Annette Broadrick - Sound of summer

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Annette Broadrick - Sound of summer Page 7

by mag

  Several hours later Selena discovered she enjoyed watching Adam fish. Perhaps it was because she was hungry, or perhaps it was because she enjoyed the company, but whatever it was, the morning had flown by while she watched him clean the fish, wrap it in some leaves and cook it among some coals.

  Now she watched him as he quietly fished for more. She hadn't asked him why they were there, who the men were who had abducted them, and what all the satellite dishes were for. Selena had discovered that she didn't care.

  Sooner or later Adam would explain to her what was going on and why they were staying here, but in the meantime, she intended to relax and enjoy the sunshine and the sound of summer all around her.

  Adam was across the stream from her and he glanced up. She smiled peacefully and waved her hand in a gentle salute of contentment. Had she imagined the warm look in his eyes as he gazed at her? A slight shiver ran through her. She didn't need to be reminded of his effect on her.

  She had always been independent, as far back as she could remember, and she had always been an equal in her relationships with men. However, she had let Adam take over her life from the time he'd opened the door to her, bullying her, restricting her, lecturing her and taking care of her.

  Yes, he'd done that. But what amazed her the most was that she had let him do all those things and had actually enjoyed his domination. She shook her head with perplexity. I must be in worse shape than I thought—ready to become the meek little woman, ready to do her man's bidding.

  Her man. Now where had that come from? Adam wasn't the type of person that belonged to anyone. Neither was she. But how could she explain the rapport that seemed to exist between the two of them? She couldn't see herself blithely running off into the mountains with any other male of her acquaintance. She chuckled at the thought.

  "What's so funny?"

  Adam had crossed the stream without her being aware of it.

  "Oh, just thinking about how different my vacation has turned out to be."

  "I'm sorry."

  "Why? It hasn't been your fault. If I could follow directions—and hadn't gotten stuck— none of this would have ever happened."

  He sat down beside her, leaning back on his elbow. His gaze scanned the meadow and she acknowledged that he never relaxed, at least not completely.

  "How far are we from your cabin?"

  "A few miles, why?"

  "Because I don't understand why we can't go there."

  "D.G. advised against it. There's too much at stake to take any chances at the moment."

  ''Is it going to do me any good to ask who D.G. is?"

  He smiled at her tone. "I used to work for him."


  "And it made sense to see if he could shed some light on what's been happening."

  "Could he?"

  "Yes. The area has been under surveillance. Nobody bothered to contact me because, technically, nobody knows I'm here."

  "Except D.G."


  "So you blew your cover to help me."

  He started laughing. "Blew my cover? What kind of talk is that?"

  She didn't smile. "I know I didn't believe you at first, but I've since realized that you don't obtain your kind of skills in the import-export business. You're some sort of government agent, aren't you?"

  He could feel his body tense at her words. Now was the time to convince her she was imagining things, to laugh at her conclusions. He'd struggled too long to dismiss the past and plan a new life to entrust anyone with the truth.

  Adam turned on his side and stared at her. Selena was lying flat on her back, one knee pulled up, her head resting on her arm. Her clear gaze pierced him while she waited for his answer.

  Slowly, he nodded. "You're right. You blew my cover."

  She waited, but he said no more. A brief look of pain flowed over his features, then was gone. His face hardened, accepting the need for his admission.

  "I'm sorry." The words sounded so inadequate, but they were all she could think of to say.

  "So am I," he finally admitted.

  "Can you tell me what's going on?"

  "That equipment you saw is some sort of jamming device that could interrupt communications between the east and west coast. They're planning something out here, and when it happens, we're supposed to be blocked from communicating."

  "What are they planning?"

  "I don't know. I don't know if D.G. or anyone else knows, at the moment. They're working in the dark, but D.G. thought it would be better if I got you out of the way, just in case.''

  She sat up. "I see. It was D.G.'s idea that we come up here—not yours."

  He watched the slight stiffening of her supple back. "It was his idea I hide you. I chose the location."

  "I see."

  "I doubt it," he muttered, gently turning her to face him.

  Off balance, Selena fell toward him and he rolled with her, stopping when she was flat on her back once more. However, this time his arms were wrapped securely around her, and his body half lay on her.

  When she saw his face coming closer she tried to resist the trembling feelings within her, tried to remain passive to his touch; but when his hps touched hers, it was as if a key had been turned, deep inside her, and all the emotions he evoked within her came rushing out to engulf her.

  His mouth felt firm against hers, but it was the tenderness in his touch that undid her. Her lips parted slightly, an invitation he didn't refuse. His tongue softly stroked across her full bottom lip, then dipped audaciously inside—to taste, to explore, to conquer. And she was a willing victim.

  Although Adam had replaced his shirt, he'd never buttoned it and Selena ran her hands over the hair roughened surface, delighting in the feel of him. For the moment, she forgot who she was, his past, their lack of future. She could feel the quiver he gave whenever her hands discovered the tough, muscular chest pressed against her. She could hear the pounding of his heart—and when her hands slipped around him to stroke along his broad back, she heard his groan, deep in his chest.

  He leaned back from her slightly, a question in his eyes and she smiled, a smile like a thousand Christmas candles, her expression loving and serene. He pulled her sweater up and over her head. She didn't resist. He unhooked her bra and carefully pushed it aside. She reached up and slowly stroked his jaw.

  And when he lowered his head to kiss her breasts, her hands lovingly stroked through his hair.

  Adam's ears were ringing with the rush of blood cascading through his system. He wanted her and she was willing—was more than willing. He explored her body with soft, passionate kisses, loving her with each touch of his hands and mouth. She felt so good, and he needed her so, wanted her to distraction, loved her so much.

  He froze when he realized what was happening to him. There was no place in his life for love. He couldn't afford it.

  Adam drew away from her, staring at her flushed face and slightly swollen mouth, the evident effects of his touch. He swallowed. Was he out of his mind? Yes. He shook his head, trying to clear it.

  Selena stared up at him in confusion. "Adam?"

  He rolled away from her, coming to his feet. "This isn't a very good idea." His gaze touched her bared chest, then met her eyes.

  She flinched from the coldness of his gaze. What had happened? One moment he was making love to her, the next he was backing away. She fumbled for the clasp of her bra and hastily pulled her sweater over her head. She felt as though Adam had taken a bucket of the icy stream water and thrown it over her.

  Did he think she made a habit of lovemaking? Would he even believe her if she told him she never allowed any man such liberties, and that she had given them to him willingly?

  Of course he wouldn't believe her. Why should he? No one else did.

  Selena slowly came to her feet and waited for Adam to say something.

  "I think we need to make some ground rules about now."

  She nodded. "All right."

  "We're going to
be up here at least another night, maybe two. I've been living up here on my own too long, I guess."

  "I see. It isn't me. It would be any woman with whom you were tucked away in the mountains. Is that what you're trying to say?"

  He hated to hear the slight drawl in her voice. He knew her well enough to know that her slight hesitancy masked her emotions— pain, hurt, anger... despair. But he couldn't afford to let her know how he felt about her, either. It would be disastrous for both of them.

  He nodded. "Something like that."

  "Well, as long as we understand each other, I'm sure we'll have no problem getting along." With forced enthusiasm she looked around the meadow. "Shall I find another cave for the night?"

  "No, dammit! I believe I can control my lust for another night or two. After all, we've spent the last three nights together and you've come to no harm."

  "I appreciate your reminding me. However, for some reason I thought you were afraid that I might be overcome with lust and attack you." She gave him her most seductive look, which he really didn't need at the moment. His body was already protesting his decision, with painful results.

  He turned away from her. He had to get away for a while. Glancing back, he caught an expression on her face that shook him. He had hurt her, dammit—the last thing he wanted. "I think I'm going to scout around the cabin, see if anyone's been there—check on Duke, maybe bring us something to eat. Will you be all right on your own for a while?"

  For a moment she wondered why she couldn't go with him. Silly girl. He wants to get away from you, not take you with him. Her smile flashed. "Sure. I'll probably take a nap or something." She saw the look of relief on his face. Had he expected her to make a scene? "How about bringing me a book to read if you get a chance."

  "I'll see what I can do."

  Selena stood there and watched him walk away from her. When did I fall in love with the man, she wondered. She didn't know. She had only recognized it when his rejection of her had stabbed her sharply with pain. Without her being aware of it, her feelings for him had crept up on her, and she knew it would take time to overcome them.

  But Selena was no fool. She intended to overcome them as soon as possible.

  Chapter Seven

  Selena sat in the mouth of the cave, watching the patterns of light fall across the meadow. The sun seemed to be sinking more rapidly the later it became, and she wondered if Adam would make it back before dark.

  Surprisingly enough, she'd enjoyed the solitude. She'd needed some time to come to terms with what was happening between her and Adam. She knew so little about him— about his background, his career—and what she did know gave her no feeling of comfort. And yet she'd gained insight into his character over the past few days. He was a protector. Even though it meant giving himself away, he had used his skills, no doubt hard earned, to see that she was safe.

  He was still doing it, even when she didn't see the necessity of it.

  A movement out of the corner of her eye caused her to glance toward the end of the clearing. A large animal came loping along the trail, and her heart suddenly lodged itself in her throat. With no way to protect herself, she could only hope she would remain unseen.

  Hastily scooting back deeper in the cave, she turned a fearful gaze toward the intruder and sighed with relief. It was Duke.

  Laughing out loud, Selena jumped down from her perch and started toward him. "Hello, there, you monstrous excuse for a house pet," she said in her most soothing tones.

  Duke responded to the tone rather than the words and came bounding over to her, butting his head into her stomach. While trying to maintain her balance Selena looked for Adam. "Where's your roommate, fella? Did you leave him to fend for himself?"

  Of course not. She spotted Adam stepping from the shelter of the trees. Never had anyone looked so good. Refusing to acknowledge her tremendous relief at seeing him again, she waved and started toward him.

  "It looks as though you managed to survive your afternoon in the wilderness," he said with a slight smile. He'd been worried about her, anxious that no harm come to her, but now he tried to ignore that feeling.

  "I can't say I was particularly productive. I fell asleep shortly after you left."

  "You probably needed it." Adam swung a backpack from his shoulders and set it down in front of him.

  "Well, Santa, what did you bring me?"

  "All sorts of things—food, a change of clothes, a bed—"

  "A bed!"

  "I thought you might be more comfortable with my sleeping bag, so I brought it along."

  Selena remembered that her suitcase was at the cabin, and she was touched that he had thought to bring her fresh clothing. She touched his arm. "You're marvelous, Adam." Gazing up into his silver-blue eyes, she smiled.

  Adam stiffened as the warmth in her eyes kindled a fire deep within him and made a mockery of everything he'd been telling himself. He'd spent the entire day convincing himself he was only reacting to her because he'd been alone so long, but he knew better. He could have been surrounded by available women and still react more strongly to no more than the expression on her face.

  He forced himself to step back casually. "I don't think we're going to have to stay here much longer. There was no sign of anyone around the cabin. I hope that means they followed the car out of the mountains last night and think we're holed up somewhere near a town."

  "Then why don't we go back to the cabin tonight?"

  "It's too far to go this close to dark. If you'd like, we can leave in the morning."

  She glanced around the quiet little meadow. "I don't really mind staying here overnight, but what will you do for a bed?"

  He smiled. "I wasn't planning to share yours, if that's what you thought."

  An unbidden picture of Adam curled close to her in the confines of a sleeping bag teased her, and she could feel the heat of her body in response. "Of course not. Why, you've been the perfect gentleman throughout our adventures." She gazed up at him with innocent, blue eyes.

  "Yes," he said, digging packages of food out of the pack and setting them on the ground. "That's me, all right. A perfect gentleman."

  "A little testy at times, though."

  He glanced up, acknowledging the dig. "True. Perhaps you'll need to drop the perfect."

  They laughed and Selena wondered why her heart suddenly rifted, pleased to know they could tease and be friends. She hated the coldness that seemed to envelop Adam at times and intended to do all she could to prevent it from reappearing.

  Duke was busy exploring the area, galloping through the tall grass, flushing out rabbits. "I take it Duke was all right when you got there."

  "He was stretched across the front steps, dozing in the sun. Even if anyone had dared to come around, they would never have been able to get inside."

  She watched the majestic way Duke prowled and pounced. He handled himself well for such a large animal. When she returned her gaze to Adam, she discovered he was building a fire and she carefully observed his technique. There was no doubt he would be able to survive, no matter how hostile the environment.



  "Tell me about yourself," she said as she sat down.

  He glanced up for a moment, then continued to add small sticks to the growing flames. "What do you want to know?"

  Everything. She couldn't say that—it was too revealing. "Oh, where you were born, where your family is, how you got into your line of work...that sort of thing."

  He set a small grill across the rocks that formed a ring around the fire and methodically began mixing ingredients. "I was born in Corpus Christi, on the coast of Texas, and became amphibious at an early age. I was an only child—quite a surprise to my parents, who were in their late thirties when I was born."

  He stopped to call Duke, who immediately responded by galloping back to them and flopping down beside Selena, almost knocking her over with his exuberance. She sat up and wrapped her arms around her knees.

>   "They both taught at the university, enjoyed life, and loved me with a lack of possessiveness that I never appreciated until I grew older."

  Selena pictured a young Adam with a possessive female making demands upon him. Ducking her head slightly, she smiled. No. He wouldn't want anyone attempting to run his life.

  "I was lucky enough to receive an appointment to attend the Naval Academy. After I finished there, I served in the Navy, was placed in Intelligence...." He paused, unsure of how much he wanted to reveal about his past. "When I got out of the Navy, I was approached to join the special group I ended up working for."

  "How long ago was that?"

  "Twelve years."

  "Twelve! Isn't that a long time for someone to stay in undercover work? It has to be terribly dangerous."

  "I was good at my job," he said in a flat tone. "Too good."

  His face darkened at some memory.

  "So you were living up here to be on the scene for whatever's happening now?"

  He shook his head. "That's the irony of what's happened. I was betrayed by a man I trusted. One of the first things you learn in this business is not to trust anyone. There's no such thing as friendship. I made an exception in his case and almost got myself killed. I knew I'd been in the business too long, and after discussing it with D.G., we let the rumor travel that I had, in fact, been killed, along with several others, including the double agent. D.G. helped me assume a new identity and find the cabin to recuperate in, and he closed my file. Until I called him last night, we'd not been in contact. He knew I wanted it that way and he'd respected my privacy."

  "He must have been surprised to hear from you."

  "You could say that." He smiled at some unspoken memory.

  "Yet he allowed you to involve yourself."

  "If you'll remember, I was already very much involved before I called him."

  "But only because you insisted on coming along as my husband."

  "I know."

  "Why, Adam?"

  He gave her a long look. The soft flames from the open campfire provided the only light around them. "I don't know."


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