Sly (Dragon Riders MC Book 5)

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Sly (Dragon Riders MC Book 5) Page 5

by Savannah Rylan

  He grinned. “Why? Can’t take the heat of a little rejection.”

  I pointed my finger in his face. “I want to know where she is and what you’ve done with her. Now. That’s an order from one of your crew members.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, even as a prospect, I don’t take orders from you. Even I know that, Sly.”

  “Where is she!?”

  He stepped outside, closing the distance between us. “You aren’t getting anywhere near her ever again. That’s how this is working. Just because this is a life I’m seeking for myself doesn’t mean she’s seeking it with me. Got it?”

  My nostrils flared. “Clear as crystal.”

  “Good. Now, get the fuck out of here unless you’ve got some official business for me.”

  I peered over his shoulder just to take the quickest look in his apartment, and the damn thing looked spotless. It didn’t look like anyone lived there at all, and my gut clenched.

  “She’s not here, is she?” I asked.

  Chains shook his head slowly. “Even if she wasn’t? I sure as hell wouldn’t admit that to you. You’ve got five seconds to get the hell out of my face or change the topic. Got it?”

  I took one last look into his apartment. “Yeah. Got it. Catch you later.”

  “And if you come around here again looking for Tara, I’m going to—”

  I waved my hand in the air as I backed away. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Leave the tough talk for the men, prospect.”

  I high-tailed it down the stairs before I took one last look up at the apartment. And I could’ve sworn I saw something moving around behind the curtains. I narrowed my eyes as Chains approached the railing of the third story that housed his apartment, yet that shadow continued to move around inside.

  Tara was in there.

  Or possibly a federal agent.

  I licked my lips as I slung my leg over my motorcycle. Then, I tore off for the Iron Horse. I had to talk to the guys, and quickly. I had to tell them about Tara’s slip-up on our date. I had to tell them about my suspicions.

  I also had to tell them that I was in no shape to lead the charge on this thing.

  Tara’s compromised me.

  I barged in through the front door. “Link!”

  He turned away from the bar. “Sly! Hey there. We were just—”

  I stormed up to him. “We need to talk. Now.”

  His eye twitched before he let out a screeching whistle, bringing the entire bar to a halt. Everyone looked at us as he studied me, and all I did was give him the softest nod.

  Letting him know that it was urgent.

  “Church!” Link exclaimed.

  Bootfalls rustled around in every dark corner. Bowser, in the back room trying to pull out things to stock; Knuckles, in a corner booth with a drink; and Ash, charging down the back hallway from one of the offices.

  They all gathered around us before Link nodded his head.

  “My office. Now,” he said.

  We all followed him back as the rustling of the bar slowly got back underway. And pretty soon, the dull roar of lunch rush covered our muffled voices back in Link’s office. As far as anyone was concerned, we were having an owner’s meeting.

  Though, this was anything but.

  “All right,” Link said as he crossed his arms, “spill.”

  I drew in a deep breath. “I think I know how to prove that Chains is federal.”

  Ash blinked. “I’m sorry, you what?”

  I shook my head. “I’m telling you, this man isn’t a prospect. He’s a federal agent. The timing is much too conspicuous and it’s—”

  Link interjected. “Tell me you’ve got something more than timing to back up that statement.”

  I snickered. “I’m surprised you guys don’t have this theory already rocking around.”

  Bowser stepped up beside me. “Actually, I’ve been a bit worried about the same thing.”

  Link gawked. “And when the fuck were you going to bring this to my attention?”

  Bowser shrugged. “When I had proof. You’ve got proof, right?”

  I nodded. “I’ve got things we can run down to find that proof, yes.”

  Link licked his lips. “Fine. Get on with it. What are we running down?”

  I grinned. “A name.”

  Knuckles’ eyebrows rose. “You’ve got a name for this joker?”

  I held up my finger. “A potential name. So, if you take a look at Chains and the girl he brought to the poker game, Tara? Their facial structures are much too similar to be anything other than related. So, I took her out on a date this past Saturday, and I figured out that Chains is her brother.”

  Link paused. “You took his sister out on a date?”

  Knuckles chuckled. “Way to go, Sly.”

  I shook my head curtly. “Not the point. Her name is Tara Langley. I’ve been getting her voice message for a few days because Chains charged our date and whisked her away before anything could get started.”

  Ash smiled. “You always knew how to start trouble.”

  “Again, not the point. The point is, her last name is ‘Langley’ and when we were talking about Chains on our date? She almost called him a name that started with a ‘B.’”

  Link narrowed his eyes. “And you’re sure of this?”

  I nodded. “I’d stake my life on it. She said ‘B-Chains’. His last name is ‘Langley,’ and his first name starts with a ‘B’.”

  Ash shrugged. “More than what I’d need to find the son of a bitch.”

  Link pointed at him. “Then, do it. And do a background look into Tara while you’re at it.”

  I held out my hand. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Why’s that necessary?”

  Bowser furrowed his brow. “Are you saying it isn’t?”

  Link scoffed. “What if she’s the one pulling the strings? It wouldn’t be the first time we ran into a woman who double-crossed us for other reasons.”

  I growled. “She’s not like that. She’s innocent in all of this.”

  Ash placed his hand on my shoulder. “Then, I’ll find the proof. You know that.”

  I looked up at him before shrugging his touch off. “There isn’t anything to find. So, if you want to waste your time doing that, then have at it.”

  Bowser looked at me quizzically. “Why didn’t you tell us you were going on this date?”

  Link nodded. “It’s a question I’m wondering myself.”

  I sighed. “Look, I get it: you guys are suspicious because I tear through women. Got it. But if I hadn’t gone on that date? If I hadn’t gotten her number? We wouldn’t have this information to go off of. So, instead of smacking me around for my decision, why don’t you just take what we’ve got and run with it?”

  Knuckles pointed. “He brings up a good point. If there’s more information to be had, he might be able to get it by taking this girl on more dates.”

  Link slowly panned his eyes over to the man. “Thank you for your contribution.”

  I held my hand out to Knuckles. “He’s right, though. And don’t worry about Chains; I know how to deal with overprotective brothers.”

  Bowser chuckled bitterly. “Yeah. That’s how you ended up in the hospital the last time.”

  I growled. “How the fuck was I supposed to know the man was proficient with throwing knives?”

  Link held up his hands. “Enough!”

  His office fell silent as I drew in a sobering breath.

  “I can do this. You know I can,” I said.

  Link’s eyes leveled with mine. “Don’t get you or her hurt. Ash is going to check out your information, but in the meantime if you can get Tara alone to pull more out of her, then by all means do it. Just keep a low profile, yeah? Let’s not kill anyone or put anyone else in the hospital this time.”

  I nodded. “Got it.”

  As Link dismissed our church meeting, guilt pooled inside my gut. I felt even worse for getting the guys to agree with my manipulation plan. But I also got what I wanted in the process: the
guys’ encouragement to continue seeing Tara under any means necessary. And that was exactly what I’d do. I’d continue pursuing Tara no matter what the fuck her federal agent brother said or even did.

  Even if she didn’t give up anymore information for me to take back to the guys.



  “Where are you going?” Ben asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “To get coffee, numbnuts.”

  “So, you aren’t going to meet that biker guy?”

  I sighed. “You’ve been monitoring my phone calls for over a week now, Ben. He’s called, but I haven’t picked up. You’ve been there when I’ve deleted every voice message and text. Isn’t that enough for you?”

  “Just remember, I’ve still got a tap on your phone. Please, don’t do anything that’s going to put you on his side of the game. These men? They’re trained to be seductive. They work at this. They work at manipulating people. It’s how they get around in life.”

  “Heading out for coffee, don’t get killed!”

  And before my brother could say anything else, I slipped out the front door.

  I knew enough about my brother’s job to know there were a few things I needed to do. Like, take the battery out of the back of my phone. So, I did. I didn’t want him tracking me or secretly listening into whatever conversations I got myself into while I was out. I needed to get away from him for a little bit. I needed to do something for myself other than be cooped up in that apartment which had quickly become my prison.

  I also needed to get another cell phone so I could call Sly.

  The first stop I made was to a gas station. I purchased a prepaid cell phone with no data plan as I rattled off Sly’s phone number in my head. And after entering it into the phone, I saved it for good measure. I didn’t want to call him immediately in case Ben was tailing me for some reason. I mean in the few days that my brother had completely spun out on me, I didn’t put it past him to have someone watching me. Or tailing me. Trying to figure out what the hell I was doing when I wasn’t in the apartment where Ben could keep an eye on me.

  So, I purchased some snacks to hide the phone in my bag, then headed back to my car.

  I made my way to the first coffee shop I found that also had food and tucked the plastic bag in my purse. If I could maneuver myself into a back corner somewhere, I might be able to get a text out to Sly for the first time in a week. I walked inside with my purse held closely against my side and placed my order at the register: one large iced caramel coffee with cream and a veggie wrap with mixed fruit on the side.

  Then, I plucked a table for myself in the corner and waited.

  Because of my brother’s job, I knew how invasive the government could be. Which was why I was so relieved to not find security cameras in the corners of this coffee shop. Not many women would have enjoyed something like that, but for me? It would work in my favor today.

  So, I quickly dug my burner phone out and sent a text to Sly.

  Me: I’m so sorry for the radio silence. Been a long few days with my brother. He really didn’t like us dating, so he’s monitoring my in and out phone calls and such. Use this number from now on.

  “Tara? Is that you!?”

  I quickly slid my phone between my legs as my head whipped up, a familiar face coming toward me. The kind woman with dark features and a warm smile came and sat down at my table with a mug of coffee in her hands, and I could’ve sworn I’d seen her somewhere.

  Obviously, since she knew my name.

  “Hey there…?”

  She crossed her leg over her knee. “It’s okay if you don’t remember. That night at the poker game was kind of a blur. I’m Joanna, Link’s girlfriend.”

  I nodded slowly. “Link.”

  “The president of the club your brother’s pledging? He is your brother, right?”

  “Yes! Yes. Sorry. That night was just a bit—much.”

  She giggled. “It’s a lot for anyone to take in. But it’s nice to see you again! How have you been?”

  I nodded slowly. “Been a bit worse for wear, but I’m getting along. How are you?”

  She furrowed her brow. “You want to talk about it?”

  I shook my head. “Nah, nothing I can’t find my way out of. Just job hunting and things of that nature.”

  “Oh, losing a job is terrible. It’s one of the many reasons why I wanted to start my own practice and be my own boss.”


  She sipped her coffee. “Mhm! Yes. I’m a lawyer here in town.”

  My eyebrows rose. “You’re a lawyer?”

  “I am!”

  “With an office of your own.”

  “And an overflowing client list I can’t seem to chisel away at some days. It was a long road, but I promise you’re going to get there. Whatever it is you wish to do.”

  Maybe she’s got a job for me. “You wouldn’t happen to be looking for a paralegal, would you?”

  She smiled. “Every good lawyer worth their salt has a paralegal.”

  My heart sank. “Ah, well. If you know of anything in the area—”

  “Wait, are you a paralegal?”

  “I am, yes.”

  Her smile blossomed even brighter. “I’ll have to keep that in mind.”

  I nodded thankfully. “I’d appreciate it if you did.”

  Our food touched down in front of us and, oddly enough, it felt nice being out with someone again. So, I welcomed Joanna’s company. I couldn’t help but study her, though. I couldn’t help but try to read into her every word and every reaction. I mean this woman was an attorney. And a popular one in the area, to boot. She didn’t seem to be hurting for much in her life; quite the opposite of the situation I had found myself in. Yet, she was in love and living with a trafficker? That didn’t make any sense.

  Especially since she seemed like such a reasonable person.

  “So, can I poke my nose into something for a second?” she asked.

  I took a bite of my wrap. “Mm! Mm, mm… so good.”

  She snickered. “Right? All of their food is fabulous. And before we leave? You and I are splitting a slice of their chocolate cake. I’m telling you, you’ve never had a chocolate cake like this one before.”

  I swallowed hard. “It’s a done deal, then. I’m a sucker for anything chocolate.”

  She grinned. “Especially if it’s got a caramel center.”

  “My hero,” I whispered playfully.

  She barked with laughter. “Anyway, back to my prying. I kind of saw Sly getting cozy with you at the poker game. You two strike up a conversation?”

  I blushed. “A bit, yeah.”

  “A bit? Girl, that man bought you a drink.”

  I giggled. “Yeah. Yeah, I suppose he did.”

  “It was cute, seeing him that excited over someone. Usually, Sly is skeevy and weird with women. But he was different with you that night.”

  I paused. “You think? He didn’t strike me as a skeevy man at all.”

  “That’s what I’m saying. I’ve never seen that side of him before. The girls and I couldn’t stop talking about it all night.”

  My blush grew deeper. “Well, I think he’s a sweetheart. It was really nice to go out on that date with him.”

  She gawked. “What!?”

  The entire coffee shop went silent and stared at us.

  “Way to go,” I murmured.

  She stifled her laughter as she whispered to me. “You went on a date with him? When!?”

  I lowered my voice. “Saturday. He took me on a picnic, too. Right by this little lake, and he had a blanket to boot.”

  Her eyes grew two sizes as a puppy dog look came over her face. “Oh. My. Goodness. That is so romantic! Who knew Sly had it in him, you know?”

  I furrowed my brow. “Is he really that rough?”

  She polished off her coffee. “I mean he’s not a terrible person. He just doesn’t let women get close. He dates them for a time or two, gets them in bed for a little while, then
it’s over. I’ve never seen him smitten like this, though.”

  Her words gave me pause. “Huh.”

  “So…. come on, girl. Dish! When are you two seeing one another again?”

  My phone vibrated against my thigh and I slid my hand into my pocket. I pulled it out just enough to see the screen, and I saw I had a text back from Sly. So, as Joanna stared at me with curious eyes, I decided to open the message.

  And what I saw made me smile.

  Sly: Come to the Iron Horse around six. Drinks and food are on me. We can talk then.

  “Well?” Joanna asked.

  I slid my phone back into my pocket. “Guess I’m seeing him at the bar tonight.”

  She squealed and clapped her hands. “That’s so amazing! Okay, okay, okay. Do you trust me?”

  I snickered. “I barely trust myself these days.”

  “Well, you’re going to come home with me and we’ll get you ready. I’ll call the rest of the girls and we can make a girl’s afternoon out of it! How does that sound?”

  “That… actually sounds really nice. Are you sure, though?”

  She took my hand across the table. “If you can get Sly as smitten with you as he already is? You’re already part of the family. As far as I’m concerned? You’re one of us.”

  I smiled at her words and felt a warmth that wasn’t actually mine to feel. I enjoyed what she was saying, though. Everything from Sly being smitten to being part of a family again, it all felt so nice. She was nice.

  Sly was nice.

  They’re all just… nice.

  Something with my brother’s investigation didn’t add up in all of this.

  “So, does that mean we take the chocolate cake to go?” I asked.

  Joanna raised her hand. “Oh, hell no. We’re going to scarf it down so we don’t have to share with the other girls.”

  I snickered. “So much for sisterly sharing?”

  Her face grew mockingly serious. “Not when chocolate’s involved.”

  I barked with laughter. “All right, all right. Chocolate cake, then girl time. Got it.”

  But I still had no idea what I was going to do about my brother.

  Joanna stood. “I’ll go put in the order for our cake then head to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”


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