teeth. He pressed his knee between her legs, forcing them apart and pulled her skirt up. He slid his hands down her belly and reached between her legs. She was soaking wet, and he slid his fingers along her pussy and slid one, then two inside her.

  She could feel his fingers inside of her, and her pussy clenched at them drawing them in.

  “I need to be inside you. Now.”

  “You mean something other than your hand?”

  “Yeah, that’s exactly what I mean. Let’s go,” he said, as he turned her and pushed her toward her room. He pressed her backwards onto the bed, and in one smooth motion removed her skirt and tossed it aside. He leaned down and kissed from her ankle to her knee, then slowly and deliberately up her thigh. The heat in her was nearly too much to bear, she wanted him so much. His tongue found her clit and danced on it briefly. He did…something amazing, placing his lips over her clit and sucking gently. It was nearly too much and she clenched the bedcovers with both hands and arched her back and moaned. He reached up and tweaked her nipples, sending sparks arcing toward her pussy, before he slid all the way up and claimed her mouth again. Somehow he made a condom appear and had it on before she realized what had happened. And then he was inside her. Sweet, blissful, electric, pulsing, throbbing. She could feel him swelling inside her and it sent her soaring toward the light.

  “I don’t want this to be over,” he said.


  Backstage at the concert Lilly could feel the buzz of excitement in the air. Looking out from the wings she was amazed at the crowd. Luke’s team had installed sound and video equipment in order to broadcast to people outside. She had been right to hold him to his contract. Even if it annoyed him, and Harry. Although Luke had seemed distinctly less annoyed this afternoon. And Harry, where the heck had he gotten to?

  “Lilly this is so awesome!” Chelle trilled from behind her. “Everyone wants to be back stage but I had to tell them all no. I promised a picture though, do you think Luke will mind?”

  “No, but he doesn’t have a lot of time before th
e show, better hurry up!”

  “Okay,” Chelle said, and trotted off to find the band.

  Lilly wondered briefly how this had gotten to be her life, but there was no time to dwell on that right now. She still had a few last minute details to check, then she wanted to see Luke before the show started.

  When she finally got around to Luke’s dressing room, Chelle was just leaving.

  “Hey Lilly, I’m going out to sit and watch, you coming?”


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