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Broken Page 9

by Alexis Noelle

  Hopefully, things go well today.

  Chapter Sixteen


  When she came walking out of the clubhouse I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She is more gorgeous every time I see her. Pulling her onto my lap once we pulled away felt so good. If I could I’d never take my hands off of her. When she mentioned my parents I shut down on her. If possible I’d like to completely avoid them today. I promised Mallory I’d be here, so I am.

  I wrap my arm around Izzy, and she winces. “What’s wrong?” My protective instincts kick in, thinking somehow someone hurt her.

  Her cheeks get red and she clears her throat before she answers me. “Lucy had me see Doc with her last night. She gets the shot, so she asked him to bring me one too. My arm is sore from it.”

  “How long did Doc say until you’re cleared?”

  “He said twenty-four hours because I just had my…” Her voice trails off as she looks away from me. “He said twenty-four hours.”

  When she gets embarrassed by stuff like this it’s cute. I love that she’s innocent, and not as blunt as the other girls.

  “He also gave me a pill to keep us safe from the other night. Lucy said he won’t say anything to Twisted.” Her hands fidget in her lap.

  I place my hand over them. “You okay? If this is too much, just tell me. I don’t want to push you into anything you don’t want to do.”

  “No, it’s not that. I actually want to again, soon.” She smiles at me.

  I can feel the hard-on getting worse; this woman will be the death of me.

  “I don’t like lying. I hate it actually.”

  My smile falls. “I’m sorry. I don’t know any other way around this. I should be patching in soon, and once I do I’ll claim you. We won’t have to hide anymore.”

  Her head rests on my shoulder and I place a kiss on top of it.

  When we pull into the parking lot of the center the graduation is being held at I immediately know everyone is looking at us. In a lot full of Mercedes-Benzes, Lexuses, and BMWs my truck looks suspicious. I’m sure some of these assholes think I’m lost. The others know me from before and probably think I have gone crazy and am hooked on drugs. I don’t care about any of them. I’m here for my sister and that’s it.

  “Fair warning. Ninety-nine point nine percent of the people here will talk down to you, stare, and just be dicks in general. It’s the reason I left, but I’m used to it.” I get out of the car and walk over to her side. She takes my hand, and I pull her against me, enjoying the way it feels for a minute.

  I see her looking at the crowd. All the men are wearing suits and the women are in knee-length skirts and button-up shirts. “Should I have dressed nicer?” She is wearing dark jeans and a formfitting black T-shirt. Jewelry hangs around her neck. Honestly, she looks better than these women ever could.

  “No, trust me when I say I don’t want you to look anything like anyone here.” I place a kiss on her lips before taking her hand and leading her into the building. It’s packed and I grab the first couple seats I can find.

  Once we sit, I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her close to me. She looks over before relaxing against me. “Gotta enjoy having my hands on you every second I can,” I whisper in her ear.

  She places a kiss on my chest and even through my T-shirt the contact feels right.

  The girl sitting in front of us turns around, and I curse under my breath. Jennifer.

  “Wow, Max. I never thought I would run into you again. How are you?” She blatantly ignores Izzy and it pisses me off.

  “Fine, hell of a lot happier away from this shithole.”

  Her eyes widen at my response, just like I knew they would. “Well, you have been missed.”

  “Really? Didn’t seem to miss me much when you were on your back for whoever had the biggest trust fund. Did that plan not work for you?” I hear Izzy gasp against me. She moves to sit up, but I hold her in place.

  Jennifer’s eyes glare at me. “Engaged, actually.” She holds up her hand, which is sporting the iceberg that sank the Titanic.

  “Poor fucker. He around so I can give him my condolences?”

  She’s about to snap back at me when the dean comes to the podium asking everyone to quiet down. Izzy looks up at me with question in her eyes.

  “Short story. We were together. She was a whore.”

  Her mouth forms into an O before she rests against my chest again.

  The ceremony takes forever. I swear I almost fell asleep during it. When the kids start to come up I thank God that it’s almost done. Once Mallory’s name is called I yell and clap loudly. Partly so she knows I’m here, the other part is to annoy the suits around us.

  I’ve always been a shit starter and I’ve never fit into my family, this town, or my life.

  When it’s over I take Izzy’s hand and go in search of Mallory. I find her talking to a few friends who she says goodbye to when she sees me. Running over, she jumps into my arms. I let go of Izzy to catch her. “I’m so happy you came!”

  “Wouldn’t have missed it for anything.”

  I put her down and that’s when she notices the woman standing beside me. “And who is this?”

  “Mallory, this is my girl, Izzy. Izzy, this is my little sister, Mallory.” I wave my hand between the two of them.

  “Ah! I can’t believe you finally have a girlfriend!” She pulls Izzy into a hug. “It’s so nice to meet you! I thought he’d be alone forever!”

  “Thanks, sis,” I grumble.

  “Mallory.” I hear my father’s voice behind me and stiffen.

  “That’s my cue. I’ll see you later.” I move to walk away, but Mallory catches my arm.

  “Stay, come out to lunch to celebrate with me.” Her eyes are big and pleading with me. She used to do this whenever we were little, and I couldn’t resist her.

  I still can’t. “Fine. You’re lucky I love you. Text me the place and we’ll meet you there.”

  I take Izzy’s hand and lead her back to the parking lot, not even acknowledging my parents’ presence. She keeps looking back, and I know she doesn’t get it. I’m sure she had been ready to greet them, but I wasn’t. Once we’re out of the building, she pulls her hand from mine. “You’re gonna rip my arm out of the socket.” She shakes it like it’s numb. “Mind telling me what all that was about?”

  “Honestly? There is a whole lot of shit and history I don’t want to get into. Just know I left home for a reason, and that I apologize in advance for my parents being assholes.”

  I pray that they don’t push me too far. I don’t want to lose it in front of her. I know that they will, though. It’s who they are. If you aren’t doing what they want you to, then you’re a failure.

  I won’t let them impact my life anymore.

  They won’t kill me like they did Trent.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I don’t say anything to him on the drive to the restaurant. The way he talks about his parents is so harsh and the hurt on his face, in his eyes, it’s overwhelming. I have no idea what happened, but it must have been bad. His hold on the steering wheel is tense. I reach out to him, rubbing his leg with my hand. He glances over and his expression softens a bit.

  When he makes the turn into a driveway I look up to see a sign that says, ‘Amore’.

  He parks the truck but doesn’t move, almost like his body is frozen.

  “You okay?”

  “I never wanted to be back here.” His voice shakes from pain that seems to be laced through it. “Let’s just get this over with.”

  He gets out of the truck but doesn’t make his way over to my side like usual. I get out, knowing that right now I just need to be here for him. His hand grabs mine and he pulls me into the restaurant.

  A waiter leads us to a table and I see his sister sitting with his parents.

  “Hey, guys,” Mallory greets us with a smile on her face.

  I smile and wave at her before we sit down at the t
able. No one else speaks. Max doesn’t even pick up the menu to order food. I’m confused at this point as to whether I should or not.

  “Are we not eating here?” I whisper to him.

  “I don’t need to look at the menu. I know what’s on it. Get whatever you like.” His face is still impassive.

  “Maximillian, are you going to introduce us to your…friend?” His mother eyes me, her expression conveying she really isn’t impressed.

  His name is Maximillian? Jesus, that’s a mouthful.

  “Izzy, this is Mr. and Mrs. Asher.” His voice is flat and he still doesn’t look at anyone.

  I hear his mom let out a sigh. “I don’t know why you insist on being like this, Maximillian.” Her head shakes with disappointment.

  “You do know. You also know I don’t go by that pretentious name because it sounds like some pussy. Call me Max.” His voice grates.

  My mouth drops open at his language.

  His father slaps a hand on the table. “You will not use that type of language here. Act like you remember some of the manners you were taught.”

  Max’s jaw tightens while his leg is bouncing like crazy next to me.

  I need to get out of here and breathe for a minute. “Where is the bathroom?”

  “Out this room, down the hallway, on the right,” Max answers me.

  I stand up, excusing myself and following his directions until I find it. There is actually a couch in the bathroom, which just seems so out of place to me. I sit down, needing a break. My head lies back against the plush fabric and I let my eyes close for a minute.

  “What the fuck have you been doing?” a voice grates out. I jump and when I open my eyes I can’t believe the sight in front of me. It’s him. The man from my dream. He reaches back and flicks the lock on the door.

  I want to scream. I want to yell for help, but it’s like my whole body is completely frozen.

  “You gonna answer me, whore?” He takes a few steps toward me, his hand reaching out and closing around my throat. The look in his eye is murderous and suddenly a memory hits me.

  ‘The Devil’s Sons club’ I read. I push the door open and am immediately hit with the smell of stale cigarettes and cheap liquor. A man at the bar smiles at me. Even though he is smiling he is still scary as hell.

  “Brothers!” he yells. “We got ourselves a new club whore. Meet Izzy. Feel free to have a go whenever you’re ready.” He laughs as he walks away.

  Looking around the room, every set of eyes is on me. I want to shrink away. I want to run.

  They are looking at me as if they can’t wait to devour me whole.

  I look around for something, anything that can help me, but I’m powerless.

  Hades walks into my room. The hair on the back of my neck stands up. I turn to him, sore from last night’s party. Having a place to stay and food on the table is nice, but I don’t know that it’s worth what these guys like to do.

  “How is it you’ve been here a week and I ain’t gotten a piece yet?” His eyes dance with happiness. I’ve seen him with the other girls and I’ve purposely stayed out of his way.

  He reaches out, grabbing a fistful of my hair and pulling me against him.

  “I have so many ideas for us.” He pushes me to the bed. “Undress, whore. The longer you take the longer I will.”

  Fear strikes my chest like a knife.

  I quickly pull all my clothes off.

  As he jumps toward me I scream.

  I can’t breathe. I don’t know if it’s Hades’ grip or the weight of my memories, but I’m suffocating.

  He slaps a picture on the table in front of me, and I jump. “This. Is your brother.” My body stills from the shock of his words. My brother? “More important, he is the President of one of our rival clubs. Fuckers have been refusing to give us the territory we want.”

  I look around, knowing that can’t be good. The officers are surrounding me and each one has a smile on their faces. “Tonight, we will take you to a field near the clubhouse. You’ll need to get roughed up some. We’ll show you which way to walk and you’ll go to that club. Those pussies have a soft spot for women; they’ll take you in. You are to report information back to me on a daily basis. I want to know their weaknesses. I want to know how to bring them to their goddamn knees. You do well, when we take the assholes down, you’ll be an old lady. You fuck up and we’ll gut you like a fish.”

  “Answer me!” he growls in a hushed tone.

  I try to speak, but I can’t with the pressure on my neck. He eases his hold, and I take a much needed breath of air.

  “Why have I not fucking heard from you?” His fists are clenched and all I can remember is the way they smashed into me that night.

  “I’m sorry. I—”

  “Don’t give me any fucking excuses. You’re over here fucking around with some prospect. You need to get me some goddamn information. If not I’ll make good on my promise and find out what I need a different way.” He grabs my hair, forcing me face down onto the couch. “Before I kill you I’ll use you. I’ll do everything I’ve ever dreamed of but haven’t attempted because I didn’t want to cause permanent damage.” His hand dips into my pants and he shoves two fingers into my ass. I yelp from the pain. “I’ll tear you in two then let everyone else have a go before I end your pathetic life.”

  The tears are streaming down my face. He retracts his fingers, and I pulse in pain.

  “I know you’ve seen me around. I proved right now how easily I can get to you. Don’t make me find you again.”

  He leaves, and I jump up, running to a stall and locking myself in it.

  I was sent here as a spy from another club?

  Oh God.

  This is horrible. I turn, emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet as I hear the door open again.

  No, he couldn’t have come back. I silently pray it isn’t him when someone knocks on the stall door and I jump.

  “Izzy?” Mallory’s voice sounds. “Are you okay?”


  I grab a piece of toilet paper and wipe my mouth. Taking a second one, I wipe the tears from my cheek. I pull my hair so it covers both sides of my neck and some of the front. Hopefully, there isn’t a huge mark. When I open the door Mallory looks at me and I know I must look like death.

  “Crap. Are you sick? Come on. Max is just outside the door.” She takes my hand and leads me into the hallway. When I walk out I see him leaning against the wall.

  His face is etched with concern and once he sees me he rushes over. “Babe, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  “I think she was throwing up when I walked in.”

  “Shit. Let me get you home.” He looks over at his sister.

  “Don’t worry about me. Go take care of her.” She smiles.

  Max gives her a hug before walking me outside. I feel so weak. My body aches from puking and everything hurts from the realization of what I am.

  I lie down on the bench, resting my head in his lap. He gently strokes my hair. He wouldn’t do this if he knew who I was. He’d hate me. Everyone would.

  “Babe, we’re here.”

  I sit up, seeing the club.

  “Are you okay to walk? I don’t know that me walking in there carrying you would go over well.”

  I nod.

  I slowly follow Max inside. Everyone is sitting on the couches talking. When I walk in Twisted runs over.

  “What’s wrong with her? What happened?”

  “She started to feel sick. Threw up in a bathroom. She might have caught a bug.”

  My brother’s eyes are trained on Max. He isn’t stupid, and I know he suspects that something is going on with us. He looks back at me and his hand rubs my arm. “Why don’t you go lie down upstairs. I can call Doc if you want.”

  “You don’t need to call him. I’m sure it’s just a stomach bug.”

  I walk toward the stairs, turning around when I get to the top. All of the people I’ve come to care about are standing together.

  They seem worried.

  If they knew who I was they would kick me out.

  Then I’d be dead.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I’ve barely gotten out of bed for the past two days.

  The door opens and I look up to see Lucy. “Hey, chica, you still sick?”

  I nod the way I have when anyone else has asked me this question. It’s true. I’m sick.

  Sick about the person I am.

  Sick over the things I’m supposed to do.

  Sick to death about what might happen to me if I don’t.

  “I brought you some tea. Twisted said he’s going to call Doc if you don’t feel better tomorrow. Anything I can do?” She sits next to me, her hand stroking my head. Lucy is an amazing person. She’s so honest and caring. I don’t deserve any of it.

  I’m scum.

  I’m a rat.

  I hate myself for what I remembered. I wish I could go back to the blissful nothingness I lived in before.

  “No, thanks,” I tell her.

  “Okay, I have to ask. What did Max do to you?” She huffs.

  I look at her in confusion.

  “Listen, I’ve been there. I’ve had the kind of depression where you can’t even get out of bed. I know you aren’t physically sick. You can talk to me.” Her hand rests on my shoulder.

  I can’t.

  Not about this.

  “Max didn’t do anything to me. He’s been great.” My voice is dull.

  I have distanced myself from everyone to lessen the blow when I lose them all.

  “Then what is it?” She looks at me, waiting for an answer she’ll never get. I can see the disappointment as she looks at me. “When you’re ready, when you need someone to talk to and be in your corner, I’ll be here. No judgment.”

  Lucy gets up and walks out of the room. I feel like shit for being like this to her. She has been such a good friend to me, a sister. Not to mention everyone else here. Since the other day, I have been plagued with memories. Each one more vile than the next. I can’t believe I allowed myself to be treated like that. Not only that, but I desperately wanted to be part of those monsters’ family. Looking back, living on the streets was a much better option than what I chose to do.


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