Joker: Death Dealers MC

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Joker: Death Dealers MC Page 16

by Kacee Kupser

  “Legs, what the hell is going on? Do you have Everly?” I growled at her.

  “Joker, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Why would I have Everly?” She asked with false innocence. I could tell she was lying, she wouldn’t look me in the eyes.

  “Boys get your asses in here and search the house. Legs, you move a muscle and I will put a bullet in your head before you can blink.”

  My brothers came in through the front and back doors and moved around the house searching all of the rooms. While they did that the Cursed Bastards fanned out so that they were guarding the front of the house as well.

  “Joker, we’ve got a door into the basement.”

  Chapter 31 – Everly

  I had been sitting here trying to get the rope to wear down for what seemed like forever. Day had turned into night and I was nowhere near breaking through it. At this rate, I would be sold or killed before I got even close to getting myself out.

  Above me there was a pounding on a door and footsteps moving towards where the sound came from. The door was opened and I could hear two voices, a man and a woman, but I couldn’t hear what was being said.

  The talking suddenly stopped and there was what sounded like multiple pairs of boots clomping around the house. I kept quiet, scared that Legs had decided to sell me and these were the buyers. I didn’t want to call attention to myself so I sat there quietly hoping to hear something.

  Suddenly the door at the top of the stairs was thrown open and someone came charging down the stairs. I hugged myself into the post and turned my face away from the stairs.

  Someone came to a stop beside me and put their hand on my hair. I flinched away until I heard him speak.

  “Red, it’s okay, it’s me, you’re okay. Look at me baby.” He spoke quietly to me, getting me to calm down.

  I turned around and threw my arms around Joker’s neck. I burst into tears and just sobbed in his arms while he hugged me and rubbed my back. Once I had calmed down Joker put his hand on the back of my head and started to pull my head back.

  “Look at me baby. Are you okay? What did she do to you?”

  “I’m okay Joker. I think I have a concussion though because my head is still aching and every time I try to stand up I feel like I’m going to vomit.”

  “Did she do anything else to you baby? Was there anyone besides Legs? Do we need to be looking for anyone else?” He questioned while looking around the room.

  “I don’t think so. She’s the only person I heard or saw.”

  “Okay. Let me get you out of here and have Doc check you out at the clubhouse.”

  Joker pulled out a knife from his boot and cut the rope so that I was free from the post. He took my hands in his and kissed the chafing on my wrists.

  I stood up and felt dizzy. Joker grabbed me and lifted me, carrying me up the stairs and out of the house. When we got outside there were men I didn’t recognize standing around and I turned further into Joker’s embrace.

  We walked up to Beast who was talking to a man who was wearing a kutte that had a different club name on it.

  “Red, this is Axel. He’s the president of the Cursed Bastards MC. They are a friend to the club and he and some of his men helped us find you.”

  I stuck my hand out to shake Axel’s hand. “Thank you so much Axel. I don’t know what I would have done if you all didn’t save me.”

  “It was our pleasure ma’am.”

  “Joker, you need to put me down.” I insisted.

  “Yeah I’m not putting you down baby. Griff is on his way with the club’s van so that we can get you to Doc and he can check you over.”

  We wandered over to Joker’s bike and he leaned on it, still holding me in his arms.

  “Am I not too heavy?”

  “Baby, I’m not letting you go until I absolutely have to. Stop talking about you being too heavy.”

  Griff pulled up behind us in the van and Joker stood up with me in his arms and walked over. He stepped in and sat down with me in his lap while Griff closed the side door and ran around to the front to drive.

  When I looked back out of the window Kevin was on Joker’s bike starting it up to take it back to the clubhouse behind us.

  The ride to the clubhouse wasn’t long, we were there within 20 minutes. Griff pulled up right at the front door and came around to open the door so Joker and I could get out.

  “Baby, I can walk into the clubhouse.”

  “I’m sure you can, but I told you I don’t want to let you go.”

  “Please Joker, I want to walk. It makes me feel weak to be carried around after this.”

  Joker stopped and looked down into my face. Whatever he saw there must have made his decision for him because he put me on the ground and held me by my hips.

  “You okay? Dizzy?” He asked worriedly.

  “I’m a little dizzy, but nothing I can’t handle.”

  Joker wrapped his arm behind my back and helped me into the main room. When we came through the door the room is packed. I put my head in Joker’s shoulder and kept walking.

  “Oh my God Ev!” Was shrieked from across the room.

  I looked up to see Brenna running towards me. Joker stopped and put himself in front of me.

  “Brenna, I know you’re happy to see her, but you have to slow down. She’s hurt and we don’t want to hurt her further.”

  Brenna stopped right in front of me and Joker moved out of the way. She came towards me and just looked at me, tears running down her face.

  “I’m okay Bren, don’t worry.”

  “Of course I’m going to worry, you’re my bitch!”

  With a giggle I held my arms out for her and she slowly walked into them and put her arms around me. I wrapped mine around her and just breathed in her scent. It’s something that has always calmed me. We’ve been best friends most of our lives and she calms me like no one else, except maybe Joker.

  “Okay ladies, Doc is waiting for you Everly, let’s get you to my room so he can have a look at you.”

  Brenna released me and started walking back to Joker’s room with us.

  Doc was in the room and he had his bag open and gloves on his hands. He walked up to me with a smile on his face. “I’m happy to see you are safe Everly. Come on over and sit down. Let’s give you a once over. Do you want privacy?”

  Joker growled at that mention of him leaving and it made me laugh. “Oh please, don’t make me laugh, it hurts too much.”

  “I am not leaving her Doc, do not even think about it.”

  “Hey brother, if she wants privacy she will have privacy. Growl at me all you want.”

  Joker took a step towards Doc until I put my hand up in front of him. “It’s okay Doc, I’m happy for them to stay, but thank you for asking.”

  I continued walking to the bed and sat down gingerly. Walking was still painful, but I wasn’t as dizzy as I had been.

  Doc checked me over and came to the conclusion that I was right and did have a concussion. Because it had been over 24 hours since I was taken and that I woke up after falling asleep he felt that I was safe and could just be monitored every day for the next few days.

  When Doc left it was just the three of us in the room. Joker looked between Brenna and myself and with a nod left the room.

  Brenna sat down beside me with a huff. “Don’t ever do that to me ever again Ev. I don’t think my heart could take it.”

  “I’ll do my best to limit my kidnappings to once in a lifetime.” I joked.

  “Thanks I’d appreciate that. You want help showering?”

  “Hell yes, a shower sounds fan-freaking-tastic!”

  Brenna helped me in the shower and into one of Joker’s t-shirts before putting me in the bed and crawling in beside me.

  “Better be careful, Joker might like the look of us all cuddled up in bed together.”

  “Yeah well he is pretty hot, but he’s definitely not my type so if you’re looking to share me with someone you’ll just have to leave hi

  We continued to talk and giggle about ridiculous things until we both drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 32 – Joker

  Fuck I was happy to have Everly back. Leaving her alone in my room with Brenna had to be one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life and I’d been through BUD/S.

  Walking back into the main room of the clubhouse the boys were all back and the Cursed Bastards were there as well. I walked up to Axel and offered him my hand.

  “Thank you so much brother. I owe you one.”

  “You don’t owe us anything, we would have gone in and gotten her even if she wasn’t yours, but we may call in a favour in the future.”

  “Anything you need.” I replied, meaning it. I’d help with anything they needed, I don’t know what I would have done if we hadn’t gotten Everly back.

  “How’s she doing?” Axel asked.

  “She’s going to be okay. Some scrapes and bruises and a concussion, but Doc says she’ll be fine and he’s just going to monitor her over the next couple of days. I left her in her room with her best friend to try to decompress while I come out here and see what’s going on with Legs.”

  “We brought her back and put her in the basement. She’s waiting for you to have a go at her.” Beast walked up and informed me.

  We don’t kill women in the club, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to get some answers from her. When we are done with her we will call one of our contacts in the police force and get her taken in for kidnapping and assault. She wouldn’t be getting out ever if we have anything to do with it, and with our contacts it’s a pretty good bet.

  Walking into the basement Griff is guarding the door. The brother was going to be voted in real soon, he just didn’t know it. I’d be having a talk with Beast about it soon.

  Griff opened the door and with a nod I walked into the room to see Legs sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, her arms and legs tied down.

  “Come on Joker let me out of here. I was trying to help you. You know you don’t want her, you want me. Come on baby.” She begged.

  I just laughed at her shaking my head. “Oh Legs, you really are out of your mind. Why the fuck would I want you when I have Everly to come home to every night? You’re nothing but a hole to put my dick into and I haven’t done that in months.”

  “You know you love what I do for you.”

  “No I really don’t, but that’s not why we’re here. We are here because I want some answers from you. If you answer those questions there won’t be any pain. If you don’t answer the questions or lie, there will be pain.”

  Legs looked at me with horror on her face. She’s never seen this side of me, there’s a reason I’m called Joker. I’m all fun and games until you fuck with me and mine.

  “Are you ready to answer my questions?”

  “Of course baby, anything you need.” She simpered.

  “Did you have any help planning Everly’s kidnapping and sale?”

  “No, no one helped me. I just wanted to get her out of the way so that you would come back to me.”

  I ignored her ridiculous come back and kept going with the questions.

  “Whose house were you in?”

  “It’s mine. It was left to me by my grandmother.”

  “How did you get the phone number for Axel of the Cursed Bastards to ask them about selling Everly?”

  Just talking about the possibility of her being sold boiled my blood, but I had to be calm to get through this so that I don’t beat the shit out of her.

  “The word is out that they are looking for women to be sold at auction. It wasn’t hard to get his phone number.”

  “I didn’t ask how easy it was, I asked how you got the phone number.” I demanded.

  “I overheard some guys talking about it while at work.” Legs is a stripper for the club.

  “Who were these guys?”

  “No idea. They hadn’t been in the club before. They were really drunk and talking about how the Cursed Bastards were starting to get into the skin trade. I took one of them back to a private room and after giving him a lap dance with a happy ending he was more than happy to give me the information I was wanting.”

  I couldn’t take her shit anymore and stormed out of the room. If I stayed I would lose my shit so I left before that happened.

  Beast and Axel were waiting for me outside the room. “What did you find out brother?”

  “She said she got Axel’s phone number from some new guy who was in our strip club while she was working. She overheard him talking to his friends about the Cursed Bastards wanting to get into the skin trade and when she took him into the back she literally pumped him for information.”

  The look on Beast’s face would have terrified anyone who didn’t know him. “How the hell was there a conversation in our club talking about selling women and we didn’t hear about it?”

  “I don’t know brother. That’s something we’ll have to figure out. I’ll get Techy on it, get him to go back over the security tapes from the strip club. It will wait ‘til morning though. I’m going to go check on my woman and go to bed.”

  Turning to Axel I shook his hand and thanked him again for all of his help.

  I started walking back to my room, going through the now practically empty bar area. When I got to my room the door was locked so I took my key out and unlocked it and what I saw had me smiling. Everly and Brenna were both fast asleep in my bed cuddling under the covers. I locked my door back up and went down the hall to a spare room we keep for visitors to crash for the night.

  Chapter 33 – Everly

  I woke up in someone’s arms and I knew right away that it wasn’t Joker. There was no hard on poking me in the ass and the arms around me were too skinny to be his.

  I rolled over and looked into Brenna’s face. I just started laughing and couldn’t stop, which woke her up.

  “Why are you laughing bitch?” She looked at me with one eye open and frowned, trying to look mean.

  “I’m laughing because you’re lying here holding me like you don’t want to let go and it just struck me as funny.”

  “Well you’re mine and Joker might just have to fight me for you.” She said possessively.

  “Well I don’t fight women, but I might make an exception in this case because she’s my woman Brenna.”

  We both turned over to see Joker leaning in the doorway. He was just wearing his jeans with the top button undone. I put my hands over Brenna’s eyes because she was staring at my man and I didn’t like it.

  “Close your eyes whore, he’s my man, get your own.” I exclaimed.

  “Well if he’s going to walk around looking like sex on a stick he’s going to be stared at.”

  I rolled away from Brenna and crawled over her getting out of bed. I walked up to Joker and put my arms around him blocking him from Brenna’s view.

  “Good morning baby.”

  “Good morning Red. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m actually feeling pretty good. I’m a little sore, but nothing some ibuprofen won’t get rid of.”

  “Good I’m glad.” Joker leaned down to kiss me and when I started kissing him back he groaned into my mouth and pulled me into his body.

  “Oh my eyes, my eyes! I’m going blind!!!”

  I totally forgot that Brenna was still in the room. I broke off from the kiss and turned around to face her. Joker put his arms around me and pulled me into his hard on.

  “Why don’t you go get dressed and give us some privacy?” I asked Brenna, but it wasn’t really a question and she knew it.

  “So in other words, get the hell out of here so we can fuck like bunnies.”

  “Isn’t that what I said?” I asked.

  Brenna just started giggling at me and got out of bed. Joker handed her a key and gave her directions to the room he slept in last night.

  Once Brenna was gone Joker lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He walked us over to the bed and sat dow
n with me in his lap. He put his forehead to mine and just looked into my eyes. “Fuck baby, I was so worried. I don’t know what I would have done if we hadn’t gotten to you.”

  “You did get to me, that’s all you need to think about. You got to me and saved me before anything worse happened. I knew you’d be looking for me. I was trying to get myself out, but you got there before I could.”


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