The Edgewater Stargate

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The Edgewater Stargate Page 3

by Richard Allan

  ‘Well . . . what if that scary little girl comes back tonight to haunt us again, I don’t want Jan Marie to see anything like that to freak her out of her mind!” Justin said asking for her opinion.

  “If she does come back just command her to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. If that does not work and she persists in scaring you don’t hesitate to call my cell phone and I’ll come running, she will definitely be afraid of me, I guarantee it!” Jackie replied.

  That evening they ate dinner with Jackie as a guest in her spacious, well laid out apartment. She had made vegetarian tacos with tofu plus enchiladas with guacamole and sour cream. She poured some local Northern California red wine for her and Justin while Jan Marie drank a Pepsi Light on the rocks. After dinner Jackie drank tea with honey but Justin wisely denied some and stayed on wine for the remained of the evening. Jackie and Justin kept the whole nightmare story away from Jan Marie there was no need to upset her at this point.

  That next morning came quickly and without incidents or visiting spirits floating around in their room. Jackie was sitting up on her second floor balcony, enjoying her breakfast and drinking her herbal tea as they walked along the sidewalk below her. Justin noticed her and told her their plans for the day then gave her a, everything is okay big thumbs up and smiled as they left. On their way walking across the parking lot Justin had Jan Marie take a picture of him as he posed inside of the archway. She told him to point out to sea as if he just spotted a whale or something exciting… Justin rode with Jan Marie over to Ashley’s apartment to hook up with Big Duke, to go on their surfing safari over in Santa Cruz.

  “I’ll see you later when we get back from the mountains dear!” Jan Marie said as they hugged and kissed for awhile. Duke and Ashley then took note and followed in doing the same.

  “But where exactly are you two going for your retreat from the rat race in the mountains . . . does that place have a name?” Justin queried the girls.

  “Yes, it is called Boynton Canyon . . . Duke knows all of the details because he often goes rock climbing there with his crazy, adrenaline junky buddies.” Ashley replied.

  “Have fun in the high country girls!” Duke said as him and Justin drove out of the parking lot while turning to the right. They turned on the radio to catch the morning surf report and were pleasantly surprised to hear that it was supposed to be a “Big wave day” in Santa Cruz.

  Jan and Ashley took the Toyota pickup for their trip because the last part of the dirt road was a little bit bumpy and most likely Jan Marie’s low rider BMW would surely bottom out. The morning was warm and dry, with a slight breeze blowing in off of the calm ocean. Upon arriving at their destiny Jan Marie got out of the truck first and sucked in a big breath full of the fresh air then began exhaling profusely…

  “Hey, you look funny Jan . . . I’ve never seen you with flared nostril’s before.” Ashley confided.

  ‘This has got to be one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen Ash. How do you know about it, you obviously come here a lot don’t you?” Jan Marie queried.

  “Oh well . . . it was Duke who actually brought me up here for the first time. He and his friends do a lot of free style rock climbing plus repelling on those cliffs over there. Him and I only did some hiking around in the forest then ate lunch, picnic style over near the water.” Ashley replied.

  Jan Marie was taken in by the scenic refection coming off from the surface of the small lake or better described as a large pond. It might have measured around a half of an acre while it was being fed only by a pristine plus unpolluted mountain stream. Because it was a non holiday weekday, there were no other visitors at the camp site that particular day...

  “We’re lucky today is Tuesday Jan or otherwise like on the weekend the place is jam packed full with mostly average younger family types. The weekend norm for this place would be people partying with their pet dogs barking and playing their loud music.” Ashley confided.

  “Let’s go for a walk in a little bit Ash, I feel like stretching my legs some.” Jan Marie told her friend.

  “Sure thing Jan . . . and did you hear that episode on Coast to Coast, that early morning radio program the other night? Well one of those disappearances or abductions from the national parks happened right down that very t trail leading into the forest.” Ashley replied.

  “Okay then that’s it . . . I have just changed my mind, let’s not and say we did! And by the way who was abducted down that trail anyway, I never heard anything about that one.” Jan Marie queried.

  “Oh . . . that was too sad for me listen to any more of that radio program, I cried in bed until I fell asleep. A young eight year old boy plus his dog were playing near his father who only turned his back for a couple of minutes and he had vanished along with his pet Labrador, who the little boy had been playing fetch the stick with, at that very same time of his disappearance.” Ashley sadly replied.

  “Oh My God, that is terrible! Didn’t they immediately go look for him?” Jan Marie inquired with her mouth aghast in awe…

  “Yeah of course they did, the panic stricken father scanned the entire area over for a matter of a few minutes then rushed over here to the pond to gather up more people to engage in the search with him. He also called nine, one, one emergency to get the local Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Team to join in. Supposedly after eight long hours later they found the boy’s Labrador in a sandy ravine, while panting heavily and just gazing up into the sky and would occasionally yelp as if trying to tell them something. There have been numerous searches done by air plus on the ground afterwards only with the same negative results and turning up no leads…”

  Their drive back to Carmel went by fast as they still had a lot to catch up on. On the other hand Duke and his new surf buddy were still riding killer, double overhead waves. With the high tide and ever increasing stronger on shore winds blowing the decided that it was Miller Time, and packed it up for the day, which had been an intense plus a memorial day for Justin. They were both completely wore out from having to paddle out through the monstrous waves, but Justin was the most spent out of the two of them…

  Duke went over to his small ice chest to pull out two sandwiches then he dug around inside pulling out two ice cold cans of Miller Light beer.

  “Cheers mate, here’s to you! I must say, you do know your surf spots man . . . that was awesome out there, but your choice in beer leaves a little to be desired…” Justin said while taking an enormous bite out of his peanut butter and honey sandwich, on whole grain bread, then proceeded to smack his lips together.

  “You are very welcome and just what flavor of brew do you ingest my friend?” Duke inquired as he finished his beer then reached for another cold one.

  “Since I’m a Southerner I drink mostly only Mexican brews, but I suppose my all time favorite is Dos Equis amber. Its tastes like liquid gold…” Justin answered as he took another swig on his flavorless Miller Light can then pitched the half full container into the trash bin over to his right side.

  “Ha . . . yeah I’ve heard all about you Southerner’s way down in San Diego and your odd customs, whereas us Northerner’s prefer a good ole Yankee brew.” Duke replied.

  On their way back to Carmel they passed by an old blue, two door convertible Cadillac, with a guy sporting a slight tinge of grey in his beard and just smiling away at the world. The gentleman was wearing a gangster hat plus sunglasses while driving the classic big Caddy slowly down the curvy highway. Justin next noticed a “Deadhead” bumper sticker on the Caddy’s rear bumper as he exclaimed, “Look, there’s a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac!”

  “Yeah and maybe it’s Jerry Garcia, I have heard before by some of my friends that he has a place around here somewhere.” Duke replied.

  “Ah . . . hey man I hate to break the news to you but Jerry Garcia has long since kicked the bucket quite a while ago…” Justin said giving his new friend the belated negative news.

  Chapter Three

  Jan Marie was ready to leav
e for their room when Justin returned from his surfing safari. She had made plans to spend the day again with Ashley and just hangout and maybe do some shopping in Santa Cruz at some boutiques and have lunch together. Justin and Duke punched knuckles then both were still up in the air over their plans for the next day. Duke told him that he had his mixed martial arts classes at noon to teach so they still could go for a early morning surf but they would decide in the morning on whether or not to put out the effort…

  Jan Marie was driving as Justin put his seat all of the way back to stretch his long legs out. He asked Jan Marie about her day when she told him the sad story about the young boy that had gone missing without a trace just a few months back. He quickly changed the subject and began telling her about his excellent day riding monster, double overhead waves.

  “The waves were so freaking big and hollow it was like being in a huge cement drainage pipe, when I was in the tube and hey Duke thought he had seen Jerry Garcia driving down the highway in a convertible Cadillac, Coup De Ville, while smoking a fat joint…” Justin exclaimed.

  “I’m happy for you dear and glad to hear that you had a fun day with your new surf buddy Duke . . . and didn’t Jerry Garcia die awhile back? I seem to remember seeing something on the news about his passing away…” Jan Marie replied as they were closing in on the Edgewater Inn’s entrance.

  Jan Marie parked in the same spot as she had done the night before. Jutin got out of the car slowly then walked over to the arch to check out the surf in their back yard. It was rough and blown out now being at full high tide. He turned to the left side if the arch and gave it a strong pat with his right hand. It was indeed well built and solid as a brick shit house…

  When he strolled by the office he noticed Jackie inside at her usual position, still sitting in front of the desk while avidly typing away in a trance like state. She was listening to Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers in concert, coming out of her old lap top’s speakers at the same time. Although he did not see Jan Marie inside of the office with Jackie, he decided to be polite and talk with her for a few minutes because he was still pumped full of adrenaline from the intense day of hitting the tubes.

  “Hi Justin . . . how was your day at the beach today dear?” Jackie inquired.

  “It was nothing more or less than freaking fantastic Jackie! You should have seen it the waves were double overhead and I was standing up in the hollow tubes, it was incredible.” Justin replied as he opened her small bar fridge to see if she had any cold brews inside.

  “I think there are still a few bottles of Corona way in the back behind the cartons of Kiefer. Please do help yourself and the limes are on the right side!” Replied Jackie as she yawned then scratched her head.

  “Would you like one or maybe something else cold?” Justin queried.

  “No beer for me yet . . . I still have this speech to finish for my next UFO conference but can you toss me a green tea over to me and I didn’t buy those beers anyway, I place all of the goods left in the rooms after my guests check out in there for safe keeping. So where is Jan Marie at this very moment dear? I didn’t see her walk by earlier. Did she have a good day as well, while spending time with her friend?”

  “Yeah they went up into the mountains for the day but she got kind of freaked out from hearing of the eight year old boy that had vanished out of thin air a few months back with no trace left behind of him. Only his loyal pet Shane, the Golden Lab, was ever located and rescued. The lucky Lab was found safe and sound…” Justin exclaimed.

  “Yes . . . of course I remember that case as I was asked by the Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Team to go along with them on three occasions up to Boynton Canyon to see if I could psychically locate his physical body or his spiritual presence…” Jackie replied.

  “So . . . then what is your opinion or guess as to what became of him? Do you reckon it was foul play or maybe some sick pedophiles are lurking around in the forest waiting for innocent victims for molesting?” Justin asked her as he opened the door on the pint sized bar fridge, once again, to look for something to snack on.

  “No I’m certain that it wasn’t foul play or anything else nefarious because his father had been close by to him the whole time, plus his full grown protective Golden Lab and no pedophile, no matter how sick they were, would take a chance on getting caught . . . and also most average pedophiles are not the bravest men in the world and they all fear confrontation.” Jackie replied.

  “So then where is he now? He still can’t be roaming around in the forest fending for his self and eating grubs and lizards to survive?” Justin queried.

  “Justin, do know exactly what a portal is?” Jackie queried.

  “Yeah . . . it’s the same thing as a stargate isn’t it Jackie?” Justin replied.

  “No Justin they are not alike at all, although that is a popular misconception regarding their properties. When someone passes through a portal their energy form seems to remain intact without any change. But when a person goes through a stargate there is a definite transformation taking place.” Jackie replied.

  “So do you think that the little boy may return unharmed someday, is that what you’re thinking?” Justin queried.

  “Well those are my thoughts and my hope is yes he may return through that same portal. One thing that most people don’t know is that Boynton Canyon has always been a sacred site years ago for them. They knew about the “Sacred Ground” before the white man even reached this side of the continent. The local Indians have many legends of spirits entering through that portal, but they are kept secret…” Jackie replied while petting her fluffy, grey Persian cat.

  “So what happened to the Indian’s in this area anyway . . . you never see any of them around?” Justin inquired.

  “No, you won’t see any more of them either. They were all run out years ago when the U.S. National Parks were formed making it all the Federal Government’s property. Let me ask you a question Justin, have you ever heard of Mt. Graham in Southern Arizona, near Tucson?” Jackie queried back.

  “No not much . . . only that it has something to do with the University of Arizona plus that there is a wickedly enormous observatory on top of it.” Justin exclaimed as he cut up a lime into wedges.

  “Yes that is true but there is more to the story to be told. The Apache Indian Tribe called that site, Dzil Nchaa Si An, meaning “Big Seated Mountain.” It was considered one of their tribe’s most sacred sanctuaries to them and they knew about Mt. Graham being an active open portal. That Arizona property was stolen from them by the Catholic Church because the Vatican has a use for it beyond normal star gazing. Plus stop to think about this one for a second, the Vatican received permission to build one of their churches right into the red rocks in Sedona. They put it in a restricted building zone where no one else was allowed to build, only them… That site was also known to be an active portal as well, but the Vatican is rather mysteriously keeping that a closed secret from the entire world.” Jackie replied.

  Jackie told Justin that she had a date with some guy that she sees off and on and that she may spend the night over at his place near Santa Cruz. They will be a white haired guy coming shortly to work the front desk while I’m away. His name is Brent so I you guys need anything at all please do not hesitate to ask him and if necessary, please do call me on my cell phone…

  “He’s a paranormal book writer, and mostly writes stories about ghosts and other related subjects, so we tend to get along well together, although the sex is nothing to write home about! Hey you know what? Maybe I should stop off at the pharmacy on my way over to his place and buy him some Viagra! What do you think Justin, should I go for it?” Jackie queried as she giggled like a little school girl, like just after saying something dirty…

  “You bet your ass Jackie . . . go for the gusto lady! Get on that horse and ride him until you can’t see straight any more…” Justin replied as he told her good bye then headed over to the room to see how Jan Marie was doing. He entered their roo
m through the sliding glass door and then gently sat down on the bed next to her as she was still not awake yet from her nap. He rubbed her stomach softly to let her know that he was back. Jan Marie rolled over onto her back then asked him to bring her something cold to drink.

  “What is your choice this time my dear?” Justin asked his love as he first located an Anchor Steam brew for himself.

  “Just get me a mineral water sweetie. I don’t want anything with sugar in it . . . that is except for you my dear.” Jan Marie replied.

  “Okay here it is, and hey Jackie is going to get laid tonight! No shit . . . and she told me that she is even going to purchase some Viagra for her writer friend - so he can be all he can be and she can thank him for it in the morning.” Justin said laughing.

  “No way . . . so just who is this lucky stud?” Jan Marie queried.

  “Some book writer guy in Santa Cruz, I think he must be older than her based on the way she was describing their lackluster love life to me.” He said telling that also that there will be a guy named Brent working the front desk this evening and probably until late morning tomorrow.

  A half hour later a dark brown, Dodge camper van with Oregon plates, pulled into the empty parking lot then drove around a while until parking two spaces away from Jan Marie’s BMW. A middle aged woman stepped out from the passenger side first, then the driver, who was a tall, red haired guy, with a pirate earring on his left ear lobe. The woman had medium length auburn colored hair with no visible tattoo’s while the driver had the individual letters “PORT” tattooed below each left knuckle and the letters “LAND” in blue ink going across his pale right fingers.

  The two of them then strolled slowly towards the office as the van moved slightly, indicating that there was somebody or something else back in the van.


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