New Game in Town

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New Game in Town Page 3

by Cora Lee Gill

  Instead of turning around, Gina took a few tentative steps deeper into the dimly lit nightclub, helpless to take her eyes off the couple openly enjoying their pleasure. With each step, Gina was aware of her silk-clad thighs rubbing seductively against each other, causing a tight friction to work its way up between her legs to nestle in her core.

  She made it to the center of the room, her hands reaching for the back of a couch to steady her trembling body. She still couldn’t make herself look away from the woman’s radiant face, watching her as she ran her fingers through the man’s sun-blond hair, pushing his face even farther into her breasts as he worked his obvious magic with his tongue and fingers.

  How long Gina stood there, mesmerized by their pleasure in each other, she couldn’t say. Time gave the impression of standing still. It wasn’t until she sensed the heat radiating from a presence behind her that Gina came out of her motionless trance with a start.

  Shame at being caught staring at the couple engaged in such a blatant sex act warred with her peaking desire. She was fully aware that her breathing was erratic and that her face was flushed with longing.

  Before Gina could turn around, long, calloused fingers closed around her from behind and covered her hands where she was gripping the back of the couch. The tailored wool blazer did little to conceal the muscular arms that cocooned her body from around her waist. A clean, familiar male scent enveloped her. There was no mistaking the man standing behind her.

  Shame at being caught kept her from uttering a word in a lame attempt to defend her actions. Gina soon forgot her embarrassment when his warm breath flirted with the side of her throat, his stubble-roughened chin gently nudging her hair out of the way to allow his lips easy access to the soft skin of her neck. His tongue darted out to take a leisurely path along her sensitive skin while his fingers tightened over hers, holding her firmly in place against his contoured body.

  A deep moan of desire escaped Gina, her head turning to the side, eyes closing tightly in an attempt to contain the yearning flooding relentlessly through her.

  “Open your eyes,” demanded the hoarse voice in her ear. “Take in their pleasure.”

  Powerless to ignore Connor’s curt command, Gina’s gaze fluttered open and settled back on the couple in front of her. The man named Alex had traded places with the woman. Now he was sitting on the couch with the woman’s long legs straddling his hips. Chest-to-chest, his cock sliding in and out of her, both were covered in a light sheen of sweat. His fingers were gripping the woman’s waist, setting a hard pace as he maneuvered the woman up and down on the length of his cock. Both of them were entirely lost in their mutual gratification.

  Gina felt Connor’s hands leave her fists and smooth up her arms. He deliberately moved them down her sides to encircle her waist. He nudged her thighs apart with his leg, further sandwiching her between his body and the couch in front of her.

  Even through the barrier of their clothes, she was hard-pressed to ignore his arousal pushing against the soft flesh of her backside. The feel of his cock pressing against her had Gina pushing back against him in a failed attempt to relieve the pressure building at the apex of her thighs. His fingers tightened on her hips when she made a move to turn around and face him.

  “No, stand still, watch them,” came his firm order, his voice gruff with desire.

  Shaking her head in a feeble denial, Gina stood trembling in his arms. “Let me go,” she whimpered, “I can’t do this.”

  Connor’s humorless chuckle filled her senses, “You are so hot for this that I know you’re dripping wet.” As if to prove his point, he slipped his hand down her thigh and eased up her skirt. His fingers stole along her quivering leg, his touch hovering at the edge of her lace thong. “Tell me you don’t want this…” his hand slid past the thin barrier and cupped her slick sex.

  A lightning rod of desire exploded from her core. Gina felt Connor’s breath hitch at her ear, his voice hoarse with his own desire. “So wet, baby, my fingers could drown in you.” Without any further preamble, she felt his finger probe along her slit. Rocking his arousal along her backside while rubbing his palm over her engorged flesh, he rumbled, “So hot—I can smell your pussy juices.”

  His finger entered her in one fast stroke, making her jump back against him. “Jesus, you’re so damn tight around my finger,” he groaned, pulling it out slightly before plunging it back deeper into her, “I can’t wait to get my cock inside here, you’re going to squeeze my dick dry.”

  Shaking, her fingers curled into the forearms that held her in place. To protest his high-handedness or to keep them locked around her? She didn’t know which. All that Gina knew was that she was burning up, an arousal so intense consumed her that she thought she was going to go up in flames at the mere sight of the couple on the couch and the feel of her pussy welcoming Connor’s invasion.

  The intrepid sexual encounters of her past paled in comparison to the heat that coursed through her now, submerging her in wicked desire. Her hips twisted and squirmed in Connor’s arms. She could feel his thumb work her clit, rubbing the tight nub with a steady pressure bordering on pain. The friction had her squeezing her legs tightly together, her pulsating clit searching for relief from his expert ministrations.

  Gina helplessly rubbed her ass against Connor’s hard shaft. The feel of his teeth nipping at her ear, then his hot tongue flitting out to soothe the braised skin had her pussy automatically tightening in response, bringing her closer to climax.

  “Oh God! No, no, no, I can’t do this,” she whispered hoarsely in denial, trying to stop the momentum that his masterful touch had already put into motion.

  “Yes, you can.” The determined order was said through clenched teeth. “Baby, take the pleasure. That’s it, don’t fight it.”

  The orgasm that tore through Gina had her legs giving out from under her. The only thing holding her off the floor was Connor’s strong arms locked around her waist. Shock vibrated through to her core. She had never had an orgasm like the one that engulfed her at the moment. Never had she found even insipid relief with all of her clothes off, never mind on. And she wasn’t even the one who had that hard cock hammering into her!

  “That’s it, relax, I’ve got you.” Connor’s arms constricted around her, keeping her securely in place. His lips were now tender, dropping soft caresses along her jawline.

  The other woman’s cries of fulfillment mixed with Alex’s guttural groan signaled their tandem release, the couple collapsing against each other, obviously spent.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?” questioned Connor, his voice still rough with need. The feel of his arousal still pressing against her was proof that, of the four of them in the club, he was the only one who hadn’t found any relief.

  Gina’s throat constricted at his endearment and apparent concern for her welfare, leaving her incapable of responding.

  She felt him reach into his pants pocket. He wiped the soft cotton handkerchief at the apex of her legs, cleaning her cum off her smooth skin before he wiped his own hand clean.

  Delicately, Connor pulled her skirt down from her waist and smoothed it back into place. Only then did he turn Gina in his arms and lift her chin so that they were face-to-face. Something flashed over his features, then his expression softened with tenderness.

  Gina looked at him with a surge of warmth. He had brought her body to fulfillment without a thought to his own pleasure. Even though his body was taut with need, he held her carefully within his arms.

  Connor lowered his head and placed exquisitely soft kisses over her lips and along her cheeks to finally land near her earlobe.

  Nipping on the delicate flesh, Connor whispered, “Ah baby, it was magic having you come in my arms like that.”

  “But you didn’t…” Embarrassment had her words trailing off.

  “Yeah, I know.” Connor tightened his arms around her while he rubbed his still stiff cock against her belly. He continued on a deep groan, “Trust me, I know. But this
was for you, baby. I can wait, but just barely. Later we’ll…”

  Alex inadvertently chose that moment to interrupt. “Connor, we could use a few minutes here. Why don’t I meet you and your friend upstairs in the office in, say, ten minutes?”

  The moment was gone.

  “Take your time, buddy, we’ll be upstairs.” With a firm hand on her elbow, Connor guided Gina toward a door that led to the club’s office on the next floor.

  “They knew we were watching?” Shock straining Gina’s voice, her barely whispered question had Connor chuckling.

  “Of course they knew.” He led her up a flight of stairs and paused just outside of the office door. A suggestive grin playing across his mouth, he traced a light finger across her bottom lip. “I bet you didn’t wake up this morning thinking you were going to check off number one on your little ‘To Do List’, did you?”

  Oh God, that damn list! It was too good to be true to think he was going to let it go.

  Her next thought had fear choking her.

  Could he just be playing with me?

  After all, a man like Connor was an expert at sexual diversions. He had probably written the official playbook on the subject.

  Getting involved with Connor was like playing with dynamite. Gina had a feeling that she was setting her life up for an explosion if she didn’t stay away from him. An explosion she would not recover from.

  Chapter Four

  “He shoots! He scores! Ladies and gentleman, it looks like Connor Waters is setting the stage to lead the Vancouver Reign Warriors to the Stanley Cup Finals this season! No question that the leading scorer in his division is back on track after last year’s broken foot that benched him for part of the season. Thanks to this goal with only seconds left on the clock, the fans will be celebrating tonight before the team flies out tomorrow for their four-game road trip.”

  The announcer’s voice was drowned out by cheers of celebration in the luxury box that Gina had been invited to watch the game from. When she had taken this job, one of the benefits had been tickets to some of the home games. What she hadn’t expected was to enjoy the extravagance that came with watching a game from a private box.

  Look at how far we’ve come.

  Gina savored the light champagne bubbles caressing her mouth. Last year she would never have fathomed being invited to a luxury suite, never mind the attention lavished on her by many of those in attendance.

  Her boss had sent her a text earlier in the morning to invite her to tonight’s home game. She had shown up early to the rink and made a beeline for the team merchandise store before the doors were opened to the public.

  “What kind of employee doesn’t own a team jersey?” she had chided herself as she had bypassed security with her employee pass. Sports paraphernalia hadn’t been on the top of her shopping list when she had her makeover and changed her entire wardrobe.

  Gina had waved at the attendant she had contacted earlier that day. Brittany was waiting for her in the team store as promised. She had been more than happy to let Gina into the shop early so she could pick out a jersey.

  “Okay, we don’t have a lot of inventory left in your size. The new ladies’ jerseys have been selling like mad.” The bubbly young woman held up a few jerseys in front of Gina, dismissing all but two. “You are a medium. Lucky for you that a customer returned these two because they didn’t fit.”

  She was holding up number seventeen “Waters” and number thirty-three “McLean”—Connor’s and Matt’s jerseys, waiting for Gina to choose one.

  “So what’s it gonna be, Gina, the seasoned captain of the team or the rookie who’s still getting his feet wet?” came a sardonic voice from the entrance of the store.

  Really, was there some kind of sick cosmic joke being played on me?

  She turned to find Connor standing in the entrance, dressed in a dark tailored suit, looking more like a model from a fashion magazine than a professional hockey player. Weren’t hockey players supposed to have bruised faces, missing teeth and black eyes?

  His hands were tucked into his pants pockets, pulling the fabric taut over his powerfully built thighs as he slowly walked up to her and Brittany.

  “Decisions, decisions, Gina,” he mocked. “Who would have thought that the choices would be narrowed down to only two so quickly?” Connor tried to keep his annoyance in check while he closed the distance between them.

  He didn’t give her a chance to respond to his taunt, irritated that she hadn’t automatically reached for his jersey.

  “Some would say that it’s an easy decision,” he continued musingly while ignoring her pained look, “take the captain’s jersey. He’s a veteran player with years of experience. A man who knows how to handle himself, a man who knows how to play the game and satisfy his audience. Then others would argue that we have the up-and-coming rookie who is showing lots of potential and is eager to please. Who will you choose?” Tongue in cheek, he stared down at her with a raised eyebrow. He knew he shouldn’t get a kick out of her discomfort, but he couldn’t help but taunt her a little, pissed that she had stared at the two jerseys as if there really was a decision to be made. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind as to which number she would be wearing tonight. It just seemed that he had to remind his little Gina that he was the only man who was going to make her wish list come true.

  Not giving himself time to dissect his anger at her hesitation, he decided it was time to teach Gina a lesson.

  Gina felt a familiar blush heat her cheeks at Connor’s words. It didn’t take a genius to know that he was referring to more than just the jersey selection. Was he ever going to let her forget that he saw her secret list of sexual fantasies and possible sexual partners? And that he had been party to her very public orgasm while she crossed off the first item on said list? Judging by the mischievous twinkle in his eyes, that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.

  “Tell you what, we wouldn’t want anyone to accuse you of playing favorites. Why don’t I help you out,” Connor offered, wicked intent coloring his words.

  Reading the name off her employee nametag, Connor flashed a dazzling smile at the store clerk and asked, “Brittany, do you have a scarf we can borrow?”

  Her puzzled look mirrored Gina’s confusion. How was a scarf going to decide this?

  “Yeah, for sure, Connor.” She gestured to a rack near the back of the store. “They are hanging next to the dressing room,” she replied, indicating a room tucked into the back corner of the store.

  “Excellent, here, let me takes these off of your hands,” Connor said, reaching for the jerseys. “And I’ll help Gina from here.” His warm smile took some of the sting out of his dismissal. All too happy to comply with his every word, Brittany handed over the jerseys and returned to front of the store and began arranging merchandise before the arena opened to the fans for the game.

  “Don’t you have a game to get ready for?” Gina’s irritation was evident.

  Connor’s only answer was a cocky grin. A master at pulling strings with ease, Connor clutched Gina’s hand, pulling her toward the dressing room in the back. Along the way, he snagged a Reign Warriors scarf from the rack that Brittany had pointed to.

  “What are you doing?” Gina demanded, uncomfortable when Connor crowded into the cramped room with her as he hung the two jerseys on a hook beside her head. The already small dressing room only seemed to shrink with Connor looming over her, practically sucking the air out of the tight room.

  His easy-going smile disappeared, and instead, his face filled with wicked intent. Wrapping the scarf around his hands, he kicked the dressing room door closed with the back of his foot and looked down at her. “We’re going to try a little experiment.”

  Connor’s words didn’t strike fear into her as much as his look of determination did.

  Without further explanation, he stepped into her personal space and pulled the scarf tightly around her eyes. “What the hell are you doing?” she demanded, tense from being blindfolded.<
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  Connor whispered, “Relax, this will be painless. You are going to learn which jersey you should have chosen right off the bat, baby.” His possessive words vibrated in a barely controlled anger. “And we’re going to cross off number two on your list.”

  Her shocked gasp did little to dissuade him. Number two on her list was to have sex while blindfolded.

  Gina was helpless to stop her hands from reaching out to him, landing on his chest to steady herself. Having her eyesight impaired by the blindfold only heightened her other senses. She could feel his heart beating steadily under her palms. She inhaled his clean scent of soap and light cologne as it cloaked her, his steady breath surrounded her while she was helpless to keep hers from catching when she felt his calloused fingers run seductively over her trembling lips.

  Gina shuddered when she felt Connor’s hands slide down and grip her waist, drawing her against his chest. His lips fleetingly brushed across hers, causing her fingers to automatically curl into his dress shirt, gripping the well-defined muscles underneath.

  “No…” she moaned, convincing neither of them that she meant for him to stop.

  “Hmm, you need to get rid of some clothes to put on my jersey.” Connor wasted little time in running his long fingers up her waist, over her rib cage, lightly skimming the outsides of her aching breasts as he smoothed his hands over her shoulders, carefully drawing her jacket off her and letting it fall to the ground.

  A spasm of need had her pussy clenching when she felt Connor maneuver his leg between hers, pushing her lightly against the wall behind her. Sandwiched so effectively, Gina was fully aware that Connor was as deeply aroused as she was, his erection pressing against the soft flesh of her stomach.

  Gina knew she had to stop him. This was going too far. She couldn’t get any further involved with a man like Connor. After her previous disastrous relationships, she needed to keep her heart and her self-respect intact. She found Connor’s penetration into her psyche unsettling and extremely invasive. Although her life makeover left her with an increasing sense of self-confidence and power over her life, it was just too tenuous to take on a big gun like Connor. She needed to start off small, get involved with a man who left her with a feeling of power over herself and the situation. Connor definitely left her feeling powerless and that was just too dangerous for her.


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