Celestial Nights [The Protectors 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Celestial Nights [The Protectors 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 11

by Marla Monroe

  The second her toes dipped beneath the water, hours of tension and worry began to melt away. As she slid in all the way up to her neck, Celeste began to feel alive again, alive but not ready to do a round of kickboxing by any means. She thanked God once again that she’d splurged for the decadent bathroom she enjoyed on a daily basis.

  Her shower was roomy with multiple heads and a seat, so she could easily shave her legs without falling when she was exhausted. The soaking tub would fit two and the tank-less hot water heater never let her down.

  “Babe?” Tyler’s quiet deep voice jerked her from her near dozing state. “Sorry. I brought you some hot cocoa to help you relax. Guess you were doing that pretty damn well on your own, though.” He sat on the edge of the tub and handed her the steaming mug. It smelled divine.

  The first sip was hot but rich and chocolaty with a hint of cream. “You made this on the stove, didn’t you?”

  “Yeah. Quick hot chocolate is fine for coming out of the cold and needing to get warm quick, but not for the serious moments. Like when you’re exhausted from a rough night or week of them and need something to help you unwind,” he said.

  His warm smile reached those amazing eyes of his. She could see inside of him when he was like this, all relaxed and comfortable in his surroundings. Celeste saw genuine caring in his eyes. Tyler cared that she was weary and tired of the bar. He cared that she hurt over not having children. He just plain cared about her. It made him even more dangerous to her heart, as well as her soul. But wasn’t it too late already?

  I probably never stood a chance. I never should have hired him. Then my heart would be safe.

  Safe maybe, but then she’d have missed the laughter and harmless flirting. She would have missed the amazing, toe-curling sex the man had given her. Tyler had given her multiple orgasms! No man had ever done that and she wasn’t even sure if there was another man on Earth who could.

  My heart might have been safe, but I wouldn’t be alive like I am right this minute.

  “How is it?”

  Celeste blinked up at him. For a moment she’d forgotten she wasn’t alone. How could she have blocked out his amazing presence? That’s when it hit her that she loved him. She hadn’t blocked him out, because he was that much a part of her world, her life, now. It was only natural that he’d still be right there beside her, no matter where she was.

  “It’s perfect. It had to be because you made it from scratch.”

  The corners of her mouth reached for the stars. How would she ever survive once he was gone? He gave her brilliant, bright stars and a silver lined moon to light her nights. Once he was gone, they’d be gone, as well. Her nights would go back to endless black nothings where she tried to keep the violence down in the bar and make enough to cover the damages.

  It was time for her to move on, as well. She’d start thinking about where she wanted to go and set it into motion when he moved on in a few days or maybe weeks. She didn’t want him to go, but he would. That’s what drifters did. They drifted from one town to the next, one woman to the next. That didn’t bother her all that much now. He hadn’t used her and left all in the same breath. He’d stuck around and the man cared. He did his job and never flirted or glanced at another woman the entire time he was out on the floor. He was an enigma to her, but she had no intentions of trying to pin him down. Sometimes not knowing, enjoying the mystery, was the best decision.

  “Here, let me put this on the ridge here before you drop it into the bath with you.” Tyler took her listing mug and set it where the tub had a wide lip for the purpose of holding things, like glasses of wine and candles.

  “The bed’s made and I have lotion waiting to put you the rest of the way asleep before I leave you to rest. You’re about asleep now. Let me know when you’re ready to get out so I can help you. I don’t want you to slip and fall.” He tweaked her nose and then stood up and turned to leave.

  “Wait, Tyler.” Celeste yawned again and shook her head to clear it a little. “I’m ready to get out now. I’m already a prune. How long have I been in here? The water is tepid at best.”

  He chuckled and grabbed the towel she’d laid out. When she started to stand up, he took her elbow and steadied her.

  “Easy there, little prune. Get your balance before you try to step over the edge.” He wrapped the oversized towel around her the moment she’d cleared the tub with both feet.

  Celeste wrinkled her nose at him. “Don’t call me a prune. That makes me sound like an old dried up crone.”

  His gut rolling laugh startled her and she nearly lost her balance before he steadied her once again. She’d seen him laugh and loved to know that she’d done something that caused it, but this wasn’t what she expected. It had her blood boiling that he’d laugh at her like that.

  “What is so damn funny to you about that?”

  He hiccupped back another chuckle. “Nothing about you is an old crone, babe. You’re a gorgeous, sexy, amazing woman. Old, crone, or dried up never crossed my mind. Not once, Celeste. I can’t believe you’d even think of such a thing about yourself.”

  She softened a little. “Well, a prune is dried up so that sounded like you were comparing me to something dried up.”

  “Hey, newsflash, babe. You’re the one who said you were a prune and needed to get out of the water. I didn’t initiate that word. Not going to pin that one on me, no ma’am.” His teeth flashing smile cooled the remainder of her ire.

  “I wasn’t thinking shriveled. I just assumed you were.” She knew she needed to apologize for jumping on him, but it didn’t come easy. “I’m sorry.”

  “No need. That was the best laugh I’ve had in a long time. I can’t even picture you at sixty being old and wrinkled. There’s sure no way you are now. Drop it and let’s get you settled back down so you can sleep.” Tyler swung her into his arms and carried her, towel and all, into the bedroom where he deposited her on the edge of the bed.

  “You don’t have to give me a message, Tyler. I’m so tired I’ll probably be asleep before you could pour the lotion in your hand.” She slid out of the towel and lay back on the bed.

  “Humor me, babe. I want to run my tongue all over your delicious body, but you’re too tired for that, so I’m doing the next best thing.” He waggled his brows at her. “I’m running my hands all over it instead. See? Best of both worlds for both of us.”

  She couldn’t fault his logic. She wasn’t about to protest again. The idea of having his hands all over her body played into a wild fantasy of hers and this would probably fuel a very erotic dream. She was all for that. Right then, she didn’t have the energy to come, much less participate in what it took to come.


  Tyler chuckled and then made a twirling motion with his finger. “Turn on over, babe. I can’t touch your front or all bets are off.”

  “If I wasn’t so exhausted I’d ask you to call them off anyway, but I…” Her mouth had a mind of its own as it opened to the point of pain before she could finish her sentence.

  “Are going to break your jaw if you don’t settle down and get some rest. Now be still for me, babe.” The warmth of his hand settled into her shoulder as he gently pressed her down onto the mattress.

  Celeste registered the first few strokes of his lotion slicked hands as they caressed her shoulders in a soothing motion meant to relax her and not loosen up muscles. After that, she had no idea how long he remained. She’d fallen asleep knowing he’d keep her safe.

  * * * *

  Tyler ran his hands lightly over her skin once he knew she’d fallen asleep. He couldn’t quite stop touching her yet. He needed to feel the heat of her skin and the solid form of her body. As much as he wanted to undress and crawl into bed with her, he’d pretty much told her he wouldn’t. He wasn’t about to break his word. She would expect to wake up alone and he wasn’t going to give her any reason not to trust him.

  The smooth feel of her warm skin was like a healing balm to his weary soul. He hadn’t
once thought of Amanda or Morgan in the last few days other than to wonder if they were doing well or not. Well, that wasn’t exactly true. He wanted to talk to Morgan about Celeste. He wanted someone to know that he’d found someone, but wasn’t quite ready to make that call yet.

  She moaned in her sleep, wiggling her ass before settling once more. Tyler couldn’t stop the smile curving his mouth at the cute pout on her face with her upturned nose and pursed lips. She was so cute in some moments and sexy as hell in others. One minute she’d say or do something to get his ire up and the next she’d more than made up with him in some other way. She kept him off guard, making him need to do the same to her.

  A steady Celeste was a dangerous Celeste, he’d learned. The more time she had to think, the more time she spent overthinking everything. He swore she could talk herself out of an orgasm if he gave her the chance. He couldn’t really blame her after all the crap she’d been through, but it meant he spent a lot of time and energy keeping her too busy to do that heavy thinking of hers.

  I need to get serious with her if I’m really thinking seriously about her. She’s talking about giving up on the bar and moving on. I want her to move on with me, but I’m not telling her that. Why?

  Was he afraid she’d turn him down, or was it that he still wasn’t sure that it was the right decision? Every nerve ending in his body screamed that she was the one. His heart beat for her smiles. What was holding him back?

  What if this is like all the other times I thought it was real? How am I ever going to really know if I doubt myself? If I talk myself out of going after her, will I regret it down the road?

  Hell, part of him already regretted his doubt. Tyler had to figure out what he wanted to do and soon. Celeste was ready for a change. All she really needed was for him to ask her to go with him. Either she’d say yes or she wouldn’t. There was no way to know without taking a chance and asking her. He didn’t have a magic ball or scrying mirror. It was something he’d have to make up his mind about and then ask. Nothing would change until he did.

  She murmured in her sleep and reached out as if looking for him, her arm thrown wide toward his side of the bed when they’d been sleeping together. It comforted him that she’d seek him out in her sleep. Still, he couldn’t stay. She didn’t expect him to be there when she woke.

  It took a massive effort for him to stand up and step away from the bed. He stared at her and the gentle rise of her back as she breathed in and out. Tyler hoped she was comfortable since he’d had her lie on her stomach. What if she were too tired to roll over but laying there on her belly wasn’t really comfortable. Maybe he should roll her over before he left.

  He snorted and then covered his mouth and nose in case he woke her. When Celeste didn’t appear to have heard him, he relaxed and padded silently across the room and through the bedroom door. In the living room, he lost the battle to return to his apartment and claimed the couch instead. It wasn’t long enough for him and the cushions needed re-padding, but it was preferable to trying to get any rest next door so far away from her.

  Tyler didn’t have to ask himself again if he was sure this time. Sleeping on her atrociously uncomfortable couch sealed the deal for him. He loved her and only her. She brightened his world just by being alive and kick-started his heart with every smile she gave to him.

  All that remained now was to convince her to share the rest of his life. Even he knew that was easier said than done. His Celeste had a stubborn streak that made her independent streak appear weak. He had to figure out a way to make it all her idea without her figuring out what he was up to. While he didn’t mind a little groveling where she was concerned, he knew she wouldn’t buy it. It wasn’t like him to fawn over anything or anyone. She just didn’t realize yet that she wasn’t just anyone. She was his everything.

  Life was about to get real interesting really quickly. Tyler was ready to commit. He just needed Celeste to accept and agree, two characteristics that were foreign to most women and especially someone like his Celeste.

  Chapter Twelve

  Celeste stretched, surprised that she wasn’t stiff and sore from the brawl the night before. Then she remembered that she’d had a nice long, hot bath followed by a relaxing massage by Tyler. She rolled over to thank him with a kiss only to find that side of the bed empty.

  She ran her hands under the covers but the sheets were cool to the touch. She checked the pillow but found no head indention though it still smelled of him. Bile rose in her throat even as her blood seemed to stop in her veins. Where was he? Had he left her? Had he decided the bar was too violent and he wanted no part of it? She would have told him she was planning to sell it and get out of it, as well.

  Her heart lurched in her chest as once again blood flowed through her veins. She jumped from the bed and nearly fell over her shoes and socks. About the time she’d stopped cursing, a very sleepy and sour faced Tyler lurched into the room.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Tyler? Where were you? I couldn’t find you.” As hard as Celeste tried to temper her accusation, it still came out as just that, an accusation that he’d somehow betrayed her.

  “Sleeping on the couch. Why were you looking for me? Do you need something, babe?” He stumbled further into the room, rubbing one hand over his face and scratching his chest with the other.

  It hit her that he’d told her she was in no condition for him to stay with her and planned to go home once she’d fallen asleep. Instead, he’d crashed on her couch in case she’d needed him. Even in his rumpled clothes, greasy hair sticking up on top of his head, and probably bad breath, Celeste knew she loved him. She wanted to spend the rest of her tomorrows waking up next to him. But how was she supposed to tell him, a drifter, that warm and fuzzy feeling?

  “Sorry. I forgot you said you weren’t going to stay with me. I guess I panicked.” She sat down the side of the bed and sighed.

  “Well, you see how far I got last night. I couldn’t make myself go back to my place so I crashed on the couch instead.” He yawned, his face scrunching up into what looked like a painful move.

  “You could have stayed with me. Why didn’t you want to in the first place?”

  Please don’t let him tell me that he figured we needed private time sometimes. I don’t think I can handle that right now.

  “If I’d stayed last night, I’d have fucked you ten ways till Tuesday. You needed the rest more than I needed your body. Anytime I’m around you I want you, so I sacrificed my libido in the face of your need for rest.” He bowed and nodded in her direction. “No, no. No need to thank me for the difficult sacrifice. I’d gladly, but sourly, do it again should the need arise.”

  She chuckled as she looked down his hard body. “Looks like a need has arisen to me. What do you think?”

  Tyler sighed. “Sadly, that need never went away. I’ll take a raincheck though. I need a shower, a shave, and some really black coffee.”

  She stood up, the sunshine back in her world. “How about you go take care of the shower and shave and I’ll provide the coffee.”


  “Very black. I promise.” Celeste gave him a little wave, sending him back through the bedroom door and seconds later out the front door of her apartment, as well.

  Suddenly her early morning grogginess dissolved as if it had never been. She raced around the room, making the bed and picking up her scattered clothes. By the time he returned, Celeste had scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon along with very black coffee waiting for him. He thanked her after the third sip from his cup.

  “You make damn good coffee and your breakfast isn’t half bad either.” Tyler’s mouth curved upward when she mock threw a piece of bacon at him.

  “You’re lucky I was hungry this morning or you’d have done without. I didn’t realize how late it had gotten. I need to contact Jason about the roof and see how soon he can get out to check on it. I missed the weather forecast. We need to check on that today so I’ll know if I’m going to have
to tarp over the roof or not.”

  She’d barely stopped talking since he’d walked through the door of her apartment. Nervous, but why? They’d been intimate together for several nights now. Nerves would have been natural that first and maybe even that second time, but now? What had changed?

  I feel vulnerable because for some reason he’d chosen to sleep on the couch instead of with me.

  Was he already pulling away from her? That was what was at the bottom of her unease. She knew he would leave someday and didn’t want that day to be so soon. She’d hoped she might be ready to go when he was and they could go together, but maybe she didn’t have the time she thought she had to get ready.

  “Celeste? Are you okay?” Tyler’s voice held concern.

  “Yeah, just thinking about everything I need to do today.”

  “Don’t worry so much, babe. I’ll help. You call your friend about the roof and I’ll make sure the bar area is properly cleaned and ready for when you can open back up. Let me help. There’s no need for you to carry everything all by yourself if I can help with it.”

  “Thanks, Tyler, but I have to be able to handle it all when you’re not here.”

  Damn! I put it out there. I opened that thought up and now I’ll end up pushing him out sooner rather than later. I’m such a fool.

  “I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, Celeste. Let me help. What else needs to be done other than the carpenter and getting the bar up to par?” He walked around behind her and began to massage her shoulders in a soothing rhythm.

  “This isn’t part of your job, helping me run the place,” she said.

  “So, I’m here with nothing better to do than to help you. I like helping you, babe.”


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