Iris (Suitors of Seattle Book 8)

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Iris (Suitors of Seattle Book 8) Page 11

by Kirsten Osbourne

Francis felt her clench around him, finally letting himself go. He groaned gutturally as he spilled his seed within her. He collapsed atop her, vaguely worried that he'd hurt her.

  Iris sighed contentedly several minutes later, making Francis realize he was still atop her. He rolled to his side, pulling her close. The sun was still up. It was early evening, and he was the happiest man alive. His hands couldn't stop stroking her and exploring her body.

  Iris buried her face in his neck and smiled. "That was lovely."

  Francis laughed softly. "Lovely? It wasn't fantastic and wonderful and the best experience of your life?"

  She looked up at him. "You need something to shoot for next time, right?"

  Pulling her even closer he smiled. "I suppose I do."


  Much later when Iris wandered into the kitchen to fix them something to eat, she found a note on the table. "Casserole in the oven. Hope you enjoy your alone time. Much love, Edith."

  Iris was relieved. She could cook, but she needed to think about it in advance and make sure she had the ingredients she needed. She had been nervous about being able to throw a meal together on her own with no time to think about what she could cook, not knowing what ingredients would be there. Cooking had not been a subject taught to the Sullivan daughters.

  Francis padded into the kitchen in his bare feet, wrapping his arms around her from behind. "Something smells good."

  Iris turned in his arms, raising her lips for his kiss. "Edith had dinner waiting in the oven for us. I just had to heat it up."

  "That will make things easier for you." Francis pulled away. He had put on his work clothes and sat down to put his boots on. "I'll milk the cows while you put supper on." He had explained that he raised his beef for slaughter, but he always kept a cow or two in the barn for milk.

  "That sounds good." Iris looked at him, finding him watching her. She plopped down in his lap and kissed his cheek. "Today has been wonderful."

  He grinned. "I agree. I've never dreamed that I would find someone I was so compatible with." He kissed her neck, before blowing on it, making obnoxious noises. "Now get off me so I can go work, woman."

  Iris laughed and jumped to her feet. "I'll have supper on the table before you get back."

  After he was gone, she stared at the door for a minute before setting the table. He was a good man, and she was blessed to have him as her husband.


  Their week alone went by far too quickly for Iris. Before she knew it, it was Sunday and time for the girls to come home. At church, the girls hugged her as if it had been months since they'd seen her. "We're coming home today!" Katie announced.

  "I know you are! I can't wait." Iris had spent the day Saturday washing their linens and getting their room cleaned. She was ready for them to come home, although she was nervous about being able to be a mother and run a medical practice. She still wasn't busy, but there were more people every day. Why, she hadn't had a day with no patients at all in over a week!

  Iris didn't see Edna Petunia at church, and she was a little concerned, but she didn't know where to find the woman. She decided to wait a week or two, and if she hadn't seen her, she would start asking around. She knew that if Edna didn't want to be found, there was no way she could find her without help.

  They went to Tracy's for lunch after church, and Iris donned the same apron she'd worn the first time she'd gone to the ranch. "Thank you so much for watching the girls for us," she said as she brushed butter on top of all the rolls Tracy had made. "Our time alone together was precious."

  Tracy smiled. "Anytime you need me to watch them so you can have a little alone time, you let me know. It's hard enough being a newlywed without three children underfoot."

  "So far, it hasn't been hard to be a newlywed at all," Iris said with a grin.

  Tracy laughed. "But both of you only worked half days this past week, right?" At Iris's nod she continued. "When you both go back to working full time tomorrow, you'll understand what I mean. There are so many demands on your time, you're going to find it hard to find time for each other."

  Iris shook her head. "No we won't. We both want our marriage to be a priority, so it will."

  "I hope you're right." Tracy shrugged. "I did wash all the girls' clothes yesterday to make it easier for you this week. If you need anything from me, just let me know." She put the platter of fried chicken she'd made onto the table. "How's Edith working out as your nurse?"

  "It's like she was born to it. I hope she enjoys the work half as much as I enjoy working with her." Edith handled both the paperwork that came with running a doctor's office and her chores as a nurse with ease. "I had someone come in who was bleeding all over on Friday, and Edith just handled it easily. I even had her do a few of the stitches so she could learn how."

  Tracy smiled proudly. "She's never been one to flinch at the sight of blood."

  "Most girls her age would be running in the other direction, so it's nice to have her." Iris finished setting the table and poured drinks for everyone. "Do you want me to go get the men?"

  "Yes, please." Tracy poured the gravy she'd made with the chicken drippings into a bowl. "It's time to eat."

  Iris removed her apron and went into the barn to fetch the men. "She's as different as Katherine was as night and day," she heard Francis say. She started to announce her presence, but waited as Andy responded.

  "Well, Katherine was a timid little thing. There's nothing timid about Iris. Who'd have thought a woman doctor could move here and set this town on its ear like she has."

  "People sure are talking," Francis said with a laugh. "They're slowly starting to go to see her as well."

  "Crazy old Dolores Pinkston is sure talking. She says that she must be some kind of witch who put a spell on you or you never would have thrown over Beulah Mae."

  "Beulah Mae? You know I kissed her once. I must have been thirteen or so. It was just like kissing a tree. I wouldn't marry that woman if she was the only female left in the whole state of Texas."

  Andy laughed. "Someone might need to tell Dolores that."

  Iris called out then, not willing to hear anything else. She was happy that Francis had never had feelings for Beulah Mae, but were they insulting her for not being more timid like Katherine had been? "Time for lunch!"

  Francis turned to see Iris standing just inside the barn. She grew more beautiful every day in his eyes. He didn't care if she was all dressed up for church as she was now, or wearing one of her split skirts like she wore for doctoring. She was the best thing that had ever happened to him and his girls, and he thanked God for her every day.

  "We're coming!" Andy called back. "Tracy make chicken?"

  "She did. Does that sound good?"

  Francis laughed. "Tracy's chicken always sounds good. She makes it most Sundays." He walked across the barn to her, leaning down to brush his lips across hers.

  Andy watched them with a grin. "Sure is nice to see a couple of people so much in love," he said. "You remind me of when Tracy and I were first married. I couldn't keep my hands off her."

  "Well, after you forgave her for coming out here to marry you, that was true."

  Andy shrugged. "Oh, I soon realized she was here because of my meddling brother, and through no fault of her own." He clapped Francis on the back, his eyes approving of the way his brother held his bride's hand as they headed for the house. "You two going for a walk after lunch? The flowers are prettier than ever."

  Francis glanced at Iris. "I'd like that. You up for a walk?"

  Iris nodded, smiling. She wouldn't have more time alone with Francis until after the girls were in bed, so she grasped at what she could have. "It sounds lovely."

  Andy smiled. "We'll keep the girls here."

  Iris almost laughed. The entire family seemed to want to give them as much alone time as they could, which thrilled her to no end. She needed her time alone with Francis.

  It was almost dark by the time they arrived home that evening. Trac
y had sent home leftover fried chicken for their supper. All Iris had to do was pop it in the oven for a few minutes. She was starting to worry that all the Harvey family doubted her cooking skills, but she didn't care. She wasn't known for her cooking. She was known for her doctoring, though. That's what she cared about.

  After supper, she went upstairs with the girls, telling them all a story before bed.

  "We want to hear a story about an ogre," Mallie informed her. "You told us they were big and stupid."

  Iris laughed, sitting down on the edge of Mallie's bed. All three girls shared one room. Ettie and Katie shared a big bed, while Mallie had her own. "Oh, of course. My sister, Hyacinth, wrote a book about an ogre once. Why don't I tell you that story?"

  Half an hour later, she descended the stairs, thankful that the girls' room was upstairs while she and Francis would sleep downstairs. She still hadn't perfected the art of making love quietly.

  Francis smiled at her, meeting her halfway across the room and sweeping her into his arms. "It feels like weeks since we last made love," he whispered as his hands caressed her urgently.

  "Oh, it's been at least fourteen hours," she told him. "We'd better hurry to bed before you explode."

  He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom, setting her gently on the bed. "You're jesting, but I'm not. Get undressed, woman."

  Iris complied even as she laughed. Living with a randy husband made her happier than she'd imagined she could be.

  Chapter Ten

  "You're doing great!" Iris told Mattie the following afternoon. "No more vomiting?"

  "No, the ginger tea is wonderful. I drink some first thing every morning, and anytime I get queasy during the day. It fixes me right up every time." Mattie's cheeks were pink now, and Iris could see that she was regaining some of the weight she'd lost during her pregnancy.

  "You look good. I'm so glad it's been easier for you." Iris sat on her little stool as she looked at Mattie. "Have you been checked by the mid-wife again?"

  Mattie shook her head. "She came by last week, but I told her I was going to have a doctor deliver this baby. I'd rather you did it."

  Iris smiled. "I'd be happy to."

  "So how do you like married life?" Mattie asked, her eyes twinkling.

  "It's wonderful. Your brother never ceases to amaze me. He brings me flowers every day and makes me feel so loved." Iris wished he'd say he loved her, but as long as he acted the way he was, she wasn't going to complain.

  "You are so different than Katherine. I'm glad he found you."

  "Everyone keeps telling me that," Iris said. "How are we different?"

  Mattie frowned. "It's hard to explain. Katherine just kind of...existed. Nothing seemed to make her happy. Oh, she wasn't running around crying all the time. It wasn't that she was sad. She was just—devoid of emotion would be the best way to put it, I guess. She'd smile on occasion, but it just never reached her eyes."

  Iris frowned. "That's really sad."

  Mattie nodded emphatically. "It is! That's what's so wonderful about you. You seem to grab life by the horns and refuse to let go. You moved halfway across the country as a single woman to be a doctor in a state you'd never even visited. Not many women could do that. Katherine seemed to let life happen to her. You make things happen around you."

  Iris smiled slightly. "I'll take that as a compliment, I think."

  "It's meant as one." Mattie climbed down from the table. "I feel like I'm waddling around like a penguin. Have you ever seen a penguin walk? My parents took me to a zoo in Dallas when I was a little girl, and I watched them walk. I remember giggling hysterically."

  Iris laughed. "I haven't seen them, but a friend of mine from medical school had. He would do this funny walk to imitate them and we'd all laugh. He said that pregnant women did the penguin waddle."

  "That's what I mean!" Mattie shrugged. "Just so I'm not the only one doing the penguin waddle, I'm happy." They walked into the front room where Edith was doing some paperwork. "When do you want to see me again?"

  Iris smiled. "I want to see you on Sunday at church. Do you mean when do I want to see you professionally?"

  Mattie rolled her eyes. "You know that's what I mean."

  "How about two weeks from now?" Iris turned to Edith. "Would you mind setting up an appointment for your aunt for two weeks from today?"

  "Of course not, Aunt Iris."

  "Thank you." Iris had asked Edith not to call her anything but Dr. Sullivan or even Dr. Iris in the office, but since Mattie was the only other person there, she didn't mind.

  The front door of the office swung open, and a round middle-aged woman with fire in her eyes stepped into the waiting room.

  Iris took a step back. "Mama! It's so good to see you! You should have let me know you were coming for a visit."

  "Iris Sullivan! I told you that you were going to wait six months between the day you became engaged until you got married, didn't I? What were you thinking getting married without me there?"

  "Now, Mama. I sent you a letter telling you I was marrying, but you could still plan a reception for me, didn't I? I thought you just wanted to celebrate our marriages, not make us wait."

  "You know as well as I do that I wanted to be there for your wedding. Why, I'd bet you didn't even have an iris in your bouquet!" Mary looked furious with Iris, and Iris had no idea how to calm her mother.

  "I did have an iris in my bouquet. Didn't I?" Iris looked at Mattie and Edith for support.

  "Oh, yes, Mrs. Sullivan. She had the most beautiful bouquet of irises I've ever seen." Edith stood up. "I'm Edith Harvey, Iris's new niece."

  Mary sighed. "I'm Mary Sullivan, Iris's irate mother. All of my girls married too quickly for me to plan a nice wedding. When Iris moved to Texas, I told her to promise me she would give me six months. She's the youngest, and she should have complied with my wishes, don't you think?" Mary's gaze focused on Mattie. "Wouldn't you want your daughter to let you plan a nice wedding?"

  Mattie smiled. "I'm not getting in the middle of a family squabble, Mrs. Sullivan. Iris did what she felt was right." She winked at Iris. "Besides, she's made my brother the happiest man alive."

  Mary put her hands on her hips. "This office is crawling with your new in-laws. Where is Edna Petunia? She'll side with me."

  Iris shrugged, her hands palm up in front of her. "I don't know."

  "What do you mean you don't know? You've lost the crazy old bat?"

  "Not exactly." Iris had no idea how to explain what had happened with Edna Petunia to her mother.

  "Not exactly? Either she's here or she isn't? I thought she was going to be your nurse?"

  "She was. She quit as of a week ago. She said she had a 'better offer.' She wouldn't answer any questions, except to say the offer had made her the happiest woman on earth."

  Mary frowned at that. "Well, where is she now then?"

  "I wish I knew." Iris was starting to worry about her former companion.

  "Violet is going to be very angry that you've lost her!"

  "I don't know what to tell you." Iris walked forward and hugged her mother. "Where are you staying?"

  "With you. My luggage is outside." Mary gestured behind her with her thumb.

  Iris looked at the clock. It was after three. She usually didn't close her office until four, but circumstances were forcing her to do something else. "I'm going to go ahead and take my mother out to the ranch, Edith. Would you let anyone who comes by know that I'll be back in the morning at the usual time?"

  "Yes, Dr. Iris." Edith seemed to be suppressing a laugh. "I'd be happy to."

  Iris went into the examining room in the back and picked up her bag. "I'm ready to go. I promised the girls I'd walk home with them. Would you like to walk over to the school with me to get them?"

  Mary sighed. "Of course I want to go meet my new granddaughters." She left the office with Iris, letting her daughter lead the way. "You said their names are Mallie, Ettie, and Katie?"

  "Yes. Mallie is te
n. Ettie is eight, and Katie is six. Their mother, Francis's first wife, died giving birth to Katie."

  Mary frowned. "That's sad. I'm glad they have you for a step-mother, but they would have understood if you'd waited a reasonable length of time. Say, six months?"

  "It was Mallie's idea that I make the compromise with you that I would marry immediately, but let you plan a reception that we would all attend in Seattle in six months. September is a beautiful month for a reception, don't you think?"

  "It's even more beautiful for a wedding," Mary mumbled grumpily. "I guess I'll have to make do, though. We'll make sure all of your sisters are in town, and we'll have the nicest reception anyone in Seattle has ever dreamed of."

  Iris slipped her arm through her mother's, knowing she was forgiven. "You're going to love the girls. Mallie's arm was broken, and that's how I met Francis. He's a good man, Mama."

  "I'm sure he is. You would never have married a man who wasn't a good one. I just—well, I was hoping you'd be the one to let me plan a nice wedding. Were you married in a church?"

  "Of course I was. The whole town was there." Iris stopped at the schoolyard, her eyes scanning the playing children for her girls.

  Mallie gave her a curious look as she called for her sisters. She walked over to them, hugging Iris. "I thought we were going to play for an hour before you came over to walk us home."

  Iris smiled. "Well, that was the original plan, but I received an unexpected visitor at my office today. This is my mother, Mary Sullivan. She's your new grandmother."

  Mallie looked at Mary curiously. "I've never had a grandmother before. What should I call you?"

  Mary opened her arms wide to the child. "All of my grandchildren call me 'Grandma.' I'd be honored if you would do the same."

  Iris watched the two of them with a smile. She'd known her mother would accept the girls immediately, but it still warmed her heart to watch it.

  Mallie stepped forward and hugged Mary tightly. "I've always wanted a grandma. And now I have a new mama and a new grandma."

  Ettie and Katie walked over and looked at their sister hugging a stranger. "Girls, this is your new grandmother. Mama, my daughters, Ettie and Katie."


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