The Edgewater Stargate

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by Richard Allan



  The Edgewater Stargate

  By Richard Allan

  Humanhorse Publishing

  Copyright 2016 – All Rights Reserved

  The contents of this publication may not be copied by any means such as, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, audio recording or reproduced by any means of retrieval device. It also may not be resold or quoted without the expressed written permission from the author and or the publisher.

  This original story is a work of fiction, a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to names, characters, places, incidents or events and to persons, whether living or dead is nothing more than purely a coincidence.

  Chapter One

  The convertible top was down on Jan Marie’s white BMW as she drove along California’s scenic coastal route, as they now were just leaving the northern most limits of Malibu Beach. Jan Marie, plus her life partner Justin, were taking a trip up to visit her former college friend Ashley, who currently lived somewhere up near Carmel at Big Sur. Jan’s surfer boyfriend Justin was playing a game on his iPhone plus keenly checking out the well formed peaking swells, over on his left side and occasionally chatting with his gorgeous mate…

  Jan Marie was now seven months pregnant and visibly showing. She had never in a million years planned on having a child before, but that was until she had met her soul mate . . . thirty two year old Justin Baker, who likewise had always thought along those same lines…

  Jan interrupted her boyfriends concentration while saying, “If you like dear I can pull over to let you out, so you can go play in the water for awhile.”

  “Ha, thanks babe but not here with this beach break, but maybe just up ahead at County Line, near Santa Barbara.” Justin replied.

  “Sure as long as we can stop for lunch at that famous split pea soup restaurant not much further up ahead and seriously Justin, can’t you stay out of the water for just one day! My God, you’re going to be a father soon Justin, so hasn’t that fact sunken into your soggy brain yet?” She queried.

  “For sure dear and yeah well, I’m already envisioning my young son to be the best pro surfer on the world circuit!” Justin replied.

  “Well, just what makes you so sure that our baby’s gender is indeed a boy?” Jan inquired while she herself retained full gender knowledge from a previous ultra sound’s examination results. Justin always had told her that it should be a surprise for the father so he did not want to have any pre birth information on that rather sensitive subject…

  Jan Marie was her daddy’s little girl, who he always spoiled with expensive gifts. She was afraid to introduce new boyfriends to him in the past because if for some reason he might have thought they were treating her badly, they would surely disappear forever… Maybe because of the fact that she was an only child, her father would constantly shower her with materialistic offerings, along with his possessive love for his daughter. Justin on the other hand was a free spirited soul and unlike his counterpart was a first year dropout from San Diego Community College. His only care in life before meeting Jan Marie, was finding the perfect wave. Justin and his younger brother Bradley, made decent money, but that was when they had work. For them being construction orientated, it was not exactly a year round probability or a feasible possibility for them, because of the fact that they worked outside… They were still operating as small time contractors so it was imperative to handle as much of the work load between the two of them as possible, as to not have to hire additional labor which would greatly cut into their minimal margin of profit.

  Jan Marie’s father Sonny was of Italian heritage, with a strong resemblance to the middle aged version of actor Dean Martin, with whom they ironically both shared the same last name. Her well preserved mom was just a northern European mix, which is obviously where she got her classic tall Nordic features. Jan had blue eyes, naturally blonde hair, (Unlike Justin’s sun bleached affair), high cheek bones and long slender legs. She had done some modeling gigs before, right after graduating high school, but Sonny steered her away from going in that direction mainly because he knew what could go on at some of those photo shoots. Her father was a proud man, especially of his old family values, plus of his Mafia family contacts back east that he retained and practiced his Italian slang with...

  While on the other hand Jan Marie’s mother wasn’t interested in that obscure side of his covert life and needless to say, her daughter even less so. Although Janice, Jan Marie’s open minded mom, was a fourth generation Californian and that fact in itself had presented her with a whole different set of new age values to have grown up by. Those same values were unbeknownst to her father Sonny, who had built up a prosperous import / export business from scratch back in his native Trenton, New Jersey. Sonny had moved to the San Diego area back in the mid seventies where as fate would have it, he met Jan Marie’s future mother when she attended San Diego State. He would always tell her that you’re so lucky to have mild winters here and not like the brutal snow and ice storms like those he had grown up with back on the Eastern Atlantic seaboard.

  Jan Marie began working for her father right after passing the bar exam. She became specialized in corporate law and she now was put in charge of handling all of her father’s legal affairs, which would prove in always keeping her busy with a full agenda. They both worked out of offices that Sonny had expertly designed and he had them built right on the family’s spacious hilltop estate, in La Jolla, that sat on three point two beautiful acres. Their secluded property overlooked the entire coastline from its vantage point. On a fog free day, you could see all of the way from Torrey Pines to the right, down past Black’s Beach, Ocean Beach and Pacific Beach to Tijuana, Mexico. Jan Marie’s favorite time to take in their million dollar view was when the whales would pass by on their migration journey, as they headed down to winter in the warm southern waters further south in Baja Mexico.

  She enjoyed a spacious office that her future life partner had built, with a large oak desk plus a nothing less than a spectacular, wall to wall ocean view, visible from the solid glass exterior wall. Sonny’s seven hundred square foot mini apartment sized office was located right next to Jan Marie’s smaller yet substantial office space. Justin and his brother Bradley had been awarded with the contract to build the modern structure. At that time during the construction, Jan Marie and her stoic father were working out of an office building that he owned in downtown La Jolla. Her flexible work schedule permitted her to go to the office around nine o’clock each work day morning, so unfortunately Justin was only able to catch just a slight glimpse of her pretty face as she drove off in her new BMW, down the long tree lined driveway. That was usually a couple of hours after the crew got set up then began making noise with their worm drive Skilsaws buzzing, plus the pneumatic nail guns popping away in harmony… But on one fateful occasion, Jan Marie, plus her father, did walk over together with their personalized coffee mugs in hand. Sonny wanted to check out the rapid progress going on at the construction site, before departing to his downtown office. Justin and Brodie Lee, a piece working framing carpenter who had an amazing resemblance to rock singer Sammy Hagar, were listening to tunes with the dial set on 91x, that underground FM station that broadcasted from over the border in Baja California. All three of them had their tee shirts off to soak up the soothing morning rays into their already deeply tanned, olive colored skin.

  “Justin . . . hey can you stop what you’re doing son and come on over here for a second!” Sonny yelled out. Jan Marie waited anxiously as she could tell that Sonny had a slight affection for Justin and in some strange kind of way maybe approved of him . . . as possibly a substitute for the biological son
that he would never have…

  “Hello sir, we should have just about all of the walls built and standing today, but we might have to plumb and line first thing in the morning before we start cutting the roof in.” Justin replied not unlike a complaisant flight attendant telling a passenger when they were scheduled to land…

  “Justin I want you to meet my daughter and my top notch lawyer, Jan Marie.” Sonny said while introducing the two of them to one another. Justin shook her hand gently then held on to it for a couple of extra seconds while they both just froze and kind of studied each other’s faces in a trancelike state. She felt the same energy flowing through her body until her possessive father abruptly scooped Justin away from her and drew his attention to a detail on the new office building’s construction…

  Jan Marie was wearing an all black, slinky dress with a plunging neckline that was fashionably cut just above the knees. She followed closely behind Justin and her father while she tagged along as she took the opportunity to gaze over to check out Justin’s sculpted six pack abs. Appropriately and according to protocol, she took her sunglasses off for a moment to feast her pretty blue eyes on him, but that was until Sonny started asking her a question pertaining to her future office space. That was the first time the two of them had formally met, but that was all she wrote for Justin. Mainly because Jan Marie had that special “woman’s intuition” feeling about that “fixer upper” and free spirited kind of unbroken wild stallion, that she knew for certain one day she would harness and fully possess…

  After eating a nutritious lunch of split pea soup, they were back out once again on the Highway one o one, with Justin now behind the wheel while his partner Jan was unfolding out a gas station road map of Northern California.

  “So tell me something sweetie, where are we going to stay tonight, with your friend Ashley at her place?” Justin queried.

  “No my dear, she has a new boyfriend she just met and he has moved in with her, plus her apartment only has one bathroom so that definitely won’t function for us . . . especially with my bladder.” She told him in reply.

  “So then what is your plan for us tonight sweetie?” Justin inquired.

  “Oh don’t you worry about a thing, my mom knew of a really neat secluded place on the cliffs overlooking the ocean that an old friend of hers is the owner plus also is the manager, called the “Edgewater Inn, although my mom warned me that Jacqueline has become a little kooky over the last few years, like talking with alien entities and participating in ayahuasca ceremonies in Ecuador and Peru,” Jan Marie replied.

  “Cool, now doesn’t that sounds romantic to you babe . . . I wonder if there’s any surf up there?” Justin said hinting.

  “Ha ha . . . don’t you get your hopes up my dear because I will definitely not be in the mood tonight plus the beach and shore below is all made up of solid, massive, black volcanic rock. Although I have heard Santa Cruz has good surf and it’s not too far away from the Edgewater Inn, where we will be staying.” Jan Marie replied.

  After a much needed pit stop in Pismo Beach to refuel and use the restrooms, Jan Marie was back at the wheel as they were running out of daylight. Justin was now getting bored as he rummaged through the glove box looking for something to read…

  “Hey babe, what’s this paperback book about anyway and who does it belong to?” He queried.

  “Oh that’s my mom’s . . . she must have snuck it in there when I wasn’t around. It was written by the woman who runs the Edgewater Inn, so I think she maybe wanted me to show her that I have read it.” Jan Marie replied.

  “Opening Ancient Portals” my God . . . I wonder what kind of New Age crap your mom’s friend is into?” Justin said while he was pondering the name on the book’s title…

  “Okay Honey, since you’re bored and I don’t want to waste my time reading that shit, why don’t you read it out loud to me, so we can kill two birds with one stone…” Jan replied.

  “Oh okay my dear . . . but I’m not much of a reader, as you already know so here goes nothing: “OPENING ANCIENT PORTALS” by Jacqueline Pike - MA & PhD – How about that, she has the same degree as you!” Justin stated.

  “Ha, very funny dear but you know damned well that I don’t have a PhD . . . I have a MBA from San Diego State and she is a doctor…” Jan Marie replied as he resumed reading the book out loud to her.

  “It is documented as far back as the twenty third century B.C. when the king named Nimrod built a tower that he designed to be a stairway or gateway to heaven. In a mythological way of thinking the king wanted to meet God to understand his workings from a firsthand source. Nimrod had conceived the idea that by only rising up closer towards the stars, by climbing the stairway, was a way to enter into the dimension that God alone inhabited. Many ancient occultists and mythologists such as William Henry, have claimed that King Nimrod and plus others have used these towers as stargates. The common belief is that these towers created wormholes and the gods from the stars would pass through them whenever the possibility confronted them. Throughout time there have also been many so called wizards who have also claimed that they had opened similar wormholes using magical methods…”

  “Hey . . . can I take a break now honey? It has been a long time since my high school days and I ’m just not used to reading so much at one sitting.” Justin queried.

  “No babe, you’re doing a wonderful job at narrating the story so please continue on. This is actually getting rather interesting and I’m enjoying it!” Jan Marie replied.

  “The concept originally was to summon up various angels or messengers and then later demonic Archon entities from the underworld to open up a stargate or a stairway to the heavens above. And unfortunately some of those wizard freaks used dark ritual methods to allegedly conjure up and bring inter dimensional beings plus other entities into our worldly dimension…

  The desire to open a doorway to beckon disembodied spirits or other entities, has been some men’s challenge, from way back in King Nimrod’s time, to the more recent times of John Dee, Edward Kelly, Aleister Crowley (The highest honored Free Mason in the world), L. Ron Hubbard and Jack Parsons, who even has a crater on the dark side of the moon named after him, plus he later went on to do contract work for the conquest of space, at NASA…

  These men were in the clandestine group known as the “Brotherhood of the Snake” or later “Dragon,” which was formed to guard the secrets of the ages and or of the universe. The latter two members of that group were devoted followers of Aleister Crowley, who had given himself the title of being the evilest man on the earth and who proudly called himself “The Great Beast!” He had also changed his name previously to Aleister Crowley so that it would add up to six hundred and sixty six in English, Hebrew and Greek Cabala. Those two men, Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard, made an attempt to open a portal by holding magical rituals spells between 1945 and 1946. These ceremonial rituals were known as “Babylon Working” which were nothing more than satanic rituals and strangely enough, located at the same site as the world famous Area 51 – that secret military base in Nevada. They claimed to unlock a portal long enough for some inter dimensional entity “Beings” that resembled the alien grey’s to gain access to our space, time continuance allowing them to pass through into this world’s dimension. Jack Parson’s went on to develop rocket systems for NASA and L Ron Hubbard later created the religion known today as “Scientology” which is based on the premise that alien entities are responsible for using humans as avatars and that nefarious alien spirits can get mankind to perform evil acts…

  Let’s finish reading the book later on tonight honey. I think my sore eyes are getting bloodshot …” Justin remarked as he immediately took off his upside down cross he always had worn around his neck on a silver chain, not unlike any Death Metal Fan might wear, then pitched it out as it landed then bounced its way over to the side of the road…

  “Sure dear do as you please, we’ll continue on with the reading later on.” Jan Marie said while che
cking her eye makeup in the rear view mirror.”

  “And wow that is some interesting reading. Quite profound indeed and I can’t wait to meet this Jacqueline woman she must be at the shaman level now...” Justin replied.

  “Don’t worry . . . you will be able to have your fortune read soon dear.” Jan Marie told him.

  “Yeah and maybe she can tell me what next Friday’s lottery numbers are going to be . . . while we’re at it?” Justin chuckled as he queried.

  They were making good time now traveling at night on the Interstate five and arrived at the Edgewater Inn at just after ten pm. Jan Marie searched for the office which was hidden over around the front side of the old grey building. Justin got out first and immediately walked over to the edge of the cliff to look down to the beach, several meters below. He stood there under a strange looking monument that at first glance resembled a big circular arch. It was positioned so that you had to pass through it to go down the old rickety redwood stairway leading down to the rocky beach. There was enough light from a brightly lit up, full moon, now high in the sky. It was easy to see the illuminated white, foamy water that was lapping up onto the rocky shoreline…

  Chapter Two

  Jan Marie went on over to the office then opened the solid wooden door that had been intrinsically carved then entered the small yet cozy room. It had that over powering essence of some Eastern Asian incense, filling the air with its fragrant bliss and flowing freely. That is where she found her mom’s friend busily typing on her lap top computer, while sitting in front of a clear glass topped desk. She noticed a nice collection of crystals and three poster sized pictures of Bell Rock, located near the vortex center in the rustic Village of Oak Creek, at Sedona, Arizona. Those full sized prints on the wall were just behind Jacqueline, along with an official diploma stating; “Doctor of Metaphysical Humanistic Science” plus another one from the University of Berkeley that read “Master of Art’s in Psychology.” There was also an interesting picture taken at night when she was at an ayahuasca ceremony in Peru. She was sitting next to her Australian friend Max Igan, who was the acting Shaman for that particular group’s special ceremony.


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