New York

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New York Page 10

by Tiffany Aaron

  Why is he back? And he remembers everything except maybe what happened with Lucifer. She wanted to call Celeste and ask her what was going on, but she had the strange feeling that the other fallen wouldn’t know any more about it than Joan did.

  Once they got inside Christian’s penthouse, Christian wrapped his arms around her, brought her close to him then kissed her. Joan had so many questions, but she wanted Christian more than answers.

  She buried her fingers in his blond hair, holding him tight while soaking up his familiar scent and the feel of his body against hers. Underneath his musky scent was another one that reminded her of the man she’d met earlier that day.

  Before Joan could think anything more about that, Christian reached down to push up the hem of her dress. It was obvious he wasn’t interested in taking the time to get naked. He walked her back toward the couch in the middle of his living room.

  Joan didn’t fight him, just relaxed into his embrace and let him lead. He lowered her onto the cushions then settled between her thighs. He hooked his fingers through the strap of her thong before ripping it off her. She gasped while her desire grew. He’d never been so rough with her, but Joan wasn’t worried. There wasn’t any way he’d ever hurt her.

  He met her shocked gaze. “I’m sorry but this going to be fast and rough. I need you too much, love.”

  She cradled his face in her hands. “It’s all right. I can handle whatever you give me. I want you, Christian. It’s been so lonely without you.”

  “Without me? I’ve only been gone for a week.” Christian frowned.

  Joan didn’t want to talk about it right there. She dropped her hands to the belt on Christian’s slacks, fumbling to open it. Christian helped her get his pants down to his knees before pressing between her legs.

  Their breath mingled as they each sighed while he sank into her. It didn’t matter that they were still dressed. She wrapped her legs around his waist then lifted her hips to bring him even farther in.

  “Joan,” Christian groaned as he began to thrust slowly and easily at first as if he was learning her body all over again.

  She bit her lip as his cock brushed over the spot inside her. Each stroke in brought their bodies together in the most primitive way, and she loved how it felt to be filled by him. Joan wanted to be claimed by him again. For him it might have only been a week, but for her, it had been a month, and she’d thought she’d never see him again.

  Christian slipped his hand between them to rub over her clit, driving her closer and closer to the edge. Staring up into Christian’s blue eyes, she saw all of his love for her in them. She hoped he could see the same in hers because she loved him with all her heart, and she thanked God for letting him come back.

  Her orgasm slammed over her and she cried out, “Christian!”

  He rocked faster and harder into her as he lost all of his rhythm. Her clenching inner muscles massaged his length as she shuddered. Christian thrust deep, then froze as his own climax hit him. His head fell forward, and he groaned as he flooded her with his cum.

  Joan let her legs drop to the sides, but encircled Christian’s shoulders to hold him as he collapsed on top of her. She pressed her face to his sweat-covered hair as she tried to calm her own breathing.

  When he grunted, she figured he had recovered enough to move, so Joan pinched his side.

  “What?” He pushed up on his elbows to stare at her.

  “I think we should go clean up, then talk about what happened.”

  Christian frowned. “What happened?”

  “Let’s just do it, and I’ll tell you.”


  She shivered as his softened cock slid from her when he rolled over to kneel next to the couch. Christian pushed to his feet, then tugged up his pants but didn’t bother buttoning them. Joan took the hand he offered her and smiled as he easily pulled her to her feet.

  Once they got into his shower, she leaned against him while the warm water cascaded over her. She sighed as he washed her everywhere, even between her legs though she tried to stop him from doing that.

  Christian pressed his lips to her hand as he looked up at her from where he crouched on the tiled floor. “Let me take care of you. I’ve missed you.”

  “All right.”

  She let him take charge of her again, not wanting to argue with him, though she knew the upcoming conversation was going to be interesting. Since Christian didn’t seem to have any memory of what had happened, she imagined he would be hard to convince.

  Eventually they were seated at the island in his kitchen. He was cooking them some spaghetti while she sipped water from a crystal glass. Now that she wasn’t caught up in seeing him again or flat on her back being fucked by him, she noticed something on his chest.

  “What’s that on your chest?”

  Christian glanced down then turned to show her. “It’s my tattoo. You’ve seen it before. I’ve had it for several years.”

  Joan shook her head. “I don’t remember seeing it before, and considering how much sex we’ve had, I would think I would’ve seen it.”

  She crooked her finger to have him come closer. When he stopped right in front of her, she ran her fingers over the phoenix tattooed on his chest. It was beautiful work, but faded like it had been done a few years ago. Joan frowned, knowing Christian hadn’t had anything like that before Lucifer took him.

  “All right. I think we need to talk about some things.” She pointed at the stove. “That’s done, isn’t it?”

  “Yes.” He dished out the late night supper, then joined her. They ate in silence for a little bit before Christian wiped his mouth with his napkin, then glanced at her. “Tell me what’s going on. Why are you acting strange?”

  Joan shook her head. “Christian, you’ve been gone over a month.”

  His eyes widened in shock. “You’re joking. I was in Los Angeles working with Nevan and Cassandra for a week. Not a month.”

  She shook her head. “No. Do you remember what you are?”

  “I’m the head Enforcer for the entire East Coast. As such, I’m the second most powerful fallen, and only Lucifer is stronger than me,” he recited his credentials like he thought she’d lost her mind.

  “Christian, you’ve been gone for over a month, not a week like you think.” Joan knew she was going to have to call Celeste or William to totally convince him, but she had to try on her own first.

  “I was only needed for a week until Cassandra got control of the situation. Mika’il told me I could come home.”

  She narrowed her eyes. Was the archangel responsible for Christian’s return? Too bad she didn’t feel confident enough to demand his presence. Of course, most people wouldn’t dare to demand a meeting with one of the top creatures in heaven.

  “A month ago, Lucifer was about to take my soul, but you offered yours instead. No way was he going to pass that up, so he took it.” She reached out to trace the edges of the phoenix’s wings. “Now here you stand—a phoenix rising from the ashes or wherever you’ve been. Somehow he let you come back to me.”

  Christian frowned. “If what you say is true, Lucifer would never allow me to come back to you. I should be trapped somewhere, or non-existent. Lucifer isn’t the type of creature who would feel sympathy and allow me to return to you simply because you missed me.”

  A flash of memory raced through Joan’s brain, and she gasped. “That’s why you smell like him,” she murmured.

  “Smell like who? You’re really not making any sense, Joan. Have you started drinking again?”

  Rearing back, she glared at him. “No I haven’t been drinking again, jackass. Early today I was out jogging in Central Park, and this man approached me. I didn’t know who he was, but he was beautiful and had a cross-shaped scar on his left cheek.”

  Christian growled. “He’s supposed to stay away from you.”

  “He didn’t do anything except touch my cheek, Christian. Trust me, he wasn’t interested in hurting me. He told me that I
’d been alone long enough, and that my future would start tonight. Lucifer must have decided at some point to let you come back to me. And you smell like cinnamon, which he did as well, so you must have been with him at some point. But why didn’t I recognize him from before?”

  “He probably wiped your memory of him. For whatever reason he didn’t want you to remember what he looked like when he came to see you for the last time.”

  Christian still didn’t look convinced, but Joan discovered she didn’t care. All that mattered was that Christian was back with her, seemingly whole and in love with her. That was all she cared about. She decided they had done enough talking for one night.

  * * * *

  Mika’il stood at Ground Zero, staring up at One World Trade Center. He thought about the resilience of mortals, of how they always came back from tragedy stronger than they’d been before.

  A strange combination of sulfur and cinnamon filled the air, and Mika’il knew Lucifer had joined him. He didn’t turn to look at him, just kept his gaze on the new building.

  Finally he asked, “Why did you do it?”

  “I wasn’t there for that. Not all the evil humans do to each other can be placed on my shoulders. Free will plays a part.”

  Mika’il huffed in annoyance. Lucifer was being deliberately obtuse.

  “You know what I meant. Why did you let Christian come back?”

  Lucifer didn’t say anything for several minutes, and if Mika’il hadn’t been able to feel his presence, he’d have assumed Lucifer had disappeared. Just as Mika’il was going to ask again, Lucifer spoke.

  “Christian had served his purpose,” Lucifer informed him.

  “What purpose was that?” It was Mika’il’s turn to play the innocent.

  Lucifer grunted in amusement. “Innocence doesn’t show well on you, Mika’il. I know what he has you doing, and Christian’s death was part of that overall plan.”

  Mika’il didn’t confirm or deny Lucifer’s statements, though he turned to look at Lucifer. The fallen angel had his head tilted back, and moonlight seemed to caress the cross branded on Lucifer’s cheek.

  “You still haven’t answered me,” he persisted.

  Lucifer began to fade, but his next comment lingered in Mika’il’s thoughts for months to come.

  “The reason I let him come back is my own, and it might not be what you assume it to be.”

  Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

  Fallen: Chicago

  Tiffany Aaron


  Chapter One

  Danielle stepped from her car and handed the valet her keys. It had been a long time since she had eaten at Geja’s. She’d always enjoyed the fondue restaurant. Smiling at the doorman, she entered the cozy restaurant on the basement level of a town house.

  “May we help you, ma’am?” the maître d’ asked.

  “I’m here to join the Reynolds party.”

  “Of course. Right this way.”

  Trisha’s laugh rang out as Danielle followed the man around the corner, and her mood lifted when she saw her three best friends.

  “Already enjoying the wine, I see,” she joked as she slid into the booth next to Janet.

  “It’s about time you got here. It’s your damn birthday party.” Trisha giggled as she toasted Danielle with her glass.

  Joan leaned over to hug her and whispered, “Dickhead broke up with her today. She’s been crying off and on all day.”

  Danielle reached out and squeezed Trisha’s hand. “I always said you were too good for him.”

  Trisha giggled again. “It’s strange but you were the only one to tell me that. I thought you were jealous.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Jealous?” She saw Janet’s warning glance. “Maybe, but let’s forget about that and celebrate.”

  “You’re the only woman I know who doesn’t freak out about getting older.” Patty shook her head as the waiter poured Danielle some wine.

  “Why freak out when it’s just a number?” She smiled. When you’ve been alive for thousands of years, one more doesn’t matter.

  * * * *

  Janet and Patty were trying to fish their potatoes out of the boiling oil in their fondue pot while Trisha laughed hysterically at them. Danielle wanted to remember this moment when all her friends were happy and enjoying life. Pausing time, she tried to burn an image of them in her mind so she could remember it when they were gone.

  “What are you doing?” Mika’il appeared beside her table. He glanced around at all the frozen people. “You’re not supposed to be able to stop time.”

  “I’m not? I must have missed the meeting where you told us what we could and couldn’t do. Are you here to yell at me for this or was there some other reason why you’re gracing me with your presence?”

  He glanced down at her. “I just wanted to say thank you again for helping Dominic. I know it goes against your beliefs.”

  “This is the third time you’ve thanked me. Let it go. It wasn’t Dominic I was helping out anyway. I’ll pay for it somehow, I’m sure.” When the archangel didn’t answer, she looked up at him. Narrowing her eyes, she said, “I’m right, aren’t I? I’m going to pay for being a Good Samaritan.”

  “It’s not my place to tell you how hard I worked on setting this up, Danielle.”

  “What the hell do you mean by that?”

  “I can’t tell you how difficult this job has been.”

  She snorted. “I sometimes wonder exactly what your job is, Mika’il.”

  “There are moments when I ask God the same thing.”

  Her cell phone vibrated, breaking the spell. When she reached to answer it, Mika’il disappeared. Her friends were laughing again.

  “I have to answer this.” She stood and went outside, since the use of cell phones was prohibited within the restaurant. “Hello?”

  “Miss Weston?” A husky and angry voice came over the line.


  “This is Grant Carson. I need you to meet me at the museum as soon as possible.”

  “Why?” She could tell by the tone of his voice that whatever he had planned wasn’t going to be a happy meeting.

  “It’s very important. I don’t wish to discuss it over the phone.”

  “Okay. I’m in Lincoln Park. I’ll be there as soon as traffic will let me.”

  “Fine. I’ll be in my lab.” He hung up.

  She looked at her phone for a moment then put it away. When she went in to say goodbye, her friends protested.

  “It’s an emergency. I really have to go.” She tossed some bills across the table to Janet, ignoring their pleas to take her money back. “That’ll cover most of the meal. I’ll call you later.”

  She rushed from the restaurant and waited impatiently for her car. There had to be something wrong, otherwise Grant would never have called her. A faint feeling of uneasiness gathered in her stomach, and suddenly she had a compelling urge to get to the museum. Danielle contemplated using some of her power to hurry the process up, but she wasn’t sure if the problem was worth her wasting her power on. Since she didn’t have a way to replenish her powers, she decided to drive like mortals would.

  Her car arrived and she drove across town without causing an accident or using any power while going as fast as she could on the crowded Chicago streets. She rang the bell beside the employee door. The security guard opened it and nodded.

  “Miss Weston, Dr Carson is waiting for you in his lab.”

  “Thank you.” She headed toward the basement area where the labs were.

  She opened the door and gasped. Grant stood in the middle of the lab, pottery shards littering the floor around his feet. His tense shoulders and fists propped on his hips spoke of his rage.

  “What happened?” She looked around.

  “Why don’t you tell me?” He glared at her.

  “What are you talking about? I didn’t have anything to do with this.”

  “Someone broke in and destroyed all my P
eruvian objects. Can you tell me what they were looking for?” He swung an arm wildly to encompass the entire room.

  “How should I know?” The unclean feeling hanging over the room kept her from moving past the doorway.

  “They left a note.” He tossed her a piece of paper.

  She caught the note and read.

  Tell Danielle I’ll be back.

  She looked up at Grant. “They mustn’t have found what they were looking for.”

  “I guess not if they’re coming back. What were you looking for?”

  “I didn’t have anything to do with this. I deal in authenticating, Grant, not breaking them.” While the power coming from the note told Danielle that it was written by an unrepentant, she didn’t sense the same power coming from the broken pottery. Someone else had done the damage. She touched the crate where some of the artefacts had been stored. “This doesn’t feel right.”

  “What do you mean? Of course it doesn’t feel right.” Grant’s anger was evident in his clenched hands and narrowed brown eyes. “Some asshole came in here and destroyed priceless artefacts.”

  “It feels like two different crimes were committed here.” Danielle waved toward the note she had placed on one of the tables. “If I’m right about who might have left the note, she would never have broken any of these pots.”

  “Why wouldn’t she?”

  “She’s dancing on the edge of sanity, I’ll admit, but she has a great deal of respect for antiquities.” She reached out to run a finger over a gold chain, stopping herself from actually touching it. “Whoever broke your pottery was looking for something and became angry when he didn’t find it.”

  “Wouldn’t your girl do that?” Grant moved to stand in front of the door leading to the vault.

  “She has all the time in the world. There’s no need for her to panic. If she wanted to, she could just outwait you.” She glanced around at the destruction. “No, the other vandal panicked when he couldn’t find what he was looking for.”

  “How do you know any of this? Why should I believe you?” He stared at her with suspicion in his eyes.

  She shrugged. There was no way he would accept that she could feel the energy left by the intruders. The note definitely had been left by one of her fallen brethren. More than likely it was Brittany, a forsaken angel Danielle had come across while living in Chicago, and Danielle knew Brittany was holding on to her sanity by a thread. Danielle wished she could help, but from the beginning of her banishment, she had tried to stay neutral. The trouble between the Enforcers and unrepentants wasn’t her worry.


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