Joker: Death Dealers MC

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Joker: Death Dealers MC Page 3

by Kacee Kupser

  “Sure, you can be in charge of the BBQ, but you better do me proud. I like my steak medium well and Brenna likes hers medium rare, think you can handle that?”

  “I will do my best boss.”

  “Oh, boss. I could start to like that.”

  “Don’t get used to it woman,” I growled. She just laughed and turned to walk into the house.

  Brenna turned from her conversation with Beast to yell at Everly who was in the kitchen. “What did you make me for dessert Ev? You know if it’s my favourite I’m not going to share with these guys.”

  “Oh that’s too bad for the guys then, because I did indeed make your favourite s’more cupcakes.”

  “YES!!! There’s a reason you’re my favourite bitch!”

  “What the hell are s’more cupcakes baby girl?” Beast demands of Brenna with a quirk of his brow.

  “Only the greatest things in the entire world. I would live on them if I could.” Brenna sighs dramatically.

  As Beast and Brenna kept up their banter, I wandered into the kitchen behind Everly to see what she was up to. I had just flipped the steaks and they wouldn’t need flipping again for a few minutes. What I walked in on though might make them burn. As my eyes readjusted to the dim light in the kitchen, I see Everly on her tip toes trying to reach a bowl from a high shelf and her little booty shorts riding up showing the bottom globes of her luscious ass. I can’t help myself, I just have to get behind her and feel that ass myself. I walk up behind her and reach for the bowl while making sure to lean right into her. Obviously she heard me coming in because she didn’t flinch or freak out, she just relaxed back into me.

  “Seriously Red, when are you going to give in and go out with me? You know you want to.”

  Tilting her head back to look at me she adds, “I just don’t know Joker. I’m not a one and done kind of girl and I’m quite certain that you are a one and done kind of guy.”

  Looking down into her face I can see she believes what she’s saying. “I have been in the past Red, but that doesn’t mean I will be with you. There’s something about you that I can’t put my finger on, but since I met you I can’t think about anyone but you and I really don’t think it’s just because you say no. The more I learn about you the more I want to know.”

  As she sighed and leaned further into me, I ran my nose along her neck and nipped her with my teeth where her shoulder and neck meet. I took my hands and started to run them around her stomach, moving them slowly up.

  “Hey Joker, are you going to let our dinner burn while you feel up your new friend or are you going to make sure my dinner is edible.” Beast yelled from where he was sitting outside.

  Everly just giggled and stepped away from me. “Cock blocker” I muttered so only she could hear.

  “You better get back out there. You told me you could grill the steaks and I’m going to hold you to that. We can discuss going out a little later.” She says as she gets back to finishing her dinner preparations.

  “Oh we will Red, we will.”

  I walked back out to the BBQ to the sound of Everly snorting and it made me smile.

  “Seriously Beast, I can’t take you anywhere. You are such an asshole.” I growl at my Prez.

  “Hey, you’re the one who invited us to dinner, so make sure my dinner is good. If I’m going to convince this one here to share those cupcakes we can’t feed her burnt steaks. Our stomachs are counting on you.”

  “Wow, dramatic much?” I ask with an eye roll. “When did you start loving cupcakes so much?”

  “Since Brenna told me that they are the greatest thing she has ever had. Now get back to grilling.”

  I just shake my head and get back to the BBQ. It’s placed in a great location; it lets me look into the kitchen and see what Everly is doing while I keep an eye on the steaks. When I was in there, before Everly’s ass distracted me, I caught a glimpse of the food and it looked mouth-watering. The cupcakes were on the counter and I would definitely be having one of those. They looked incredible. Pulling me from my thoughts Everly came back out on to the deck with her hands full of plates.

  “Hey Beast, get off your ass and help Red with what she’s carrying.” I didn’t really need to say anything, he was already getting up to help, but I couldn’t step away from the BBQ without everyone seeing how very obviously turned on I was by my thoughts of Everly and her ass.

  “I’m getting up. Here Red, give me those.”

  “No that’s okay Beast. I’ve got these. Would you mind going into the kitchen and grabbing the dishes for us to eat off of and the rest of the food with Brenna? I would really appreciate it.”

  “No problem babe.” Beast said with a wink at Everly. I turned to glare at him and a growl came out of my mouth, what the hell does he think he’s doing calling my woman babe? Holy shit, did I just call her my woman?

  Suddenly Everly looked up. “Did you just growl when he called me babe?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about Red.”

  “You totally did and I think I liked it,” she said with a laugh.

  “Well then stick around Red, I’m sure it will happen more than once when you’re around me.”

  Chapter 5 – Everly

  I can’t believe he growled. Even worse, I can’t believe I thought it was sexy! I’m not sure what is happening to me. Joker is definitely not my typical type. I usually go for the type of guy who is polished and wears a suit to work. I know it’s been awhile since I’ve been with a man, but who would have thought that my tastes would do a total 180.

  “All right everyone, dinner is ready. Sit down and dig in.”

  “Smells delicious Red. Thanks for inviting us.” Joker says as he sets the steaks down on the table and sits down directly beside me, not giving me much more than an inch of room between us.

  I just smiled at him and finished filling my plate. “Not that you gave me much choice, but you are very welcome. I hope you like it. Thanks for grilling the steaks. I’ll let you know what I think when I’m done.”

  With a smirk I started filling my plate and digging into the steak. When I cut into it, it was nice and medium well, just a little bit of pink, exactly how I like it. Just another positive in the column for getting together with Joker. I’m thinking I might just have to give him a go, even if it is for one night only.

  “So….what do you think? Is it to your liking or do you find me wanting?”

  “Well I’ve got to say I’m very pleasantly surprised and it tastes good; however, I am left a little wanting as well.” I say playfully with a wink.

  “Oh ho, we can take care of that later if you’d like.”

  I paused before answering, making it look like I was actually thinking about it, when I had already made up my mind, I was going to be giving Joker a chance, tonight if possible. “Ask me again at the end of the night.”

  Hearing laughing from across the table I look over to see Brenna bent over laughing so hard tears are running down her face. “What the hell are you laughing at?”

  She sits back up and wipes the tears out of her eyes. “The two of you. You are hilarious. You just need to get a room and fuck each other unconscious already. You can see the sparks pinging between the two of you.”

  “Fuck each other unconscious? That sounds interesting. We may just have to give that a try Red.”

  “Think you’re up for it Joker? Not sure you’ve got enough stamina to knock me out.” I say with a saucy wink.

  “Oh, shall we go see Red?” Joker looked like he was about to stand up to prove himself.

  “Sit down you animal. As I said, ask me again at the end of the night. From my experience, delayed gratification can be the best kind.”

  “You are killing me woman!” Joker looked like a sad little boy with the pout he was giving me, but I wouldn’t let it work, even though I really wanted to.

  Laughing at him, which seemed like my best defence at this point, I just turned back to my food and continued eating. It had been a long day
and I was starving. I might just have to text Jenn to see if she can open the bakery for me in the morning, I’m sure it’s going to be a long night with the ways things are going.

  Once Joker seemed to calm down I turned to Beast, hoping to distract myself. “So Beast, what is it you do for the club?”

  “Well doll, I’m the president of the club. I’m the big boss. I make all the rules and it’s one of Joker’s jobs to enforce those rules for me. He’s been doing it since we were in the SEALS together, so don’t get on my bad side, I’m quite sure he’d enjoy punishing you for me.”

  I looked over to Joker who was moving his eyebrows up and down at me with a leer on his face. “Oh I really would be careful Red, I would love to punish you.”

  “Uh oh Ev, you better be careful, you are always getting yourself into trouble.” Brenna was getting a kick out of this, but I’d get her back. I always got my revenge.

  “Well we will just have to see how I do won’t we? How is everyone enjoying their dinner?”

  Joker just went with the change of conversation, rolling right along with it. “It’s delicious Red, you might be feeding me every night. I hate to cook.”

  “I’ll make sure to lock my front door then.”

  “Oh, you’re funny. He’s a SEAL Ev, do you really think a locked door is going to keep him out?” Beast chimed in from where he had been watching us, seeming to enjoy our banter.

  Shaking my head I stood up and moved to collect dishes and return them to the kitchen. “Give me a hand Brenna?”

  “Right behind you.”

  She grabbed her and Beast’s dishes and followed me into the kitchen. She loaded the dishwasher and got the cupcakes ready to go outside.

  “Are you sure you don’t just want me to take my cupcakes to go and leave you two alone? You are practically steaming with all the back and forth banter between you. I can’t even imagine how you aren’t soaking through your panties.”

  I smile, a blush taking over my face and fan myself with the dishtowel I have in my hand. “Oh, but I have. That’s one of the reasons I made you come inside with me. I’m going to go clean up and get changed while you get everything ready and take it out. I’ll be right behind you.”

  “Ohhhhh, you owe me big time for keeping my mouth shut on that one. It’s going to be really hard not to say anything.”

  “Oh please, I have so many secrets about you, you wouldn’t do that for fear I would get back at you.”

  “I guess that’s one of the disadvantages of knowing someone most of your life, they know all your deepest darkest secrets.” Brenna heaves a sigh and picks up the cupcakes.

  “And don’t you forget it. Now get out there with the dessert and keep your mouth shut.”

  I dashed into my bathroom, cleaned up and changed into a nicer set of underwear. I hadn’t planned on having sex tonight, but it looks like some orgasms were in my future. Thank God! After the last week of foreplay I need a release that was not brought on by my own hand or my B.O.B. Once I was cleaned up, I casually strolled out onto the deck to see that there were already five cupcakes eaten, and surprisingly only one of them had been eaten by Brenna.

  “Seriously?! Are you people animals? I’ve been gone for less than 10 minutes and almost half of the cupcakes are gone already? Were you planning on saving any for me?” I demanded.

  “Well if you don’t get your fine ass over here and sit down there won’t be any left for you. I have to say Red, I don’t usually have too much of a sweet tooth, but you might change my mind. These have got to be the best thing I have ever had in my mouth.” Joker says rubbing his six pack.

  Admiring his reaction I say, “Well, we will have to change that won’t we?”

  That definitely got him thinking. Joker just turned his head to stare at me and stopped his chewing.

  “On that note, I think we should be going, walk me to my car Beast?” Brenna asks while getting up from the table.

  “I’d love to baby girl. I’ll see you later brother.”

  “Later.” Joker replies to Beast without taking his eyes off me.

  Brenna walks over to me and gives me a hug goodbye. “Bye Ev, call me in the morning, but not too early. I’ll make sure to send Jenn a text and get her to open for you.”

  “Thanks friend, I owe you one.” I whisper so that Joker can’t hear me.

  “Don’t I know it.” Brenna responds while walking to the back gate where Beast was waiting for her.

  The next thing I knew, I heard the gate to the backyard close behind them and I was suddenly in the air with my legs wrapped around Joker’s waist. His hands grab my ass and squeeze, and my brand new panties are now soaking wet.

  “Where are we going Red?” he growls at me. Fucking sexy!

  Breathless and turned on from that growl, I reply, “Inside the French doors and go to the left out of the kitchen. It’s the last door on the left.”

  “This first time is going to be fast and dirty Everly. You’ve been keeping me waiting for a week and I need to get in you, and I mean now.” He squeezes my ass again for emphasis.

  Rubbing my aching body against him as he walks, I don’t care if its fast and dirty, but sass “Works for me, as long as you know that I’m off in the morning so you better bring your A game and knock me out like you were promising earlier.”

  Staring intensely into my eyes, he promises “Don’t you worry, I’ll get it done Red.”

  He kicked in my door and threw me through the air, having me land with a bounce on my bed. It took my breath away, but had me giggling.

  “Off Red, take it all off. I need to taste you before we get down to business.” He licks his lips like he is imagining what I taste like.

  I jumped up from the bed and stripped my shirt off over my head and pushed my jeans down my legs leaving me in just my lace underwear and bra.

  “I didn’t tell you to stop. I want to see it all Red.” He demands, fists clenched like he’s stopping himself from coming to help.

  “What, are you going to leave me waiting to see what you have hidden under all those layers?” I question on a huff. I want him naked too, desperately!

  “Oh, we’ll get to me Red, don’t you worry. Get naked and get back on the bed, legs hanging over the side.” He rasps bossily.

  “Sir, yes sir,” I said with a laugh and salute. With that I unhooked my bra and threw it to the floor, quickly followed by my underwear. As soon as I lay back on my bed my feet were lifted off the floor and put over Joker’s shoulders and I could feel his hot breath on my pussy lips. Thankfully I had just gotten a wax a couple of days ago and so everything was extra sensitive. It made me shiver.

  “Make sure you tell me what you like baby, I want to hear you make some noise.” He says as he breathes me in.

  “I’m not usually a screamer Joker, but I have a feeling you might just pull something out of me.” I squirm at the delicious thought of him making me scream.

  With a chuckle he bent his head to my lips and licked me from ass all the way up to my clit and then gently sucked it into his mouth. With his suction continuous, he then took a finger and pushed it into my pussy and started to massage my G spot. I started to writhe, arching my back off the bed, and making low moaning noises. He pulled himself away from me just long enough to mutter ‘Louder baby, let me hear you.” He kept on sucking and then suddenly there was a second finger inside of me and I was starting to feel a fullness start to build up. My heart was racing and I was so turned on that I knew it wouldn’t be long before he was able to push me over the edge.

  “Harder Joker, suck me harder. I need,” I was panting breathlessly, “make me cum.” I reached down and grabbed onto his hair and pushed him farther into my pussy. He seemed to enjoy that because he growled, which sent another shiver all over me. “Come on Joker, you can do it, I’m almost there.” He picked up the pace with his sucking and pushed a third finger inside of me, massaging my G spot harder and harder until suddenly I was going over the edge with a scream.

  “Yes, right there, just like that. Keep going, so good.” He kept sucking with less intensity while I came down from the orgasm. Once I crashed back down to earth I let go of his hair and he looked up at me with a satisfied smile.

  “That’s my girl. I knew you had the soul of a screamer in you. You ready to give me some more?”

  “You know it, you better have multiple condoms because I’m ready to go.”

  “Oh Red, I never leave home without them.”

  Chapter 6 – Joker

  I must admit, I’m not usually one to enjoy going down on a woman, but that was pretty incredible and now it was time to get inside her tight, hot, pussy. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt a woman this tight and I couldn’t wait to feel her squeezing my cock. I pull my kutte off my shoulders and hang it on the back of a chair she has beside her bed, then take my t-shirt off over my head and let her take me in. She was staring at my six pack and licking her lips, which just made my jeans get tighter as my cock got harder, which I didn’t think was possible. I sat down in the chair and undid my boots and kicked them off. Standing back up, I undid my belt and slid my jeans to the floor.


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