Xell's Entrapment

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Xell's Entrapment Page 8

by Mara Jaye

  “I could use voice commands but innercoms are faster. I don’t even form words, just send the thought.”

  “Innercoms? Short for inner communications?”

  “Yes. We all have them on Ghar. Babies get basic nanos to help with monitoring health.”

  “How is that beneficial but Emol’s isn’t?”

  “Ours are made for each person specifically.” I’m not sure how much to tell her about bionans and how reprogrammable they are. After my time on Earth, I can guess what she’s thinking “Even the basic metal-based nanos can be hacked, if you have the entire DNA key for that person.”

  “Considering how easy that stuff is transferred, getting a DNA sample from anyone would be easy. Unless you all have serious cleaning up crews catching everything.”

  “No. We’re clean but not over the top. There are a few more keys needed to unlock someone’s nanos, but they’re classified.” I could probably tell her everything I know and the information would go no further than her. Who would she tell? The birds waiting outside? I wouldn’t have anything to worry about unless I gave her my bionans. I’m not ready to break yet another oath to the Alliance just yet.

  “Since you can communicate with nearly everyone and everything but me, I assume your nanos are more advanced than mine?”

  “They are.”

  “Can you reprogram yours to wipe out Emol’s?”

  “They already do.” I switch my vision to particle level and the sight stuns me. I’d been so focused on watching every little thing Xell does that a detailed examination slipped my mind. The atmosphere is fogged with nanites, all looking for a host. The birds and possibly insects around here must not be enough. No wonder my system shut down. I’d have better luck filtering out the nitrogen from the air. I glance at Xell, her expression worried.

  “What’s wrong? Your eyes are cloudy again. News about the nanos or worse?”

  Her eyes are flashing green and blue. “Are you trying to communicate off planet with your own nanos?”

  “Maybe,” she begins before shrugging. “Okay. How did you know?”

  I grin at how well I can read her. “My eyes get cloudy but yours phosphorous with greens and blues. I’ve seen it happen several times now.”

  “There’s no harm in seeing how far they let me reach mentally, and besides, I like to ask Emol before I pester you with questions.”

  “Don’t be. Their data links are out of date by centuries.”

  “Tell me about it. Plus, they’re navel gazers, only knowing what’s here. Very xenophobic.”

  “It’s how they created the mess we’re in,” I say and she nods. The information we both have is clear on who the Emol’s target was. Sometimes, the technophobes can be right. I sigh and get up to retrieve the inflatable bedding. “I know you have a home set up in the crashed ship, but I’m unwilling to let you go back in the dark.”

  “I agree. You don’t mind if I spend the night here, then? I wanted to ask but didn’t want to impose.”

  “You’re welcome wherever I am.” I lay out the padding and press the switch. The bedding will need to be jettisoned if we ever leave here.

  “Wow, that’s fast.” Xell comes over and kneels, pressing on the mattress. “We could explore the planet, camping out with this.”

  “Or let the probe send information back to us while we stay safe from the plant life here.”

  “True. I didn’t forget as much as was wishful thinking. The stars are so different here and I’d like to fall asleep looking at them.”

  “I’ll see what I can do to help make your dream come true.” I send a signal to close the shuttle door and lock for the night. The craft is warm enough, but I spread out blankets anyway, in case she gets cold. She’s thinner now, going by the loose fit of her clothes, a little too much for my comfort. “Did you want something to eat before bedtime?”

  “Maybe.” Her stomach growls and she blushes. “Sorry. If there’s anything handy like space chips or astronaut ice cream, I’m game.”

  She gives me an idea and I ask, “Do you like chocolate?”

  Xell sighs and grabs my arms. “More than my next breath. Gimme and I will love you forever.”

  “One lifetime commitment coming right up.” Her hopeful expression makes me smile and I dial up chocolate ice cream with syrup. “Earth delicacies have left an indelible mark on Gharian cuisine, thanks to the recent influx of women from the planet. Our Emperor’s exile with his son and me added to our availability of exotic foods like hummus, chocolate, and coffee. We can’t be exact without the plants but the Earthers say our efforts are close enough.” I open the food dispenser’s door and take the dessert. “I hope you agree.”

  “Oh dear God, a chocolate sundae.” She accepts the food and shakes her head before digging in. “A hunk of a man serving me ice cream and damn, this tastes good.”

  I’m enjoying just watching her devour her food. If I’d known chocolate would give her such rapture, I’d have created a dinner of nothing but the stuff. “I’m glad you like it.”

  “Love. I love this. Thank you so much.” She takes another bite, savoring the taste before swallowing. “How much do we have? When will it run out? I feel like I need to ration this out, like only treat myself once a year.”

  “Good question.” I try not to laugh as she licks the plate. “Manners?”

  “I’m trying but come on. First chocolate and ice cream in over a month? A girl has needs, buddy.”

  And in an instant, my mind rockets off into a salacious place. Between her tongue darting out, the mattress in the room, and her happiness, I want all of her focus. Especially when I can give her all of mine. I set my contact information to emergency only, followed by doing the same for the shuttle’s system. I dim the lights a bit and take her plate. “Something to drink?”


  I warn her, “It wouldn’t be French or real.”

  “I’m okay with California fake.”

  Unable to resist the hope in her expression, I say “Wine it is, then. Do you have a color preference?”

  She snickers while I go back to the dispenser. “You know there’s a taste difference, too.”

  “Is there? I like the drink but wines seem like overhyped fruit juices to me.”

  “That hurts my tiny bartending heart.”

  I give her a mock light rose’. “Our Emperor liked the wines while I preferred the beers.”

  She takes a sip before lifting the glass in a toast. “Not bad. He has good tastes.”

  “I think so,” I say, thinking of the Empress while dialing up a tea. Accepting my drink, I go over to sit beside Xell. “He’s a good person to lead us.”

  “Why don’t you have a beer? I don’t mind drinking alone but don’t prefer it, either.”

  “Can I hope you’ll get me intoxicated even more so than I currently am and have your way with me?”

  Xell drinks the last of her wine. “Drunk on what, exactly?”

  Letting her ignore the second half of my question, I answer directly, “You. I find everything about you intoxicating.”

  “Uh huh, and does the bed help this? Or would you say this to any woman who happened to be the last on Emol?”

  “The bed doesn’t hurt, but you’re the only one I want.” I bite off the rest of the sentence I’m wanting to say. Xell isn’t quite ready to take my promises to always love her seriously. “We’re only sleeping unless you ask for more.”

  “I see,” she says. My breath catches for a moment as she removes her pants. The oversized shirt she’s wearing covers everything as much as a short dress would, but damn. If she’s trying to deter me, it’s not working at all. “I’d like to ask a few more questions, if you don’t mind.”

  “Of course. As me anything.” Not brave enough to sleep with her without my own pants on, I remove my shirt, draping it on a nearby bench.

  She pulls back the covers before sitting. “And you’ll answer honestly?”

  “If I can’t, I won’t answer
at all.” I sit on my side of the bed. “I’ll never intentionally lie to you, Xell.”

  “Hmm. Everyone lies.”

  I can’t argue. She’s right. Everyone does at some point. “I can’t promise to never lie because sometimes omitting the truth is necessary. But I can say I won’t lie to deceive you. You’re my…” I want to say bondmate but stop. “My partner here, and I want you to be happy.”

  She turns on her side, her arm under her pillow. “Why did you come down here, really? Why risk your life unless you’re suicidal? As much as I’d like to believe you in how you fell in love with me, I don’t buy it. No one imprisons or kills themselves for another person so soon.”

  I mimic her pose, facing her. “Honestly?” I ask and she nods. “You’re right. I needed to see and touch you in person before being certain about my feelings.” She still wore a dubious expression. I can’t resist smoothing back a wayward curl from her face. “When I saw the probe’s transmission of you and heard your voice, something clicked inside me. I don’t know how to describe it except I’d finally found who I needed.”

  “What if I were married or in love with someone else?”

  A spear of dread pierces my chest. She can’t be committed when she’s mine. I try to stay calm and ask, “Are you?”

  “No, not anymore, but still. You couldn’t just send supply drops and chat via the probe?” She shifts a little, putting her hand on my arm. “I hate that you’re going to die here with me.”

  Her skin warms mine, competing for attention with the flood of relief I feel. I want nothing more than to pull her closer right now. “I hated the same fate befalling you. What I felt in orbit was nothing to what it’s like to be so close to you. Everything you are appeals to me on a cellular level. I can’t fight this any more than I can fight the universe’s expansion.”

  “Sounds impressive, but really. You don’t have to try so hard. We’re the only couple on Emol. Who else are we going to have sex with?”

  I’m not sure if I should be happy or insulted. Guaranteed sex with the woman I adore is perfect, but only when she knows I love her. Xell is either joking or not convinced. “Hopefully no one else, ever.”

  “Okay, really. What’s all this love stuff? I mean, you’re nice in coming down to keep me company, but you can tell me the real reason. Is the planet packed full of natural resources? Do you get to strip mine it once you’re cured? Rule here on your own world? I could understand why you’d risk your life for Emol. Reclaiming a lost planet has to be pure profit after a little startup costs.”

  She’s not meaning to insult me, I know. Her upbringing has made her suspicious, yet, the sentiment stings because it’s not true. “Don’t mistake me for a Vahdmoshi who is only here for what I can get.”

  Xell smiles and runs her fingers through my hair, comforting me. “Oh, I know you’re not one of them. You’re good looking, have some higher up woman after your body. Totally not a Vahd. She’s obviously pissed you chose me and I can’t figure out why you would, either.”

  She can’t see how wonderful she is. Telling her directly won’t work so I try a different tact. “What have you done since landing on Emol? Bury your friends under great difficulty? Carved out a solitary life for yourself without going insane? Explored the surrounding area on your own and without a weapon? That’s a big deal for Earthers, by the way. You all need a weapon for going to the grocers.” She laughs. “You know it’s true. I think you’re a brave and strong woman who happens to be the type I love to look at all day.”

  Her face flushes. “I think you’re brave, strong, and handsome, too, despite being stupid over me.” She trails her fingertips down the center of my chest and I shiver. “You were out cold earlier. Are you feeling up to, you know?”

  My cock hasn’t completely softened since I stood nude after the acid and saw the lust in her eyes. I pull her closer with scooting nearer to her as well. “More than up. I’m ready whenever you are.”

  “It’s been a while since I’ve even kissed a man.”

  “Me too,” I quip and she laughs. Her defenses are down so I lean forward and kiss her. My bondmate. The touch confirms it even if I’ve silenced the union sequence. She deepens the kiss, making me moan in relief. I might have started the intimacy, but needed her acceptance before going any further with her. We’re close, joined from lips to hips and I put a hand on the small of her back to press my erection against her. My pants and her shirt block us both. I need to find a way to get us both naked.

  “Just a minute,” she whispers and sits up.

  Watching her tug at her clothes, pulling them over her head, I don’t stop staring at her while removing my own garments. Her breasts are perfect, of course, because she’s mine. She’s not been wearing underwear the entire evening and I’m glad I didn’t know or I’d have been painfully hard. My dick points up at the ceiling, demanding attention.

  She smiles and wraps her and around me, her coolness calming my heat. She uses my own lubricant to wet her hands before stroking me. “G’nar, I want to be on top.”

  “Whatever you say.” She can dangle those luscious breasts in my face anytime. Still, she’s wearing a concerned expression, so I ask, “Something wrong?”

  “I’d hurt my hip in the crash and am worried I may not be able to walk tomorrow.”

  I laugh. “Thank you for the compliment, but I won’t be an animal, I promise.”

  Xell straddles me while grinning, and putting her hands on my chest. “I appreciate that, but our walking today has left me sore.”

  I take her by the waist, halting her. “Then let’s save this for later when you’re not tired or in pain. I can wait.” She’s resisting my hold, pushing down and the tip of my cock touches her pussy. I want nothing more than to let her go, but don’t want her to regret this. “Xell, dearest, I mean it. We don’t have to do anything tonight.”

  “Yes, we do.” She gives me a soft, lingering kiss. “I need you, G’nar. You smell and tastes so good, are so sexy, and whatever hurts tomorrow will be worth tonight.”

  Pless. I’m a goner. I relax my hold and she slide down onto my shaft. So hot, wet, and sweet, all I can do is wonder why we spend the day doing anything else. Her gasp when she takes me all in hits pleasure centers in me I never suspected I had. My hands have slid to her hips. She so womanly. I can’t help but say the words tying us together. “Xell, you’re mine and I’m yours.

  “Um hum. I can’t believe your ribs. Dear God, they’re fantastic. Condoms are so weak.”

  Her inattention to the seriousness of my vow worries me, but all right. I’m a lot more accustomed to the idea of sex with an Earther than she is with a Gharian. We’re new to her and obviously a pleasure. Her breasts bounce each time she lands on my hips. The way she leans down to kiss me, her nipples brushing my chest while she still fucks me takes over. I climax hard, without a buildup. She keeps going, gasping, “Are you done then?”

  “No.” The first is always rewarding for sure but I need more from Xell, so much more. “There’s another climax,” I manage to gasp.


  I lick her nipples, one after the other. “Yes, after you come for me.”

  “Oh,” she sighs. “Multiorgasmic men. Very nice.”

  “I think so.”

  Xell gave a breathless laugh. “I might have to slow down for a moment.”

  Pless, her hip. I’d forgotten. “Hurting?”

  “A little.”

  “Here, lay on me and relax,” I say and she does so. Still holding her hips steady, I bend my knees to thrust up into her. I close my eyes and savor every part of her. Her breasts, which I entirely did not pay enough attention to, her tight grip around my cock are both better than I could imagine. But her moans? When I’m deep inside her, Xell’s gasps bring me closer to my second orgasm. She’s first, though, and I take my hold on her to a deeper level, measuring the micro gesutres she makes while I’m taking her. She’s tensing perfectly, her pussy lips thickening, approaching release. I
wonder if she likes dirty talk, so I venture, “Like burying my cock in you this hard? Want more?”

  “Yes,” she gasped. “All of it.”

  “That’s my girl, fucking me so good,” I say and she shivers. Saying raunchy things out loud feels different than the usual innercom chatter during sex. Different, yet very erotic. Saying words out loud is a lot more distracting than transmitting feelings. “Pless, you’re the hottest woman in the universe.”


  “Oh yeah. I want you to use this cock to please yourself. Take whatever you want from me.”

  Like a stalk tree exploding, Xell screams and grips my arms. Her hands aren’t the only thing cutting off my blood as her pussy throbs. The pulses are powerful, pushing me over the edge, too. Closer, closer, closer, until my orgasm hits me with as much force as hers did. I groan, the pleasure of letting go into her better than anything I’ve ever expected. The release lasts so gratifyingly long, yet I never want the feeling to end. I already need more from her.

  We both go limp at the same time. Okay, maybe I’m not nearly as limp as she is. I could probably go again with a third climax but it’s been a long day. She’s laying on me as if I’m a huge pillow. I run my hand up and down her back, reveling in her smooth caramel skin.

  “Pless? Tell me that’s not a girl’s name.” she mutters.

  We both shake with my laughter. “No girl. A swear word similar to damn. Holy pless of Tunsa is similar to damn it all to hell.”

  “Ah. Good. I’m the only woman on the planet. I expect you to get my name right.”

  “Duly noted, ma’am,” I agree before stifling a yawn.

  “Are you tired?”


  “Me too.” She’s quiet for a moment. “What if there’s a cure for you, since you’re a Second World guy but none for me? What would we do then?”

  “I’d be happy living here either way as long as you’re here, too.”

  “No.” She lifts up, supported on one elbow and glares at me. “Not a chance. You’re leaving if you can and as soon as you can. Just like you couldn’t leave me here alone, I can’t make you stay. I want your freedom as much as I do my own.”


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