The Reluctant Hero: The Tainted Series

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The Reluctant Hero: The Tainted Series Page 3

by T. L. Tate

  “Right there!” She leaned back and smiled triumphantly. Holding her large breasts in her hands, she started playing with her nipples. She alternated bouncing and rolling her hips over the areas that gave her the greatest reaction from me. Soon she was moving faster and faster. I was powerless to resist as I was assaulted by pleasures that I should’ve never been feeling in her presence.

  My hands moved from her hips to the bed sheets. With them knotted in my hands, I tilted my head back and groaned, “Oh fuck!”

  I could taste her excitement. It practically radiated from her in noticeable waves. “Yes! That’s right. Cum. I’m going to make you cum!” She was moving so fast that the only way to keep her balance was to place her small hands on my stomach for balance.

  She was moving so fast and fucking me so right that we were both out of breath. I was close and she could tell.

  She bent forward until her chest was against my chest and her head was right before me. I was so lost in the pleasure that I did the unthinkable and unforgivable. I kissed her. The moment I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her lips, her eyes flew open in shock. It wasn’t the first time that we’ve kissed but it was the first time that it was initiated by me. It’s not that I wanted to kiss her but I was driven mad by the pleasure. But that didn’t matter to her. She had just received undeniable proof that her plan had worked. She greedily drank me in.

  “Yes! That’s it. Cum for me. Cum! Cum!” Her face was in my neck as she sucked down on my skin. She was bouncing over and over again at just the right angle. I was powerless to resist.

  I felt myself fall headlong over the edge. My cock swelled and I clenched down, desperate not to fulfill her wish. But that was the worst decision I could make. It only helped to prolong and increase the pleasure.

  “Ah! Ah! Ah!”

  “Fuck! I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” I wrapped my arms around her and held her close as my hips slammed into her from below. I heard her scream in my ear but I was too far gone to care. When I came all I felt was a glorious release. My body shook as I emptied my seed inside of her. I felt incredible and this feeling lasted for approximately 3 seconds. 3 seconds after my orgasm ended shame and regret were all that I felt. I still had my arms wrapped around her so I quickly released her.

  What the fuck did I just do? Oh God!

  I had sex with her under duress. But I kissed and hugged her because (if for only a moment) that was what I wanted. I’m trash. I’m simply filthy trash.

  Having released her, she continued to lie across me. Her lips were still on my neck as she kissed me all over. Soon she moved up to my lips and kissed me. Her eyes were exhausted. “Oh my goodness! That was incredible. You came so hard!” There was a satisfied smile on her lips and I didn’t need to wonder from where it came.

  I could only nod as I dealt with the despicableness of my actions.

  I was prepared to listen to her gloat about me kissing and holding her but she didn’t. Instead, she laid her head on my chest and sighed, “That was amazing. Thank you.”

  We lied there for several minutes as she basked in the afterglow of good sex and I willed myself to melt away so that I would never do another dishonorable thing. With a low grunt, she turned her head to look at her alarm clock.

  She sighed again as she rested her head on my chest, “I could just stay like this all night.” She grunted as she tilted her hips and I fell out of her. She moved her leg over me and lifted herself up. Looking down at me she smiled quite cheerily, “Come on. Jen should be back in about half an hour or so. Lets get cleaned up before she shows up.”

  I was half way out of her bedroom when she called after me. “I told you didn’t I?”

  “Told me what?” I found it hard to meet her eyes so I looked over her shoulder.

  She came over to me and rested the length of her body against mine as she kissed my chest. “I told you that you would like it.” Her voice oozed with a satisfied smugness that made me sick to my stomach.

  But instead of arguing with her I grunted in assent and walked out of her room. The guest bathroom’s shower was nowhere near hot enough or powerful enough to wash away my shame. Nevertheless, I stood under its streams for ten minutes before I even touched the bar of soap to my body. When I was finished and dried, I headed back into Jessa’s room to find my clothes on the floor. As I finished getting dressed, Jessa came out of her bathroom with her phone in her hand.

  “Hey. So I just got a message from Jen. She said that the kids fell asleep at your parents and she let them rest for a while before she got them ready. They’re just leaving now so it’ll be some time until they get here.”

  I should’ve been depressed that Jen wasn’t going to be back for a while but I wasn’t. This was a godsend. After my contradictory actions, I needed the time to get my head together. “O-okay.”

  Tossing the phone on her bed, she dropped her towel to the floor and crawled on her bed. Her fit ass was on display as she pulled herself up on all fours. She looked back at me and waved her naked ass in the air. “Hey, there’s something I want to try.”

  I was exhausted. I didn’t have the spiritual focus or physical stamina to go another round. Still, I knew the cost of disobeying her. Gathering my remaining energy I exhaustingly asked, “What is that?”

  She smiled, “Remember the first night that I saw you and Jen at my house?”

  I nodded. I would never forget that night. After arguing in the car, Jen and I got busy in the guest bedroom. At some point during our lovemaking, Jessa appeared. Unbeknownst to Jen, Jessa watched us through a crack in the bedroom door. For obvious reasons, I never said anything to Jen.

  My voice was flat as I rolled my eyes at the memory. “I remember.”

  She waved her ass at me while smiling. “You did some pretty dirty things to her that you haven’t done to me.”

  I knew what she had in mind but I didn’t want to give voice to it.

  I didn’t have to. Her next order clarified everything. “I’ve never had my ass eaten out. Get over here and make me feel good.” She fluttered her eyelashes, “Please.”

  Although she said ‘please’, I knew that she wasn’t asking. I walked over to the bed like I was walking to my death. When I did that with my wife it was in the heat of the moment. It was passionate and playful. There was joy in it for the both of us. Placing my knees on the ground and watching as she bent closer to me, I could feel no pleasure in doing this now. It was work but not the type you get paid for. It was the type that sucks your soul dry and leaves you wishing for an early death.

  She was watching me up until the point that I knelt down. Now her head was down on her bed and I could feel her body tense. I guess this wasn’t necessarily something that she was looking forward to either. The thought should’ve filled me with some sort of relief but it didn’t.

  “G-go slow. Please.” Her voice was muffled by the covers and seemed smaller and much further away than her normal bossy shriek.

  Spreading her cheeks, I started by slowly licking from her clit to the bottom of her slit. I did this over and over again while her body slowly relaxed and she started to bounce. I felt the tension leave her body as she moaned into her sheets. Once my tongue touched her rim all traces of pleasure fled from her and she froze.

  The next moment she screamed and launched herself forward. “Ah! Wait! No!”

  It was almost comical watching her gather the messed up sheets around her and stare back at me with a mixture of fear and disgust in her eyes. I started to laugh.

  “Hey, you’re the one that wanted to try this. If you don’t want to then just say the word.”

  Her face was red out of embarrassment. Trying to save face, she straightened herself as best she could and tilted her head back so that her nose was in the air. “I-it’s not that. It just felt weird having you that close to my butt.”

  I couldn’t help but tease her. “That felt weird? If you recall, I fucked your ass only 5 days ago.”

  “I-I-I know! But thi
s is different. You know what I’m saying?”

  “Yeah, I get it.”

  “I-I don’t think I can do it.”

  “Okay. Fine with me.” I turned to leave and was out of the door when she called after me.


  Looking up at the sky, I cursed the ceiling. “So close.” Turing back into the room, I plastered a fake smile on my face. “Yes?”

  “I-I want to try again.”

  I groaned. “Don’t push yourself. It’s not for you. I get it.”

  “No.” Her voice was defiant. “No, if that little cunt can do it then so can I.” I was beginning to wonder which of the two was the older sister and which was the younger. Jessa claimed to hate Jen but she seemed oddly competitive with her younger sister.

  “So what do you want me to do?”

  “What do you think? Bring your black ass over here and finish what you started.”

  I sighed again, “Fine.”

  This time when she bent over she watched me while I buried my face between her cheeks.

  She threw her face on the sheets. “Ah! T-that feels so strange.” I looked at her and her face was bright red and she was panting. “P-p-please don’t stop. Don’t stop.” Just like Jen, she got into it seconds after assenting. She was moaning sweetly. “Oohh! Oohh! Ah! Don’t stop.” I reached forward and stuck my fingers in her mouth. She greedily sucked them in as she moaned. Pulling them out of her mouth with a trail of saliva, I rolled them over her clit over and over again.

  “H-h-holy fuck! Shit!” Her eyes were tightly shut as her face was twisted in pleasure. “Holy fuck!” She screamed so loud and so long that I was worried her neighbors would call the police. After she came, she slid down on her stomach while I went into her bathroom and downed her mouthwash. When I came back out of the bathroom she hadn’t moved from the spot where I left her.

  “I’m going downstairs.”

  With a satisfied smile on her face she simply nodded, “Mmhmm.” Then I left.

  It took almost 15 minutes for her to meet me downstairs. By that point I had already grabbed a beer from the fridge and was sitting on her couch staring at the wall. I was trying to figure out where, in this farce I call a life, did I go wrong.

  Her creaking stairs let me know that she was coming. Seconds later I heard a cabinet, in the kitchen, creak open. After hearing her fumble around for something for a couple of minutes, she appeared next to me. She was dressed in the clothes she had discarded earlier and holding a glass of wine. Sitting next to me, she pulled her leg beneath her. I could feel her staring at me but I was too lost in shame and regret to give a damn.

  She eventually got tired of the silent treatment, “You know, this will go a lot better for you if you just learned to enjoy it.”

  I rolled my eyes before responding as sarcastically as I possibly could, “Oh I’m sure that I’ll just start loving it any day now.”

  She sat her newly filled glass of wine on the coffee table and leaned in. I hazarded a look at her and noticed that her eyes were oddly sincere. “I’m serious. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. So you might as well get used to the idea.”

  “I’ve already gotten used to the idea that you’re a manipulative cunt. What else is there to get used to?”

  I expected her to explode in rage. Instead, she smiled sweetly. “Yeah, I can be. But you only know my dark side.”

  “Are you trying to tell me that there’s another side of the Bitch of the Bourgeoisie?”

  She didn’t take the bait, “Yeah, I’m a cunt and a bitch. But if you play your cards right and stop fighting this then maybe you’ll learn that I can also be as sweet as they come.”

  I threw my head back on the couch and moaned. She climbed on top of me, straddling my legs. I opened my eyes and she was staring down at me. “You’re mine, Lance. That’s a fact. You can’t escape it so just accept it. As long as I have that video and as long as Jen trusts me, you’re life is in my hands. I don’t want to use threats to control you. I would much rather you come to me on your own. But don’t get me wrong, I’ll use whatever tools I have at my disposal to get what I want.”

  “Even if that means playing second fiddle to your younger sister?”

  She shrugged, “What can I say? She got to you first. If you had met me first then I’m sure you would’ve been all over me instead.”

  “I don’t think so. You’re dead inside. There’s no room for love.”

  Now she did look angry. “What the hell gives you the right or the balls to presume that you know what’s inside of me? Huh? Do you have any idea…” she closed her eyes and mumbled something to herself that I couldn’t make out. “No, never mind. The point is that you’re mine now. You’re my little Black bitch.” She patronizingly patted my cheek and I boiled underneath. Unfortunately, I couldn’t fight her. She was right and I knew it.

  When I didn’t say anything, she smiled and leaned down and kissed me hard. With my face between her hands, she looked mightily pleased with herself. “See? That wasn’t so hard. Was it?”

  Laughing, she climbed off of me and grabbed the wine glass. I tilted my beer back while wishing it was something much stronger.

  We passed the next little while in silence. Neither needed to talk. I had made my disdain for her clear just as she had made her position clear. We were at a pseudo-impasse. The only thing that differed was that she was in control and we both knew that she had the power to force me in any direction that she wanted.

  Headlights through the open window brought an end to our alone time.

  “Oooohhhhh! They’re here! They’re here!” Jessa jumped off of the couch and ran to the front door. Throwing it back she knelt down with her arms wide open. Moments later I heard two little birds screeching.

  “Auntie! Auntie!” Aesop and Avi bounded into Jessa’s waiting arms as she smiled widely to greet them.

  “My babies!” She enveloped them both in her arms and stood. They giggled as her hair tickled their noses.

  Jessa sat them on the ground and they ran over to me. Avi was the first to make it to me.

  “Daddy!” I ruffled her hair as she squeezed my leg.

  “Daddy!” I did the same to Aesop, when he made it to me.

  I leaned forward and kissed them both. “How was Grammy and Pop-Pop’s?”

  “Great”, Aesop beamed.

  “We got cotton candy and corn dogs. And look!” She held up a bag with what looked to be containing a folded poster board.

  Jessa walked over and placed her hand on Avi’s head. “What’s that sweetheart?”

  It was Aesop who answered, “We made you a picture to hang in your new house!”

  She smiled at him and he lit up. “You did?”

  The spoke in unison, “Yup!”

  “Well let’s see it!” They giggled and pulled the poster board from the plastic bag and Jessa helped them unfold it.

  Right then, I heard the front door close. I looked up into the loving eyes of my wife and she smiled back at me. In that moment I felt like everything would be all right.

  Walking over to her, I kissed her deeply. Pulling back, she smirked. “Hey there sailor!”

  I laughed, “I missed you.”

  She touched my cheek and smiled. “That’s sweet. I missed you too, honey.”

  We walked back towards Jessa and the twins as they were gazing at the picture they made her. It was an orange poster board that was overflowing with pictures of chests, flowers, clouds and lines. It was covered in glitter.

  Jessa looked up at us with a childlike grin on her face, “They made me a treasure map!”

  “I hope you like it, sis.”

  Jessa’s smile got even bigger as she looked back at Aesop and Avi. “I love it!”

  The two twins looked three feet taller when they heard that. Even I was moved by their reaction. They looked proud of themselves.

  Avi picked up one of the corners, “Where are you going to hang it, Auntie?”

  Aesop picked up ano
ther corner, “Yeah. Where?”

  Jessa grabbed the other two corners and stood. “Where? Hmm. Let’s see.” Her eyes got wide as she acted out her scene. “How about we hang it in your bedroom?”

  The twins looked at each other, surprise and excitement coloring their cherub cheeks. Aesop looked up at Jessa, “We have our own room, Auntie?”

  Jessa nodded. “Of course, you have your own room. This is Auntie’s house! You guys absolutely have your own bedroom.”

  The twins were bouncing up and down. Avi looked at me with wonder in her eyes. “Daddy! Daddy! Did you hear? We have our own room!”

  I smiled. “Yeah. I heard, baby.”

  Jessa smiled, “Do you guys want to go see your room?” That was met with a unanimous yes. “Great! Lets go!”

  Jen and I followed behind the three of them as they bounded the steps in raucous glee. Their room wasn’t large but it had two twin beds and enough space for a small entertainment system and wide play area. The twins immediately went to their beds and started jumping.

  Jen stepped forward, “Hey, now. No jumping on beds.” But such was their joy that even the imposition of discipline didn’t damper their spirits. Instead, they each climbed down and started opening drawers and closets. Jenna turned on the entertainment center and they started watching an old animated movie.

  They climbed in their beds as they watched the movie. “Mommy?”

  “Yes, sweetie?”

  “Can we sleep here tonight?”

  Jen laughed. Before she could answer, Jessa stepped forward and whispered, “I don’t mind if they stay the night. Honestly.”

  Sighing, Jen looked at Avi. “Auntie Jessa says it’s okay. So you can stay the night tonight. But the TV goes off in 20 minutes. Got it?”


  While the kids watched their movie, the adults headed back downstairs.


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