The Girlspell III

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The Girlspell III Page 16

by William Avon

  Miss Newcombe smiled. ‘This is my slave Elizabeth, and if you are not erect looking at her now you soon will be. However, in this particular class that’s nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. It’s a perfectly normal reaction for a young healthy man contemplating a young woman displayed as this one is. Therefore, for the sake of your comfort and to eliminate any further physical distractions which will interfere with your concentration on my lesson, you may unbutton and let your penises stand as freely and unconfined as they wish.’

  There was a collective sigh of disbelief with an undertone of acute embarrassment as they realised what she was saying.

  ‘Come on,’ said Miss Newcombe. ‘It’s nothing I or any of you haven’t seen before, and certainly nothing this girl has not seen and felt inside her. Go on. The lesson will not proceed until you do.’

  There was an agonised pause. Then very deliberately and with a superior grin, Jackson unbuttoned his flies and pulled his stiff shaft out. Understanding, his pals quickly followed his lead. With the whole front row exposed the rest of the class, with some blushes, did the same.

  ‘That’s better,’ said Miss Newcombe, viewing this array of stiff young cocks before her with apparent equanimity. She used her pointer to prod Sue’s sex mouth, making her whimper. ‘Now these parts of a girl’s body have many slang names, some of which you may already know, but today we shall use the proper or medical ones. Open your exercise books and copy and label the diagram of the female genitals as you see them on the board.’

  She allowed them ten minutes for this task. Then she said: ‘One at a time you will now bring your books up for me to check, then you may compare them to Elizabeth’s genitalia…’

  Jackson and his friends were the first to stand before teacher’s desk, casually showing their drawings to Miss Newcombe with their stiff cocks still exposed and then checking them against the living display of Sue’s vulva. None of their friends noticed the quick knowing winks they gave her as they bent over her body to hold up their diagrams next to her naked sex.

  When they were all done, Miss Newcombe said: ‘Your exposure has been part of the lesson, teaching you something about freedom and restraint. For the sake of public decorum you must learn to manage your natural responses. Elizabeth arouses you and she is presented in a helpless and exposed state. She is a slave so she is theoretically available for sexual use, but you cannot have her at this time. However it is permissible in this class to masturbate. I’m sure you have all done so before.’

  As the boys gaped at her in fresh amazement, she took a box of paper tissues round, ensuring they were all suitably provided. Then she stood beside Sue’s frame. ‘You will now see what it looks like for a girl to be penetrated in the normal manner and brought to orgasm with a penis-shaped probe. We’ll cover different penetration devices and the use of other orifices in later lessons. For now I shall just use her front passage, which is called…?’ she waited for their response

  ‘Her vagina,’ they said.

  ‘Good.’ Miss Newcombe adjusted the front rod, sliding the tip of the dildo into Sue’s gaping cunt that was already glistening with anticipation. Then she went round to the back of the stand and began to pump the foot pedal. Sue’s vulva bulged as the dildo slid inside her, plugging her to the maximum, then pulled back, sucking at her insides. Sue gave a little moan and shut her eyes in delight.

  The boys’ eyes however were very wide riveted on the spectacle of the dildo pumping in and out of her engorged pussy. Forgetting their former embarrassment the hands of even the shyest of them slid to their erect cocks and began to rub, slowly at first but with ever increasing vigour, matching and then exceeding the rhythm of the plunging dildo. Miss Newcombe pedalled harder and the dildo began to squelch as it came out of Sue darker and wetter and she began to drip onto the stand top. In a minute the first of the boys began to gasp and clasp their tissues round their cockheads as they spouted their jets of sperm. Miss Newcombe kept pedalling. Sue’s heavy breasts, capped by hard straining nipples and beaded with perspiration, were by now jiggling with the strength of the thrusts of the dildo that filled her belly. It was as the last of the boys were mopping themselves up that Sue finally gave a stifled moan rising to a gag-muffled shriek of delight. Her eyes rolled back and she jerked in her straps, expelling her juices over the floor in front of her. Then she sagged limply back against the frame.

  Miss Newcombe stopped pumping the pedal and came round to the front of the stand once more. She took the sodden dildo out of Sue’s vagina, leaving it stretched and still gaping hungrily and then turned and looked at the slightly dazed and glassy-eyed boys with solemn intensity.

  ‘There, you have just had the privilege of seeing a real woman brought to orgasm for your pleasure and instruction. Fortunately Elizabeth is naturally passionate and submissive and enjoyed the experience, but because she is a bondslave she would have had no choice in the matter in any case. We’ve treated her like a piece of laboratory equipment to demonstrate a physical principle, but whatever her legal status she is a living person. Never forget that.’

  ‘No, Matron,’ they promised.

  ‘The next lesson tomorrow will be a practical in the pen room,’ she continued. ‘Now button up and dispose of your tissues in the bin. Wash your hands in the basin outside. As you leave you will thank Elizabeth for her efforts. Look her in the eye as you do so. Don’t be ashamed of the pleasure she’s given you. You’d praise a dog or horse for its efforts, so you can certainly praise a slave girl.’

  They filed out past Sue, Jackson and his pals leading the way with the clearest and boldest: “Thank you, girl.”

  When they were gone Miss Newcombe took out Sue’s gag, wiped her face with a damp flannel and fed her some water. ‘I think that went very well for a first lesson,’ she said, running her fingers through the still puffy lips of Sue’s sticky pussy mouth. ‘Did you enjoy being on display like that?’

  Sue smiled wearily. ‘Yes, Mistress, that was amazing. When will I be put up in the pens?’

  ‘You’ll join Sally and Doreen for the practical tomorrow, but the boys have got to prove they can look after you properly first before they can use you for intercourse.’

  ‘They’ll be ready to burst by then, Mistress.’

  ‘All the more fun for you when they do. I want to teach them the value of patience, however hard it is on their balls. Meanwhile Sally and Doreen can keep the boys entertained this afternoon while they roll the lawn. You’re coming back to the cottage with me. I’ve arranged for Melanie to visit so all three of you will be together again.’

  Sue’s face lit up. ‘Oh, I do want to see her again.’

  ‘Well you can all have a proper reunion,’ Miss Newcombe promised. Then her expression became more sombre. ‘And then I’ll explain how I came to live here and why I’ve brought you all back.’

  Chapter Eighteen

  The Abduction

  That afternoon Melanie, in sunhat and dress, knocked on the door of School Cottage. It was strange how unnatural it felt to walk around in this world fully clothed. She’d never have felt this way back home, but here her senses seemed to be attuned differently. Clothes itched and she felt empty without the comforting plug of her fake dog tail in her rear. It reminded her that she belonged to something, like her police badge.

  The door was opened by Amber in slave maid attire. She said with a straight face: ‘Good afternoon, Miss Kingston. Do come in. My Mistress is expecting you…’

  Melanie waited until the door was closed before saying: ‘Well look at you. I see you’ve joined the slave club too.’

  ‘I was drafted,’ Amber replied with a grin. ‘You got the Mistress’s message all right, then.’

  ‘Very cloak and dagger using Jemima.’

  ‘Just a bit of fun. The Mistress wanted to give her something exciting to do to keep her involved. And it helps to keep he
r friendly with the Major.’

  ‘Yes, I thought they seemed very close.’

  ‘Jemima’s sweet. She likes to be friends with everybody. Anyway, you’d better come through…’

  Miss Newcombe was in the sitting room beside a laden tea tray being waited upon by Sue in a matching maid outfit. She gave a happy cry and ran to hug and kiss Melanie. Soon all three of them were chatting together. Miss Newcombe allowed them time to catch up on their respective experiences since they had last met before she called for their attention.

  ‘Now that you’re all here together at last, it’s time for me to answer some of those questions you’ve asked me,’ she said. ‘I’ll tell you my story and then you’ll understand why I’ve taken an interest in you and what I’ve been doing living here this past year as the matron of a minor public school.’

  She had their full and undivided attention.

  ‘It began on a hot summer night three years ago in London: our version of London, I mean. I was a ward sister at St Luke’s. Whatever else I’ve had to lie about, my medical qualifications are genuine, you see. I was with my partner Chloe Moore. We’d been together for over a year and we were very happy. Chloe was smart and beautiful, we both had jobs we enjoyed and we had enough money to get by. She wasn’t as adventurous when it came to sex as I was but we were good together. That night we’d been invited by friends to a party in Teddington, not far from the river. And at this party I got drunk…’

  Her face clouded and she bit her lip. ‘That might seem unimportant to you and on any other night it wouldn’t have mattered. You see I’d always been careful with drink. I’ve seen what it could do to too many patients in A&E to risk ruining my life. I thought I was being careful that night as well. As I found out later somebody had been spiking the drinks for a laugh, mine included. But by then of course it was too late.

  ‘Anyway by about ten o’clock I was in the back garden of this house singing merrily along to the music while Chloe was getting confused and angry and begging me to go home. Then I felt the call of the spell that only women can hear. I think you all know what I mean.’

  ‘From an activated puzzle box,’ said Melanie.

  ‘Yes,’ said Miss Newcombe. ‘Not that I had any idea what it was then, just that I had to answer it…’

  ‘Jane! Come back here!’ Chloe called. ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Can’t you feel it?’ Jane said, fumbling at the bolt of the back garden gate while the other guests looked on in surprise and amusement. The call was cutting through the mush in her head and even overriding the dangerous churning in her stomach. It was the most exciting and arousing thing she had ever felt and all she knew was she had to get closer to it. Finally she got the gate open and stumbled out into the narrow street at the back of the tall terraces. It was not as well lit as the main road and she blinked, trying to get her bearings.

  ‘Feel what?’ Chloe said, joining her in the street.

  Jane looked at her incredulously. The air seemed to be thick with it. Her panties were getting wet in sympathy. Why couldn’t Chloe feel it too? ‘Something… special. Come with me and you’ll see!’

  Jane headed off unsteadily down the road with Chloe at her heels. After a hundred yards she tripped over a kerbstone. Chloe caught her, hauled her upright and put her arm over her shoulder.

  ‘I’m taking you back home now!’ she said firmly.

  And then Jane saw the car tucked into the mouth of a cul-de-sac. It was a large, dark, stretched saloon with tinted windows. That was where the call was coming from!

  Half dragging Chloe along with her she stumbled towards it. One of the rear doors opened invitingly. Illuminated by a courtesy light she could see somebody sitting inside beckoning to her. She heard Chloe shriek: ‘Jane, no don’t...’ Then she tumbled into the footwell between the rear sets of seats, pulling Chloe in with her.

  ‘Two for the price of one,’ a man said as the door slammed shut behind them.

  There was a click and the wonderful, magical call vanished in an instant. Jane was aware of Chloe shouting and struggling beside her and she felt the first pang of fear that was submerged as her abused stomach could take no more and she was copiously sick over the floor of the car and a pair expensive high heels.

  ‘She’s bloody well falling down drunk!’ a woman exclaimed indignantly. ‘And she’s ruined my shoes!’

  Jane thrashed about trying to sit upright. Then a hand pressed a chemical soaked cloth to her face. She clawed at it feebly but she slipped away into darkness.

  The next thing Jane knew for certain was that she was sitting propped up against a wall with a pounding head, an aching stomach and the sour taste of sick in her mouth. She tried to spit but she could not. There was something in her mouth, filling it and clamped over her lips. She blinked but her eyes were gummy and all she could see were blurs. She tried to move but she could not. There were straps bound tightly about her head and body. With a final chilling shock she realized she was totally naked.

  Jane shook her head and blinked and cleared her eyes. She felt warm flesh beside her and looked round into Chloe’s terrified face. She was sitting propped up beside her, also naked and bound in the same way she was.

  Their arms were strapped behind them by wrist cuffs that were hooked to belts buckled about their waists. Their legs were held spread by lightweight expandable rods linked to ankle cuffs. Chain leashes had been clipped to rings in the middle of the spreader bars, with their other ends clipped to the front rings of broad collars bucked about their necks. The leashes had been doubled over thereby pulling up their cuffed and spread legs, forcing them to bend their knees and splay their thighs, unwillingly displaying their naked groins. Broad thick pads with the ringed ends of circular fittings showing in their centres covered their mouths, held in place by a bridle-like array of lesser straps. Jane could feel a rubber plug filling the inside of her mouth, stifling her instinctive yell of fear and anger.

  Jane and Chloe were resting against the side wall of a long, bare tandem garage or workshop with a concrete floor, lit by a couple of fluorescent tubes. The big car was parked just inside the double doors. A large man in a grey chauffeur’s cap and suit stood patiently beside it. His eyes were covered by a domino mask. Two more figures stood in the middle of the floor in front of Jane and Chloe. They were a man and woman, perhaps in their late thirties or early forties. It was hard to tell exactly because they also wore domino masks. Both were otherwise smartly attired; he in a dark suit and bow tie and she in a crimson evening dress. By their feet was a square of hardboard and a folded car rug.

  They appeared to be in the middle of an argument.

  ‘This is not how the evening was supposed to go!’ she was saying angrily. ‘Do you know how much those shoes cost?’

  ‘Yes, dear, because I paid for them,’ he retorted.

  The woman glanced round at Jane and Chloe. ‘She’s coming round at last. Now we’ll sort this out.’ She was holding a large evening bag from which she pulled out a black lacquer box with an elaborate inlaid design. ‘Are they both receptives or is it just one of them?’ She came over to Jane and Chloe holding the box in front of her and flipping open its lid. Jane saw within, nestling in moulded beds of red silk, a slender carved ivory phallus with a pair of screw-in handles: one straight and slender and one curved with bulbous tip. On the inside of the lid was what resembled slightly a basic calculator keypad with large square ivory keys marked with oriental-looking characters.

  The woman tapped the keypad and Jane felt the thrill of the silent call flood from it into her even more powerfully than before. Even as Chloe whimpered and flinched aside, Jane’s fear was replaced by a surge of inexplicable lust. She moaned in desperate need and opened her legs further.

  ‘It’s her!’ the woman exclaimed in disgust. ‘It would be the drunk! Well we can’t risk using her in that state.’
br />   She tapped the keypad again and the call died away, leaving Jane trembling with a sense of dreadful loss and confusion.

  ‘We’ve no time to go out again so we’ll use the other one and come back for her later,’ her partner said. ‘She’s still quite a find judging by the strength of her response.’

  ‘We wouldn’t have to be grubbing about for stray tarts like this if you hadn’t lost us Jasmine!’ the woman spat.

  ‘How many times do I have to tell you that was not my fault!’

  ‘All right! Let’s just go!’

  They unclipped Chloe’s leash, freeing her collar from the spreader bar and hauled her to her feet. She struggled in their grip but with her legs spread she could hardly stand. Despite her own fear and confusion, Jane thought Chloe looked achingly beautiful in her distress.

  Chloe was lean-bodied with strong shoulders and prominent hip-bones. Her hair was a dark honey blonde, shoulder length rippling mane. Her nose was straight and determined and her eyes were clear sharp blue. Her breasts were pneumatically prominent capped with large pale brown nipples that Jane knew swelled and blossomed at a lover’s kiss. Her deep cleft pussy with its pouting inner lips was a treasurehouse of delight. Chloe could have had any man or woman she wanted, but she had chosen to be with her.

  And now these strangers were taking her away with them and it was all her fault!

  Jane tried to shout through her gag to leave her lover alone, but it came out as a muffled grunt. She shuffled after them, scraping her buttocks painfully on the rough floor, but she only succeeded in toppling over onto her side, where she flopped and squirmed about impotently.


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