My Dutch Billionaire

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My Dutch Billionaire Page 5

by Marian Tee

  Dimly, Wayne heard someone behind him say his name, the sound interrupting his pleasurable thoughts and at the same time causing Serenity’s head to shoot up. Wayne saw her blue eyes widen in shock, and teeth gnashing in irritation as he wondered who the hell had the balls to interrupt him, he straightened and turned around.

  Wayne whitened.

  Willem de Konigh smiled pleasantly at the younger man, now quivering in terror like a wimp. “You’re fired.” Without taking his gaze off the bastard, he commanded to Serenity, “Come here, Ms. Raleigh.”

  Wayne was beside himself with fear now. Goddammit, the boss knew Serenity’s name! How the hell did that happen? Who the hell was she?

  Feeling faint and dizzy, Serenity slowly stood up, her nervousness making her limbs stiff and her limp more pronounced as she moved around her desk. But just as she was about to take a step towards the billionaire, she found herself beset with fear and worry. Had she done the right thing, telling Willem about her problem?

  As if reading her mind, the billionaire slowly took his gaze away from the head trainer. Blue eyes met blue once more – hers filled with anxiety while his was filled with strength.

  Am I worth all this trouble, her eyes silently cried out to him, and Willem was torn between wanting to strangle her and wrapping her in cotton wool until she was mummified by it.

  What a beautiful, blind idiot.

  A part of him wanted to shake some sense into her. How the hell could she still doubt her worth? Did she think he would do this for anyone? Willem was vastly tempted to shout all of this to the younger girl, just as he used to drag his sisters over the coals when they were teenagers. He probably would have if he weren’t aware of the exact reason why Serenity was like this.

  If only he could pay to raise Daniel Raleigh from hell, Willem would have given up half his fortune just to kill Serenity’s father all over again.

  Conscious of the way Serenity was trembling violently, Willem knew there was only one thing to do.

  He silently offered his hand to the girl.

  He did this, knowing it would make waves, knowing that it would cause everyone to talk, and that after this, his and Serenity’s lives would never be the same again.

  He did this, for her.

  Serenity slowly took his hand.

  His fingers closed over hers, and then he gently but firmly placed her behind him before facing the head trainer.

  Wayne started to babble. “I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t know she was your girlfriend—”

  “She’s not.” He knew what he had to say next would change everything, but he also knew he had no choice. “She’s the younger sister of the woman I’m dating, and someone I’m personally grooming to work closely with me when she graduates.”

  As the full import of the billionaire’s words became clear, Wayne blindly gripped the edge of the table to keep himself from falling. How the hell did this happen, he thought wildly. His mind immediately sought for an explanation that would not lay the blame on his door, and like any true bully, Wayne turned to Serenity accusingly. “You set me up! You flirted with me, led me on—”

  Willem’s jaw clenched. “I suggest you cease speaking nonsense if you know what’s good for you, Mr. Coleridge.”

  But Wayne was already lost in his misery, and all he wanted was to make Serenity feel the same. “You’re a goddamn tease,” Wayne spat.

  Willem cracked his knuckles.

  “You won’t get away—”

  Wayne never saw the fist coming his way. It was too fast and too powerful, and the next second he was knocked down and lying flat on the floor.

  Willem raised his hand, and with just a simple gesture his security team rushed inside, having been stationed outside the training center, watching through the office’s windows while they waited for their cue to interfere.

  Willem nodded at the trash on the floor. “Take him out, and make sure he’s blacklisted from every establishment connected to DKE.”

  “Ja, meneer.”

  Willem’s grip on her hand suddenly tightened, making Serenity look up.

  “You’re alright?” he demanded abruptly.

  She nodded.

  “We’ll talk in private.”

  She nodded again, knowing that the less she said, the less she was prone to making any mistakes. From now on, after what Willem had said and done, all eyes would be on her, just like it was for the billionaire.

  She expected him to take her to his office but instead they made their way to the basement parking lot, the chauffeur opening the passenger door of the limousine as soon as they stepped out of the elevator.

  The first few minutes of the ride were spent in silence, Serenity unable to take her gaze off the billionaire’s coldly furious profile.

  When he spoke, it was just one word.


  This time, she didn’t even think of hedging.

  She talked.

  As she unburdened herself, she could feel her mind becoming more chaotic, and she hated it. This was not her – this terrible, shaking, terrified, helpless mess – she didn’t want to be like the old, weak, selfish Serenity again.

  When Serenity finished speaking, Willem said harshly, “Don’t cry.”

  She bit her lip hard.

  Everything in him wanted to haul her into his arms and tell her it would be okay. But he knew if he did, he would be lying. “He was harassing you, Serenity.” She whitened at his words, but he didn’t let it get to him. “And you were letting him.” She let out a small cry, but he didn’t let it get to him either. “Don’t hide from the truth, dammit.”

  The anger in the billionaire’s voice made Serenity want to curl into a ball and weep. “I’m s-sorry—”

  “You should be.” He clenched his fists in an effort to keep his hands to himself. “Because the next time, I might not be there to put a stop to things.” Images tormented him, of Serenity suffering a worse fate in another man’s hands, and he sucked his breath in sharply. “I need you to listen to me very carefully, engel.”

  Blue eyes made blurry with shock and pain met his.

  “You must make a choice sooner or later, and I think now’s the best time to make your decision.” Before she could ask, he said heavily, “You need to choose if you really want to live or not.” Even as Serenity jerked at his words, he forced himself to continue. “I know what you’ve been through, and I know that a part of you still blames yourself for what happened to your father.”

  He took another deep breath. “But I also know you’re not stupid enough to believe that you really are at fault. He made his own decisions, and they were the wrong ones. He chose to turn his own child into a pawn to further his own dreams. He chose to kill himself instead of facing up to his mistakes. He chose to abandon you.”

  Slowly, Willem took the girl’s hands in his. They felt small and cold, and the chains that he had wound around both their souls tightened at the knowledge. “It’s your turn now, Serenity. Whether you like it or not, every time you choose to let someone walk all over you, every time you let someone turn you into a victim, you’re choosing to give your life away. You’re choosing to let your father still dictate your life all the way from the grave, and if that’s how things will always be – then why the hell did you even break your own leg in the first place?” He tightened his hold on her hands, and his voice turned low and savage as he demanded, “Why in hell are you even asking me for help if you’re only going to throw away your life over and over?”

  She didn’t answer him and instead bent her head in silence. A few seconds later, and he felt it, her tears falling onto their clasped hands.

  “I’m sorry.” But this time, the words weren’t just an apology. They were a promise that she would live.

  Willem’s chest tightened. Pulling his hands away, he tipped her chin up, and something inside him ripped open at the sight of her tear-streaked face. He wiped the tears away with care, conscious all the while of the way Serenity stared at him like he was
…everything. The knowledge was both a burden and a treasure, and Willem couldn’t help thinking that he, too, had made a choice today. He wasn’t fucking sure what it was or what it meant. The only thing he knew was that it was damn important because…this girl had become important to him.

  Too important for their own good.

  “Will you promise me something,” he heard himself ask.

  A fragile nod.

  “If you ever choose to leave me, don’t just…go away. Let me know. I won’t ever stop you, but just…tell me.” As he spoke the words, Willem knew then that a part of him had accepted it could not always be like this between them forever.

  “I will.” And it seemed that Serenity had realized the same thing.

  Chapter Seven

  “It’s nice to see you again, Serenity.” Dr. Fergus shook hands with his patient.

  “It’s nice to see you, too, Dr. Fergus.”

  After being discharged from the psychiatric ward, a fourteen-year-old Serenity had then requested him to be her therapist. After giving the matter serious thought, he had accepted, even though it required him to fly to Amsterdam several times a year and rent clinic space in a hospital near Serenity’s home.

  Today was their first meeting for the year, and at seventeen, he was pleased to see that Serenity Raleigh had blossomed into a breathtakingly beautiful woman. She was dressed fashionably in a military green parka thrown over a white diamond-printed sweater, denim shorts, and black leggings. The doctor knew that she would only become more stunning over the years and could only wish that she would also become happier. God knew she deserved to be.

  Pressing the record button, he set the player on the coffee table between them and asked, “How are you?”

  “I’m fine as I can be, Doctor.”

  Still suffering from guilt, but less so than last year, the doctor thought. It was obvious with the way her lips curved ever so slowly and cautiously, as if the girl still wasn’t convinced she had the right to smile.

  To put her at ease, he changed tack and said conversationally, “Mrs. F has been keeping me abreast of all the latest gossip about you.”

  Serenity’s cheeks flushed. “Most of it isn’t true, Dr. Fergus.”

  He raised a brow, asking teasingly, “So that rumor about you and a certain Continian prince—”

  She shook her head vehemently. “He is not my boyfriend and never was. I…I have never had one, Doctor.”

  “I see. Why’s that?”

  “Just not interested.”

  The words came out as a mumble, which interested the doctor greatly. Perhaps his patient had a crush, someone she didn’t feel comfortable talking about? But if so, why?

  “Do you have any crushes, Serenity?”

  She shook her head quickly, too quickly.

  He changed tacks again. “How’s your life at home?”

  “It’s okay.” Serenity was staring hard at her hands, avoiding his gaze.

  “You’re getting along with your stepmother?”


  “You know you shouldn’t lie to me, don’t you, Serenity?”

  The younger girl bit her lip. “She’s…the usual.”

  “Which means?” he prodded gently.

  She shrugged uneasily. “Just that…she doesn’t talk or look at me, and I c-can’t blame her. I’m not her child, and if not for the will, we both know our lives would have never crossed.”

  “And your sister?”

  Serenity didn’t speak right away. Even now, the shock hadn’t really worn off. Ever since that scene during her first internship, the local media had become obsessed about her, and Serenity’s own sister had fanned the flames, using every opportunity to drop not-so-subtle hints about Willem having taken Serenity under his wing because of their relationship.

  “Are you getting along well with Shane?”

  Serenity gave the doctor another discomfited shrug. “As well as we could be, considering we didn’t really grow up together.”

  “Is that why then,” he asked quietly, “you’ve always come to our meetings alone, even though I’ve told you I’d appreciate meeting any member of your family?”

  A slow nod. “But it’s not their fault, Doctor. I was never…I’m not really a part of their family, and it’s unfair to force them to treat me like I am when I’m not.”

  “What about friends? I told you I’d like to meet any friend of yours if possible.”

  Serenity shook her head. “I have friends, but not the type I could invite to…this.”

  The doctor raised a brow. “Not a single one?”

  Another shake of her head.

  Because of how she looks probably, the doctor thought, and because of how famous she is now. This made him remember the very cause of Serenity’s sudden surge in popularity, and he asked slowly, “What about your sister’s boyfriend—”

  “He’s not her boyfriend yet,” she blurted out.

  “Is he not?” The doctor kept his voice bland.

  “No. He’s not. The press makes it seem like he is, but he’s not. He’s never confirmed or denied it, so it’s…it’s bad to assume things. Right?”

  “Of course.” He wondered if Serenity knew how defensive she sounded. “This man, Willem de Konigh—he’s still dating your sister? I’m asking because I’d like to know how much he figures in your life.”

  “They go out occasionally.” Just saying the words hurt.

  “That’s the only time you see him then?”

  She shook her head. “I’m working again as an intern at his company.”

  “I see. And how is he, as a person, an employer, a friend?”

  Serenity’s eyes shone. “He’s an incredible person, Doctor. You won’t believe how smart he is, how kind he is. He’s…everything.”

  “Ah.” And now, the doctor was really beginning to see. But before he could ask another question about the billionaire, a knock on the door interrupted him, and Dr. Fergus frowned. “Are you expecting anyone, Serenity?”

  “No, Doctor.”

  Still frowning, he stood up and, opening the door, the doctor was stunned to find himself face to face with Willem de Konigh in the flesh.

  “Mr. de Konigh?”

  Serenity jerked in her seat.

  Willem smiled politely. “I believe this meeting requires a personal friend of Ms. Raleigh to attend?”

  When the doctor came back to the room, he was not alone, and Serenity stared wide-eyed as Willem gracefully lowered himself into the space next to her on the couch. “W-Willem?”

  He murmured under his breath, “You didn’t really think I wouldn’t ever find out about this, did you?”

  Serenity was unable to answer, with the doctor taking his place before them.

  “Thank you for joining us, Mr. de Konigh.”

  “It’s my pleasure, Doctor, and please call me Willem.”

  “Willem it is then. Before anything else, I’d like you to know that this conversation will be recorded in its entirety, but everything will of course be protected by confidentiality laws.”

  “Of course.”

  “Good.” The doctor nodded his approval. “If you don’t mind me asking, how did you and my patient first meet?” He was not surprised to learn that Serenity’s sister had something to do with it, but he was surprised at how things had progressed from there.

  “As you’ve known my patient for over three years now, I’d love to hear what your thoughts are on her progress.”

  “She’s become a lot stronger,” Willem answered readily. His gaze resting on the girl sitting so still beside him, he added quietly, “She’s also learned to appreciate herself and, from there, she’s slowly allowing herself to be…happy.”

  “I’m glad to hear you say that, Willem.” The doctor turned to Serenity, whose eyes had become even brighter. It made himself wonder how the Dutch billionaire could be so blind as not to see what he was seeing.

  “What about you, Serenity? Do you agree with everything Willem’s said?

  A measured nod, one that told the doctor how much his patient looked up to the billionaire, and Dr. Fergus found himself disturbed.

  He continued with his questions for Willem and Serenity, keeping his thoughts and emotions to himself even as his concerns grew. When an hour had passed and it was time for Serenity to go, he asked for a private word with the billionaire.

  Seeing Serenity’s concerned look, he said lightly, “He’s a billionaire, my dear. You really don’t think I’d pass up the opportunity to ask for a donation?”

  “Oh.” Serenity’s relief was obvious in her smile. “I’ll wait outside then, and oh, umm…” She glanced at the billionaire. “Please be generous?”

  Willem rolled his eyes. “What else can I be when you ask me with those eyes of yours?”

  Any other girl would have returned the billionaire’s words with a flirtatious reply, but Serenity only said simply, “Thank you.” And then she was gone.

  Watching the billionaire gaze after his patient like his heart had gone with her, the doctor said quietly, “What exactly are your intentions towards Ms. Raleigh?”

  Stiffening at the question, Willem slowly turned to face the doctor. “What exactly are you insinuating?”

  “Nothing at all,” the doctor answered. “All I want is a simple, straightforward answer to a question.”

  “She’s the younger sister of the woman I occasionally see.”

  “And do you treat the other younger sisters of women you date the same way?”

  Willem didn’t answer, but a muscle started ticking in his jaw.

  “The minds of girls Serenity’s age are very impressionable, Mr. de Konigh. I hope you remember that.”

  “She’s just a child, for God’s sake,” Willem snapped.

  “She is still a child…for now.” The doctor’s gaze held a warning. “But she will be eighteen next year, and she won’t be a child then, at least as far as the law’s concerned.”

  The billionaire’s jaw hardened. “I have no wicked designs on her.”

  “I’m inclined to believe you, but the thing is, Mr. de Konigh…that’s not the only issue here.” The doctor gestured towards the door, where they could hear Serenity happily chatting with the billionaire’s bodyguards. “Can you completely assure me, though, that she does not expect anything from you?”


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